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3721786 No.3721786 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that the more I read about (most) cryptos, the more I'm convinced that it's just full of buzzwords and bullshit that is neither solving a real problem nor is the development ever going to accomplish half of what they claim?

It's funny that the coins you hear the least about are doing the most work with real life issues, like Factom. The tokens that whore themselves out the most with marketing tactics seem to be the ones with the least actual substance.

>> No.3721799

Oh, we are at this phase again.

>> No.3721833

yeah, I'm dumb for expecting a real answer here where everyone just chases the next P&D and doesn't actually care about anything else

>> No.3721845

99% of it it's pure bullshit pyramid scheme at its finest
when I see all those pnd actions on total useless shitcoins I have a feeling it's not gonna end well for the entire market

>> No.3721880

does your 20x gains care about "tech" or "solid team"?

no then just learn some trading psychology and charting

>> No.3721891

you are right anon,
but you have to keep in mind that this is literally like the beginning of the internet. No one knew anything and the devs are mostly as clueless as any of us what the market wants and what will really stick...so there will be 99% trash and the 1% of coins will make it will make the hodlers millionaires or more

>> No.3721901


Wisdom no one will even care about.

>> No.3721926

Right? That's the thing that a lot of people don't seem to understand. Everyone just has a get rich quick goal with crypto now and it has only really been that way since March (and for a little while in 2013). There's no way it's sustainable. The only important thing right now is >>3721880
fuck if it kills the integrity of the whole market in the long run

>> No.3721955

I just realized you were talking about this.

>> No.3721971
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It's still too early to be fixating on fundamentals anon, market irrationality will persist for as long as possible. People with your mind sets will win in the long run but until then you have to learn to adapt to the collective market, in this instance by following the sentiment of hype.

The Microsoft and Google's may very well be not be built yet, or even only just released. All will make sense soon enough.

>> No.3721994

but in the end some solid projects will survive(XMR , BTC, ETH, maybe IOTA and some payment cards) , so to say "crypto is a bubble" is also false. There is real need, real investments and real use, but not for most coins but you can trade them like you trade engine parts in EVE.

Same market rules apply

>> No.3722030

There's a reason they're called Shitcoins.

>> No.3722038

because you are a fucking moron.

just because you have trouble reading and reasoning, does not mean we all have this.

Sure, your reality tunnel seems most important to you, but don't paint the entire world with shit, just because you are wearing shit colored glasses.

>> No.3722063

Whatever man. Keep chasing your dreams. You'll turn that $50 into $1,000,000 with crypto some day!

>> No.3722086


Payment cards with tokens for the SOLE purpose of being payment cards will not persist for many reasons.

Their will be "Google" like crypto currencies that will incorporate payment cards into already fledged ecosystems.

>> No.3722102

cuz yer right
I hold and trade bitcoin myself, but
A: all the this ICO trash is mosty just a shitty way to pay someone for a startup project they haven't made yet
B: most ICOs are scams *why make the product, I got your money bitch"
C: 90% of all legit startups fail (not including ICOs here as legit in any way)
C: block chains are very inefficient data bases, not the solutions to all problems

Id go on but nobody here takes wise advice

>> No.3722108

people like you is why the SEC is ruining the party for everyone.

>i fell for ponzi scam coin #903, reeeee, police help, shut it down!!

>> No.3722152

maybe, but then they could acquhire one of thoe startups with KYCed customer base already

>> No.3722224

Thank you for C especially. Blockchain has just become a buzzword for the cure-all to any issue without any rational approach to its actual limitations.

Not sure if you understood anything I was trying to say. I'm not the one falling for the ponzi scam coins, but the entire market seems to be and that's what I think is going to eventually cause it all to collapse on itself. Regardless of regulations or not

>> No.3722302
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>throw 10% of liquid assets to 100 startups
>10 succeed
>exponential growth network effect etc from that 1% successful investment brings it far past 10% return
shotgun strategy

>> No.3722357

Honestly, btc, eth, xmr are the only coins worth their current market cap. It's boring just playing the safe hodl game, so we chase pnd shitcoins hoping for a moon mission.

>> No.3722371

to further clarify on C:
security is inefficient
this is why bitcoin is fantastic transfer of value
some would say store of value but the market is so small that its a tiny boat on a wavy ocean still
also worth noting that most ICO's are not their own block chain at all, they are just a token on something other chain. mostly ETH, the original ICO (it was crowdfunded before there was a product)
Im not a fan of ETH, I know some people have made some good money and trades with it, ive traded it myself for profit
its still a shit project though, and i never hold it for long.
i take all gains back into bitcoin

>> No.3722460

Your problem is with ICOs. They started as a way for enthusiasts to fund the space themselves. A new way of selling all of the future utility of a project instead of issuing shares in an IPO.

Now it's mostly scams cause greedy fucks who know nothing about the tech and teams are trying to shill eachother out of their investments.

Conceptually crypto is still good. Right now we're just doing all the shit that proves why the public has always been too stupid to be allowed in on IPOs.

>> No.3722530

ETH seems to be doing more innovating in the space than anyone and more to bring it to normies with quality of life enhancements. Someone earlier said BTC is like Windows, but I think it's more like Unix. Everything is based on it, but eventually the one that really takes it mainstream by adapting the fastest is the one that catches on.

>> No.3722789

i have no idea what you mean by any of that

>> No.3722820

First paragraph.. with you
Second paragraph... Oh god another fucking shill. Cry me a river you fucking little bitch.

>> No.3722845

are you done filling your bags?

will it drop further?

>> No.3722879

linux (right now) has won (android)
second ETH has just given a way to do shit on block chains in a very insecure way. the laguage documentation is SHIT and thats why The DAO happened and the whole whatever that stupid wallet thing Gavin fucked up was called
third ETH has no limits as to how many ETH there is and is not ever going to be a store of value
i know ppl like ETH im not here for a fight about about it
i just dont

>> No.3722910

ETH doesn't have a killer app. How long do you think it took Sergei and Larry to release version 1.0 of their product? Two years?

Ethereum is slow as shit. There is a huge backlog and any project that is doing interesting shit with Ethereum is years away!

>> No.3723035

The cryptos that solve real world problems will win in the end. Most of the shitcoin shilled on 4chan is nothing but gambling, and IMO that's totally fine. Nothing wrong with some gambeling. Even the ones that seems like shit could actually be useful in some niche marked.
Even though a lot (if not most) of the smaller coins will fail I doubt that will be very damaging to the rest of the crypto world. People don't run from Wall Street just because some penny stocks file for bankruptcy.
The people who invest in shitcoins know very well it's a gamble and wont blame the block-chain tech when their coins fail.

>> No.3723091

lmao I actually don't own Factom at all since it only goes down in value and relevancy every day. I just wanted to mention something other than the obvious top coins to prove that I didn't hate all cryptos.

>> No.3723098

>store of value
so whats going to be its future use when its not viable like when people were telling bitcoin was a currency?

>> No.3723230


First, stop shilling again. You literally cannot open your mouth without shilling. If the price goes down you buy more. Price at this stage has nothing to do with value. But you know that and continue to shill.

Why would it even matter if it's relevant on 4chan? 4chan users thinking about using Factom for their container shipping business? Wtf.

Second, have you heard of Amazon? Or a million other vendors. Centralized solutions are great for these kind of things and they don't have the complexity of a blockchain.

Everyone on here has a pie in the sky mentality towards blockchain. You have to start simple with things like sports betting and casinos.

>> No.3723264

If Lightning Network doesn't work out, there's IOTA for free transfers.

>> No.3723336

That's why you only hold the solid coins like btc, eth, omg

>> No.3723385

>bitcoin accepted as world reserve currency
>never profitable to mine ever again as difficulty ramps up
>in the year 2020
>bitcoin mining uses 20% of earth's energy, pollution skyrocketing
>major firms and central banks devote enormous resources to bitcoin mining, along with everyone having a few miners in their garage.
>still isn't profitable
>block halving happens, everyone divests anything else they can at the value spike
Satoshi's vision.

>> No.3723565

Come mid-2018 it'll be quite a sobering time and many tears will be shed for 99% of shittokens and shitcoins that fail because they are nothing but scams. We know them even today but select few that prove themselves as useful and as such penetrate the wall of autistic greed will make it bigtime.

Be a value investor and you shall have your stakes in tomorrow's bank, utility, commerce, gambling and other coins with actual clever tech behind their products.

>> No.3723964

>a team of 3 can outdevelop, outcode and out manuever a team of 1000
call me a shill or anything but some people are too delusional