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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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370420 No.370420[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Cryptocurrency General - /biz/

Previous Thread Reached Limit.

>Cryptocurrency Discussion
>What are you holding
>What are you selling
>What do you keep your eyes on
>How do I lose all of my savings in cryptocurrency?
>How do I ruin my entire life by investing in Bitcoins?

Previous thread: >>367990

>> No.370423

My cards are on CLOAK.

>> No.370424

Holding MAST and PND

>> No.370425


ENC just dropped on Mintpal. Hope yall stocked up on Bittrex before

>> No.370431

Is it a good idea to buy ENC now? or is this a only a party for people who bought on bittrex earlier?

>> No.370432

Reposting from last thread.

What should we be buying ENC at once the orders start flowing?

>> No.370434

I bought on Bittrex at over 4k and it's only 3.4k now. Prices always bottom out for a while on Mintpal before shooting up

>> No.370445
File: 112 KB, 714x960, 1401931059873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you sell for?
10% profit?
Is this what VRC was 5 days ago?

fucking /biz/ you guys must have balls of steel.

>> No.370447
File: 115 KB, 800x534, korea4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck is this shit.

>> No.370448

It's a thread for those who are daily speculating on the altcoin market.

>> No.370449

A market with unlimited profits.

>> No.370452

Pls send dogecoin

>> No.370454

sent ;)

>> No.370460

send me 2742 doges pls

>> No.370462

sent :^)

>> No.370464


You caught my attention.

Dump links for beginnerfag like me. Google is for the birds.

>> No.370465

Get a PND wallet and I'll send you PND ;)

>> No.370466

>Is it a good idea to buy ENC now?

Oh sweet christ, yes.

It's at 4k-5k as we speak, and it's not gonna be this low again for a very, very long time.

Buy now while there are still whales dumping their loads onto the Mintpal grand opening because they'll all be done very soon.

>> No.370467

think cloak will go up maybe x5 but no Btc to put into it. fuck why did i buy Mast fuck

>> No.370470

>think cloak will go up maybe x5

That assumption seems remarkably uninformed and delusional. What on earth makes you think CLOAK will go up 500% in value, let alone go anywhere but down?

>> No.370476

Pro-tip: CLOAK is shit. Buy ENC.

>> No.370477

Why are we buying enc? Is there any particular reason?

>> No.370480

buy vrc it started rising again
by the time you read this it will be 21k and still going

>> No.370482


ENC took a jump from around 3.3K up to 4.7K after it became listed on mintpal. I don't really see if getting much higher though, just lots of idiots trying to buy low on one market to sell high on the new one and inflating the price.

>> No.370486


It just got put up onto the market on Mintpal. A new coin on Mintpal almost always gets pumped.

>> No.370492

I'm holding CLOAK. 400 BTC volume, might get on mint soon, it's almost over the POW stage. Coins usually jump after mining is over. It seems promising.

>> No.370495

Anybody holding CPTL or is it dead?

>> No.370497

It should go to 100-150k easily.

>> No.370505

Any information on pnd?

>> No.370506




>> No.370507

That would be nice but realistically I'm thinking 50-60

>> No.370509

When the balls is BBR gonna make its inevitable comeback?

It's by far the most innovative coin in some time, yet market interest seems nil.

>> No.370512

@CryptoDeals is an upcoming Twitter that I recommend you follow. You'll know about potential pumps before they happen, while the coin is cheap. Or you know, I can just be a shill..

>> No.370536

Hi guys, I'm now on MAST IRC and some people are alpha-testing the recycler before the public beta comes out. It is working flawesly, so better buy some MAST (if you haven't done already) before it get released.

>> No.370544

>All of these morons getting whaled and panic selling ENC at its current price

Oh my... there's going to be a lot of people putting shotguns in their mouths by tomorrow afternoon...

>> No.370546
File: 119 KB, 700x766, recycler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So here is my feedback, I'm happy I was part of the first test of the Coin Recycler, coins were recycled in 30 minutes without any fees and successfully anonymised !

The CoinRecycler can also be compared to "Consolidated Market".

Consolidation is the act of merging many things into one.
In business, it often refers to the mergers and acquisitions of many smaller companies into much larger one.

In crypto currency world, this means weak coins can be turned into MAST through the Coin Recycler.

The Coin Recycler is easy of use and will help create a constant buy support.

>> No.370551

This is a post from one of the alpha-testers in the official thread.

>> No.370552

I want to start mining, i could get 5 7990 from china for 750$ is it still good to mine scrypt with gpu? and does someone want an 7990?

>> No.370590

It needs marketing and hype to experience a bubble, thats true for all coins, it cant be helped. I mined some in the first few days and also bought some, patiently holding.

>> No.370593

MASTbros, how much are you setting your sell orders?

>> No.370594

also do you have to input all the different altcoins separately at a time? or, does it do it for you?

how are you supposed to input your login/username and password for all the different exchanges?

>> No.370606

where you getting your gpus from m80?

>> No.370620

most at 25

after that split at 45 and 71
>one must dream

>> No.370622


>how long have you been investing in cryptocurrency?
>How much profit/loss have you made?
>How much are you investing?


>> No.370625

Also have around 800 MAST stashed

>> No.370628

>ty based buy walls

looks like I might recover most of what I had in VRC to dump into ENC before tomorrow..

>> No.370631

I'm setting mine at 40 @ 6000

wish me luck

>> No.370636

I looked at the post. What do I do now?

>> No.370638

Some mad profit could be made

>> No.370643

alright i guess not

>> No.370655


3 months

started VRC @7k with .05btc, which became .1, which became .03 hey its only a 20 dollar loss
waiting on another .07 from coinbase

Turned .08 into .25 with PND switch to POS

>> No.370663

a few weeks

started after finding a few of my old quarks and selling them for 0.4 btc and now i'm at loss with a bit under 0.1 btc from all the panic buying and selling.

i haven't bought any bitcoin since i mined the quarks i found

>> No.370670

We should have the "to be followed" twitter acounts in every new thread

>> No.370690

Twatter is shit
Rsa should do the trick

>> No.370691

So, I can essentially mine as much as I want. I get about 200khs, which isn't much, but I have unlimited electricity. What should I do guys? Should I mine Doge for the fuck of it?

>> No.370692

is d-doge d-dead?

>> No.370697


What part of


Do you not understand

>> No.370698

Anyone got a guide on how to mine on Ubuntu 14.04 with an AMD card?

>> No.370702

What the fuck am I supposed to do with all of this ENC I'm holding? I've never bought a coin during a Mintpal premiere, so I'm not sure how long it's supposed to take for the initial pump. Should I just sell now and cut my losses, or hold and wait until something happens?

>> No.370715

>What the fuck am I supposed to do with all of this ENC I'm holding?

You should do exactly what you're doing by holding: Keep holding. If you bought it at 3k or 5k it's irrelevant - you can plan on getting a 150%-200% profit.

> I've never bought a coin during a Mintpal premiere, so I'm not sure how long it's supposed to take for the initial pump. Should I just sell now and cut my losses, or hold and wait until something happens?

This mintpal "pump" wasn't a typical one because the whales seemed to be few, but carried tons of it. They've been dumping almost non-stop since the premiere, and thus the price is, as of right now, even lower than before it hit Mintpal.

You can sell now and take it as a loss like many people already did, but that's ridiculously stupid. The whales themselves are morons for dumping 10,000+ ENC at 3k when they could've easily tripled their income had they not ejaculated all over the market the instant it popped up. Let all of the panickers flip out for the next day or so, and you can plan on ENC having hit 10k sat by next week, if not a whole lot sooner.

>> No.370720


Well, I'm not 100% as to whether or not I should believe you, but thanks for the peptalk, regardless. I'll keep holding for now, at least. If I find myself able to break even and find the price beginning to drop again, I might just end up selling and getting my BTC back. We'll see what happens, though.

>> No.370723


This would also hurt a lot less if I hadn't sold my CINNI at 14k and my VRC at 16.5k to buy into ENC.

Well, no sense in regretting my choices now. Just have to stay steady and not make any rash decisions.

>> No.370729


I'm not bullshitting you, friend. If I were, I'd be bullshitting myself.

I bought 300 ENC at 4900. What did I do when it dropped to 3200? Did I panic sell and chalk it all up as a loss? Nope. I bought 1000 more.

It may not look like it from a certain standpoint of a typical pump-and-dumper, but the getting is profoundly good right now.

>> No.370734


If I had any more BTC, I definitely would buy more ENC at it's low price right now. Unfortunately, I ended up putting it all into ENC at 4.5k, although I did manage to get 3,200 ENC out of it, at least.

Like I said, just gonna hold my breath and wait for the eventual rise. At the very least, I really don't fuckin' want to go from 0.15 BTC to 0.09 BTC, god damn.

>> No.370743

>At the very least, I really don't fuckin' want to go from 0.15 BTC to 0.09 BTC, god damn.

Lol don't worry, man; you wont take a loss at all.

Just look at the ENC charts from the past. It's been at where it is now before, and it's been at its absolute highest ever prior to it being the #1 vote on Mintpal - let alone actually on the exchange as able to be traded.

Let the dumpers dump and grab all you can. The fact that it's open to more exchanges now than ever and thus more traders now than ever is essentially an absolute guarantee that it will eventually be worth more than it's ever been in due time.

>> No.370749

Anyone know when Verisend might be out?

>When will this pump be over

>> No.370765

Just started buying POT and am watching it closely never liked it early on but it has had good work done with it lately and IMO could be the next big thing (looks like start of uptrend on volume lately, very recent change to reward schedule and only about $3500 mined daily at curr price. Gravity alone could take it higher on the volume its seeing lately)

Im as long as ever lately in doge and working my basis regularly. There is a path to success for the coin still.

Long BTC and have never sold. Altcoin market is the thing nobody in the media talks about that is actually driving BTC price. I bet there are plenty of people like me out there who trade alts and are BTC price agnostic in the medium term because you need BTC to trade alts and BTC dollar trades are slow unless you want to leave your money on a BTC/USD exchange (no thanks). I'd rather cost average to make a small profit on btc and trade alts. not hard to manage UNLESS btc vaporizes which is an acceptable tail risk to me. I started buying BTC in the 800s and have always bought regularly with emphasis on my basis all the way down to the 300s never even considering selling once.

>> No.370823

50btc buy on VRC at 18500

>> No.370824


I see no such buy.

>> No.370834

Such is the life of crypto trading

>> No.370841

ENC's starting to climb again.

I'm so happy, you don't even know. I think I might start crying. I thought I was fucked, that my adventure into cryptocurrency was over. Thank the Lord baby Bitcoin, I am SAVED.

>> No.370854

I'm buying up DRK while it is on sale. I think that once the VRC pump is over the whales will move back into dark coin, right before the master nodes are implemented later this month.

>> No.370859
File: 78 KB, 204x204, darkcoin-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats up with darkcoin?

>> No.370873


Nope lol

>> No.370874


>implying nearly doubling in an hour isn't rising

>> No.370875





>> No.370880

I got shilled in buying it too! Fuck me

>> No.370888


I only bought it because I've been told that new coins on Mintpal almost always get pumped. I guess we'll just have to wait for the pump on this one... No way I'm going to sell until I at least break even, though. Gonna go with what >>370743 has been telling me, for now, whether or not he is just a shill.

>> No.370892

All you enc holders should drop it and buy every MAST you can get, at least get your money back cause it's gonna rise high the next days

>> No.370896

And it's already beginning :3

>> No.370901

nice try MASTfag

>> No.370916

See for yourself on bittrex
Just don't feel sorry for yourself afterward,for not investing in the momentarily best coin, please

>> No.370928


Mast did go from 9K to 14K in one spike, shady as fuck though.

>> No.371012

4.2k PTC
500 MAST
400 ENC

How bad did I fuck up?

>> No.371026


Holding 3k ENC, bought at 4.5k

You fucked up no worse than I did, man.

Keep holding, though. All three are supposed to rise here in the next week. I pray to fucking Bitcoin that ENC is going to rise, at the very least.

>> No.371032

Send a brother some Doge


>> No.371038

holding 2k bought at 4.5k I FEEL YOU
But i have 2k CINNI bought at 10k which is nice

>> No.371064

Holding CURE long term

>> No.371069

DO those little usb miner thing still work with litecoins or no

>> No.371071

>holding BC

my biggest mistake ever. they keep rabbling about 1$ and all kind of crap that's supposedly coming here and there, but all i see is a steady decline. much of hot air in that coin, that's all

>> No.371080
File: 103 KB, 846x916, 1388600608012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I should've sold my Doge when it was at 1 Doge = 0.002 USD

>> No.371081

Havent followed this in a long time

Why doesnt DOGEcoin have its own thread anymore?

Did it finally crash?

>> No.371095



I have no idea what Im doing

>> No.371121

Because anon decided to upload the doge image when starting an altcoin thread. there is a dogethread somewhere

>> No.371148 [DELETED] 

hey guys. I feel like a real loser for having to do this. but I'm hoping one of you lucky guys with all the coins will be kind enough to sympathize. I am broke as shit living with my parents. there are no jobs where I am So I am having to take a job at arbys.. im 24 years old and worse yet my gf is having our first baby next month. if you could find it in your heart to help.. Ive been using faucets ive got like $.15 of btc
my wallet is 1AEcDsxFoeH9Qhq9Jc6LP1Uw8FDPS1QLt
or i have a dogecoin to i just got to get faucets with that its DLU8Je6KvHqtNPwDrPiyrjP48eieYjnfnX
god bless you all..

>> No.371159


i'm usually the type of guy who doesn't feel emotional responses regarding to these types of posts, but for some reason this made me feel so fucking hard. seriously considering sending this guy money

>> No.371160

anything would help man really. I feel ashamed begging like this but I don't know what to do anymore.

>> No.371169


i would consider checking out /r/dogecoinbeg over on reddit as well, they're super helpful (sometimes) i went ahead and sent you what measly doge i got left over. might take a little to show up cause my wallet still has some syncing to do. good luck, anon.

>> No.371172

thanks man. really.. I hope karma comes back and you win the lottery bro.

>> No.371177


to be honest, i'm just paying it forward. i was stranded in mexico with no money to my name, and some random woman who i've never met before in my life somehow got me the fuck out of there. this is just me slightly paying it forward. just uh, do the same at some point.

>> No.371178

A fertile gf is worth at least three camels.

>> No.371179

you have my word as a man I will. thanks again bro, you made my day!

>> No.371219

ENC is making a move towards entropy

>> No.371260

That doesn't even make sense as a sentence

>> No.371280

Well fuck. I made money on cloak but bought into enc at 4k so I'm down money altogether :/
>mintpal pump when?

>> No.371283


>> No.371284

>Tfw because of panic buying and selling I'm now down to just 750 ENC
>Any profit made will be nothing to what I COULD have made if I wasn't a faggot.

If only I had a credit card for instant buy that way I could buy a shitload more ENC before the weekend.

>> No.371285


That's what we're all wondering, friend. At this point I don't have any choice but to hold, or else I'm out a lot of money.

I just have to trust that it'll be here soon. I know if I sell now in an attempt to cut my losses it'll jump up to at least 5k here today, most likely a lot more.

>> No.371287


Duuuude I fucking panic sold vrc yesterday morning, lost .4 btc like a fucking chump idiot. I would have doubled my money altogether if I kept it all in cloak and cashed out this morning. :(

>> No.371288

Cloak will reach 250k in a week.

>> No.371290


I'm looking at other charts and it looks like it takes a week or two before some of them get a second wind and get pumped again. I guess we're gonna have to HODL and see.

>> No.371292


I can get $50 worth of BTC instantly on Coinbase - Should I grab that and send it over to Mintpal and buy more ENC while it's super low, do you guys think?

>> No.371293


I'm skeptical of anything reaching that amount at all. What proof do you have?

>> No.371297


I probably wouldn't. Although I don't know shit about this coin so I don't know it's pump potential.

>> No.371306

Anyone know a good CPU coin? Quark is dead from what I understand.

Running a Phenom II X6 1090t on Ubuntu. Maybe Primecoin?

>> No.371320

I'm with you, man. Still holding here.

>> No.371334

If that's your biggest mistake consider yourself lucky. I bought a shitton of honor coin at the IPO and missed my opportunity to sell for anything besides a massive loss ;_;

>> No.371343


why are you not Monero right now

>> No.371345 [DELETED] 

Send some Doge and I'll love you forever.

>> No.371347

Please dump then

>> No.371351

Anyone here still holding MAST?
I kinda regret not selling at 15 and buying back at 10.

>> No.371353



Send me 0.5 BTC to cover my losses and the potential profits and I will.

>> No.371355

>bought into a crypto ipo

is this thread even real?

>> No.371360

How can I calculate how many coins per day will I be making with my hashrate?

>> No.371363

what do you think of mugatucoin ?? go or no go ?

>> No.371372

i think we missed that train

>> No.371375

missed ? it is 3,8k sat and only 1,8 mio coins ?? seems way to cheap to me

>> No.371400

Shit it keeps tanking its fucked

>> No.371403


Calm down. It'll be fine. Just don't panic sell, and it'll all be fine. You know as well as I do that if you panic sell now, you'll regret it once it bounces back up.

Instead of panic selling, take this opportunity to buy more now that it's low. That's what I'm about to do here, myself. Putting $50 more into it.

>> No.371404

Keeps tanking look at depth chart... Everyone trying to dump

>> No.371442


The amount of bounceback ENC is going to have once all of these dipshits run out of coins to dump will be insane.

Anyone doing anything with ENC other than buying as much as possible is going to want to hang themselves in the next few days when it's between 7-10k sat.

>> No.371446

But...but muh depth chart. Look at that 20btc dump a 4k... You have that much buy support?

>> No.371449


Why on earth do you think some jackass dumping 20btc-worth at 4k is going to prevent far more being bought back up in the meantime

>> No.371456


I want to believe you, I really do, and I'm willing to buy more ENC, but I need you to tell me WHY it's going to rebound. Do I want it to rebound? Yes. Do I hope it's going to rebound? Of course. But please, give me some rational reasons as to why it's going to rebound to set my mind at rest so I don't panic sell like I'm getting the urge to.

>> No.371461

Can you still mine Cloak? is it a scam?

>> No.371463

>But please, give me some rational reasons as to why it's going to rebound to set my mind at rest so I don't panic sell like I'm getting the urge to.

>Whales can only dump for so long before they run out of ENC altogether
>Trade volume remains in the Top 3 of all traded coins on Bittrex
>Very active community with a ton of bagholders as well as consistent buyers on the bitcointalk forum as well as elsewhere
>The high volume and insanely low price is extremely attractive to anyone looking for an investment
>MintPal alone will attract more than enough buyers to allow for a huge upswing, seeing as it is not only their newest addition to the market, but the charts indicate that now is the best time to buy as it's got nowhere to go but up.
>As soon as the price jumps up 10% or so without an immediate drop and the dumpers are gone, people will begin to panic purchase - rather than panic sell.
>Dev is releasing a security patch to offer more benefits to users in the upcoming weeks, thus making the coin even more attractive

Just to name a few.

>> No.371466


Okay, thank you. I needed that.

I'm going to go ahead and put another $50 worth into ENC. If it flops, well, then it flops and I'm out $150 altogether, but that's nothing I can't afford to lose. Here's hoping that it rises instead, though, and all of us poor sops become rich sops, instead.

>> No.371467

No, PoW ended today.
I don't care as long as I make mad BTC from it.

>> No.371468

10k enc would make you a 300 dollar sop.

>> No.371479

FUCK, anyone want to sell me some bitcoin so I can buy more ENC? I can't wait till friday till my BTC purchase goes through

>> No.371492

You have alts? Id trade ENC for CINNI

>> No.371500
File: 4 KB, 143x186, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's the deal with CINNI?

I.e. what's the hubbub surrounding it, why is it good, etc

>> No.371505
File: 13 KB, 298x222, bouncing_ad[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENC hit rock bottom and is now pic related.

>> No.371509

They have a working fully anon client with like 5 devs activly working on it. Its getting shilled hard on twittard too

>> No.371513


>> No.371514

Oh fuuuuu

ENC shootin' right the funk on up, dog!

Hope y'all listened and bought at the bottom. Real talk.

>> No.371520




>> No.371521

+ 16k 20btc sellwall just got bought in 5sec

>> No.371523
File: 26 KB, 600x400, 600_1380142673_a51e458b52aabd46839b33607c865bf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.371524
File: 393 KB, 320x240, W1_original[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.371525

Its not good. It was a scamcoin from day one. When it was anounced thw site didnt have any info on it at all. This ones a pure pump and dump through and through.

>> No.371530


I'm so happy I didn't sell low.

I'm so happy I didn't panic sell.

I'm so happy I put that $50 in to buy some more when it was low.

I'm so happy. I'M SO HAPPY.

>> No.371533

Well they got the anon wallet which is nice

>> No.371535

Dear god I want to buy more I only have 750 sweet jesus why is the instant buy option on coinbase so retarded and only accepts visa

>> No.371536
File: 15 KB, 1177x236, caix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-g-guys... what just happened

>> No.371537

>what just happened?

A whale just manipulated the CAIX market with a large amount of money that he will probably end up losing a large percentage of?

>> No.371539


Seriously though, the second 1 person decides to put in a reasonable sell order with 1 coin, or decides to sell 1 coin to the current 4k bidder, homeboy just essentially took thousands of dollars and set it on fire for no reason at all.

>> No.371544


Actually...now that I think about it...

The guy who just spent all of that BTC probably did it between two personal accounts on Bittrex; Set up a ridiculous sell order for 3 @ 12BTC each and then match the order with his other account.

It's actually a pretty solid way to launder a whole bunch of money when you're up to some srs illegal bsns.

>> No.371546
File: 442 KB, 500x375, 8TooevJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.371547


where is ENC shooting up? looks like it's been the same it's been all day on bittrex and mintpal to me....

>> No.371551

>looks like it's been the same it's been all day on bittrex and mintpal to me....

It's up nearly +25% in the last hour. It was dumping down to 19k-21k and is now 24k-25k and climbing.

>> No.371552


oh yah i'm dumb, haha. good thing i have 9k of these fuckers. glad I also didn't panic sell, hopefully I can recoup my losses from my vrc panic sell the other day.

>> No.371553

>19k-21k and is now 24k-25k

*Meant 1.9k, 2.5k, etc obviously.

>> No.371556


Right now, mang. Right now. Time to buy before this goes up any higher. Waiting for my BTC to transfer from Coinbase to Mintpal, getting anxious watching the price rise.

Could've bought at 2k if it had gone through instantly...

>> No.371557


it's still 2.2k on bittrex if you wanted to do some arbitrage, haha.

>> No.371559


Now up to 2.7k on MintPal. Not slowing down any time soon, I'd imagine.

Just bought 1,000 more at 2300. Setting my sell order at 9000. Should be a damn good night. Although knowing my luck I'll have sold everything at 9000 and tomorrow morning it'll be at 12,000 lel

>> No.371560

what's so good about ENC? why are people buying it?

>> No.371565

Can you explain this for those of us on shortbus please?

>> No.371569

Huge amounts of money get transfered into BTC, get sent to a BTC address on an exchange, get converted into an altcoin (in this case CAIX), then put into ANOTHER address, sold to ANOTHER CAIX address, then split a million ways amongst buyers into chunks of BTC (either losing a little or gaining a little in the process), and from there sent to a new Conbase/BitStamp address and cashed out for Fiat Currency.

Basically the guy made 6,000 dollars disappear from the grid and into his mattress.

>> No.371571
File: 1.05 MB, 320x240, thumbs-up-computer-kid-gif_zps11d45fe6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.371576

Its just some guy laundering money

>> No.371589
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what should I get rid of? heres my current holdings, I'm up 50 USD if I just cash out now but it was play money anyway so I want to let it ride, problem is I'm in on way too many at once

MyCoin MYC 10000
ReddCoin RDD 8000
HonorCoin XHC 2500
Mugatu MUGA 917
FuelCoin FUEL 500
OrangeCoin OC 500
RubyCoin RBY 500
DistroCoin DIS 250
EntropyCoin ENC 250
PinkCoin PC 250
CinniCoin CINNI 200
MyriadCoin MYR 200
SilkCoin SC 200
BoostCoin BOST 150
CloakCoin CLOAK 100
CryptCoin CRY 100
VeriCoin VRC 100
X13Coin X13C 100
MastiffCoin MAST 75
BankCoin BANK 50
X11Coin XC 35
LibertyCoin XLB 25
CureCoin CURE 15
Monero XMR 10
Boolberry BBR 5

>> No.371597

Where can I find a relative LTC per hash rate?

>> No.371604

Cash out and sellect like 5-6 you want. I suggest Monero Veri Mastiff and Cinni honestly

>> No.371616

still waiting on my ENC pump



>> No.371620



...It's happening as we speak? Been on the way up for the last two hours or so. Nearing 3k, probably not stopping until 11k or so. Possibly way higher.

>> No.371623


well go faster, dammit.

>> No.371625


Your patience will be rewarded with untold profits, son.

Just don't be a faggot and sell it all at 6k when it's only halfway to its peak.

>> No.371630

Monero is on it's way up again

>> No.371634

>tfw trying to buy 20,000 more ENC right now but MintPal transfers take ridiculously fucking long despite the transfer already having 3x the amount of necessary confirmations


>> No.371640


looks like btc volume is super fucking low on bittrex, and is lowering pretty steadily on mintpal, what does this meaaaannn?

>> No.371645

tfw bought 700 ENC for 4k on bittrex

tfw pumped lasted for an hour before it went down to 2k

tfw lost profits ever since

>> No.371662

Anyone who doesn't have doge right now is going to regret it in the next week. Big time.

>> No.371664


Why? Unless you give a reason, as far as I can tell, you're just a shill.

>> No.371665

There's a big pump being planned. I mean hell, you're doing good with even a few hundred right now. My advice is to trade small amounts of Bitcoin for Doge right now before it goes back up into 200 satoshi.

>> No.371667

doge has been dead forever, it's not even worth pumping, it was a doomed crypto from the beginning

>> No.371669


Who's planning the pump? Why are they pumping?

>> No.371672

Fuck you all that said last night to invest in MAST. I lost a lot of money.

>> No.371675

Doge thread says nothing of the sort

>> No.371678

>blinding trusting shills with your money

also the cryptocurrency game is tricky, even when a lot of people think something you're not guaranteed to get your money back. see: honorcoin. this was one of the most promising coins but the dev was revealed to have been involved in identity theft and it crashed from a few k satoshi to 300.

like this enc shit. i bought quite a few and everyone's cheering on a pump but i have no way of knowing if it will come through and neither does everyone else here. the best i can do is sit tight

also doge guy is shill and anyone still holding is extra stupid

>> No.371680


>trusting 4chan

Word of advice to everyone in here: Most people posting are shills or trolls. The majority of altcoins are garbage from the get and serve only as PNDs There's a fuckton of shitposting faggots in here trying to get you to believe a pump is coming to get you to buy in and pump the price of alts up so they can ultimately sell off at a profit while telling you it's going to keep rising until it doesn't and you start panic selling, so they can buy low, and shill to make another gain.

>> No.371685

The shitposting faggots are obvious though, anyone can see they are being shills. The rest of the info is damn good advice and actually backed up with reasonable evidence. Coming here for cryptocoin info makes more sense than anywhere else

>> No.371689


All of your posts have been extremely pessimistic and cynical. I can understand having that mentality in any speculative market, especially when real money, and lots of it, is on the line, but man, lighten up.

>> No.371692

So what's up with DRK darkcoin? Aren't the master nodes opening up soon?

>> No.371696

>master nodes
what does that mean

>> No.371698


>> No.371708

buy 5 coins
sell 5 coins
buy 5 coins
sell 5 coins

>> No.371711


It's not pessimism to call people out on bullshit, there's been a lot of talk about enc and mast in the last few days talking about how they're going to balloon 1000% by the end of the day and wind up taking a dive instead, meanwhile other alts are getting no talk and seeing 100% quick gains and nobody says a word about them. I'm just advocating caution.

>> No.371712

And what Alts do you think are good to invest in atm?

>> No.371713
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this front-paged on /r/dogecoin. this is why dogecoin will never get serious traction and its only downhill after wolong

>> No.371719
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>tfw bought CLOAK at 30k satoshi
>tfw it instantly drops to 230k
>tfw dunno whether to panic sell or hold because its a decent tier coin

What fucking do niggers? How do you into CLOAK bagholding?

>> No.371722

What was your strategy when you purchased?

Do that.

>> No.371725
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>panic selling this fast
>investing in cryptocurrencies

>> No.371728

I'm holding Bytecoin BCN long term.
>inb4 80% premined

>> No.371731


To be entirely fair, learning how to not panic sell and not panic buy feels more like a skill than a talent.

It takes a lot of self-control to not panic sell, even when you know that you shouldn't and just keep holding.

>> No.371738

its very personal to me as well, i lost at least .3 BTC in the doge game from buying high and selling low. ive only recently picked up the art of not selling low and its makes my butthole tighten up when people say they're going to dump low. brings back repressed memories.

>> No.371739


For longterm? Doge, possibly, DRK. Long term survival is about getting the rest of the world to pay attention. The only reason bitcoin skyrocketed is because the press started talking about it. And I haven't heard shit mentioned about any other alt in the press besides doge.

Short term? No idea. That's why i'm here.

>> No.371740

Go look at the price of any random ten alts and youll see an obviouse pattern. One big pump and death.

Not hard

>> No.371744

doge was a fad, the last thing that got that shit subreddit's gears flowing was the creation of a css rocket "upvote". srs. media reporting on it has died since some faggot put a doge on his race car. even then the price was still stagnant

>> No.371754

cinnicoin is pretty cool.

theyre doing nice things with the wallet

>> No.371776

fuck looks like I'm just going to be watching the ENC price all night on mintpal. Hopefully it goes up soon. :/

>> No.371778

Bought at 4k hopefully I can make a little profit.

>> No.371792


Just keep holding - The pump has to come eventually.

... r-right?

>> No.371806


I think the dev needs to add some legit features to this to incentivize it over cloak or cinni or w/e.

>> No.371808

cinni hasn't been pumped in a hella long time has it?

>> No.371811


Define big. Some alts get micro pumped, dumped, then rebound with a major mun rocket.

Just like DRK did, it got pumped at least 10 times. XMR gets pumped frequently too.

I suggest stocking up on CLOAK. It's going to 150k satoshi by next week, shit's cash. I'll finally be able to rustproof my bike.

>> No.371837

does anyone actually make their pumps public knowledge?

>> No.371858

It's some fuckin' one step forward two steps back shit with ENC right now. Still gonna hold, though. Not like I have much other choice.

>> No.371867

>rustproof my bike

I dunno why man but I had the biggest giggle

>> No.371903

ENC rising again. Here's hoping it keeps rising this time. Still holding on and praying to the almighty Bitcoin gods that I haven't fucked this up.

>> No.371911

Is there any good site to see all of this shit in real time?

I need to know when to buy and sell

>> No.371912


MintPal, Bittrex, Poloniex.

Currently only using MintPal because I don't have the Bitcoin to spread out between all three.

>> No.371913

I think I found a good site http://tradeli.st

>> No.371934

Oh look. There goes ENC dropping. Again.

I just want this ride to be over with.

>> No.371937

the trick is to invest in multiple cryptos and stop caring. chances are one will work out and the others will find a way to break even. in the best case scenario you get a profit. the trick is to NOT CARE and to NOT PANIC SELL. dont get personally invested in any coin, treat them all as a means to an end

>> No.371940

XHC/Honorcoin seems to be a potential long term hold.

tl;dr if you dont follow bitcointalk: original dev turned out to be a scammer, community took over coin. price of the coin is now around one fourth of what it used to be, but it is being relaunched on june 20th. for every one XHC you have, you will get two of the new coin. This seems to have potential in my opinion so I'll be buying some, you guys can do the same if you wish.

>> No.371942

I sold because I wasn't aware of a community takeover

>> No.371946


I *don't* care about the coin, that's the thing. I just want my money back, is all...

>> No.371971

getting into crypto trading. I've used coinbase to sell bitcoins i got for contract jobs in the past, but that's the closest thing to an "exchange" I'm familiar with.

Can anyone recommend some good exchanges preferably ones that have USD / Euro trading as well as cyptocurrencies? I already know of Cryptsy and MintPal but I was looking for non crypto exchanges as well.

>> No.371972

Why all eggs in one basket?

>> No.371974


Because I fucked up and I'm stupid and I'm new to the crypto speculation scene, mostly.

Put all of my money into ENC because I was told that new coins always get pumped hard on MintPal. Never making this mistake again, believe me.

>> No.371977

Cryptsy is utter ballsack, never use it. Mintpal is pretty decent for cryptocurrencies but it doesn't have USD or EU.

MintPal has "we made it" coins that have moon potential, its a fairly rigid voting process. bittrex has all new coins, PnD haven. Bter accepts USD/EU(?) but it requires a huge withdrawal minimum and the process is manual and sketchy as fuck. run by a bunch of ru/chinese fags. it has only the best coins though, it's even more rigid than Mintpal and they rarely accept new ones.

your best bet is sticking to coinbase for liquidation and Mintpal/Bittrex for day trading

>> No.371984

>your best bet is sticking to coinbase for liquidation and Mintpal/Bittrex for day trading

That was the original plan, I want to trade on the USD, but I'll always transfer with bitcoin or another crypto. It's faster and none of the legal hastle.

>> No.372023

no offense but this is why you should research a coin before investing into it. next time, a quick google search and viewing the bitcointalk forum post for the coin may save you some btc

>> No.372029
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>> No.372058

I still have 20k XHC. I just hope enough buzz is generated I can sell it back at the price I bought it for. I'll hold on to maybe 5k for the long term but I'm just disillusioned with this coin at this point and hope this news leads to me getting some of my money back. I willfully ignored all the typical sage crypto advice: don't trust a coin from an anon dev, dont buy at launch, etc. Just wanted to get rich quick.

>> No.372084

20k? Damn man.

>> No.372092

>The City of ENC

Just hit 1.7k. Still holding onto 6,300 coins.

>> No.372097

you have my sympathy :(

>> No.372098


Can I have your BTC, as well?

>> No.372099

this is basically the 100% consensus opinion among "smart" cryptocurrency traders right now


"When everybody thinks alike,
Everyone is likely to be wrong."

This is a dumb man's world son. The fools WILL win.

>> No.372104


Fuck crypto, crypto valuation is based on who plays the game.

Doesn't matter if you don't play eve and trade ISK, you are still playing the game with gear running doing calculations, that is is game right there.

Crypto is based on presumed value of an virtual entity that may or may not exist.

Example would be ult-item in game x, if their were no gold farmers, material farmers or crafters, that universe would not exist. And more over you can a) cash that out b) delete that item (oops "soul-bounded it")

>> No.372106

Thank you based plebbit fags for merging this into one thread.

>> No.372112

Any good words on pumps tonight? Guessing something will wind up getting pumped while i'm asleep again.

>> No.372113

Doge also has the first facebook tip app for what its worth

>> No.372114








>> No.372117

yes but you have to pm the person that you tipped telling you to tip them. and its just a novelty. itll never get actual traction. the entire thing is dumb.

>> No.372118


Hah, nice try fag. How much did you buy in ENC for? Hope you manage to break even sometime tonight.

>> No.372121


I bought 3,000 at 4.5k.

Then I bought another 3,000 at 2.5k

Please, just kill me already. I just want to die.

>> No.372123

ouch, even mine wasn't that bad. I only bought 700 at around 4k

>> No.372130


Haha, really don't sweat it man. At least there's a good trade volume going on at mintpal (relative to some of the shit on there) so you have a chance that people will try to push the price up.

>> No.372138

Bought 2k at 4k
Just dumped everything and broke even thanks to cinni

>> No.372148


>> No.372156

Hello Cryptocurrency General,
If someone was going to just start to get into mining with a meh-tier setup, which relatively easy-to-mine Cryptocurrency would you recommend getting into?

>> No.372163


Define meh-tier.

>> No.372169

I'm pumping CLOAK, bros

takin this shit 2 DA MOOOON

>> No.372177

Just check coinwarz

>> No.372179

P3 (3.4GHz) XP Home 2GB RAM 1 GB AMD GPU

~30MB down & ~10MB up

>> No.372180

Fuck it I'm buying CLOAK

>> No.372203

ENC is supposed to be getting a pump from China tonight, so there's hope in that, at least.

>> No.372208

bought cloak at 15k, already at 18k a minute after i bought it

>> No.372209

LOOOOL, 25k!

>> No.372215

HAHAHA, sold a few and then held. muh sides. got .01 BTC out of probably .002

>> No.372218

guys please stop posting poloniex prices in here, it makes you sound stupid.

anyways, CLOAK about to cross trend line, get ready for a huge spike

>> No.372222

i don't see anyone posting poloniex prices? all of mine are from bittrex or mintpal. poloniex is shit.

>> No.372228

I am stupid... What's wrong with polo?

>> No.372229

it barely has any value and the prices dont really reflect what they are.

>> No.372230
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any volume* never crypto high

>> No.372232


Where did you manage to get it for 15K? Was 24 at bittrex when you posted.

>> No.372233

i posted late

>> No.372236

i jizzed a little when it hit 27600

>> No.372237

Just a friendly tip,
usually coins that mintpal adds randomly all go extremely high (DRK, XC, VRC, etc)
CLOAK could be the next random add. Besides having a shitty coin logo, everything else about it is really good; X13, 6% Proof of Stake lol, no IPO, no premine.

If you can get in CLOAK before we reach 3k satoshi you're in for a nice profit.

>> No.372238


MyCoin looks like it'll be next to win the votes. Sitting stupid cheap on bittrex right now. May be a good buy for next Monday.

>> No.372239

yeah, all except enc, whose price dropped tremendously...

>> No.372242

ENC was a voted add,
everyone was expecting it; it didn't turn out so good.

MyCoin is risky. 100% premine, buy it at your own risk. I expect it to turn out exactly like information coin did.

>> No.372243

how do these types of coins even have value? do devs just manipulate the price like a whale would?

>> No.372249

Depends, is the completion value at godly-easy tier find now (new universe, green items are starting to be found) or is there a .1% transaction win for the brokers.

>> No.372250

Miners, daytraders, etc

People give the coin value.
DRK pretty much started the altcoin bubble IMO, and I don't expect that bubble to pop any time soon ;)

In the case of 100% premines, its very easy to control the price since the devs will have most of the coins.

>> No.372253

were about to pass 3k on CLOAK

If this hits Mintpal were gonna go much higher than the moon

>> No.372263


Someone cock-blocked the moon by putting up 8BTC worth of it at 245 when it had reached 295. Good jerb.

>> No.372279
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We moon now?

>> No.372288

what site to use for trading cryptos?

>> No.372296

>tfw bought 0.41BTC of ENC at 0.4

hold me.

>> No.372298

0.00004 I mean

>> No.372309

#ENC / Entropycoin;
If you look through the announce thread you'll see that they're talking about a fork.


A hard fork will occur at block 98315. This is projected to occur around Thurs. June 12, 11:30pm EST. You must be running version 0.9.2 of the wallet when the switchover happens!

I suspect it's no big deal, but could this be the reason there is no buy support?

>> No.372312

O noes, someone drove (into a sun) or sold off (for scape metal) their Titan.... On Eve...

4k down the drain..

>> No.372325

Is Bittrex Withdrawals off?

>> No.372328

This Is real money talk , discuss your illigitimate game money somewhere else

>> No.372332

Is bittrex down only for me or also for anybody else?

>> No.372333

yeah bittrex is down, Think they're updating cloak wallet

>> No.372334

Error 522

>> No.372335

>Connectivity problem only, please don't freak out!

>> No.372338

Dev took all our bitcoins and is gonna live on his island in the Pacific

>> No.372339

>we've been hacked again, here eat this lie

>> No.372340

>People you lost all your money but we are going to tell you in 1 week from now

>> No.372360

> tfw feeling tempted by XC again
It has to be a ruse, right? Or is is legit, but a victim of DRK, the secret owner of the mystery private pool and hashing power? Surely they can't dump forever?

>> No.372399

is there any coin worth investing or not? this seems like a waste of time to me

>> No.372412

Hold steady CLOAK bros, nothing I could've done about that huge correction.

I have some more capital coming in today or tomorrow, 3k satoshi is very possible.
4k very possible
If it hits Mintpal, I expect it to hit 10k+ Satoshi.

This will be DRK 2.0

>> No.372426


Its at 25k right now so I don't know what the fuck you're going on about

>> No.372428

>is there any coin worth investing or not? this seems like a waste of time to me

Buy an equal amount of CINNI and CLOAK and you'll make a solid profit.

>> No.372434

someone pump my pink, please.

>> No.372438


That's what she said

>> No.372453

If your amd gpu is R9 270 or better you can mine a groestl or blake256 altcoin, possibly point it at a x11 multipool as well, google those terms pointed at site:bitcointalk.org
If your GPU is not a 270 or better then you cant really mine, your cpu is no use to mining the few still cpu-mineable coins either, but they are the "cryptonote" coins in case you want to read about it

>> No.372456

There's a huge doge pump going on right now. Today you'll start seeing the results.

>> No.372459


I can't even believe it's getting this low, man. This is ridiculous.

>> No.372466

this entire thread is shills

>> No.372468

The people who invested in ENC, XHC and that are still buying CLOAK at this price are just both unwise and inexperienced in my opinion. Most advice given here is wrong, but I dont think its by intention, they are just really bad at this.

>> No.372469

people are bound to be hyped about their profitable pumps. but yeah, 99% of the time if someone is telling you to buy a coin it's either too late, or simply a ruse.
also, buy XMR (eczema?) and PC. you will be rich. i know this because of my knowledge.

>> No.372473

>still buying CLOAK at this price are just both unwise and inexperienced in my opinion

IMO buying CLOAK at any point in time while it's under 30k is not unwise. The launch of the anon app/two big announcements today will more than likely cause a spike in value.

Not a 100% sure-thing, but it's more than likely.

>> No.372508

CLOAK to hit 50k sat by 11pm EST tonight, calling it now.

Screencaps this post if you think I'm even slightly off base in that statement and weep tonight when you re-read it after not buying in.

>> No.372510

This again. It's a couple hours later now, does anyone know?

>> No.372513

Is ENC ever going to actually rise, or is it just going to keep falling? Should I just sell now, take my losses, and try to get it back in better coins?

>> No.372555

look at coinwars
ask yourself if you are stupid
then sell

>> No.372570

can anyone get the QCN wallet to work? mine just fairies around with red text, whining "wallet not recognised" or someshit, then throws a fagtantrum and closes. i have 1.3 whole entire quazars therein. other craptonote wallets are working fine.

>> No.372618


>> No.372634



>> No.373107

Great run today guys,
Another tip,
I'd advise not to buy when the red line is on top of green. Usually means it won't go up anytime soon.