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3703353 No.3703353 [Reply] [Original]

Missed BTC Moon. Invest. It stops/goes under. Missed OMG Moon. Invest OMG. It stops/goes under. Missed Chainlink. don't bother. Missed Walton. It keeps rising.

I'm so fucking tired, i just...fuck it. Now should i give it one last go, invest in WTC? Lucifer give me strenght :(

>> No.3703370

I missed btc, ETH, ltc, xrp and neo. Fucking fuckity fuck, fucker.

>> No.3703385

ODN is the only correct option.

>> No.3703454

>Missed Chainlink. don't bother.
Dumb motherfucker.

>> No.3703484

Same here, done with OMG, I will just wait until it pumps the price I bought it and I'll wait for other moon missions. It's hard holding these heavy ass bags

>> No.3703498
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U not alone senpai
Me at loss now

>> No.3703546

ODN is your only hope desu

>> No.3703586

>BTC moon >100x
>OMG moon >20x
>Walton moon >10x

>chain link moon 3x
>dont bother

one of these is not like the others
you missed out on a lot of moons, but there is still time for link dummy, just look at how much the others mooned and compare them to link.

>> No.3703638

I'm so sorry. Hope you all get some gains.Guess what? WTC just went up ..AAARGH!

>>3703454 yup

>>3703546 https://www.cryptopia.co.nz ?? What the hell?

I'm not gonna invest until i atleast breakeven. Motherfucking Omisego.

>> No.3703655

>>3703586 yeah you're right, i just couldn't handle any loss right now. My hands are weak atm, maybe tomorrow :(

>> No.3703671

DGB will be the next, right after citigroup gives it the award it deserves.

>> No.3703679


There is a reason why he is stupid, its natural selection dont interfere.

>> No.3703710

>maybe tomorrow
Get off my board.

>> No.3703738

dont miss wanchain

>> No.3703985

its crazy how the success and failures impact our emotional state so strongly

ive only been investing in crypto for like 2 months or so and literally everything i touch seems to turn to gold. started with $5k upto $38k now. I feel absolutely euphoric all day long considering I was only making $4k/month at my regular job and now I've made equivalent profit of $16.5k/month so far. Of course that's mostly paper gains, haven't cashed out too much of it (only initial 5k) but still... just amazing. Its like everything I do just works. It's even seeped into my regular life, I'm more confident this last month, I hold my head higher, I initiate conversations more easily with strangers, I'm more ambitious and spontaneous. I dunno man life is good. And to think this is just the beginning. I love this place, I love you all.

>> No.3704063

sonm last fucking chance

>> No.3704099


Take hope, my friend. Look at VeChain.

>> No.3704133
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>Missed Chainlink. don't bother.


>> No.3704181

>>3703985 I'm glad for you man :), hope i get there too.

>>3704099 Thx man, i'll look into it.

>>3704133 I'll probably will if this shit continues.

>> No.3704228

Is it wise to invest in a chinkcoin that went from 1 to $8 in 10 days? The answer is: No

>> No.3704250
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nice FUD attempt pajeet, sorry you sold at 60 cents