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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1001 KB, 840x1048, big money coming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3715086 No.3715086 [Reply] [Original]

>big money coming
>still owns less than 21 BTC

Holy Fuck. You want to be rich or not?

>> No.3715117

Unfortunately anon I don't own $84,000
Would you like to help me out a little?

>> No.3715175
File: 1.94 MB, 1652x3400, NocoinersOnTheCasket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got told to buy since it was $150 after the MtGox crash and im sure you were here telling me that I was insane and stupid.

Now fuck off as we coiner masterrace get rich.

>> No.3715217

No not all - don't usually browse this board. I agree, I have some (a little) but not the 21.
Wish I had!

Should of brought years ago, mined a few when they were worthless on a pentium with a 56k modem. It got scratched and didn't think about it. No point in worrying about the past.

If you own the full 21 (or more) well done anon

>> No.3715252

Tfw bought btc when it was super underground, I'm sure 99.999% of people had never heard about it then. Had 0.5 btc and bought weed for it all, was years ago so cant remember for sure but probably wasnt even an ounce

>> No.3715258

coiners are fucking deluded, enjoy the ponzi scheme crash to $500

nocoiners will laugh at you

>> No.3715265

It probably would of been, I think at the start an ounce was roughly 25btc on silkroad

>> No.3715267

14 BTC must be enough
that is what I hold and will not touch it for years

>> No.3715316

Could have bought weed for 2000$ if I had saved it, but seriously who fucking thought it would take off? I just wanted to order weed online

>> No.3715324

I think 14 would be ample, I'd love to know how much btc has been lost or destroyed.

>> No.3715341

Didn't we all, and the other stuff. Dmt was my favourite.

>> No.3715371

>tfw only hodl 4,5 Bitcoin

A-a-am I gonna make it anons?

>> No.3715420

>tfw mined HUNDREDS of bitctoins in 2012, almost 1k total
They're gone forever.

>> No.3715438

Gutted for you, this is what I'm getting at there must be millions missing.

>> No.3715976
File: 221 KB, 1277x960, btclambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waggie laughin at richcoiners

>> No.3715997
File: 2.88 MB, 1297x7650, BTCfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to aim for 21 to secure yourself in a comfy position.

>> No.3716020

How was the show before the shooting though

>> No.3716067

So with 21 BTC, at which price would you personally cash out, and how much

>> No.3716115

>cash out
Error. You buy real state directly with BTC at that point and enjoy mogul status.

I would consider myself happy with 10 million government fun buck purchasing power.

>> No.3716120

>tfw 0.25 btc

where can i get 20.75 more?

>> No.3716346

>tfw 2.55 BTC
I sold the other .75 before the hard fork because I foolishly listened to the /biz/ FUD. Fuck all of you.

>> No.3716385

>Cash out
Get the fuck out newfag.

Pretty soon you won't ever have to cash out.

>> No.3716400

cash out = redeem your BTC
You can't buy things without actually spending your BTC

>> No.3716864

>tfw .10 BTC bc just now starting to accumulate

B-better late than never right Bros?

>> No.3716953

1 BTC spread between BNB, ODN and LINK. Will I have 21 BTC in time?

>> No.3716982
File: 48 KB, 492x449, 1506688223984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>front page wsj
boomer money incoming

>> No.3717071

Guys, neither you nor I can ever have 21 BTC, there are not enough BTC for us all.

>> No.3717140

I'm trying. Made 1 BTC in the last 6 months. Still not a good enough rate to join the 21 BTC master race in time.

>> No.3717172

21 btc is not at all enough to get rich

maybe somewhat comfortable, maybe even decently if you moved to a third world country, but not rich

>> No.3717228

I have $500, is there any way i can still join this boat?

>> No.3717358

only with high risk coins

find three coins in a row that will 10x, and 500 will be 500 000

chances that one of those coins will burst is high though.

>> No.3717392

i thought so, thanks

went all in on link

>> No.3717405

BTC 10,000 sure maybe even 100,000 but 1,000,000. Lmfao. That is a market cap of 21,000,000,000,000. So 21 trillion. And is equal to about all the sticks and dividends in the world. And it means only BTC BTW. No altcoins LUL.

You can forget about 10,000,000 BTW. That is literally impossible. There is no other such valuable asset class. It does not exist. It's more then all the wealth on the planet combined.

>> No.3717458


21 trillion is just below the usd debt, not even accounting the social security checks, pensions and other gibs. Its fucking nothing.

>what is the bond bubble
>derivatives bubble

Fiat is the greatest ponzi scheme of all time

>> No.3717491

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.3717768
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>> No.3717773

>>big money coming
>>still owns less than 21 BTC
>Holy Fuck. You want to be rich or not?

This isn't big money investing in BTC. This is big money trading BTC. Goldman's trading department has no interest in holding anything. They want to constantly get in get out as fast as possible, as many times a day as possible.

This is going to bring some extreme irrational price movements. With the resources they have to push bitcoin prices around at will, I don't see them getting into trading this as a positive thing. They will bully us around.

>> No.3717898

are you aware that satoshis can be divided. which means that you can actually end up with more shares on 1 BTC.

>> No.3717921
File: 25 KB, 575x335, 1505810882442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm joining the 21 btc club soon anon. One more moon mission and I take a break, put all the money in btc ( FUCK ETH IM DONE WITH THIS SHIT IM DONE WITH THAT MALNOURISHED AIDS INFESTED VITALIK). In BTC I can sleep safe and sound knowing my money can only grow and I will receive free shitty hardfroks, I will finally be able to take a nice vacation under palmtrees without checking blockfollio

>> No.3717953

The real cub is the 210BTC club.
21 BTC is like $90k.

>> No.3717964
File: 92 KB, 689x649, 1335493066787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3717972

>find three coins in a row that will 10x, and 500 will be 500 000

Am I missing something ;_; or am i bad at maths

>> No.3718155

you are bad at maths and should probably do something different for a living, everyone is good at something

>> No.3718526

Do you think btc will drop below 4k in the near future or will it continue to go up? I'm ready to put in more but it's too high in value atm

>> No.3718553
File: 62 KB, 1264x529, BTCUSDT 4271.54974589 ▼−2.94 Unnamed TradingView.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC could very likley take a massive shit soon



>> No.3718619

this and another hardfork, look at the fun BC(C/H) had...

>> No.3718637
File: 74 KB, 1268x525, BTCUSDT 4287.90000000 ▼−2.5 Unnamed TradingView.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the deciding point could be here. I'm out in FIAT for now, waiting to see which direction it takes.

>> No.3718656

Would it be enough to move your btc into altcoins (Bat,Omg etc) while it dips to prevent losing its value?

>> No.3718679

Look out how alts have been doing the past two months and I think you have your answer.

>> No.3718970

espers looks like it could keept the value my sir

>> No.3719223

Either this or he owns altcoins (scamcoins)

>> No.3719247
File: 124 KB, 391x297, 1506168838865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when crab too

>> No.3719808

how do i evolve from shrimp to crab lads

>> No.3720036

be somewhat intelligent and hope you got enough at the right time

>> No.3720603

crab is greater than 99.9999% of humanity

>> No.3720670

I would be a fish if I sold all stocks and went all in BTC. Then it would flash crash to 2k and I would sell low like biz

>> No.3720807

you mean those stocks that are going to dip 30% in the next coupple of month?