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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 819x422, rick_kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3730011 No.3730011 [Reply] [Original]

honest thoughts of appearing wealthier than you are to get girls and status?

>> No.3730033

I could honestly care less about chasing girls, and that is why I get along with them so easily.

>> No.3730048

Every smart guy who wants to get laid does it. It's called demonstrating Higher Value (DHV) and it's very common in game.

It's not a lie.
Girls lie by pretending to be younger and more fertile with makeup and all sorts of shit.

We lie about being richer than we actually are and by going to the gym to pack on a few pounds of muscle.

>> No.3730050

Girls have no ROI, we are here to make money!!

>> No.3730065

Those aren't the girls you want anon and will cost you a lot more then you can afford in every aspect including financially.

Just find an escort.

>> No.3730084

this, also
kek, it's like you hate money and freedom

>> No.3730086
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It woks to a point, but you need to be a REALLY good manipulator.
>Christian Rockefeller


>> No.3730088
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Here, thank me later when you get your first girlfriend.

>> No.3730105

Whoa buddy! You can't lie about not having muscle mass. It is earned through hard work! Not lies!

>> No.3730119

Where do you get the idea that girls like to fuck rich guys?

I mean maybe they like to marry them in order to get at their money but money isn't going to get you laid alot with anything but hookers.

>> No.3730127

It's kinda sad.

>> No.3730132

all girls are whores.

>> No.3730148
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Actually, it really works on trashy stupid girls. But you gotta cover your ass.
Pic related. This guy pretended to be a Miami Dolphin player. I swear most of the pictures on his instaram were taken off the TV. it's insane. The smart part was that girls don't know enough about Football to call him out on his bullshit. The dumb part was he got caught.
>remove the spaces.

Not all girls are like your mom.

>> No.3730155

there speaks a man who ca't get a girl

>> No.3730169

Stupid. You attract people who only want your money, and you don't grow emotionally as a person.

I'll be wearing a hoodie whether I'm poor or rich.

>> No.3730191

I'd do it sometimes
man how i wish i was rich
sometimes i'd dress like poverty and suddenly bang i'd show how fucking rich i am
other times i'd dress like a rich motherfucker too
i'd have so much fun

>> No.3730194

Almost all the women I've slept were content with a €1 bottle of beer and a torrented movie.

>> No.3730212

I just want to give my parents an okay retirement...

>> No.3730220
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>I'll defend thy honor, m'lady

>> No.3730235
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here's a /biz/ classic

>> No.3730249
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>> No.3730259
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>> No.3730269

OP has correct mindset. Money and status do fucking matter, you fucking apes. Only peasants would think otherwise -- those who have never had money or status and couldn't understand how important that is in society.

When's the last time you've seen a mid-level actress with a good looking, charming McDonald's worker?

>> No.3730274

This is normal behaviour on Tinder. I'm sure if you took some good photos of yourself you can experience it too.

>> No.3730275

>to get girls and status?
I'm an Aussie, they just fall in love with our accents.

Feels good brahs

>> No.3730283

When was the last time you saw anyone that mattered be famous?

>> No.3730287

>Sandra Bullock
>Britney Spears
>That BMW Heiress who got blackmailed
>every woman who had ever been with Porforino Rubirosa

This is off the top of my head. You don't even need money to seduce women. These are all women who went for guys with NO status.

>> No.3730295

Obviously fame gets you loads of women.

Most women would rather fuck a goodlooking charming mcdonalds worker than an average super-rich guy.

'Fuck' being the operative word.

>> No.3730296

You attract shit people.
You become insecure.

>> No.3730305

>falling for the women meme
>literally the same as buying a shitcoin at ATH
>not going for 18 year olds only


>> No.3730310

Those are outliers. For every Sandra I could give you 10 Olsen twins (the one married a French businessman in his 50s iirc)

>> No.3730350

also the guys you listed... one had status from some tv show and the other i just googled and was a politician and race car driver so wtf you talking about nig

>> No.3730354

Those guyz deserve anything I can get for them
Ideally I'd like to buy them a house on Corfu and let them travel as much as they want, see the world, the nature. Let my father enjoy his favourite operas in person and build a decent wine cellar

>> No.3730357

Fuck I am in a scenario like this.

I have a pretty nice triple N lease that returns 300k a year after taxes and the loan using a very large portion of my bitcoin holdings.

My girlfriend thinks I am just pretty much a slob that all I do is go to school (I'm 29), go to the gym and just chill. Pretty much a broke student archetype. She talks about her friends getting all sorts of shit all the time.

>> No.3730369

yes they are outliers. But not in the way you think


>So McClintock analyzed a survey that tracked a representative sample of American couples - 1500 couples in dating relationships, cohabiting relationships, marriage relationships. And what she found is that once you control for the fact that pretty woman might herself be well-off or that a rich guy might himself be good-looking, the trophy wife phenomenon effectively disappears.

You are also grossly underestimating the wealth of the Olsen Twins.

>> No.3730379

Yeah driving a newer Ferrari totally won't get you laid. The levels of coping and delusion on biz is mind boggling

>> No.3730386

Feels bad knowing I'm too retarded to help them.

>> No.3730395

>one had status from some tv show
That's like saying because I have a thousand dollars in my bankaccount I'm on the same level as the chick I'm banging with 100 thousand.

> and the other i just googled and was a politician and race car driver
You mean a diplomat - not a politician, he only got that diplomacy gig because he happened to be fucking the President's daughter. and he was a shitty race-car driver and only could afford it because of the millionaires he was banging.

>> No.3730402

I just want to make it so I can buy a cabin where me my wife and our new baby boy can go live in the woods and be neets

>> No.3730406

Women would rather fuck a chad on a $10 bike than some Elliot Rodger-alike in a Ferrari.

>> No.3730416


>building muscle is the same as putting on makeup

>> No.3730418

elliot could pick up giirls if he tried. he waited for girls to make the first move. that will never happen

>> No.3730467

I would, they look nice and all but they are dumb as fuck and basically children, nothing to talk about, no common interests, no love

>> No.3730475

Jesse James still had status. And he was like 3 points below Sandra is looks. Just extreme outlier

Other guy sounds charismatic af. Another extreme outlier

Elliott Rodger was just extremely autistic. Personality is just as important as looks / money

>> No.3730519

Knowing what the problem is is the second step to resolving the problem, anon

>> No.3730538
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women permanently dump right after the ICO

>> No.3730553

>not fucking girls pre ico (age 16)
>settling for pump and dump shitcoin old bitches

>> No.3730557
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truly the shitcoin of life

>> No.3730570
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whatever you do, don't get stuck bagholding.

>> No.3730584

>want to be rich to waste money on women
You must be retarded.

>> No.3730601

I think I see a pattern.
Any that are not Americans or living in America?

>> No.3730605

Yeah, I work in a system I refer to as DENNIS. The first step is ALWAYS demonstrating value.

>> No.3730608

Stupid normies

>> No.3730613

To be rich you have to be a slavemaster and if you are appearing wealthier than you are you are tricking your self.

>> No.3730618


Chicks are fucked man. I won a lot of money in a stupid bet recently. Didn't tell my long time gf and dropped the lot into some investments.

Someone dobbed me in about the bet and she called me to confront me, angry as fuck. Told her it was none of her business and I was using the money to invest and build something. I could hear her vagina gushing over the phone

>> No.3730620

perhaps you've got a point. But I doubt obesity rates among Western women outside of the US are much better

>> No.3730621

Just fucking spin up in a lambo and tell her to fuck off

>> No.3730625

Post more

>> No.3730646
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>> No.3730681

pursuing women if your not good looking is a total waste of time imo. perhaps this is just me being bitter because i am ugly, and no woman has ever given me time of day.

If you are sub chad you doomed to being cucked, a woman cant love or respect a man she isn't attracted too

Its the same as crypto, a minority of chads control the majority supply of pussy

>> No.3730691

Are you saying you got a loan using btc as a collateral? How did you arrange that?

>> No.3730794

This is true. The best thing you can do is be as healthy as possible, that's the only way to be more attractive. Be healthy, present yourself well (grooming, outfits) and then go after pussy. If that fails I guess you can bang hookers until you run out of money. Just make sure you've got enough left for rope.

>> No.3731280
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Women will make sure you get everything you deserve.

>> No.3731405

copy pasta

>> No.3731424

>alimony is over double the amount of child support

Burgerland is fucking retarded

>> No.3731427

I think demonstrating high value (DHV) is stupid. Demonstrate low value (DLV). If it falls flat she'll feel sorry for you and you can still work with that. If it goes well, you'll tell her what a loser you are and she'll call you a liar.

>> No.3731439

Wait noooooo she was cute

>> No.3731551


This story is kind of stupid though, because if the guy is balling like that he could at least enjoy the money a little. And the fact that he does not makes him a lame.

>> No.3731552

Cognitive dissonance
We always internally balance things

If someone lacks personality, he better have money/status
If someone has a considerate personality and humour, status is not as important

This is why poor chads always win. Bad personality who doesn't care much. Used to nurture their sexual needs with no stake. Looking a Chad won't have much of a negative impact on her life, thus engaging in sex is a good win/equal cognitive balance

If you lack everything you won't get laid. Her cognitive ability will tell her to run the fuck from you

>> No.3731572

Why did you mention Elliot Roger? other anons were talking about him. In fact he just reinforces my thesis that money is irrelevant.

Yes they are outliers - but women marrying substantially wealthier men is statistically rare too!
Not that it matters, all the guys I mentioned punched above their weight and married women far FAR above their pay-range.

The moral of the story: you can marry or at least seduce women that massively out-earn you, if you have no money you can even con women into sleeping with you.

This meme that the only way to get women is to be rich is BULLLSHIT.

>provided that's what you're into. You might want to bang chad, or the nerdy girl. I don't judge.

To be fair the guys they married probably aged like milk too.
Which is a scary prospect - getting fat and ugly with your woman together.

>> No.3731717
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This makes me angry to my bones

>> No.3731762

What the fuck

>> No.3731763

ahhh poor you needs status
how low is the average biz posters IQ?

>> No.3731766

Borrow money with the intent to never pay it back.
Buy many status symbols.
Have sex with many women, impregnate.
Declare bankruptcy.