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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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371695 No.371695 [Reply] [Original]

You can pick only one. .A) Be instantly transported back to the year 1980. You will start at age 18, with no job, no house, and no friends or family. You can use your memory of historical investments to make mad dosh. No betting on sports teams allowed. .B) Be instantly given $25,000,000. Tax free, no question asked. .C) Live a simple, modest life in a small town with any qt3.14 of your choice. Real or fictional. She will always love you and follow your every command. .D) You will live until the year 2100. You will always be 25 years old. You will always be physically and mentally fit, and will never have any health problems. .E) MYSTERY BOX. I will reveal it soon

>> No.371700
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mystery box.

>> No.371702

I'll take the mystery box!!

>> No.371703

I will post the mystery box one there are 20 replies

>> No.371705


>> No.371724

B or D. Probably D.

>> No.371729

D sounds awesome but knowing you're when you're going to die could drive you mad.

>> No.371736

B. Give me the money and leave me alone.

Investing in Microsoft would take to long, and with my pizza delivery job, it wouldn't be worth the cash now.

>> No.371743

D obviously
I'll make money and fuck senselessly with a qt3.14, until she turns 40 then dump her for another hotty to make me children repeat

>> No.371745
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Of course A faggot

>> No.371753

>Live until 2100 aka 86 years from now

Pick one retard

>> No.371819


>> No.371830

It's not "true" immortality (can't die for any reason, ever, forever) but that's not what Anon claimed. A causality-fucking guarantee of life determines that you are "not mortal" for that time period and another way of saying "not mortal" is "immortal." Option D grants you functional immortality (and good health, since one could theoretically be immortal but physically/mentally crippled or on the verge of death the whole time otherwise) until the year 2100, at which point you'd no longer be immortal. Technically the description doesn't state that you'd DIE then either, only that you are guaranteed to live until then. If one simply assumes natural aging and life expectancy resume then (still "25 years old" when the deal expires in 2100) you could reasonably expect to see the year 2150 or beyond, depending on then current conditions and technology, and barring some accident/disaster/illness killing you prematurely after 2100.

That all said, I'd still pick B for the instant $25mil. Even without allowing for investment/interest/growth of the principal (retarded, but for the sake of argument), unless my math is wrong that's 500 years worth of a $50,000 salary, all tax-free. Where I live I'd be able to live comfortably for the rest of my life and provide the same for my friends and family.

>> No.371836

Probably C.
Although D. would be good too.

>> No.371838

sorry what board is this?

>> No.371841


D, no question. $25 million would be nice, but there's a lot of shitposting I need to do and I need as much healthy life as possible to do it. So for me it's D.

>> No.371842
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...but the box could be ANTYHING! It could even be that opportunity to be 18 and travel back to 1980 like I've always wanted to!


>> No.371844

> 2100 is only 86 years from now

Holy fuck, it's actually kind of weird when you look at it like that. We've taken a decent bite out of the 21st century already.

>> No.371846


I'll take A. I'll wait till 1991 and short the Soviet Union.

>> No.371855

>You will live until the year 2100
but then I die?

>> No.371864

>Picking anything but C
Barring that, B. I don't know enough about the 1980s.

>> No.371866
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>> No.371898

>wait till 1991
You old bastard you.

>> No.371904

A or B
Probably A though

>> No.371921

Yea, I'm going for D. Anything else is just weak

>> No.371933

B. I could make billions from Google in A but I'd have to scrounge up the capital from nothing.

>> No.371935

I'll take the mo-
>real or fictional
Yes, a thousand times yes. What's the point of living if you can't be with your waifu?

>> No.371962

Obviously C is the best choice. I would pick Hermione.

>> No.371963


We have over 20 replies buddy.

>> No.371970

Picking E

Plz be goat tower

>> No.371978
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>I'll take A. I'll wait till 1991 and short the Soviet Union.
>not becoming Oligarch

>> No.371980
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So long as I have enough to live comfortably which apparently is what I'm getting, I'm happy.

>> No.371983

D sounds best to me actually. I think making money and getting a qt will be no problem if I'm 25 for 86 years.

>> No.371988

1980, hmm depends on where i am transported and if i am safe. Being black and all.

That $25mil sounds fucking nice that could override all other choices

That cutie with a booty that does my facesitting and fart fetish... maaaaaan. But $25mil could buy that, but is it real love, prob not.

Living that long... dunno bro

I think i would go with the $25mil.

>> No.371999


And have Putin send men to hunt me down and inject me with ricin from a needle umbrella? Um no thank you.

>> No.372002

>Take A
>We Boomer now
>Do whatever I want
>Guaranteed retirement

>> No.372007

gotta make sure to have dosh to begin with

>> No.372012

>answering your own thread
>still didn't post E

>> No.372013


>Get job
>Work Hard
>Enjoy dosh

>> No.372020
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Also that 25.000.000$ in 1980 has the same value as 72.000.000$ today.


If you invest 25.000.000$ in the stock market (Dow Jones) in 1980 you will have half a billion dollar today, since asset inflation was stronger than goods inflation.

>> No.372078
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And the mystery box is............ Your very own Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit, fully loaded with 16 B83 nuclear weapons!!! Congratulations!!! please use responsibly.

>> No.372085

Could literally sell each for over 100mil

Would rather invest 25,000,000

>> No.372091

Except going back to 1980 and receiving $25,000,000 were two different options.

>> No.372128

> The total program cost including development, engineering and testing, averaged $2.1 billion per aircraft in 1997.[3]
That's just what it cost to build it
>The B-2 may cost up to $135,000 per flight hour to operate in 2010

link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_Grumman_B-2_Spirit

>> No.372136

Woah. How did that fit in that small box?

>> No.372139

1980, I want to change my past. I made several wrong decisions because of my ignorance, and I want to change them.

>> No.372151

yeah but think about actually selling that thing. Typically people buying nukes and bombers aren't the nicest people.
The US Government would attempt to forcefully seize it from you and get the public to believe you are a terrorist.
Anyone you try to sell to will probably put a bullet through your head as soon as you walk off the plane.
And Like you mentioned
Just operating that thing would take plenty of capital
Unless you're planning on just nuking everyone before you get brought down it really just isn't a practical choice
>tl;dr: Goodluck selling it.

>> No.372155

As much as I hate my life, I still think I'm going to go with the $25m.

Going back to 1980 and reliving my life seems extremely depressing. I'd abandon everything I have ever known, having absolutely nothing. I'd almost certainly kill myself after a year or two of that.

qt sounds alright, but small town? ugh. I don't know if I could love one woman my whole life also.

youth until 2100 sounds pretty appealing too... I'm 25 now and it's all downhill from here. But how do I profit from that? If I thought of a way to make big bucks just from being perpetually young this would win.

>> No.372183

B or D honestly

>> No.372189

Probably D. Although I'll only be 104 years old in 2100. Yes, I'm 18.

>> No.372191

I was going to pick B, but fuck that. No amount of money is going to make up for the fact that you die at 60 like everyone else from cancer/stroke/heart failure. I'm choosing D

>> No.372199

$25 milly. It is likely that medical and technological advances will bring us immortality within my current lifetime, but being 18 in 1980 might make me miss it. C. sounds like you magically die at 2100 rather than just starting to age normally, so fuck that.

If mai waifu can have whatever superpowers she had from whatever show or game she came from, I might take that, provided I can find one that could give me what I want.

>> No.372202


>> No.372211

B) shit living, but raid newspaper boxen,
>blink, say parents ultra religious want to take GED
Keep selling directly from hand on Sundays,
>ride it out
sell cough syrup (to party) and Dexidrine(to study) to HS students.
>buy cabbage patch kids, visit pawn shops

whore Sunday paper coupons, save coupons for alcohol, tobacco and over the counter legals.

Track the Sunday paper for births and eulogies (dark), volunteer with census bureau, act semi-"special", in two years start to carry boxed cabbage patch kids, social engineer ("Derpy's number is 74xxxx? Sorry have problems reading numbers.) get the SS number, open account at bank for "god child", start looping it, open/get credit cards, to PO boxes, float a mortgage, then another, another, (at 0% interest, all you needed was proof of minimum balance) own the town @ 20, invest in Yen, wait until Regan speech, dump Yen. Keep purchasing land and undercutting century 21 real estate corp. push into IBM... Exit IBM after clone wars, push into Intel, Texas Instruments and Hayes. Push into bio meds, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, bayer. Into caterpillar, united technology, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Gruman.


Look in the mirror. OMG, I am zee warren buffet of the west coast.

>> No.372216

Or c) I would not be unhappy with a Emma Watson... At this age now, her age now. Oh glowing shining glory.

>> No.372254

ITT idiots who will die sad and lonely.

A> Yeah why anyone would give up 35 years of modern technology, and life-span, is beyond me.

B> 25 mil isn't enough to buy happiness. Anyone can make about 10 mil in a lifetime if they tried. You don't have to be lucky or a genius to accumulate money within this relative ballpark, just need a damn college degree and willing to be a wage-slave. At least this isn't like winning the lottery. If you were sensible by not declaring it or living suspiciously beyond your means, you might keep your friends, and get a girl that isn't after your cash. If you're on this board, hopefully you'd know to throw it into a Vanguard and live off the returns.

C> The even dumber option would be to be 25 years old... for 85 years. Enjoy never having a long-term relationship, long-term job, and never experiencing the golden years of manhood when you're respected on your age alone. You'll creep everyone out, and probably get abducted by some three-letter organization to perform experiments on if you get too loud. In 2099, you'll wonder where your life went, lonely, and not even rich.

D> Truly look into yourself, and ask what you live for. Live wealthy, live long, or live happy while leaving something behind? If the American Dream is real, this is the closest thing to an express ticket.

>> No.372257

>were sensible by not declaring it or living suspiciously beyond your means, you might keep your friends, and get a girl that isn't after your cash.

Lovely, Max kek-tier gold. Live in trailer park and never enjoy life.

B) be a pimp

C) get and enjoy what you what you want then disappear into obscurity

>> No.372285

The answer is obvious, B.

Invest most of it, buy a nice house wherever you want. Live off the capital gains for ever=win.

A=too much work.
C=lame, get bitches with the cash you got from B instead.
D=friends and family dead long before that, no thanks.
E=might be a box full of turds for all we know.

>> No.372289

25 mil will buy you FREEDOM though, since you`ll invest it and live nicely off the capital gains anywhere in the world.

Also, it`s impossible for anyone but a successful finance person/revered surgeon/top lawyer to make enough dosh to be able to reach 10mil in a lifetime, even counting compound interest. You are living in a dream world if you think it`s achievable by most, and remember, it takes a fuckton of wasted hours of life.

I`d rather buy my freedom with 25m, thanks.

>> No.372305

Invest 25mil and you can make a 2 mil income annually. Thats pretty nice and most people dont have that just by saving.

>> No.372410

Market and sell anti aging products.
"I use myself, just look at me!"

>> No.372869

hmm no one seems to be picking A. It might be hard to get the capital to start, but one could easily become warren buffet times 100. You could become the majority owner of apple or google. Also you could short enron and lehman bros. And think of buying Bitcoins at $0.01. The possibilities are endless!

>> No.372928

A) A difficult scenario that requires a ton of effort and luck, not to mention the alienation of losing modern tech and your social sphere

B) The best option. 25M is enough to be financially independent for the rest of your life, assuming you make rational economic choices.

C) If you want comfort, kill yourself. non-existence is the ultimate bliss

D) An amazing choice if only the date of death remained a mystery. Knowing the precise time of death would ruin everyhting. It would also mean that free will doesn't exist since some events are not avoidable.

E) An uncertain and therefore bad choice

>> No.372978

But whats the point?
Sure, you could be stupidly fucking rich but with B, you could still invest wisely and live off that $25mil for the rest of your life without losing the past 35 years of advancements, friends, stability etc

>> No.373012

I would do A) if I could take 2014 Google with me (kinda like Ziggy in Quantum Leap). With unlimited information at your fingertips when everyone else is still in the dark you would be a giant among men.

>> No.373098


B, it would give me C as well pretty much.

>> No.373101

C) marry some old money matriarch

>> No.373102


I'd be the guy who bought the guy the 10,000 BTC pizzas

>> No.373109

Because greed is good and more money is better.

Why take 25M when you can invest in startups you know will be huge and be the first trillionaire in history and fuck all the bieches.