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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 34 KB, 617x415, ADA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3690781 No.3690781 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.3690795

wow RIP to the fucking idiots buying into that massive 2000 sat sell wall.

Fucking LOL!!!!

I will buy this thing when it hits 800

>> No.3690829

>2000 sat sell wall
Are you confusing the price of bitcoin now with the price of bitcoin 3 years?

>> No.3690892

been warning people not to buy this shit coin.

>> No.3690903


>> No.3690914

I really hope you bought at 800 sats, because it's at 400 now.

>> No.3690920

This is a known scam in Japan, lmao at people actually buying this shit.

>> No.3690923

I didn't thank god.

>> No.3690926

it's not fud faggot. If your bag holding this your an idiot.

>> No.3690940

this scamcoin isn't even listed on cmc bro

>> No.3690947

Hope you didn't somehow buy at 800 cuz it's prob going to 400. What is this fucking shitcoin? You'd have be insane to get in on this right now.

>> No.3690995
File: 3.20 MB, 420x300, 1473862174037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought at 1000, sold at 2000, got greedy and rebought at 2000 with initial investent, and ended up only making like 50 bucks when it dropped to 500 sats, should have been content with double my money, lmao.

>> No.3691006

There seems to be a lot of FUD surrounding this coin right now, which is natural, seeing as it kind of came out of nowhere. I know for a fact that this is not a scam coin. I got in as part of the ICO last year and it feels comfy. This will moon within 24h, even the idiots who bought into the 2k sat sell wall will be fine. screencap this faggots

>> No.3691137

Got wrecked, bought at 750 - tanked to 45.

Fucking halved my portfolio.

No begging, but there will be a sharpie of shame later.

>> No.3691170
File: 32 KB, 480x405, 1478539550921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what reason? Why would you stake more than you can afford to lose?

>> No.3691187

Why would you buy a known scam with half of your portfolio? Is the other half BCC?

>> No.3691220
File: 22 KB, 300x236, Equilibrium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Back up 25% since... fml though, went to get a coffee and it already started..

Union job here though, just not what I was planning to do on my Sunday..

All good Anon, thanks for caring mate~

>> No.3691233

I doubled my money like 3 times already on this shit godamn this is amazing thank you based trex

>> No.3691260
File: 45 KB, 612x612, 1477869961808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it turns back up, for your sake, but I wouldn't touch that fucking coin until it stabilizes, glad I got out positive at all on my tiny gamble.

>> No.3691323


Made a little back... got wrecked still xD
750 in || |400 out || 480 In || 650 sell

>> No.3691393
File: 26 KB, 500x461, A96302DF-9A28-499C-A043-01D08F52283D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here bro

>> No.3691429

Sold half my LINKS for this, we're mooning. GET IN NOW.

>> No.3691494
File: 24 KB, 387x387, hopefulfrog3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought at 400 SAT and sold 50% at 740 SAT.

I have a no fucking idea what this coin is. I think I'll hold that another 50% for a while and see what happens. Even if it literally goes to 0 I hardy make any loss.

Good shit.

I don't believe that it's a scamcoin, cuz Bittrex wouldn't likely to add a scamcoin after a long nocoin-streak. Also, all the FUD-posts I've seen linked on /biz/ has been a bit suspicious.

>> No.3691510

not really fud, more like highly suspicious of the coin.

>> No.3691561


Idk man, I read earlier some Median articles which said it's a literally Japanese pyramid scheme. Also some1 linked Japanese Twitter posts saying the same thing.

>> No.3691601

It's medium and pretty much any asshole can can write an article. This is how ever new coin starts on biz with people screaming it's a scam. Even if it is who's to say you can't profit on it.

>> No.3691605


Not touching this with a ten foot pole.

>> No.3691611

wtf I lost all my ADA after clicking that link

>> No.3691772


It's trading now at 170K BTC market cap (or around $767 million).

I think I am going to sell my other %50 rn.

>> No.3692153

Buy Adx Retards
ADA is a scam

>> No.3692174

Just bought in for 3BTC at 570 sats

time for a moon mission

>> No.3692238



>> No.3692273
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1434253802465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Losing money so fast no one even gets to call you a retard before it happens.

>> No.3692341


buys more ADA falling knives

>> No.3692385

>buys an absolute shitcoin just because it was the first coin listed on bittrex in month
Glad you dipshits are losing your money.

>> No.3692496


>Coming soon


Also after digging some more, this is a rare thing but apparently, the Cardano ICO was all done in ETC rather than ETH. ETC along with Bitcoin is the only coin that has been put in formally into an ETF that is listed in an American securities market even though it's not in NASDAQ or DOW. And since the Japanese were the only ones that brought the ICO, it seems like the SEC probably okayed the coin to trade on Bittrex after the ICO, my speculation.

The worrying thing is that the SEC didn't take a hard look at Cardano and see why they should be able to list on Bittrex/vice versa happening.

But either way, it's still a miracle the coin managed to get on Bittrex above other coins.

>> No.3692566
File: 213 KB, 600x312, Rhinoceros-picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But either way, it's still a miracle the coin managed to get on Bittrex above other coins.

Yeah this shit seriously boggles my mind. I know of a few currencies who've already paid their due that are waiting, and this turd got passed in front of them. One team I know personally is considering Polo first after this.

>> No.3692647

>Bittrex finally adds a coin
>Its the shittest shitcoin possible

>> No.3693643

just made 5% in 5s on this shitcoin, too bad all my BTC are currently on binance and I had to trade with a few pennies

>> No.3693860

Just threw .26 BTC into this piece of shit at 593 sats, how fucked am I?

>> No.3693882

i literally feel cucked when someone throws triple my entire portfolio around

>tfw small money dick of .1 btc

>> No.3693883


Should of got in under 500 anon, you're literally gambling now. Mcap aprox 600m already. Good luck.

>> No.3693901

Why again did buttrex list a coin literally nobody has heard of when there are literally 50 coins better than this holy shit wtf is going on

>> No.3693904


Stop diversiying like a cuck then.

>muh risk managment
>muh I made 500% of 0.005 BTC

>> No.3693913

It is called a back room deal where Bittrex probably got a fuckload of tokens for it to get listed and you guys are getting dumped on.

>> No.3693945


how do i fix it ? I've got 200 dollars in 17 coins

3 of them i got in at ico to be fair and im doing well on bitcoin cash, got out at 800 twice and back in at 400

>> No.3693948


Listen here I can tell you guys are all faggots from /b/ who have no idea how this game works.

While you guys are busy circle jerking over how much of a scam this is other people are busy seeing potential in this baby and filling up their bags on dips, stay poor emotional cucks.

>> No.3693986


For fuck sakes .1 in 17 coins, have you even heard of investing before coming to /biz/?

Here dude read this article, despite hating you newfags I want you all to succeed, with .1 you should not diversify more than 2 coins.

Develop investment concentration and follow set ups you know well vs jumping in a number of gambles you do not see full potential in.


>> No.3694021

Honestly if you have less than 10k dollars, its better going all in until you reach the threshold. Then start splitting it up.

>> No.3694056


For sure, that works too, but the max I like to say is no more than 2 coins under $5000, no more than 3 under $10,000.

Otherwise it's setting you up thee for failure come market struc. break downs before having have reached a sustainable threshold like you say.

>> No.3694168

Supply numbers??

>> No.3694209

Ive lost 5k so far... Starting to feel sick

>> No.3694238


If it makes you feel better I lost 60k LINK, we're all going to make it anon, it's only 2017, this market will go on for another 3 years easily. Maybe not as many quick 100%'s but def don't get yourself down, we're all going to make it, I promise.

>> No.3694250

The market cap is fucking astronomical. Do your research next time.

>> No.3694271


Do you understand the severity of this project? It's on par with ETH. Not even a meme.

It's valuation will be in the billions, it;s only 700 odd Mill now.

>> No.3694279

Lost way way more than that on mt. Gox. Don't sweat it. It comes back.

>> No.3694285

lol Ive literally only made on this shitcoin so far

never researched it. learn to trade scrub

>> No.3694295

You don't just start off at that this kind of marketcap.
And the hodlers of this coin are largely pissed and think it's a scam. They're gonna dump once they find out they can.
I'll consider buying when it's under 200mil.

>> No.3694580

Any idiot that buys this coin to hold gets what they deserve. A lot of normie are trading this on bittrex without doing any research. since the circ supply is "?" on CMC they assume it's going to be heavy gains. wait til they realize that the official supply is 45,000,000,000.

>> No.3694621

Always do the opposite of what /biz says. The only solid DD anyone needs

>> No.3694775
File: 46 KB, 319x262, ADA LOGO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will be fine.


>> No.3694843

I lost 2.5k in literally 10 seconds.

I've never lost so much money so quickly.

>> No.3694886

It will come back

>> No.3694912

No it will not you fucking turbomong.
If you were dumb enough to buy this crap sell fucking now.

>> No.3694943

Don't take it out in him you fucking snowflake. Be a man and deal with your mistakes accordingly.

>> No.3694968


>> No.3695012
File: 228 KB, 351x355, ouroboros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about ouroboros

>> No.3695215

The next ETH killer and kids still circle jerking to Omise GO partnerships, I've seen it all now, /biz/ you are bryond help if you cannot/refuse to fathom the IMMENSE potential that lies within Cardano.

Quite literally a refined version of ETH minus the bullshit. Next generation smart contracts baby.

>> No.3696115

This project is legit as FUCK

>> No.3696148
File: 221 KB, 568x479, 1506170099773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I gotta do to have you guys donate me 1 BTC


>> No.3696160

Kill yourself, stream it. Then I pay

>> No.3697207

>But either way, it's still a miracle the coin managed to get on Bittrex above other coins.

It's not a miracle. There's a reason Bittrex does what it does. Something's up with this coin. We just don't know what. I'm interested enough to put a couple of hundred on it, though.