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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3691193 No.3691193 [Reply] [Original]

I spend 3 fucking days trying to find a place to buy bitcoin without paying double the amount of bitcoins worth and without it showing on my creditcard, so I could anonymously pay a bill. Well, turns out there is nowhere to do that anymore. The crypto part of cryptocurrency is dead. So I had to pay the fucking bill using my credit card.
Cryptocurrency is a jewish globalist scam. It will be the most regulated currency in the entire fucking world. Good luck doing anything with cryptocurrency that the International Jew doesn't want you to do.

>> No.3691224

> pay a bill
Don't worry, McDonalds will give you a cheque in 2 weeks again

>> No.3691240

Do we have a choice? Only thing we can do now is keep investing before the normies catch on

>> No.3691243

You are not wrong.
They are beginning to place some serious restrictions on it.
It sucks, but it is still better than fiat.

>> No.3691245

>buy in cash

>> No.3691252

Bitcoin was never anonymous in the first place. All transactions are completely transparent. If you weren't so cheap and pay that extra money for the extra service they provide you, you wouldn't have any problems.

Lots of places where you can buy bitcoin 1:1. It's your own fault for not knowing what to do.

>> No.3691282

>It sucks, but it is still better than fiat
How? Most of fiat is already electronic and it doesn't lose 50% of its value in 5 minutes

>> No.3691287

>average /pol/tard

>> No.3691299

>I couldn't buy bitcoin anonymously
>You can't do it anymore
Just use bitcointalk with escrow and trade some gift card for it you stupid nigger.

>> No.3691301

If you're that concerned about anonymity then you should only be mining. Even that is transparent.

The point of cryptocurrency isn't anonymity, that is a benefit of some coins. It's the fact that it's trustless.

>> No.3691308

What's with these fucking advices?
If you want to buy from localbitcoins.com then you will need to pay almost or more than double worth of bitcoin. In other words, bitcoin is worth 4k usd but a seller advertises 8k usd per bitcoin. So you pay the double, or almost the double. All the transactions where you pay what bitcoin is worth will require that you give localbitcoins you id by picture, verify your address etc. WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT THEN, I MIGHT AS WELL USE FIAT. I AM LITERALLY PUTTING MYSELF OUT THERE AS A CRIMINAL BY GIVING MY PERSONAL INFO OUT TO BITCOIN SELLERS.

>> No.3691310

i trust you to shit on a street and hang up without helping me.

>> No.3691341


>> No.3691357

Figure it out yourself you subhuman shitskin, this isn't difficult, particularly when I just spoonfed you.

>> No.3691390

I am from the Hwitest (if you know what I mean) part of Europe, so not a shitskin. It's not about being spoonfed, I tried practically everywhere. Either it's a scam site or it's a waste of time, I sign up and turns out I need id or some form of verification

>> No.3691527


>> No.3691700

requires verification, also is awfully fucking slow like the most slow software in the universe

>> No.3691734

bro get out of the basement and got to a btc atm and buy btc with cash with a mask on. its not that fucking hard

>> No.3691820

no atms in my country. What time do you live in? Even in the countries with atms it's 1 or 2 in a population of over 30 million.. long distance travel

>> No.3692158
File: 303 KB, 598x714, 1502476310042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know a coin, its my little secret, that uses a wallet from which you can transfer your anonimous coins straight onto your real bank account via some foreign currency exchange.

I'm afraid to say which one it is, because then prices will skyrocket and i cant transfer large volumes anymore. It has been on bittrex for ages, but so far remained rather unknown.

hhhhnggg, should i tell?

>> No.3692183

Keep it a secret bro

>> No.3692201

ok so make cytro gains buy a bitcoin atm charge 15 percent a transaction. pretty simple

>> No.3692223

Are you retarded? There are laws governing transactions. All bitcoin atms are being watched, you can bet your fucking ass. You can't just randomly set one up.

>> No.3692226
File: 29 KB, 391x465, 1506751132921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aight. Allready said enough.

>> No.3692237


>> No.3692245
File: 115 KB, 849x565, hodl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody's going to get his data pushed in sooner or later

>> No.3692264


lol no.

>> No.3692519

Siberian Chervonets