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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3682512 No.3682512 [Reply] [Original]

Most coins discussed here are duds. They will not make anyone wealthy. Relatively few investments will make you wealthy. So why is this board so full of dozens of shitcoin threads, with very few of them actually being successful?

Why not trade actual investments that professional analysts rate, and millions of other people trade? Wouldn't you rather make strong gains reliably, rather than just waste money on pointless wishful thinking?

>> No.3682516

immediate bump to move up the first page.

>> No.3682536

This thread is a dud

>> No.3682568

Wish the robinhood threads keep up, just getting started.

>> No.3682575
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Unironically how can you say this?

>> No.3682588

life is meaningless.

99% if not 100% of /biz/ poasters are men.

most if not all men who chase financial wealth do so because they lack some other physical quality that would make them attractive to women.

>inb4 but i want financial wealth for freedom.

granted, yes freedom is a big deal and getting some gold-digger roastie is not the top priority for many men. however, what will you do with this freedom, and will you eventually want to pass on your genes and your wealth to offspring? or do you aim to live a solitary life.

i really am at the end of my roap trying to make $ through crypto and it's a daily grind with very few wins. i'm thinking of quitting and the monk way of life is the only alternative to just ending my pathetic life.

>> No.3682596

you can do that too.

or you can make a living, or a wage as if you were working at a warehouse job, with the same investment as college doing stocks or crypto. maybe more money.

whats incticing about crypto is that its a new market and unregulated. which means opportunity to get decent money from a little put in and not having to wait a few months to a year.

>> No.3682657
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>will you eventually want to pass on your genes
why would i. robots are coming dude. no one is going to give a fuck about wetware with legacy million year old code. your kid is going to get sucked into 100% immersive VR and not give a fuck about dad after a while. you know this is coming. you can't even have a conversation with a friend without them half listening to you while checking their facebook. everyone is going to get sucked into their own little VR and ignore each other. why would i invest in a family when this is the expected outcome.
>or do you aim to live a solitary life.
yeah pretty much. women are too risky an investment.
>it's a daily grind with very few wins.
speak for yourself bucko. i'm up 300% in my first month.

>> No.3682692

I honestly don't care about girls... i've been celibate by choice for the last year or so. Have had multiple girlfriends and they seem just like a chore & bother for my ultimate goals/dreams.

>> No.3682701

Being up 300% in September... Everything just rose in the past week.

Ya right retard.

>> No.3682706

The daily grind of wageslavery has slowly driven me insane over the years and, over this past year, I have felt the loss of my sanity pick up speed. I can only hope to escape wageslavery through this crypto-madness before I fall into real madness.

>> No.3682719

Godspeed anon. Don't listen to any of the stupid fuckers on here. Keep doing you and playing by your book. If you're intelligent, which it seems like you are, you know who to listen to on here. Good luck.

>> No.3682759

i hate to be that guy but content on /biz/ has changed if not gone down in recent months/year. there used to be interesting threads other than coin threads whereas now they are few and far between

>> No.3682807

yes you are right about the robots and how quality of children/people are rapidly declining. i don't plan to have kids myself, thus the comment about becoming a monk. if i do seek pleasure through women, i would not invest in a long-term relationship as that has too many headaches. been there, done that. not trying to sound like some casanova but i've had enough of that to know it is ultimately empty and unfulfilling.

yes i was speaking for myself in regards to not making many wins in crypto. good for you if you're up 300%.

>> No.3682886

You dumb bitch, I put too much into regular stocks for a shit return over half a year.

Put a fraction of that into crypto and fucking exploded in less than 4 weeks.

Stay poor pathetic no coiners.

>> No.3682905

God level troll mode coming from born rich here AM that charge more than1% is a schamase coinvest yourself poor fags pls no mutual funds unless its emegering market

>> No.3683421

Have you noticed the quality posts on the board dropped drastically? Normies come here to get scammed, so basically they have themselves to blame for their own stupidity.

>or do you aim to live a solitary life.
This. I plan to live in the mountains with wealth, internet, food, electricity, heat, and shelter in one place.

>> No.3684075

>Why So Many Crypto Threads?

Most people here are NEETs who want the easy way out.

>Most coins discussed here are duds.

NEETs make stupid choices. Go figure.