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File: 17 KB, 300x300, ELIX IS PUMPING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3702992 No.3702992 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys remember when Chaincoin went like 100x?

ELIX has just been suggested by a huge youtuber with a bunch of subscribers.

It's taking off now. Up 400% in the past 2 days.

Get the fuck on.

>> No.3703024

My point is that right now this thing is about 15 cents.

It's about to be over $1.00.

>> No.3703051

funniest thing is that its not impossible at all to hit $1

>> No.3703198
File: 47 KB, 1280x622, photo_2017-10-02_17-43-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3703377

How soon is that anon? When it hits a dollar I’ll have $13894, or at least 3 BTC. Hopefully those will eventually go to tens of thousands each. Not quite lamboland. But a downpayment on a house at least.

>> No.3703408
File: 1.35 MB, 1980x1114, 1506917438694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1 usd is 5m mcap. thats peanuts for a product like this. it can go there at the end of the year with this momentum.

>> No.3703444

Does it have NEO like potential in the long run? Like $30 in 2-3 years? Not sure how long I want to hodl. I’m pretty astute with making money, but don’t understand technology for shit.

>> No.3703470

Nobody knows who the Elix devs are. For all we know they could be some scammer pajeets ready to dump on your ass.

>> No.3703481

who is the youtuber and where can i buy you fuck

>> No.3703482

It is funny how none of you brainless sheep asked him for the youtube link

>> No.3703491
File: 68 KB, 570x566, o-NATHAN-FIELDER-570 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captain sparklez

>> No.3703507

its a high risk project. no way to tell it's potential.
NEO is a platform. this is a project on a platform (but ETH in this case) completely different things. its also at very early stages. but it has devs that seem committed and provide regular updates. its a fin tech coin & app which typically do well in terms of valuations. you would need to reevaluate its long term potential in 6 months and again in 12. that's when the app we'll be live and public. until then it's purely speculation.

>> No.3703516

lambs to the slaughter

>> No.3703527

4 real but what if you know???

>> No.3703537

ya I do

just don't fly to close to the sun my main pal

>> No.3703547

Link of vid and time mentioned

>> No.3703548

B... but Im poor and have nothing to invest

>> No.3703594

Link to vid since people can't seem to find it: https://youtu.be/XgjSOMViljo?t=16m28s

>> No.3703607

I would advise caution. This has been following all the signatum moves. Huge initial hype, some amazing gains in the beginning, youtubers telling how it's a great investment, BITTREX SOON...I don't know people, it's too many coincidences. Don't stay bag holding.

Sure, you can make money off of it but watch it carefully.

I already made my profit and I've been around for a while for it to give me bad vibes. Took my profits and bailed.

>> No.3703622


Fuck, can't stand watching that guy for more than 10 seconds. 40k subscriber count though, so this has potential. I still think this is a totally fucking shit coin that is the sketchiest being pushed right now, but looks like you can time it right to buy low and sell high. I would not be holding this one.

>> No.3703692

Thanks anon. If it hits a dollar I’ll probably take my profits absent some more promising news.

>> No.3703702

i agree i hate this guy, pisses me off lol

i'm not sure about selling out my ELIX yet tho, bought 20k at around 1200sat, almost sold yesterday but held off, now I'm not sure this might reach $0.25+ soon, two days in a row its mooning with no major dips so far and still low market cap.

>> No.3703784

We're going to $1 and beyond.

>> No.3703900

>not in ELIX
>want to hop on the train to $1
>might get shit pushed in buying at ATH
I want to believe

>> No.3703904


He sounds like a fake-happy normie cunt, desu. Their overblown emotions are painful. I could have gone in on this days ago, and wish I had. I think I'm going to hope on now, hope for 20-25% gains and then GTFO. Don't trust this at all, but shilling works, and you can take advantage of it if you get out soon enough, and low market cap still like you say.

>> No.3703942

Same, by the time I've bought the BTC and transferred it to the pisspot exchange I wonder if it'll start to dump by then.

Sticking with ODN and Link for now.

>> No.3703965

It's been over an hour and I'm still 0/2 confirmations you're making the right choice. I just dumped more money into kikebase instax because I want to jam into a shitcoin and btc ain't getting any cheaper.

>> No.3704013

Good thinking, got eyes on any other coins atm?

Been holding BNB for a while and I'm glad it's finally picking back up.