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File: 365 KB, 449x436, think idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3680495 No.3680495 [Reply] [Original]

There is a lot of lies and shilling around Chainlink.

Here are some of them

>it is like XRP and better!
No. XRP solves the oracle problem, yes. But their main selling line is the fact that they can process transactions faster than any other network.

Chainlink is fundamentally restricted to the Ethereum network. The very network that can barely do anything when a moderately popular ICO takes place.

No, it will never each anywhere near the valuation of XRP.

Further the Ripple networkl is implementing smart contracts and you can already do ICOs on it. It's a competitor to Ethereum. Chainlink is a simple DAPP on Ethereum. There is no comparison to Ripple.

Yes, Vitalik is 100% right about it being overvalued. Not that he never said that about any other coin except some memery about him saying that Ethereum is only worth $8 (which is false).

>Partnership with SWIFT

Not confirmed. Best case scenario is that they get Sergei to build one for them. They will NEVER use Chainlink for 2 reasons

1. Why bother buying Links from retards manipulating the price on exchanges when they can make their own? They have the connections to do their own version

2. Ethereum is waaaaaay too slow to even match their current transaction standards. Even ripple, that boasts 2 second transaction times is struggling to keep up.

The memes are fantastic. I understand holders want to pump and dump. Anyone that's been here longer than a year has seen this over and over again.

Let me be the voice of reason new coiners and retards alike. You are getting played hardcore. It started as a coordinated shill and now Frankenstein's monster is alive and on a rampage.

>> No.3680507

Thank you OP

>> No.3680517

You're welcome. Spread this information. Fight the disinfo

>> No.3680529

>linkfags come out admitted to mass fudding when token got listed
>hardcore shilling for the past 24+ hours, anyone questioning the fomo hype is attacked
Pretty obvious whats going on here. SIBOS is going to be a massive dump.

>> No.3680534
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>> No.3680546

Anyone that said a good word about link a week ago was attacked.

Now it's the complete opposite. It's amazing effective they are. I am seeing the exact same memes on Reddit now

>> No.3680550

>XRP solves the oracle problem, yes.

This statement made you lose all credibility

>> No.3680559

Good luck then anon. I'm sure a monolith like SWIFT is eager to buy your Link bags you fucking mongoloid

>> No.3680571
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>> No.3680609


>> No.3680626
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>> No.3680642

titanium hands anon, titanium hands

>> No.3680652

There is a war for your fingers anon. They want you to click the buy button

>> No.3680678

Ripple doesn't solve the oracle problem yet. Everything else you said is completely correct.

Chainlink is a good idea but I think it's being driven far into overvalued territory. The fall will be huge. Ride the memes and make a profit. Let the holders eat your dust. That's the game.

>> No.3680682

It was all a ruse?

I don't know what to trust anymore

>> No.3680684


Dumb fuck you're speaking like the 4chan shilling is responsible for the jump in price on LINK the world is bigger than biz my friend, get the fuck over yourself.

>> No.3680687

Bump again
The lack of replies challenging OP's claims is quite telling.

>> No.3680691

>Chainlink is fundamentally restricted to the Ethereum network.
This...isn't even true.

>> No.3680693

Ripple's tech is so fucking sophisticated too. They could certainly implement some design that would blow the fuck out of chainlink in such huge proportion. David Schwartz is a madman genius at ripple too so sell this bullshit for certain

>> No.3680696

I love hearing this angry line over and over again. It influences it a lot. The memes need to reach a few whales and boom you have a rise. There is no coincidence that now even people I know in real life are saying the exact same illogical shit that has been memed on biz hardcore.

Okay, my mistake. Thanks.

>> No.3680704


Massive buying action on etherdelta just now. Here we go!

>> No.3680707

The angry responses are slowly creeping in. Notice they all lack substance.

>> No.3680708

>fundamentally restricted to the Ethereum network
>XRP solves the Oracle problem
>chainlink is a DAPP on ETH network
>money skelly saying eth is overvalued is false
>SWIFT can just get sergey to create their own decentralized (because clearly in Swift’s network node operators would be doing it for free since they don’t want to support the pumped LINK value) oracle network without having to deal with this pump and dump

wew lad

>> No.3680712

There isnt much talk about link on anywhere but 4chan and a few discords/telegrams.
We see a lot of traffic here as well. Dont fool yourself into thinking tricks played here dont impact the market.

>> No.3680717

The amount of retard in this thread.

I know which discord youre on, saw you talking.

You are just butt hurt and probably holding ripple from ATH coping by trying to "help."

Chainlink can work on any blockchain.

There is a reason the total supply and circ supply is different.

>> No.3680719

Thanks man, thanks
I should believe you're a shill too
But that fucking weaboo image says it all

>> No.3680723

damn did you see those 350k link buys x 2 at .0015

>> No.3680729

He knows it does. They have been shilling on reddit too. Notice they use the exact same language and memes.


>> No.3680732

btw fuck ripple. THose niggers released a tweet and created massive hype. Those bastards have been around forever and havent created shit. FUCK THAT POS THAT RUNS RIPPLE.

>> No.3680734

I agree, however I think other anons should hold both just in case.

>> No.3680736

Please dump your bags before sibos

>> No.3680738


Who has time or even gives a fuck to respond to all the fud? It's a joke.

>> No.3680739

thank you based animeposter

>> No.3680761

thank you OP. time to dump now

>> No.3680762
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all coordinated fucking shilling
>0.02 LINK has been deposited into your account.

>> No.3680772

the real anime-chan is deeply invested in chainlink...

>> No.3680777

Ripple isn't a competitor to Chainlink. It's a lie.

>> No.3680778
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WENT IN AT 1300 LINK (All my money) at $0.21


>> No.3680780

DELET. I'm not finished dumping yet

>> No.3680795

ER20 tokens are junk kid

>> No.3680809


it works with different blockchains.

fudders still trying to accumulate this late cause they know its a rocket.

>> No.3680822
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>> No.3680823

ripple is shit bro. its some vankers powerplay.

links tech is actually much better for theethereum ecosystem, which will be king.

lets not forget about metropolis and plasma.

link will go on a plasma chain that can process 100x faster than a vosa network

ripple is actually the unpopular alternative using big names in banks to prop themselves up

the future is decentralised, and ripple will quickly becoke dino tech once casper metroplis and casper will be implemented. this is soon and ripple actually will be much slower at interacting with the ever developping eth network.

ripple is dino tech backed by dino bankers. dont fall for the meme

>> No.3680847

The presentation is important. Your analysis is completely useless. The true value of Chainlink will be revealed to the world during the presentation, it can be good but it can also be bad.

>> No.3680851


So you are saying ethereum is a useless coin just for ICO's?

>> No.3680860

Discord coordinated FUD. All of you Fudders are just afraid of the big storm called LINK which will utterly destroy your XRP in the next few months````` and you know its unstoppable. Don't fall for these anime posters /biz/.

>> No.3680873

Thanks I have just sold 100k LINK

>> No.3680907

>Discord coordinated FUD
Lmao, nothing compared to the shilling we saw yesterday. 9 threads on the front page all of them filled with the same shitty copy pasta.

>> No.3680916

You're wrong about Ripple entirely but right about the lack of a true SWIFT partnership.

So 5/10 FUD OP

>> No.3680921

I dont know who to believe. I'm scared. My life savings are in this and I don't know what a blockchain is. How am I supposed to know what's going to happen? Price hasnt moved in a long time, I feel like it's going to explode, but in which direction? If I hold and it crashes, suicide is the only option. Please, help me. Someone must know.

>> No.3680936

> Price hasnt moved in a long time.

It raised 30% less than 12 hours ago...jesus fucking christ anon. Lower your fucking standards.

>> No.3680937

I just sold 10 btc worth of LINK

expecting a dip overnight. May buy back tomorrow

>> No.3680947

>9 threads on the front page

Maybe because it mooned fucking hard?

Anyways enjoy your xrp bags, you better sell them before the real king arrives.

>> No.3680954

send me your coins.

I'll keep them safe

>> No.3680958
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Have you made gains? When did you buy in? you can sell half if you've made massive profit and reduce your risk position

>> No.3680961


>> No.3680965
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>> No.3680992

hodl..it hasn't even started dipping yet how weak handed can you be

>> No.3680993


>> No.3681001

Time to buy in the dip.

>> No.3681008

Just liquidated my 40k LINK, its too risky long-term, plus I expect a substantial dip on Sunday, so i can always buy back later. Thanks guys for the info

>> No.3681013
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>> No.3681026

See you from the moon.

>> No.3681037

just sold 500k :^)

>> No.3681051

Fuck it I'm selling this shit is too stressful

>> No.3681052


>> No.3681075
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>dumped hard
>just 300

>> No.3681111

If you've made very good profit, which most of you have, I strongly recommend selling now. You can always buy back later. Remember: what goes up must come down, and what goes up very quickly usually comes down very quickly. Good luck anons.

>> No.3681135

But anons should hold both, because they both represent potential gains in the future. Big gains.

>> No.3681155

Biggest fud thread so far, I am impressed.
However, none of what you said is backed up by any fact, just opinions and baseless speculations of your own.

>> No.3681165


>> No.3681177

>ripple doesnt process transactions faster than anything else on the blockchain
>eth doesnt get congested when heaps of people are trying to buy into an ico
>chainlink isnt a dapp
>moneyskel didnt say it was overvalued
Literal retard.

>> No.3681192

everything you said is misinformation or just plain wrong and I'm not wasting my time refuting every point.

Please keep your convictions and hold XRP. I'll hold LINK. Watch what happens.

>> No.3681202

see >>3681177

Try disprove any of those factual statements. 0.2 btc if you can.

>> No.3681872


Bumping this.

>> No.3681890

He can't disprove them because the retard sold his LINK and wants to rebuy lower.

The shilling has turned to FUD after they dumped. You must have noticed.

>> No.3682022
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Yes goys, sell your LINK, buy XRP. Listen to Ben!

>> No.3682053
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Buy XRP.

>> No.3682173

Bumping this too. These shills slamming OP can't disprove these basic facts. Get rekt on the dump

>> No.3682203

>So you are saying ethereum is a useless coin just for ICO's?
You're a retard.

Moneyskel himself says not to use Ethereum for intensive processes but to keep most of your functionality off chain. Ethereum is very valuable but not for processing a high traffic of transactions. Chainlink will be useful but on a much smaller scale than you've been led to believe. In short, there is no way Swift will tolerate something as slow as ethereum because their customers won't tolerate it.

Swift is confirmed to be working with many projects, including the hyperledger. chainlink literally did a test demo with them. Okay, not bad but that's not huge either

>> No.3682241

Whoever believes OP post deserves to lose money.


They have a working data feed product today that anyone can try called ChainLink. The astounding thing is that it is designed to work on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Hyperledger. Not many blockchain companies are targeting the 3 most popular blockchains.

>> No.3682249


At least make the FUD more convincing...

>> No.3682459

>Chainlink is fundamentally restricted to the Ethereum network
False, it works on bitcoin, eth and hyperledger. One of the very crptyocurrencies to successfully work on all three blockchains. This alone is incredible, and you choose to blatantly lie about it.
>Partnership with SWIFT not confirmed
Lie. SWIFT is a paying customer and use the smartoracle product.

How stupid do you need to be to fall for this?

>> No.3682479

>SWIFT is a paying customer and use the smartoracle product.

Too unbelievable now senpai. Tone back the lies 80 degrees because you're too transparent

>> No.3682509

just repeating word for word what Sergey says in his presentations. Heres an article on it

>> No.3682546

>XRP solves the oracle problem
>Chainlink is fundamentally restricted to the Ethereum network.

The rest of your post is Worthless Conjecture based on the tortured logic of a Cripple true believer. Enjoy watching XRP's market cap crumble as SWIFT crushes them.

Decent FUD though. Thanks for playing.

>> No.3682571

"SmartContract.com has already acquired industry leaders in financial technology as paying customers for its revolutionary Blockchain middleware technology. SWIFT, the leading global provider of secure financial messaging services, is working with the company to create its own SWIFT Smart Oracle, which will allow smart contracts on various networks to make payments, send governance instructions, and release collateral with more than 11,000 banks."

This is enough for anyone to invest their entire crypto portfolio. The market is still asleep, this should be a top 10 coin right now.

>> No.3682585

Banks have to adopt xrp and change their infrastructure

Link allows banks to connect to the blockchain without redoing their entire infrastructure

>> No.3682654

Let's not forget xrp token is useless other than to trade.

Link is paid off to node operators

>> No.3682694

wtf just lost all my link

>> No.3682697

Ripple has shown how much interest there is in the banking sector for blockchain technology. Chainlink is currently valued at 1/70th of ripple. I urge everyone to research both heavily and determine what is the better product.

>> No.3682711

>Link is paid off to node operators
oh so basically it will go down in value forever and if institutions want to buy in they'll just DCA down the slope?

nice just sold 100k

>> No.3682729

>Chainlink is a good idea but I think it's being driven far into overvalued territory.

Very few coins even come close to Chainlink in terms of working product and actual big name ties.
In fact, it's hard to think of ANY crypto that has a prospect NEARLY as promising and huge as Chainlink has with SWIFT.

Now look at where Chainlink is in the market cap ranking.

Overvalue my fucking ass.

>> No.3682739

do you know how supply and demand work?

>> No.3682748

nice, just bought 100k!

>> No.3682753

There is no demand for the token if it's only function is to "pay" node operators. It's not required to use them for example

>> No.3682757

why do we hurt the ones we love

>> No.3682769

>he thinks /biz/ influences the whales
>he doesn't understand the whales manipulate /biz/

I actually liked your OP, but come on dude what are you like 19 and trying to be all Gordon Geico on us in hear? No one gives a fuck weather you live or die, so quit acting like you a fucking daytrader pro and fucking do something with your life.

>> No.3682795

Do you think it's a coincidence the price tanked 30 minutes after this was posted? Whales used /biz/ as a medium to shill

>> No.3682801
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>No one gives a fuck weather you live or die

>> No.3682803

are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.3682812

No response. Shills btfo.

>> No.3682889

As expected

>> No.3682922

XRP is going to be the standard, plain and simple. The only way to compete with Ripple is to mimic their model exactly... except they've already secured the VC funding from big dogs like Google and Santander. Their private holdings would currently be valued at about $10 billion and they have explicitly stated that if "price" was an issue in getting bank to utilize XRP they could simply GIVE it to them.

They have YEARS of development, hundreds of millions in VC funding, are SEC registered, sit on a Federal Reserve task force, and are pushing 200 employees including former SWIFT executives.

Their tech is already being implemented at nearly 100 banks around the world and their digital asset saves upwards of 60% on remittance costs. Nobody is going to steal this crown anytime soon short of some kind of absolutely PHENOMENAL alternative. Link sure as shit isn't it.

>> No.3682925

>taking financial advice from a stuttering autist
This thing is going to $2, watch and cry.
I don't care if Ripple is better or not(they're not even comparable you dumb fucks), this will make me 20x.

>> No.3682942

That's exactly what I said. They're not comparable. It's you shills making that claim.

Look at this golden back pedal

>> No.3682963

None of that matters.
What matters for every poor /biz/tard is, will it make me money short term?
Go ahead and put money into Ripple right now, see where that gets you.
I'm all in on LINK and don't need to shill you anything, good luck.

>> No.3682972

>No response

Are you blind or just plain retarded? Look at the previous replies fool

>> No.3683001

Its almost like all the technical limitations of eth can be fixed, with casper and plasma protocols. Its almost like people cant connect the dots and see that backing from the world economic forum, Swift and venture Capital firms mean that theyve got a winner on their hands. It's almost like people don't know that ripple is a centralized coin whos only use case is making faster transactions.

Almost, but anyone whos done 5 seconds worth of research knows to hold this coin.

>> No.3683010

>None of that matters.

You go right ahead and daytrade based on all your /biz/ knowledge. I will simply hodl my XRP, which is making substantial headway into the worldwide financial system, and we'll see who comes out on top.

>> No.3683021


How many banks are using Link tech right now?
How many are using Ripple?

>> No.3683032

AFAIK they don't use the actual coin for anything.

>> No.3683035

>Holding XRP bags.

Being this dumb

>> No.3683050


And you'd be wrong. Google is your friend.


Well, as of right now, I'm up 513% on my initial "bags".

Tell me more about how dumb I am.

>> No.3683052

Decent FUD 6/10.

OP is still a cripple faggot though. Banks won't even be using the cripple token, they'll be using their own internal blockchain built on ripple's tech and their own internal tokens.

>> No.3683079


Yep, this was pretty obvious.

>> No.3683093

This has to be bait right?
You are holding from an 24k sat high all the way down to 4.5k sats? Because you had to have bought before the pump to be 500% up.

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.3683095
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>Bank Of America will use a token built by JP Morgan

How many times must this utterly baseless FUD be pointing out for it's sheer ridiculousness?

See pic related.

>> No.3683102
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who's likelier to see 5x now between XRP and LINK? The answer is obvious.

>> No.3683111


I bought @ 3.2 cents on April 6th, 2017 hen I actually realized how massive the market is that Ripple is targeting.

At the end of the day DOLLARS are what matters, not satoshis.

>> No.3683123


Who is likelier to hold that 5x value? Someone who's got 200 employees with real world experience in the financial empire and the nod of the Fed, or a couple of basement NEETs?

>> No.3683136

The one that actually has a use case... wait... endless use cases.

>> No.3683140
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>> No.3683144

No what matters is Bitcoin and whatever amount of dollars you have right now would be worth another 5x had you sold your XRP like any normal person would instead of taking an 80% drop from the ATH.

You are in no position to give trading advice with those trading moves, sorry.
You are basically holding it for the fundamentals and I respect that but you missed out on so much money.

>> No.3683150


>the one that actually has a use case

You mean like a $5.3 trillion PER DAY international remittance market?

Tell me honestly... do you Ripple haters actually have a fucking clue as to what you're arguing against or do you just follow the biz memes of "omg jew coin!!!!"

>> No.3683151
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I mean until I exchange it for something...that will be the top. Because I will be smart enough to only exchange it for anything else at the very top of its value.

>> No.3683157


Oh really? Did bitcoin 5x from April until now?


Shut the fuck up.

>> No.3683158

>XRP solves the oracle problem
XRP is centralized. This pretty much means it CANNOT solve the oracle problem.
The oracle problem is related to reliability, and a central service represents a single point of failure and is therefore inherently unreliable.
Chainlink on the other hand is composed of a decentralized network built from the ground up, providing many inputs for redundancy and thus security.

Also, Chainlink is plug-and-play. Ripple requires the banks to adopt their shit.

>Chainlink is fundamentally restricted to the Ethereum network.
Chainlink is usable on a multitude of blockchains. Like Hyperledger for SWIFT.

>Vitalik is 100% right about it being overvalued
Oracles might very well bridge the gap between blockchain and traditional finance, and change contract law as we know it. There can be no doubt about the value of oracles.
The worldwide administrative simplification oracle-enabled smart contracts would bring alone is worth many billions.
That's without mentioning time savings, better reliability, lower threshold, ...

>partnership with SWIFT not confirmed
SWIFT is a paying customer of LINK, and is showcasing LINK to their network at SIBOS.

>Why bother buying Links from retards manipulating the price on exchanges when they can make their own?
Users will only ever have to consider the $ value.

>They have the connections to do their own version
That connection is Chainlink.
This project has been in the making since before ETH, it is not simply shat out overnight.
And since Chainlink is decentralized, it doesn't matter to SWIFT that "someone else" made this solution for them. Nothing is routed through Chainlink itself but through the network; unlike with centralized shit like XRP.

>2. Ethereum is waaaaaay too slow to even match their current transaction standards. Even ripple, that boasts 2 second transaction times is struggling to keep up.
You are clueless.
The smart contracts represent MASSIVE time savings.

>> No.3683161
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>The nod of the fed

Lmao. You mean Ben Bernanke? Bancor also got the nod from the architect of the Euro, where is it now? In the trash.

I asked you a simple question. Who is likely to see 5x gains between XRP and LINK? But you can't answer it directly without pivoting like a bitch.

If you want something that will hold value go back to your fiat cuck dollars. Don't you ever buy LINK faggot. Hold your XRP bags forever.

>> No.3683184

Chainlink is vastly superior to a $7b company and renders it obsolete at just 1/70th of the valuation. Really makes one think.

>> No.3683187


>go back to your fiat cuck dollars.

Maybe nobody has told you anon, but FIAT runs the world. Not cryptos. When it all comes down to it, dollars are what matters. Not XRP, not BTC, and sure as shit not LINK.

I'm in this to make more dollars. My crypto of choice has been proven to do so. Yours is infantile and entirely speculative.

>> No.3683190

4.5k sats x 5 = Ripple ATH

Remember that people FUDding LINK are this fucking stupid.

>> No.3683211

Past Performance is Not Indicative of Future Results

>> No.3683218

what will happen to XRP's valuation if/when SWIFT partners with ChainLink?


>> No.3683226

0 sats

>> No.3683233


Remember that every crypto in existence is worthless until it's cash in your hand, dipshit. As I said, I'm not in this for satoshi value. I'm in this for DOLLARS.

Satoshis do not pay my electric bill, dumbass.


It's still got a better track record than some infantile vaporware.

>> No.3683237

son, SWIFT has been a paying customer for the smartoracle product for a year.

>> No.3683243

>It's still got a better track record than some infantile vaporware.
Do I need to say it again?

>> No.3683251
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>People with ZERO experience in enterprise level finance are going to forge an alliance with SWIFT

You guys are funny.

>> No.3683284


When SWIFT announces they using this in conjunction with Hyperledger and node operators using LINK that will be putting the hurt on XRP. Been around the block for 4 years and no adoption for Cripple. SAD!

>> No.3683286

>believing a grown man who still watches chinese cartoons


>> No.3683295

Listen here fucker, if you didn't hold and sold at the top you'd have 5x BTC now, meaning 5x more USD.
More satoshi = more DOLLARS.


>> No.3683299

Btc miners and eth miners are paid to mine??? Do you not understand how that drives prices

>> No.3683318

I think you're overestimating how much of an "alliance" they really need. The product is almost done and plugging it into SWIFT's infrastructure doesn't sound that difficult.

>> No.3683320


How retarded are you? XRP has outperformed BTC since my April buy date. I'm an investor, not a day trader.

If YOU think you can accurately call the top of any crypto on a day to day basis I highly suggest you dump all holdings and simply sell your predictions, you'll make a fuckload more money.

Something tells me, however, that you'd just playing a hindsight 20/20 game. So eat my ass.

>> No.3683329

>Been around the block for 4 years and no adoption for Cripple. SAD!
That's because "adoption" of Ripple is a lot more like a hostile takeover by Ripple.

>> No.3683330


Lmao at u

>> No.3683345

holy fuck this is yuge

>> No.3683351

>Thinking you're going to beat a worldwide centralized banking system with $trillions at their disposal.

Nowhere have I implied that cryptos aren't "the future", dipshit. But if you think you're going to be free of central bankers... I got a bridge to sell you.

>> No.3683366

Tell u what mate I'm gonna be free of ripple that's for sure

>> No.3683377


No skin off my back. I'm enjoying my comfy gains. In short order I'll be paying off my house and my wagecucking days will be over. Thanks XRP.

>> No.3683400

>FIAT runs the world
And Britain used to rule the waves.

>> No.3683433

only dumb goyim hold fiat. Rothchilds spread their wealth across businesses, property, land and other assets.

>> No.3683446

You sound like such a low test male. I got into crypto in May and have invested 30k since then. I'm currently holding 10k OMG and 200k link. Could never of made such gains had I invested in ripple

>> No.3683470


>OMG only existed since July.
>LInk only existed since like 10 days ago

Really, retard? I've been in this shit for years. Fuck off, newfag.

>> No.3683476

I used to be like you until I realized people are making 10x while my """investment""" won't recover to previous highs in a long time.

>> No.3683481

>literal luck in Ripple manipulating price by buying up and fudging circulation numbers

>acts like it is an accomplishment

Stay LARPing friend.

>> No.3683491

I was in eth and other shit like NEO until then what's your point? You've been in this years and your holding ripple? Out of all the promising projects? Just lol

>> No.3683498


Tell you what, anons. I'll come back here in (I estimate) 12 months or so and share my paid mortgage note. I'll be sure to credit XRP for it. Fair enough?

>> No.3683502 [DELETED] 



Post your eth address and I'll give you a tip

>> No.3683504

>I got into crypto in May
>I was in ETH and other shit like NEO

Make up your mind, larpfag.

>> No.3683520

Ok, I'll just let LINK do another 10x by then and we'll compare gains.
Cya later.

>> No.3683528

Lol I was lucky enough to have 30k to invest and currently I have 10k omg 200k link. The fact that you think this is larping is just funny. Good luck with your comfy ripple gains

>> No.3683534

Wait.. wait... wait... who the fuck am I kidding. Do any of you tards even know what a mortgage note is to begin with? Maybe we should start there first... kek.

>> No.3683558
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Post your eth address. The dip literally occurred 10 minutes after this thread too

>> No.3683604
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Artificially inflated coin that is heavily manipulated by the organization that can instantly generate more coins if they want or LINK?

Nice bait with all the false information though.

XRP has nothing to do with a decentralized oracle solution

ChainLink if anything would be more tied with HyperLedger, considering they have node kits for Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Ripple ICOs, yeah lets make more scams on top of a scam.

Yes it will.

Vitalik is maybe a savant at programming, he doesn't know anything about finance or economics.

Your last point, you are fucking stupid if any major institution can build their own system why would they use Ripple.

Are you even reading your arguments, they are a direct attack on Ripple as well.

Anyone who has been here longer then a year knows that Ripple is a scam and the recent market cap increase is from them buying up and stagnating the circulating supply to artificially create scarcity.

>> No.3683616

>XRP has nothing to do with a decentralized oracle solution

hence i said...

>There is no comparison to Ripple.

It's you retarded link shills that keep memeing that. Now you're back pedalling.

>Vitalik is maybe a savant at programming, he doesn't know anything about finance or economics.

Notice he didn't call out any other coin...

>Are you even reading your arguments, they are a direct attack on Ripple as well.

So are they competing or not? Make up your mind.

>> No.3683682

>taking financial advice from a stuttering autist
i watched a chainlink video though and the dev was literally stuttering

>> No.3683694

>muh decentralization meme

>> No.3683708

>XRP solves the oracle problem

Are you even reading your own retarded post? Pray tell how does it solve a problem where the only thing you can get is close enough? Much like the most sophisticated cryptographic hashing algorithms used today that are used because they are good enough.

>Notice he didn't call out any other coin

Has he called out the coin specifically or did he state that he did not believe oracles were worth 32 million? Then by that logic why the fuck is your XRP "oracle" solution worth anything?

>So are they competing or not? Make up your mind

Of course they are competing, yet every single one of your attacks on LINK is also a glaring flaw on XRP. Are you autistic?

>> No.3683723


30 minutes later, nobody answers. This is how I know that I'm talking to a bunch of fucking kids. Kek.

>> No.3683729

Decentralization is the backbone of the blockchain, and of oracles.

>> No.3683740

I can pay my parents' mortgage (200k) three times over with my ChainLink gainz and it's been less than 2 weeks since I've got my tokens.

>> No.3683748
File: 74 KB, 671x570, moneyskelxrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then by that logic why the fuck is your XRP "oracle" solution worth anything?

>> No.3683781


Sure ya can kiddo.

Tell me something, what's their escrow balance? You've got 1 minute to answer without googling.

>> No.3683792


Time's up ya little larping faggot. Go to bed.

>> No.3683800

>gets cucked into a mortgage, thinks he is Warren Buffett

You know you sound like a fucking faggot right?

>> No.3683805

I sold my 100k bags, it's going down.

>> No.3683817

> Yes, Vitalik is 100% right about it being overvalued.
Source or lies.

>> No.3683836

Ripple us a fragile cuck of the old system the same system that blockchain intends to rek beyond belief. At least link is modular in its goal to become the go to oracle solution for 3rd parties. Ripple is stagnant calcified and unneeded.

>> No.3683838


>cucked into a mortgage

lmao. Listen here you little faggot, while you're renting (that is assuming you've made enough of your life to move out of mommy's house) I'm building equity which I can leverage into whatever my heart desires. You're paying a fucking landlord who's probably spending your cash on his maserati payment, jewelry for his wife, and PS4's for his 2.5 kids.

Yeah, who's the real cuck here faggot?

>> No.3683845

How much is your mortgage?

>> No.3683883


You see, child, that is not a valid question. A proper question, if you were a homeowner, would be: "how much do you owe on your mortgage" or "what is your interest rate" or "how much do you have to put into your escrow each month"

The question of "how much is your mortgage" would only apply on the initial payment of the mortgage.

Fuckin kids... I tell ya...

>> No.3683889

How much is your house

>> No.3683926


Again, not a valid question. And again, this is how I know I'm talking to kids.

How much did I pay for it when I bought it? Sans down payment?
What is it's assessed value?
What is it's fair market value?
What would be my asking price were I to list it?

^These would be valid questions.

It's time for bed, little one.

>> No.3683932

Not being a FUD, but if that's all true, how come it's so cheap? Why does nobody seem to want it?

>> No.3683933

Nice """argument""".

>> No.3683938

I like how you are avoiding answering it.

I'll bite though, what is the fair market value of your house.

>> No.3683973


I'm not avoiding anything, little one. I'm explaining to you how the real market works.To answer your question: ~$135,000 would be the current fair market value of my house.

>> No.3684012

0.2BTC to eat your ass. Interested?

>> No.3684026


Ripple has a stigma across the cryptosphere because it's "muh jew coin". As far as the stagnance... well, you ever try to patent something?

Keep this mind: Ripple is working WITH the govt and banks, not against it. That means there's a proverbial shitload of regulatory hoops to jump through.

Ripple is going with the system. That's why it will win in the end.

>> No.3684035


My wife does it for free.

>> No.3684036
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That's not how the real market works you fuck head you're just being edgy and awkward lmao0

>> No.3684040

Meanwhile Chainlink is decentralized and is plug-and-play.

You're delusional if you think banks will overhaul their entire systems and infrastructure when they can have BETTER results with a plug-and-play option.

>> No.3684043

Well, I assume it is a nice house and I don't think we need to escalate any further.

>> No.3684047


LMFAO. Ok child. Go to ANY fucking realtor and tell them not to check the assessed value of a property you might be interested in.

Well.... maybe if it's a nigger realtor....

Holy fuck man aren't you little shits supposed to be back in school or something?

>> No.3684048
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>> No.3684056

That's nice and all but ripple is claiming to be faster and cheaper than swift

Ripple can and likely will replace swift. Muh oracles have nothing to do with this fact

>> No.3684059


You cannot and will not get normies to adopt a decentralized system of money. I don't even have to go into the regulatory requirements for financial institutions beyond that point. If you can't protect the public's money they aren't fucking buying - plain and simple.

>> No.3684071

>cheaper than swift

Chainlink isn't a decentralized system of money.
It's a decentralized system of doing smart contracts in ANY type of transaction and currency.

>> No.3684082

Ripple is not XRP. I repeat again newfags, Ripple is not XRP. Some banks are customers of Ripple but they do NOT buy and use XRP. Its like Omise and OmiseGo, customers of Omise have nothing to do with Omisego the currency.

Please do your research.

>> No.3684093

>It's a decentralized system of doing smart contracts in ANY type of transaction and currency.

And who holds the bag at the end of the day?

>> No.3684095

You really need to do your own research if you don't even know this simple fact. No wonder there is so much misinformation. You fuckers have no idea what you're up against

>> No.3684099
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Kek, holy shit, anon, you were talking like a real high flyer for a bit there! No wonder you didn't want to give the value of your 'house'. I mean, I ain't good for money, but at least I'm not so obnoxious as to behave like you do with a crappy little $135k shoe box that I don't even own. You have a terrible attitude and deserve all the ridicule you're about to get.

>> No.3684100

if this was true ripple would be showcased at SIBOS in stead of LINK. think about that LINK is going to be big

>> No.3684103

Haha no.
Provide source or fuck off.

>> No.3684107

Well done, anon, don't sink to his level (like I kinda did!).

>> No.3684113


You do realize there are different housing valuations throughout the geography of the USA right?

Let me guess... you live in/near Chiraq or some other nigger infested shithole where it takes $400,000 to even think about getting out of the ghetto?

>> No.3684118

Ah, I see the confusion. I would be paying.

>> No.3684121

>showcasing their competitor

Not doing your work for you dumb lazy faggot

Every link holder itt has proven themselves to be an ignorant retard. This is unbelievable the scale of idiots arguing for this shitcoin

>> No.3684127


It is a nice house. Can't say I'm happy with the lot size, but it is what it is.

>> No.3684136

That's it, I just sold all my Links, all 12K of them. I made a nice proft bit I am not going to jeopardize all my returns if Chainlink turns out to be a flop. This market is too unpredictable and I would rather put my money into something a lot more stable. Thanks for the good discussion, OP and everyone else.

>> No.3684140

>Not doing your work for you dumb lazy faggot
You made a claim.
I cannot prove the negative.
Prove your claim.

>> No.3684171

No, I live in Bongistan. Regardless of whether your house is a mansion surrounded by cardboard boxes, or a cardboard box surrounded by mansions, getting yourself a $135k mortgage does not make you the 'grown-up' high flyer you seem to think. Ironically, it's a very immature thing to do. You genuinely are coming across as a real douchebag.

>> No.3684173

Literlaly "thx just sold 100k" the post.

>> No.3684180

finally, somebody told the truth using proper arguments

the shilling of LINK here is suffocating. I hold a small bag because it can pump, but this is definitely another pnd coin

>> No.3684184

Nice man, you made it, you got a house, a mortgage. Sounds just fucking fantastic, white picket fence life.

Glad to see despite such amazing accomplishments you're still on an anonymous Korean wood working imageboard shitposting your house valuation to anons you think are kids.

You made it real far.

Ironic isn't it?

>> No.3684191

Keep reading muchacho.

>> No.3684200

As much as I want to make money, I'm also in it as a believer in the tech's ability to get us away from the (((central banks))), so I don't think I could get in bed with the government. That may be bad for my wallet, but hopefully it's good for my soul.

>> No.3684218

>You genuinely are coming across as a real douchebag.

Be as mad as you want. I'm sorry you live in an area (if your even cognizant of it) where home prices are ridiculously high.

In the meantime I will enjoy my 3 bed 2 bath two story with a finished basement, 300 sq ft deck, 2.5 car garage, maintenance free exterior, hardwoord maple floors, and a fucking gorgeous natural wood burning fireplace. Oh yeah, and I have $40,000 in equity I can borrow against at any time. ... ya know.. all for being a "cuck property owner".


>> No.3684224

They won't need your fucking tokens. They will have there own network. This was a scam.

>> No.3684226

I don't enjoy it when someone drives the price through the stratosphere-- it ruins the blockfolio chart because suddenly it has to take your 1M profits into account

>> No.3684232

>The memes are fantastic. I understand holders want to pump and dump. Anyone that's been here longer than a year has seen this over and over again.
I've been here for a while and ive never gotten this sentiment. /biz/ has ZERO influence on the price of mid-high volume coins, and if you think otherwise you're an idiot. Seriously, name 1 time /biz/ has successfully pumped or dumped a coins price. The coins made here never succeed, the coins shilled here only succeed if they're actually good, and a whole fucking lot of the coins FUDded here have succeeded. You could argue that the latter is due to "whales accumulating then pumping" (you'd be retarded if you did, but you could still do it), but that doesn't explain the other ones. Basically, /biz/ has very little influence on the market, and you're delusional if you think otherwise. We are not legion.

P.s. I think LINK will grow from here, but probably not to XRP levels unless something incredible happens at sibos. Think most people are planning on selling the news though, so idk if it's worth holding through it. It's still probably going 2-4x before then though.

>> No.3684233
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Honestly after reviewing the thread my conclusion is that ChainLink is highly exaggerated. There are many issues that have not received a response and many posters seem illogical.

I will throw a little bit at it but people making it their main hold will be scarred. I am predicting many pink wojaks soon.

And also this: >>3684224

If it's true that Swift is already using them, how are they doing it without Link tokens? I don't see Swift agreeing to purchase Links off exchanges or anywhere else. They don't operate like that.

>> No.3684244


It's not going to happen, and the sooner you accept that the better. Assuming every crypto in existence sold at top dollar, at current valuations we're talking $150 billion. Bank of America ALONE could buy that almost 2x over. That's ONE bank. There are hundreds. These "crypto maximalists" are living a pipe dream. You/they will never have the money, power, or resources to upend a system that controls virtually every economy, government, and military on the planet. They have TRILLIONS of dollars to throw around - and if they need more they just print it off and the world at large accepts it. You have a much better chance at going with the flow then trying to ebb the tide. That's just the cold hard truth.

>> No.3684251

>SWIFT ... is working with the company to create its own SWIFT Smart Oracle.
they will still use the link tokens for that r-right?

>> No.3684260

>/biz/ has ZERO influence

You're wrong. Memes start here and they spread. If you take a small trip over to reddit, you will notice they are saying the exact same memes. Let's not even talk about finance based memes. How do things like wojak and pepe spread? They started here and now normies use them. Get real anon.

>> No.3684282

Ok you're right 4chan as a whole does have a lot of influence on 'meme culture' but people usually disregard memes when it comes to their own financial well-being (see: Bitbean and DGB, arguably the current memecoin kings of /biz/)

>> No.3684285

They will own their own nodes. Why the he'll wouldn't they? They won't need your tokens.

>> No.3684302

You are so wrong anon. Go look at any chainlink thread on reddit. It's not biz as a whole. A few people get the wheels turning and the buyers do the rest of the work.

>> No.3684308

>Unironically not realizing the entire point of an acceptable oracle solution is not to have a centralized data point feeding data to itself

>> No.3684312

This guy can't argue on merits so he is pivoting in every direction. Calls crypto a pipe dream but "invests" in it. Talks about value in TRILLIONS of fiat dollars that can be created at a push of computer button. Seriously just leave this place and KYS OP.

>> No.3684358

I've researched too much about this thing well before faggots started shilling it here. You're very uninformed and most of what you said is completely wrong. Thank you for convincing weak little /biz/lets to sell to me though.

>> No.3684368

I didn't say being a property owner made you a cuck (though you don't own it, your bank does), I was saying that only douchebags boast about their wealth and try to make out as if they're better than others, but if you are going to do it, don't use aquiring a $135k loan as an example of your success! Jesus, dude.
Anyway, I can't be bothered to argue with you, so best of luck in your endeavours, and I genuinely hope you can gain a little more humility in the future.

>> No.3684382

>another empty 'you're wrong' post

Dime a dozen

>> No.3684387

Not here to argue. I don't care what you do with your money.

>> No.3684389


It's apparent to me that basic reading comprehension is beyond your abilities.

Cryptos will most likely be the future. What you fail to recognize is that the centralized powers will adopt and control them, just like they do fiat today. You WILL NOT beat the banking system, save you raise an army capable of overthrowing them. That quite literally means an army that supersedes the US military. You got the resources for that? I think not.

You fucking millennials that like to think "hey we came up with something new and we're going to fuck the whole system" are hilarious.


End of story. Your best bet is that the powers that be give the ok to whatever crypto(s) you're invested in. That is all.

>> No.3684390

See your big problem is thinking that Reddit is this wholely different entity from /biz/. I know it's a big meme on 4chan that no one here uses Reddit but that's absolute bullshit. Reddit has almost as little influence as 4chan does, especially on subreddits a tiny subscriber base that are never getting on the front page

>> No.3684393

ZzZzz...another poorly run coordinated FUD..gets old...if you don't like the project. Go buy something esle...why you butt hurt?

anyways thanks for the help in the minor dip, I brought 250k link more

>> No.3684396

I know man, "with Jews you lose", but I just dislike helping them in any way. I'm gonna check out XRP a little more, but if it really is a jew coin, I'll pass on it (you can't spend your shekels while burning in hell fire).

>> No.3684405

Sad, but probably true.

>> No.3684422

>ChainLink is highly exaggerated.
LINK is the first to actually do oracles right for this functionality thanks to its decentralized nature.

It also has a working product, a rock-solid whitepaper, is doing demos with SWIFT integration at SWIFT's conference in two weeks, is decentralized, is plug-and-play, and is as viable in a fiat world as it is in a fully crypto world.

Now compare its market cap with dozens of shitcoins above it in the MC ranking.

You do not know the meaning of the word "exaggerated".

>> No.3684426

Reddit is a big information channel for crypto. It's easy to shill coins on it and have tangible effects

>> No.3684471

>LINK is the first to actually do oracles right for this functionality thanks to its decentralized nature.

I bet you have never used it. How can you make this ridiculous claim?

>> No.3684484

What's wrong with stuttering? People can get nervous in front of an audience.

>> No.3684496

>still with the decentralized meme

>> No.3684500

exactly. as long as dgb is above chainlink im not selling. lol

>> No.3684524
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Take your shit and rebuy next dip

Nice dubs

Pepes Stolen

>> No.3684542

name 1 example of said "tangible effects"

>> No.3684547

green candles. believe what you want. it doesn't bother me.

>> No.3684561

I meant a coin. But you can just give up on the argument if you want. Just means that I'm right though.

>> No.3684579

I can live with you living a lie.

>> No.3684598

You're right my entire life is based on whether or not Reddit and 4chan have influences on crypto currencies. Never reply to me again, brainlet

>> No.3684601

That's weird, last I checked people can still download and watch movies and music for free. The government can't even stop illegal downloading and pirating but they can stop crypto?

>> No.3684620

I earned $300 on this shitcoin, thanks for nothing jackass

>> No.3684623

Suit yourself. You're getting worked up over something you seemingly don't care about.

>> No.3684632

I didn't give you permission to reply to me. Listen, it was entertaining, first. Hell, it was actually funny.

But now I'm getting the feeling that you actually think that you're on my level. From the day I was born, I was destined for success, you little shit. I was brought into this world by a software engineer and and a prominent actuary, both of Norwegian descent. From the moment that the fucking curtains were raised, I was set to dominate the STEM fields. And because I had guardians that actually cared about me, I flourished. Pretty soon, I was placed into a special school of correspondence, specifically I.M Gelfand's school for gifted children in New England. I not only reached my parents' expectations, but I passed them with flying colors. I had raw talent. I was fucking better. I was surrounded by 6th graders, many from Hong Kong, who were smarter than half the posters in this fucking thread. And now, where am I?

In MIT, getting my double BS in Electrical Engineering and Physics, with a Stanford-Binet tested IQ of 147 at age 17.

Get this through your head: you are nothing. I am worth more than your entire goddamn family. I'm smarter than you, better looking than you, taller than you, wealthier than you, and more employable than you. While you type out another post to get cheap laughs, I'll be simultaneously working with the brightest minds in the world and fornicating with my beautiful girlfriend. It gets on my nerves when people pretend to be better than me.

Know your place, you fucking vermin. Never, ever reply to my posts, again.

>> No.3684647

Nice pasta, gonna steal it

>> No.3684656

Ditto. Good pasta, A few tweaks needed to make it less obvious.

>> No.3684698

Make a spurdo version.

>> No.3684750


>> No.3684771
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>> No.3684780

Redditards are probably pissed we fucked with a their threads and didn't let them jump in on the early gainz. Now they come to 4chan telling us all this bullshit. I say hold and see what happens.

>> No.3684826

no anon

>> No.3684864

Even Plebbit knows the magnitude of this. 3.5+ years development, literally SWIFT's Chosen One and working prototype waiting to be implemented. Cripple trying to stay relevant.

My buddies have a running joke we tell ourselves. If anyone utters XRP as an investment we just disregard everything they say.

>> No.3684973

ripple isn't a comparison. stop this retarded meme

>> No.3685811


This anon >>3680958 gave you an actual nice advice you will have gains, reduce risk, and if links moon you will still have gains.

>> No.3685934

I second this. It's good advice

>> No.3685962

It's a simple fact that the only real way to do oracles is to decentralize them.
Their reliability is key, and centralizing oracles into a single point of failure compromises this in a fundamental way.

Nice argument.

>> No.3685967

Of course. Read the whitepaper.

>> No.3686497

all this FUDing is giving me a heart attack
The whitepaper is promising ffs
why is everyone dumping the bags
fucking weak hands

>> No.3686510

remember there were people that sold neo at 5 bucks

>> No.3686519

>solves the oracle problem


so many god damn idiot new friends

>> No.3686529


Weak hands dying off = more gains for us! Never mourn their crypto deaths, it's their loss.

>> No.3686728
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>> No.3686742


> ITT: A whole lot of triggered Linkies.


>> No.3686959
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>solves the Oracle problem

Can someone explain this to me?

>> No.3686989

there is a problem
and one man solved it
api n shit, you know
banks gonna go wild over this one
banks = money
moon = lambo

>> No.3686994

The typical problem with oracles is that they need information to be passed to the blockchain via a single point. This is because you can only get external information into the blockchain via transactions. So, if I want to ask an oracle what the price of a certain stock is, I must send the oracle a transaction, then the person running the oracle checks the data externally, puts the information into a transaction, and broadcasts that transaction to the network.
The oracle provider has complete control over what data they return to the network, and smart contracts will execute depending on that information. This gives the oracle provider immense power to manipulate the outcome of any smart contract relying on their data.
ChainLink aims to minimise the need to trust oracles by distributing both oracles and data sources. So, for any given piece of information, a smart contract might query 5 or 6 different oracles (or perhaps many more), and those oracles themselves might be getting the data from 3 or more different sources. Any outliers are discarded.
The effect is to mitigate the likelihood that oracles will submit bad data, because it would be necessary for them to collude in order to successfully manipulate the outcome of any downstream smart contract. Off-chain market places where buyers can assess the provenance of any given oracle minimises the likelihood of a single actor controlling multiple oracles.
There are still open attack vectors, but it is one of the better solutions so far.

>> No.3686999
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>> No.3687005

Look how long post is, look how fast first reply was. Coordinated FUD my friend. Telling me they read and commented in a minute? Also means they had to see the post the second it was submitted. They missed the gravy train. Just hodl link brotha

>> No.3687014

Seems weird that people call this a scam where it's the only whitepaper in the entire crypto space that's been peer reviewed

>> No.3687372

Wait, if I hold a shitload of link I actually have to do work?

Just sold 100k, I can't ride this train anymore

>> No.3687518

Sold to b honest