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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 804x438, obsidian-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3726829 No.3726829 [Reply] [Original]

85 fucking cents. What did you do /biz/? This was supposed to be a shitty messenger app we fudded because its ico didn't even sell out

oh god why didn't i buy in the ico

>> No.3726849


It's got a cool name, bro, that's gotta be worth at least 2 bucks.

>> No.3726850

I held
and im still holding
get in now or stay poor

>> No.3726858

jusy buy in and hold until they release more shit on their platform, will 10x at least

>> No.3726863

everyone that FUDed it was secretly buying it dummy :^)

>> No.3726875
File: 50 KB, 500x750, 2d8f2ca319701a599095a10b25a2cba7--kpop-girls-bangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We out here Op. I bet you called me a dumbass on my birthday in August when I bought this. Use your brain next time

>> No.3726891

Holy fuck i bought in ico. Feelsalright

>> No.3726908

There's still time.

Let me guess, you're missing Bismuth too? Better stock up those bags while you can OP.

>> No.3726929

I don't get it. It's just a messenger app.

>> No.3726937
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>> No.3726966

Do your research. It's a DAPP. A platform for all currencies to allow anonymous messaging. It can work for Monero and all those privacy coins.

Gotta spell everything out for you guys. Now invest. fuck.

>> No.3726992

It ain't too late bro. Only 20 mil marketcap.

>> No.3727051

But elixir dumped at a 1m cap. I'm still not sure if I want to go in.

>> No.3727105

so BIS

>> No.3727116

>buying ATH

You nigs never learn

>> No.3727117

elixir dumped because it lied about its cap.

k. go buy BIS. have fun

>> No.3727123

If it breaks 20k i'd buy because it will fly once it cracks it

>> No.3727163

Whales panicking on cryptopia lol

>> No.3727181

How many ODN you guys holding?

I have 15K.

>> No.3727191

comfy 40k here buddy

>> No.3727193

1700 :(

>> No.3727205

only 200 lol I'm broke

>> No.3727209

You staking?

>> No.3727212
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feelin comfy

>> No.3727220

of course

>> No.3727231

Whats the reward been like?

>> No.3727236
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>> No.3727251


>> No.3727258

a block every 2 to 3 days

>> No.3727264

Sitting on 1k. Bought at 70 currently at 86 so hopefully this works out

>> No.3727287


1.5k during ico and 3k at 12k sats

>> No.3727298


>> No.3727305

not yet anon.

>> No.3727313

We’re doing it right. Don’t sell!

>> No.3727317

I have 3000 I bought at 13500 please don't shit on me you big guys

>> No.3727327

Ltc/odn pair is over $1

>> No.3727392
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Tfw comfy

>> No.3727404

We tell them to buy into a quality investment and they reject it for pajeet PNDs. Then we have to sift through their pink wojak and begger threads for weeks. I feel nothing but contempt.

>> No.3727406


3 btc wall; let's activate emergency BTC reserves to shit on this fool.

>> No.3727525

It fell for about 30 seconds but then another $1k wall popped up

>> No.3727678

i have $20k and need to to 5x for $100k ASAP. do you boys think this could be the one?

>> No.3727683

sure why not
but not asap this is a long hold.

>> No.3727691

See you on the moon, lads. This will go up solid until some time after launching on the higher volume exchange.

>> No.3727694

I sold my ICO coins at 40 cents

welcome to the JUST club

>> No.3727709


any why would you do that

>> No.3727714

You'll probably only turn that into 60-70k in the very short term. It'll roll on up past your target before eoy probably tho.

Man, when normies learn what this coin actually does...

>> No.3727719

Yeah, big releases on their 3 month roadmap, and if they deliver it's going above $2 for sure. Even at $5 it's at a 122m marketcap. Achievable goal. I recommend you join their slack as well.

>> No.3727725

I had no idea /biz/ would shill this coin so hard

I had 13k ODN too...

really want to kms

>> No.3727737

lol wtf i bought this ico then thought i got scammed for biz shilling it, now im fucking rich LMAO

>> No.3727750

Hey at least you got out with profit right? The biggest news for this coin comes out on December. You still have plenty of time to decide to buy in again.

>> No.3727763
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Same here bud, hopefully poorfags not for much longer.

>> No.3727771


dude same i put 2 btc in and have like 10 now LMFAO

>> No.3727793

Guys don't sell at the moment, wait for the higher volume exchange.

Cryptopia is too low volume to dump, hold and we'll see much bigger profits down the line.

>> No.3727818

And the staking rewards are crazy, just stick in it the wallet, get comfy, and prepare to be rich (or well, as rich as x10 gains will make you).

>> No.3727824

It's still on a garbage exchange.

Buy this shit ASAP or you're going to kick yourself again. You don't need to FOMO in but just buy some before it hits a real fucking exchange.

>> No.3727826
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Anyone dumping right now (if they can) is a colossal fucking retard. I'm not selling this until my $100 is worth $10,000,000.

>> No.3727827

Lol let the flippers sell while it's only on Cryptopia.

>> No.3727831

This. You'll fuck yourself if you dump on an exchange where a shit coin has more volume than btc/eth. The high volume exchange will be announced soon.

>> No.3727837

$0.91 and climbing LETS FUCKING GO

>> No.3727846

Is this what an actual mooning feels like??

>> No.3727854


We have not even left the atmosphere yet, my friend.

>> No.3727861

It was actually shilled here during the ico too, even though the leftover supply would be burned. Bizbros helping bizbros

>> No.3727869

Please fasten your seat belts. Moon snacks will be served in short order.

>> No.3727878
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>tfw I finally went all in on the right coin

>> No.3727885

Jesus fucking christ I have 33k USD now I've never had this much money in my life what do I do oh god do I sell?

>> No.3727893

I fucking sold LINK when it dipped to buy ODN. Did I make the right choice? LINK is also mooning at the moment.

>> No.3727909

of course you did bucko

>> No.3727912


Well, do you want 66K USD soon? Don't you dare fucking sell. It's only on Cryptopia for god's sake.

>> No.3727915

500 and happy with it

>> No.3727919

I have a 50k student loan, I'm so fucking close. I'M SO FUCKING CLOSE.

>> No.3727931
File: 658 KB, 940x626, Meo6OFt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did you put in senpai?

>> No.3727935

Fuck, if you have 33k now, you're going to blow right past that soon. Just don't forget taxes.

>> No.3727938

do what's best for you

these shills only try to help you when it's in their best interest. If you sell it will increase supply and decrease demand. They hate this.

>> No.3727940

At least wait until we hit a second exchange, then take a bit a profit and let the rest climb. This will keep you calm while letting the rest happen.

Create an exit strategy on all of your investments or ways to manage yourself even if you make the wrong choices it is important to be consistent in your actions devoid of emotion.

>> No.3727942

Sell when it gets to 100mil cap

>> No.3727945

Do it please. Dump the fucking thing. Some people here want cheaper masternodes.

>> No.3727977
File: 145 KB, 670x424, 1478904153322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad am I going to regret putting half my portfolio into this coin in about 20 min?

>> No.3727993

It just dipped

>> No.3727999

Only think you're going to wish is you bought more

>> No.3728001

Waiting for my ethereum to transfer, can yall niggas dip this shit like all the way in the next 30 minutes?

>> No.3728003

Please see >>3727999

>> No.3728009


Retracements are normal. Learn to control your emotions. If you are that scared, sell. But honestly, I don't think it's in your best interest.

>> No.3728031

Man fuck crypto. The only thing left is a bunch of nigger scammer coins that pump 30-90% then dump three hours later. As of now you literally have to find some random fucking coin no ones shilled, throw your life savings into it, pray some europoor fuckers pump it and sell right before the dump. It's over

>> No.3728053

I presented to buy some on blockfolio a few days ago fuck me feels bad wish I really bought

>> No.3728054


God please don't be lying to me

I have exactly enough for 2 masternodes. I don't think I should sell desu.

>> No.3728061

The fuck are you even talking about

>> No.3728065

Anyone knows when this is gonna get listed on other exchanges?

>> No.3728069


I can't tell, is this FUD?

>> No.3728078

Shit then keep staking moon bro you are going to be very comfy.

>> No.3728089

Or you can do your research and put your money into a good project. Stop being a lazy nigger.

>> No.3728122

This shit is going to $5 by the 25th. Witness this.

>> No.3728130


Their email said they were holding onto news of a high volume exchange, and can announce in a week or two.

>> No.3728131

Can't wait for all the pink wojaks when this comes tumbling down.

>> No.3728137

What the fuck is with these weak ass hands cashing out the order book?

>> No.3728151
File: 22 KB, 410x410, 1506578448779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you dont listen to /biz/ and actually research the ico's you buy

>> No.3728160

Idiots or ico investors cashing out small amounts. It doesnt matter, nearly 100% gain in 24h by only word of mouth. There are bound to be sellers. ODN is going to Moon.

>> No.3728162
File: 808 KB, 225x249, 1477874809539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet THIS NOW

>> No.3728232

Witnessed the dubs don't lie. Screencapped.

>> No.3728252

What do the retarded high priced orders indicate ? Whales doing what exacty ? About to dump ? Plz help a newfag.

>> No.3728265


It depends if they're buys or sells.

Honestly, you should not even check the price for the next week.

>> No.3728280


Sells. I'm hodling anyway. Just curious for when I try to ride p&d waves, to know when to cash out.

>> No.3728298


It means the price is being suppressed under whatever the whale's order is so he can buy cheaper.

Then he pulls the wall and up you go.

>> No.3728304

There's also some retarded buy orderd, but much less.

>> No.3728319


I see, thank you friendo. I guess the opposite would hint at a (possible) dump, right ?

>> No.3728333

Also I wonder, why do platforms allow this ? I'm guessing by common sense that that's illegal in real stock markets ?

>> No.3728342


Yes, typically.

>> No.3728345

150 :-(

>> No.3728351

Welcome to the wild west

>> No.3728361

bittrex soon

>> No.3728373

Do you know what platforms gain off this? More volume or somesthit? Sorry for all the newfag questions, been lurking here a few weeks trying to spot the actual good shills, but I didn't bother learning the technicalities of all this shit.
I'm sure there's an amazing guide somewhere that explains all about trading concepts as they relate to the crypto markets.

>> No.3728432

The exchanges? They make money off of trading fees. Some of them on withdrawal fees or selling tokens to reduce fees like Binance. No one wants to trade a coin if there is no volume. You want the ability to enter and exit even if it is at a minor loss. There is also better price discovery in the higher volume exchanges as the buy/sell actions of each person define the actual cost of the asset.

>> No.3728458


10k. Having a masternode will keep me interested

>> No.3728471

I didn't fully answer as to the buy/sell walls, spoofing, front running, etc. All of it is completely illegal on Wall Street but is unregulated as it is too new for legal authorities to understand how to handle them. The exchanges get the benefit of volatility and volume. The volatility is very profitable as there will be more orders being placed in comparison to a slow up or down tick in the price. The scrap their 0.025% or 0.01% off each order being placed.

>> No.3728472

60-95 cents in a day. looks like we're stabilizing

>> No.3728485
File: 312 KB, 800x800, 1507096117680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am making so much goddamn money right now anybody not in this coin is insane.

>> No.3728490

Great summary. Thanks a ton.

>> No.3728583

been trying to accumulate since 1400

when is this shit gonna crash already

>> No.3728752

When is this shit going to dip i want to buy $20k's worth

>> No.3728755

fomo bought in, go to the moon now plx

>> No.3728763

You bums, just buy now. The pennies here and there will not matter in 6 months. Think about your 6 month chart, not 1 week chart.

>> No.3728765

Buy every 4 hours at $2K increments.
Once this shit hits a major exchange it's ogre.
This is a solid project with good fundamentals and a cool name.

>> No.3728836

anon, you can unironically turn that into +100k. HOLD. Seriously, hold. You made an amazing investment choice, don't blow it now

>> No.3728841

if you got only 20k don't go all in on one shitty coin faggot

>> No.3729167
File: 86 KB, 637x957, lindseyp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poorfag with only 400 ODN here, shilled it non-stop for the past 24 hours.

Please help a bro out with some ODNs


>> No.3729176

temporary pump and dump be careful

>> No.3729181

yea 87 btc on the buy side, and a low marketcap, with a working product, big exchange coming soon, nothing temp about this.

>> No.3729218

what was the ico price for this coin?

>> No.3729248

4k sat

>> No.3729274

fucking hell, those returns are off the chart

>> No.3729278

Sent 20 ODN for a total balance of 420. Now you can go buy a dubsack
>blaze it cryptofaggit

>> No.3729570

Thank you bro, much appreciated!

>> No.3729576

>It's just a messenger app

>> No.3729633

We moon together! Enjoy.

>> No.3729638

see now that wasnt very nice was it?

it was shilled all over /biz/ but never got in. bought into kyber and chainlink instead

>> No.3729669

Too late to get into this boys or still on the rise?

>> No.3729677

Still need 8k to be a masternode. Wait for the dip or all in?

>> No.3729704
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>tfw im so poor i only have 20ODN


please halp

>> No.3729710

this is the nicest thing I ve seen on biz.
Am I being a cunt if I ask for some for myself I m poor as fuck and only have 55 ODN?


>> No.3729731

yup we are cunts, keep at it anon we re gona make it one moon at the time.

>> No.3729828
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>> No.3729979

so for those who bought in ico. what's your current profit

>> No.3729994

Approximately 6.5x. A lot of holders in the slack. If they sold this shit would dump so hard.

>> No.3730237

Price is dipping a bit, get in !!!

>> No.3730265


That was sweet

>> No.3730267

Anybody else having problems with the wallet? It was working fine before but now it wont connect, going between 1 connection and 0 but not connecting fully.

>> No.3730281


>> No.3730292

I have 1k to invest, should I do it now /biz/ros? Please be good to me, I'm in need of a break.

>> No.3730306


They have a product already in alpha stage. New exchange listing soon. 24 mil supply. It’s as safe a bet as you’re going to find in crypto.

>> No.3730325

Ok, fuck it, making it rain for my ODN bros. BUT you must promise me to maintain a healthy shill routine on /biz/ and more importantly reddit. Let's pop this thing off.

>> No.3730333

Thanks man, my life currently sucks thanks to the college jewmeme loan. Just a small turn around will help.

>> No.3730340


Stalling around the 90-95c mark atm.
Once it breaks $1.00 there are no walls to be seen and she will be flying.

>> No.3730349


Np bro. Just so you know I’m not trying to bullshit you.


>> No.3730355

Any speculation on when we will see a second exchange bring this online?

>> No.3730382

Post ODN address and your solemn pledge to hit reddit tomorrow with well your well worded case for ODN and your upvotes. I am injecting 50 ODN into this thread, 10 per person till they're gone.

>> No.3730389

>Post ODN address and your solemn pledge to hit reddit tomorrow with well your well worded case for ODN and your upvotes. I am injecting 50 ODN into this thread, 10 per person till they're gone.


I pledge to raid reddit

>> No.3730394

An announcement is supposed to come next week

>> No.3730399

Can you postpone a seat?

>> No.3730400


I solemnly pledge!

>> No.3730408

I am going to wait for this dump a little, ico should take profits before this gets added on another exchange. a risk, but so is buying so high.

wish everyone in ODN best of luck it looks like a solid coin

>> No.3730409

1 week I think 2 at the most

>> No.3730410

Thx man, dont worry will do!

>> No.3730420


I sware it! Hail ODN

>> No.3730429

I'll treat another 2 extra people if my shills can come on out

>> No.3730433

I'm torn between taking the profits and riding this thing out for a while longer. It's hard not to be greedy and hodl when this thing reaches a new ATH every day

>> No.3730436
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>> No.3730439


>> No.3730443

>selling the bottom

>> No.3730449

Thanks again, just bought in @ 21000

A bit high but at least I'll be riding along

>> No.3730451

This is a legit hodl my dude. At least keep half.

>> No.3730452


>> No.3730461

This is an ETH address and can't hold ODN

>> No.3730476

I have 20 ODN left for my shills! I'm taking your word that you will confidently, respectfully and concisely spread the word throughout the coming days. Especially on reddit for all our slowfriends there.

>> No.3730485
File: 97 KB, 500x733, Odin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moar memes

>> No.3730487



Let's go!

>> No.3730499

this will come to 17k again r-right?

>> No.3730502

Sent and thaaaank you

>> No.3730509
File: 121 KB, 834x625, wait-does-us-paper-currency-really-perfectly-match-the-color-of-monopoly-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3730512

Proud shiller since day one.

>> No.3730517
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didnt even notice I pasted the wrong address oh god

>> No.3730525

So, uh... Goes to say that I should take my loss on SAN and go for this, right?

>> No.3730529

why is my wallet still out of sync?
"0 active connections to Obsidian Network?"

>> No.3730530

Split my last 10 between you two. That's all I got biz, hope we can all do our part. Peace.

>> No.3730534


You have my sword

>> No.3730537

Does anyone know if I can send the ODN from the crowdfunding/ICO page directly to the cryptopia wallet or do I have to go through the standalone wallet first?

>> No.3730539

Mine simply took a long time to get going. If it's not working after an hour read this.

>> No.3730544

If you leave it open should sync on its own. Otherwise there's a wiki floating around somewhere but I don't have the link.

>> No.3730555

Thanks based anon!

>> No.3730564

for maybe a week

>> No.3730566

oh this guy has it>>3730529

>> No.3730578


Love it how people like you out themselves as retards here. Be happy this place is anonymous.

>> No.3730600

Please help me go to the moon with my fellow /biz/ senpai I'm begging you coinbase wouldn't let me go into my account and take out the last shekels I had to buy ODN.


>> No.3730602
File: 852 KB, 1122x1262, 1507031546104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will give 10 ODN to the first two people to post some fresh and spicy ODN memes in this thread. Keep in mind 10 ODN will be worth at least 30 bucks a month from now. Will only give if spiciness is at least 80% of average LINK meme level.

>> No.3730627

>$30 a month from now

lmao ok

>> No.3730645

>guy offers free money and gets ridiculed

fuckin stay poor /biz/

>> No.3730662

Make this pic also part of our meme odn family. >>3726875

>> No.3730665
File: 20 KB, 755x385, I'm really poor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3730672

I'll send you 5 just for the effort

>> No.3730678

thanks anon

>> No.3730727

Maybe some of us are college faggots who need handouts.

>> No.3730731

how long do you hodl? until after the pump with the new exchange ofc but after that? when do you plan to take profits?

>> No.3730757

Of course, it seemed like you were looking a gift horse in the mouth is all

>> No.3730760

when twice the SNT marketcap has been reached

PS: fucking thank you again, 10 ODN sender anon

>> No.3730783

>100 million market cap

what the fuck, its a literal shitcoin. surely it cant be this easy

>> No.3730804

it can and it will

ODN doesnt have to be good, it only has to take its rightful 100-300mil shitcoin marketcap position in the market.

>> No.3730815

i'm not fucking selling until it gets listed on at least binance. there WILL be a huge pump. i'm taking profits around 50mil mcap.

>> No.3730827
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Fresh ... because $EXIL died


>> No.3730850
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>> No.3730857
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I like it brah, 10 ODN coming through now

>> No.3730873



>> No.3730874

Decent, but not at the spice levels I was looking for, 5 ODN on the way.

Another 10 ODN for the last one, will make it 15 if it's extra spicy. Will not donate unless we're approaching LINK memes level of spice.

>> No.3730895

Do you think ODN will ever reach $5? If yes, when is the estimated time?

>> No.3730902

BY the end of October

>> No.3730907

Walton went $7-$4 back to $9 in 1 day. Weak hands will get btfo when we push to $1.5 in the next hr or 2
>tfw binance listing

>> No.3730913
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>> No.3730925

I would love to get in on this but transferring BTC from Binance to Cryptopia has taken 2.5 hours so far. Feels good.

>> No.3730951
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>> No.3730957

When is this ICO getting listed on other exchanges?

>> No.3730970

listing on "high volume" exchange next week probably

high volume would mean, bittrex, bitfenix, polo, binance and hitBTC

probably one of those, unless they count the asian ones aswell

liqui will probably also add it at some point, but it is not high volume

>> No.3730975

These coins either moon, crash, or both while I AM SLEEPING.

My blockfolio alert didnt wake me.

>> No.3730976

Is this in their roadmap? Just wondering where the source is coming from.

>> No.3730983

I like to wake up and either put the shotgun to my mouth, or get comfy. Either or.

>> No.3730984
File: 59 KB, 884x484, jirfh2ior124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is their short term roadmap for this year

>> No.3730999

It was a good time to sell and buy back the dip.

I was going to sell at 80 and buy back but I dont wake up ftom blockfolio alerts. Goodbye new computer

>> No.3731014

dip dip dip get out now

>> No.3731015


I am reading their whitepaper. If my BTC goes through to the shitshow of an exchange that is cryptopia, then I'll put $150 in it. I do like their concept, a lot.

>> No.3731034
File: 61 KB, 500x615, 212121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a meme for this

ODN donations appreciated


>> No.3731039
File: 149 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171004-071110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It falls this far and still is at 20% gains on my buy.

Love crypto.

>> No.3731040

its the ethereum of monero

its a stratis fork, which is a copy of ethereum, so its pretty much capable of everything ethereum does, but is focused on privacy

its a good hold, both short term, medium term and long term

>> No.3731050

>brag about odn gains all day to friends
>pussy out of selling at $0.99 thinking murricans waking up will blast us through the ceiling
>do some other stuff
>return to pc 2 hours later
>all my gains gone

>> No.3731074

Holding out for a truly spicy meme lads, latest ones aren't cutting it.

Poorfags encouraged to buy right now while idiots dumping instead of buying at 2 bucks next week

>> No.3731092

These market manipulations are so fucking predicable, you guys are so dumb to fall for this shit my God.

>> No.3731104

Whales are just derisking their investment.

I need to attach blockfolio to a megaphone and aim it at my sleeping face. I missed it.

>> No.3731108

Honestly, I'm just riding the wave right now. I have little to lose, so I lose nothing. Either it bumps up, or I never trust /biz/ again.

>> No.3731109



>> No.3731122

>span /biz/ to buy, price goes up
>whale sells
>locks down profit

>> No.3731159

No. That's what happened during ELIX and it was obvious but this isn't that.

This is a coin about to get listed on a high volume exchange and whales desrisking at 2x. Thats all it is. Perfect time to buy back. See you at a dollar.

>> No.3731172

Whales bought at presale and cheap, shill on biz so price goes up. Certain point they start dumping and posting on 4chan to hodl and how it will go to 2 dollars while they dump on ur ass before it falls to 30cents.

>> No.3731175

I agree. I was just responding to >>3731109 as to what >>3731092 meant.

>> No.3731191

That guy is dumping on u dude he is just shilling it so he can get out while u sit here ffs u people are so stupid why do I even bother, I told the elix retards the same.

>> No.3731202

It's about to get listed on an exchange, makes no sense to sell now. Wouldn't It be smarter to dump right after the exchange pump?

>> No.3731258
File: 44 KB, 640x640, Let&#039;s go boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Price rises
>Whale dumps ICO coins
>Price shits out
>Weak hands
>Whale buys more

>> No.3731266

I'll just see where it goes. I'm not putting much into it anyway. If it backfires I will be instantly more cynical. I'm going to dump it at 50%.

>> No.3731290

It only took about 10BTC selling to 'crash it'. If you're not buying more right now, you're missing out.

>> No.3731343

You are afraid of whales derisking why?

>> No.3731345

[url=https://imgflip.com/i/1x0otm][img]https://i.imgflip.com/1x0otm.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://imgflip.com/memegenerator]via Imgflip Meme Generator[/url]

HOWZAT XC2zKTRJMbtffgsu1AU8JaDm96yzEYdjUx

>> No.3731375

average ODN bagholder right here

>> No.3731387

>being this new

>> No.3731404

Still holding out for a legit spicy LINK-tier meme brahs, and won't be settling. First one to satisfy these stringent criteria gets 15 ODN, make it happen

>> No.3731425



Do you retards listen to yourselves?

Why is some sort of "token" which is just a monetized messenger program, have ANY value when stuff like that exists for free? Is there any revenue?

Basically, why would I pay MONEY, where there is no income or even a promise of profitably?

You fucking retards. You bought into your own propaganda and hype, we truly are in tulip mania.

>> No.3731429

Alright, I'll work on something. Keep this tab open. It'll probably be shit, but I'll try.

>> No.3731433

Seems to be recovering pretty well, but that means I'm not going to get to buy this dip. Fucking BTC taking ages to transfer.

>> No.3731450

>open ICO
>dev some shit up
>run away with ETH

That's their plan. I don't give a shit, I plan to sell.

>> No.3731461

I feel you bro, I was also fudding the shit out of ODN while I was below 10k masternode level. Feel a bit bad for any weak hands I may have shook but it is what it is.

>> No.3731473

considering the tiny ass volume, it is actually recovering quite well desu

whales will only dump hard once it gets listed on a big exchange, theres literally not enough volume to do shit now, except market manipulation

>> No.3731485
File: 56 KB, 625x351, OND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3731557

And in. Let's go boys.

>> No.3731585
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, itsafraid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3731615

Not link-tier yet brahs, but i'll send 5 ODN to each for the effort.

I've lost hope for seeing a truly spicy ODN meme, the offer is now closed.

>> No.3731635

Memes can't be forced. You'll get your spicy meme. Appreciate the ODN.

>> No.3731654


>> No.3731667


Can you remake this but with ChainLink touching Ripple

>> No.3731669


Will you give me ODN cummies to that same address?

>> No.3731692



>> No.3731700


Remember to caption "its scared"

>> No.3731716

A whale has arrived to buy in.

>> No.3731732

How much are you getting out of that?

>> No.3731751

The funny thing is that someone sold their ODN before moon mission, they think that this will not gonna go x20

>> No.3731795

Blockfolio accurate?

Dump incoming

>> No.3731805

wtf is hapening

>> No.3731824

There was only 2 BTC of support. So, someone sold 3 BTC's, then a panic sell happened.

It's still a good time to buy in if you haven't.

>> No.3731827

Whales loosing control. We going to 1.50 this week!

>> No.3731833
File: 795 KB, 868x456, itsafraid2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"it's afraid!" is what he says in the movie


>> No.3731849

Back on track boys lessgo

>> No.3731874
File: 65 KB, 601x601, 1477606322522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to buy

>> No.3731913

Thats why you transfer eth.

>> No.3731965

You're absolutely right, of course.

>> No.3732123
File: 14 KB, 555x207, odin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to make it?

>> No.3732132

Yes, just please don't fuck over all your bizfriends by selling before 6$.

>> No.3732147

You could help me make it by fronting some for my meme. >>3731833

Bastard didn't pay.

>> No.3732152
File: 6 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus and here I am with 65 ODN care to help another anon make it one moon at the time?


>> No.3732161

You're begging. At least I provided a hearty meme.

>> No.3732171

you are right, help this anon he deserves it more than I do.

>> No.3732207

Go big or go home, I will sell it for $15 next year to have $ milion

>> No.3732373

>going all in on one coin

>> No.3732689

wtf. Better to go all in one legit coin than in 10 avarage coins

>> No.3732723

i have 44k of ODN. I believe ODN will allow me to buy a house straight cash in less than a year.
I hope for the best. IOC is still bae though.