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3704001 No.3704001 [Reply] [Original]

it's gonna recover right

>> No.3704036

nice just bought 100k

>> No.3704045
File: 162 KB, 1920x1080, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows at this point...

>> No.3704057

>>muh long term hodl
>>muh plasma
>>muh mcdonalds
>>muh backed by real company
>>muh $700 eoy

Its hilarious how delusional omisegoys are

I think in time, omisegoys will be on the same level as arkies


In b4 some delusional rant on how omg is gonna be "huge"

>> No.3704066

of course it will

it's the best coin out there

>> No.3704071

holy shit you went long at $12????

>> No.3704076


>> No.3704086

>t. i'm mad I missed out

Apart from btc and eth, tell me one coin that has more solid fundamentals than omg?

>> No.3704100

I once had 2000 omisego... Bought Signatum, lost half of my money. Omisego doubled the same day, bought 500 OMG... Made a few mistakes and had only 320 left. Put 160 on margin on Binance. BTC crashed, OMG crashed. Got liquidated... It all started going up again, FOMO hit me hard... Bought in... Now I'm suffering and afraid.

>> No.3704104

How can you not be liquidated on bitfinex with more than 15% loss?
I'm new to margin trading and I still don't understand how you change variables on bitfinex, always 3.3x leverage en 15% liquidate rule

>> No.3704111


>> No.3704113


>>being this delusional

Lol, im not missing out on anything cause your shitcoin is dropping like shit

Enjoy those bags >>3704076

>> No.3704118

I have money on margin "available". If I remove this money and only go with what I went on margin then the liquidation price will go up. If I had more money to back up this position then the liq price would go down, as low to zero depending on how much I have.

>> No.3704136

ooh ok it makes sense, thanks for the answer.
And is there a possibility to change leverage, still on bitfinex?

>> No.3704149

What? You can't ever be liquidated if you hold enough money to reimburse the losses.

>> No.3704159

So in other words, you can't give name even one?
Who do you think actually get rich from this shit? Those who hold good coins or those who chase PnD's?

Potentially but dev messed up when he started mixing his fucking refugee love politics into it

>> No.3704175

I didn't knew because till now i only tested marging trades with shit balance (10$) and going "all in" with my margin balance.

>> No.3704190

me too
Lets die together brother.

>> No.3704194


I dont need to name anything because youre already too stupid to see that there are way better coins than omg

If only you werent so dumb lol

>> No.3704202

It's always good to know I'm not alone on this...
How much did u lose and what are you holding now?

>> No.3704207


This is why you dont margin trade folks.
If you look at the chart its currently at previous resistance turned support now.
Guess we will find out if the resistance holds.
There is also a head and shoulders pattern in the btc pair which is currently falling.

There is also support at the 200k satoshi mark.
I dont think we will go below that, I expect people to buy that dip, but what do I know.

Im not selling my 1000+ coins anyway.
To much upside potential.
And shorting in the past hasnt really worked out for me.

>> No.3704238

he didn't mess up you spastic faggot. it's a pretty typical attitude for a scandinavian nerd.

>> No.3704269

shut up newfag. Take your 1 btc portfolio and fuck off

Do you see Vitalik holding over 4m of any other altcoin? No

But I should be grateful. It's because of idiots like you that it is so easy to make money in crypto

>> No.3704271

The pullback will end at around 180k and then it will shoot up.

It will act just like every other cryptocurrency, omisego is not unique in its price action.

>> No.3704288

He shouldn't mix his personal attitudes with coin development faggot.

>> No.3704295

didn't le money skell back out of OMG?

>> No.3704296

>no news
> head and shoulder on chart

>> No.3704346
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Looks under bought on the RSI.

Am I reading this right? Help a brainlet out plz

>> No.3704362

I don't mind holding OMG cause I know it will pull a neo up to $50. and that's when I cash out senpaitachi.

>> No.3704372

I'm holding too just wondering if it was worth selling and buying back in.

>> No.3704406

The problem is the marketcap... For Omisego to achieve $50 the marketcap would have to be huge.

>> No.3704422

Less than ripple

>> No.3704444

tomorrow or the day after, definitely. its only down 8% or so.. on september 25. OMG fell from 9.12 to 8.12 (~11%) and "recovered"

i think we will see ~8.90 and from there will go up the next two days, maybe even tomorrow morning (UTC +2)

and now let's pray

>> No.3704453

I don't see how 140,245,398 OMG iis any problem
A mere 140 million coins are available?

that's only like 7 times the number of bitcoins.

>> No.3704505
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OMG never had a real correction, mainly because those cunts kept hyping it with their 'partnerships'. I wouldn't be surprised to see it hit 180k sats again.

>> No.3704706


>> No.3704740

aus-chink girl is sexy...hapa girls tend to be better looking...check out hapatime dot com for anyone interested in a fine elegant hapa.

>> No.3705019

I honestly don't get if this is some kind of market manipulation or what

despite what you think about OMG, it actually had GOOD news and a GOOD partnership, and it barely went up that day before crashing without recovering

so either it's really shit and will never move or I'm missing something

>> No.3705055

whales accumulating lul. meanwhile theyre trying to get rid of all their shit desperately before this goes back to 150k sats

>> No.3705097

>thinking OMG is worth more than $2 right now

>> No.3705117

dude, just screw you

bet you don't own a single coin

>> No.3705176

if it goes below $8 I'm going to cry.

>> No.3705215

Palm Beach research group

I'm all g bro. Keep chasing aths and selling in dumps with your 0.2 btc

>> No.3705253

should I just HODL my mere 250 OMG until next year?

>> No.3705277

obviously, they've got so much shit to release/announce it's unreal

>> No.3705287

if it goes below $8 I'm going to buy.

>> No.3705292

Yeah why not

>> No.3705306

I bailed while I still had a profit on this shit

>> No.3705332
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this looks good :))

>> No.3705353

getting a little tired of seeing omg threads pop up everytime theres a hiccup in price, i suggest putting your omg in a wallet and forgetting about it for ~6 months then come back

>> No.3705361

For what it's worth, Clif High said OMG is headed to $30 soon.

>> No.3705369

You don't still? Seriously?

Okay, did anyone else here get in at 80k or less? How is anyone even worried?

>> No.3705408


>> No.3705415

Press S to....

>> No.3705420


>> No.3705438

le moon le when le waiting le for this moon le

>> No.3705444


>> No.3705569


>> No.3705587

usd value, probably. btc value probably not.

>> No.3705618

Devs are whiny children.

>> No.3705642

I actually was initially going to buy at 70k, I fell asleep with bittrex open, shit mooned overnight, so I jumped on late at caught the last wave of pumps

>> No.3705671
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why are you still in skateboard coin when there is ODN

>> No.3705765
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>> No.3706056


>> No.3706073

Isn't the road map schedule plasma to release in December of NEXT YEAR?
Why is everyone hyping this shit up so early?

>> No.3706101

wew r you serious? fuck lol

>> No.3706130



keep hodling fellow hodlums

>> No.3706156

i have bad news for yuo fukcers jewws

>> No.3706179
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mfw I fell for the meme and I bought at 12 USD

>> No.3706309
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As of now, the OMG tokens trade on the Ethereum
network. By year end, OMG will trade on its own blockchain


Read this if you are still not convinced in omisego, just buy the dip and wait until end 2017 to release your bags for massive gains.

>> No.3706428

holy fuck i

> Poon has come aboard as lead technical adviser


>> No.3706483
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Whats wrong with you, just buy and hold

>> No.3706568

that's what I'm doing but I am NOT seeing any fucking gains breh.

>> No.3706671

Any word on Bittrex adding them?

>> No.3706682
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In that case you should hold lots of XRP, its a 20 cents! Just in case it pulls a neo up to 50$!!

>> No.3706703

ripple isn't NEO pull tier


>> No.3706770
File: 349 KB, 757x632, iremember.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patience is important, its guaranteed to be mooning to the sky before the end of 2017, then we have a fucking lambo.

>> No.3707108

omisego marines have faith. semper fi brahs

>> No.3707597

im about to go to thailand and fucking shoot these gooks in the dick

>> No.3707619

lmao do it anon

>> No.3708049

i have 1k OMG.

im not sure whether to buy more of this or 0x. maybe split between the two

>> No.3708493

I did this yesterday

Sold for a loss at 213K

Already would be in the green by comparison if I bought back now lol

It's got a little lower to dip. To be safe, buy at the 200k mark

It may fully retrace to 160k too

>> No.3708503

It's a long term coin. Pretty much guaranteed mooning in the future as long as you're patient and can afford to have money in the coin.

>> No.3708774

Will it drop below 5 dollars? This is the only thing I'm afraid of, 'cause I'm on margin...

>> No.3708863

One of the most promosing cryptos ever drops 30% and people start panic selling LOL

You dont deserve to be rich.

>> No.3709170

How many block confirmations do they need??? People lining up to buy this shyte!

>> No.3709209


>> No.3709276

I like people who can see through the hype. What coins do you recommend lad?

>> No.3709295

>I like people who get shit wrong

>> No.3709379

bought in at $12 because of you assholes

just sold everything before it hits $8

>> No.3709388

Buy high sell low

Perfect goy

>> No.3709393

New question here... How do.you reply to someone else's message?
Thanks in advance!

>> No.3709431

If your selling now you are going to hate yourself later.

>> No.3709443

No brakes on this shit train

>> No.3709444

Click or tap on their post number on the right.

>> No.3709461

This is what happens when you hype like faggots.

>> No.3709469

Thank Homer! Tried everything but that!

>> No.3709480
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Lost 300 dollars. I hope the sec comes in and shuts down Bittrex

>> No.3709492


>People actually selling omg
>money skelly , poon, and gavin wood baby.

>Tfw i just bought more

stay smart, /biz/.

>> No.3709508

shoudl i buy OMG or 0x

i own 1k token of OMG and 26k token of 0x

i have 4,000 usd. put more in OMG ?

>> No.3709559

I'm not selling OMG.
I have a shit ton.

>you quoted me
Great company I'm in

>> No.3709566

Wait 60 minutes then decide

>> No.3709594

Or however long these block confirmations take after that twitter came through about korea

>> No.3709623

Mines at 155.. been like a fkn hour so far... plasma gonna be great

>> No.3709677

Anyone see the business news piece on the rising proportion of Korean and Japan investors

In the article it said and I quote "When the Japanese invest they go all in"

Omise is Japanese for "shop"

I'm so comfy

>> No.3709731

Link pls

>> No.3709750

this pnd shitcoin is going back to $5

>> No.3709771

Hopefully in the next hour or 2

>> No.3709807
File: 1.51 MB, 2560x1920, 20171002_102756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Correction.... when Japanese PENSIONERS invest

See pic

I'm the kind of guy that is about to read Barron's.. the print edition. I hold a long term large position in OMG

Thats who is investing in this "pnd shitcoin"... I think everythings going to be ok :)

>> No.3709894
File: 1.75 MB, 1920x2560, 20171002_103002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The other big crypto news imho is JP Morgan admitting they are forming a group to invest in crypto (probably already are to some degree).

Can anyone smell the institutional tidal wave of money coming in

>> No.3709915

Glad not the only one that saw that

>> No.3709917

OMG wont be workable until plasma comes out right ?

>> No.3709927

Yes. That's why we accumulate with the extra cash

>> No.3710003

Bearing on 200000 Saatchi. What is next?

>> No.3710143

Plasma is game changer

>> No.3710186

but its 2 years in the future

>> No.3710193

Only 1 pumper. Sell it while u still can!

>> No.3710209

Yup. It sure is

>> No.3710210

this is true i'll buy 0x instead

>> No.3710218

Makes it easy. Better than 401k plan

>> No.3710224

have fun bag holding for 2 years...

>> No.3710232

Better than chasing

>> No.3710258

257 confirmations now... sloooowww

>> No.3710262


>Day/Margin trade - make some or lose everything

>Wait two years- Make a shit load


>> No.3710263

I'm selling my bags today, have been hodling for a while

>> No.3710286

bought in at 7 just now sold at 9.07 gonna rebuy at 5-6

>> No.3710288

Do it.

>> No.3710301

Do that too

>> No.3710363

Keep selling!!! It's good!!

>> No.3710431
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korean exchange?

>> No.3710449


in the early days ETH pulled back a bunch of times shaking off weak hands and eventually rewarded the hodlers more than once.

>> No.3710490

Hodlrs can rest while we wait.. others will have grey hairs

>> No.3710517

293 confirmations

>> No.3710552

I will enjoy getting rich with you OMG hodlers. We are not selling

>> No.3710585
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>> No.3710597

Would do the same thing

>> No.3710624

>tfw making JP Morgan hold my bags

>> No.3710680

Same. Wantbverybsecretive about that

>> No.3710686

whats this your talking about? confirmations for what?

>> No.3710741

As a new. Been buying on coinbase and then transferring them to. Always have new hitting. Pretty fun knowing this all us long

>> No.3710767
File: 118 KB, 938x635, TA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got bad news for you

>> No.3710782

Break it to us

>> No.3710832

Finallynnustncame through

>> No.3710851

dank meme triangles

>> No.3710867 [DELETED] 


just trade on margin. we're all in this for the money anyways.


>> No.3710896

when OMG becomes its own blockchain, will our current tokens become worthless?

>> No.3710901

omg to $5

sell omg and buy link

>> No.3710999


>> No.3711141

It can go both ways, TA cant predict the future, just help make an educated guess.

It's likely going to dip though. Don't sell your OMG at a loss if it happens, it's a good coin and will recover again. $20 in a month or two. Just hodl

>> No.3711232


>> No.3711262
