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File: 3 KB, 90x95, Verge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3704573 No.3704573 [Reply] [Original]

I have about 1 BTC to spend. I love privacy coins, especially fast coins and I ended up liking Verge the most.

Give me one reason to invest in this, or one not to. (No larp/trolls please)

>> No.3704657

I don't know Verge enough to say anything about it but I know a dev who said Zcoin (XZC) is way better.

Might be worth a research.

>> No.3704678

And before the Verge fanboys will attack me, not that dev isn't working on XZC and no, I don't have any anon-coins.

>> No.3705126

Verge shill here, however i dont like when people make posts like this.

how clueless are you that you need to ask anons for every trade you make?

Buy what YOU want and hodl

>> No.3705717

Stay calm, invest in TRIG

>> No.3705751

Better investing in Nav if you are going long.

>> No.3705795
File: 2.43 MB, 2284x1330, Screen Shot 2017-10-01 at 1.59.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ODN op 20-30x gains guaranteed.

>> No.3705816
File: 105 KB, 578x639, 1506956010339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obsidian is a project designed to utilize the block-chain to provide for anonymous services. The development team behind Obsidian is working on an application that can utilize the block-chain to allow for anonymous messaging, anonymous money transfers, and even the transfer of multimedia files such as pictures, videos, and music. Obsidian is more than just a token and the messenger/wallet application that the developer team is working on. Obsidian also stands to be a platform for developers to utilize so that they can build applications which stand to benefit from privacy.

You don't need marketers watching everything you buy, or police listening to & reading everything you say and share. If you want to spend your money on women and wine or arrange shitposting, you can get things done. Privately.

Imagine being able to purchase things off of craigslist without giving up your phone number or message vendors on the DarkMarket without using annoying PGP methods. Anonymous shopping on your phone for anything: prostitutes, drugs, and nudes.

Now let's do some comparisons.

Status Market Cap = $106,148,564
Obsidian Market Cap = $10,841,432

Is Obsidian better? Take a look.

Also since Obsidian is a platform most similar to Stratis we should see similar market caps in the near future.

Stratis Market Cap = $ 394,401,276
Obsidian Market Cap = $10,841,432

We are the Ethereum of Monero - the technical cofounder of Monero is also the technical advisor of Obsidian. This is a 1/1000 type of opportunity.

>> No.3705825

This is why Obsidian should be your choice.

1. Advisers. One of the lead developers of Monero wouldn't touch this project with a 100 foot pole (specially given the fact that Fluffy has previously viciously attacked Verge and ZCash for the gimmicky tech, scammy tech), if this project wasn't legit.

FluffyPony (this XMR faggot founding member), is not only incredibly passionate and at the cutting edge of privacy technology, but he is ALSO a believer AND very capable developer (has worked alongside Phds and top computer scientists/cryptographers to implement privacy in the monero currency). He really wants to further the technology behind privacy focused projects. And he has the eye and technical expertise to weed out shit gimmick projects from the real cutting edge.

There is almost no chance that this guy wouldn't scrutinize and shit all over this project if it wasn't legit and onto something revolutionary if it wasn't legit (let alone act as an adviser).

The second fact that we have to consider is the fact that this project has a ton of potential but also attracts the eyes of saboteurs and other state actors. In part explains why Satoshi (who ever he/they were, remained anonymous).

The stakes are extremely high. If this project succeeds, all the underworld will have a new playground for communication, information transfer and all sorts of other grey market enterprises activities completely anonymous (literally billions of dollars in data and business outside of the power of the government can become movable overnight when this project succeeds).

With stakes this high it makes sense for the team to downplay their roles and present themselves as low key as possible. In fact in the recent update from the official team, they kept "crucial" hires anonymous, as they should.

>> No.3705881
File: 54 KB, 199x176, fuckingponys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy monero. its going to be $500
fuck verge

>> No.3705895

Here are more of my views on ODN on reddit.


>> No.3705979

Why is it only on Craptopia? Never gonna get it mktcap up on that shitty exchange.

>> No.3706008

new big exchange in a week or two

>> No.3706022


>> No.3706053

If it ain't Binance, might as well go home.

>> No.3706089

It entered Binance last night and they're promoting it (Top hodlers get a reward or some shit.)
It hasn't exploded like many said it would, but it's been slowly going up since last night and it's giving me butterflies in my boner.

>> No.3706103


Yes. Source?

>> No.3706144

Currently there is only one crypto coin that offers real privacy and it's Monero / XMR

Verge is pretty shitty. all marketing and only one developer. I'm really amazed there haven't been any verge shills yet in this thread.

Also just look at the fucking verge coin supply.
It's XRP tier big.

>> No.3706326

>But Muh Muhnero
>nervously shitting on verge for the x time this week

my fucking almonds!

>> No.3706331

Verge deserves to be shit on. what can I say.
A lot of poor normies r going to get burned on verge.

>> No.3706377

OP, a number of updates are coming up this month, including the Wraith Protocol.

>XRP tier supply

16.5% XRP total supply.

>> No.3706398

not the fucking wraith protocol again LOOOOOOOL.

gl with that supply :D

>> No.3706421

not sure that normies even know what this is,
but the fuckers that bought in at 10 sats or even under 100 are going to be very happy in the event this gains even a small amount of traction.

>> No.3706463

well I'm in some groups on different platforms and the verge shills really hit every platform at the exact same time en masse. So their marketing team isprobably pretty good.

gl for those wo profit on this but the coin itself is utter shit and the developer ( yes there's only one dev ) is retarded compared to the competition.

>> No.3706497
File: 109 KB, 1222x506, Screen Shot 2017-10-02 at 2.36.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3706507

Do a transaction with verge mobile wallet. By the time your finger is off the screen from hitting send the other person has the verge. Fastest coin ive ever seen

>> No.3706520

couldn't care less. I just like watching the drama.
both xmr and xvg look pretty solid but fuck me the fanboys on both sides sound fucking retarded sometimes

>> No.3706555
File: 179 KB, 1155x619, 1506798125253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3706681
File: 1.22 MB, 1794x2840, 1506699866527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that verge is faster than dash and mobile wallet can be set up in under a minute

Reminder that monero was backdoored by verge (literally fucked and cucked)

Reminder that verge has option of private or public blockchain ledger for your transactions

.2 tx fee

Active community and devs

Newest listed digital assett on binance

>> No.3706702

Not an argument.


>> No.3706746

Here are more of my views on privacy coins.


>> No.3706757

fuck you vergeboi.
you can post all the memes and fud you want about the one and only privacy coin xmr.
You will always remain a dirty vergelet.

>> No.3706850

you see? drama.
you are why I like stirring the pot and shit like this is funny.

>> No.3707265

ODN read the whitepaper

>> No.3707295


Bought in at 23 sats. Very smooth comfy ride. almost nearing x10. Slow but steadily rising. Will sell at 0.25 cents or so.