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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 687x687, 1506688789085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3662041 No.3662041 [Reply] [Original]

How much are you in LINK? I'm currently about 10% in, but I'm thinking I should go at least 50% of my portfolio. Should I sell BAT or ARK for more LINK?

>> No.3662054

Sell bat. Do you really believe in the brave browser?

>> No.3662067

No reason to hold any other coin until october 17 IMO.
It's the only coin you can guarantee will increase in value between now and then so yeah I'm currently all in with 228k link and excited as fuck about all the extra news (new exchanges ect) that will come out in the next weeks that we aren't aware of

>> No.3662071

80% in
About 265k link
Bought most at presale but I'm still buying more

>> No.3662081

All in anon. Period blood.

>> No.3662096
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>missed the presale
>bought at 0.25$

>> No.3662097
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All-in. Some ETH for gas.

>> No.3662110

All in

>> No.3662125

Stop crying faggot, you'll still make gainz

>> No.3662134
File: 135 KB, 615x461, 905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 80% in holding 121k LINK. Feels good man

>> No.3662159

I'm holding 25k LINK which is about 5% of my portfolio. I wanna get up to 100k before the moon happens.

I'm sitting very comfy with huge holdings in OMG and Kyber so I'm not too worried about anything.

Then I also have SALT which has already man me 15 times my initial investment.

Now that I'm typing this out I'm realizing that I'm actually really good at this game lmao.

>> No.3662178
File: 423 KB, 808x805, 1498472374285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you smug redditor

>> No.3662185

Shill me biz. What's so special about this one?

>> No.3662187
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How rich is this guy gonna be?

>> No.3662246

where do i buy it?

>> No.3662249

sheesh currently sitting on 161k

>> No.3662269

binance, etherdelta or mercatox

>> No.3662278
File: 3 KB, 265x39, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p. sure this is the same guy, or they are in the same group or wahtever. fucking hell

>> No.3662282

Are you guys actually all in? Jesus.

>> No.3662298

Anyone with 100k plus you WILL be a millionaire

Anyone with 10k plus you will be in a great position to buy future moon missions

I'm currently at 5k, paid for with student loans so I hope this works out

>> No.3662307

why would anyone buy at 6419 and then sell at 6380?
really makes you think

>> No.3662328

I have slightly over 10k. I think I will try to buy more as long as it is in the ~20-30 cents range. Fuck, I wish I could liquidate my 210€ investment into EBET and put it all in Link but this Nigger is only on Etherdelta with zero volume.

>> No.3662338
File: 11 KB, 408x408, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone with 10k plus you will be in a great position to buy future moon missions
but will it be enough for a Lambo?

>> No.3662339
File: 145 KB, 646x700, IMG_2589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

600K holder here. I am euphoric.

>> No.3662356

Only got 1300 JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP

>> No.3662361

How much was presale price? I was in a coma.

>> No.3662364

but when exactly am I supposed to take my money out to buy future missions?

>> No.3662369

whoops i didn't notice that you posted a buy order lmao. i saw similar digits as a sell order just now, looking @ binance. my bad. anyway, the dude pulled it out so wahtever

>> No.3662378

i got 3940 link its all i can afford as a student.
Is there a kind soul that can give me 60 link aka 13$ to sate my autism and bring me to 4k

>> No.3662403


Price predictions?

39k LINKS.... am I going to make it?

>> No.3662433

Is this you?

>> No.3662439

$1 by oct 16th. grats on the $39k, m8.

>> No.3662450

Invested 850 Euros a month ago and am pretty in the green now.
Joined LINK presale with 0.5 ETH what means i got 1560 LINK.
I bought some more and even flipped some OMG for this, now i hold 5100 LINK and 18 OMG.
I would go 100% into LINK, but i'm not green with OMG right now.

I did a very good deal, but 5100 LINK is not Lamboland, i know this.
It sucks to be poor, but i licked blood and am greedy. LINK is a very good start.

>> No.3662459

how do buy this shit?

>> No.3662480

>872 LINK

Uhhh. How much money will I make

>> No.3662526

872 X 10 faggot

Elementary arithmetic

>> No.3662555

>Elementary arithmetic

what the fuck do you think where you are?! this is /biz/. the place where no logic exists' but pure emotion.

>> No.3662568

5100 links x 1.0usd = 51,000 usd
Who gives a fuck if it's lambo if you're poor?

>> No.3662598

presale was 1 ETH/3150 LINK

>> No.3662949

Too late to still go all in?

>> No.3662985

Let's get some real estimates for pre and post SIBOS.

With Link currently in a huge uptrend, I see this hitting maybe 50-60 cents before SIBOS.

After? Maybe a dollar after the dip.

Do you guys think we'll see a dip after/during SIBOS? That's the general rule of thumb but I feel like so many of us are expecting it to happen that it may not.

>> No.3663002

5100 links at $1 would only be 5100 dollars..

Cmon nigga.

We're all dreaming for that $10 coin though. LINK could make the meme dream a reality.

>> No.3663015


he stole my links. Don't click this link its malicious

>> No.3663020

>5100 links x 1.0usd = 51,000 usd

linklets when will they learn?

>> No.3663026

how do you buy it?

>> No.3663074

how did you get into the Salt pre-ico?

>> No.3663123

Never clicking links on /biz/ ever again

>> No.3663129

lost 1 grand on omg by just holding it and not cutting my loses.

one eth is all im putting in link now. If i lose it im done trading alts. Im tired of losing my fucking money on altcoins.

>> No.3663159

getting back 3.5 eth from avalon ico soon. should i put it all on this?

>> No.3663342

I got in at $1.50 by sending Caleb a DM on Slack haha.

>> No.3663356

you are up 2x, not 15x moron

>> No.3663623

I put 50% into Link, where should I put the other half /biz/?

>> No.3663631


>> No.3663749

WTC after weekend dip.
Either that or Ark.

>> No.3663810

You guys really have got this meme coin up to 0.25... wow, the shilling is working

>> No.3663825

About 20%. I was going to buy more, but all the shilling is starting to scare me. As a rule of thumb I tend to stay away from things surrounded by too many delusionposts.

>> No.3664045

I don't expect a dip after SIBOS as that is when LINK will be at maximum exposure. It's like selling your lottery ticket after getting the winning numbers.

Normies are going to swarm in like crazy to buy LINK after SIBOS.

>> No.3664055

Unless Sergey fucks up the SIBOS presentation.

>> No.3664084


Buy COSS or regret it forever.


>> No.3664108


Buy the rumor...?

>> No.3664111

wow Ive never heard of this coin. It looks like diversity is sure helping things around here, what was life like as an aboriginal ape that can talk OP? Please expound on the amazing oracle and tell us all about your gains. Im so proud of yu OP such original content and insight. here have a trophy it has a puppy and a horse Im sure youll love it. Congrats on showing nigger midgets who cant add still deeply understand the immense challenges of the oracle

>> No.3664160

No shit it's low float like any other shitcoin

>> No.3664171

What rumour, there is no rumour here, SIBOS is happening

>> No.3664196


There will be a dip but SIBOS is just the beginning.

>> No.3664199


>Buy my Pajeet shitcoin guaranteed gains sir very good

>> No.3664206

All these threads and these very polarized opinions are making me hella paranoid

>> No.3664221

Hint: The people FUDding are holders that are still trying to accumulate

>> No.3664243
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He's following /Biz/ master rule.

>> No.3664286


>> No.3665311

Does anyone use Gemini? I just started today and already their website has been down for quite a while

>> No.3665361
File: 96 KB, 1300x867, 0x197a98f8938fh83dd8c8963497sf0980938f0ze9f80ase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in time you will learn to love the paranoia

>> No.3665590

The browser is actually good though

>> No.3665617
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1506606162110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I'd love to sell my NEO and OMG bags
and buy more
that or buy more WTC

>> No.3665645

no, i use bitfinex, gdax and all the normal altcoin exchanges
i signed up with a vpn for bitfinex, i don't do USD deposits since I'm American but it great for margin and the coins that are listed.
to buy with USD i go gdax

>> No.3665662

9600 reporting in

My OCD is kicking in, tempted to buy 400 more link just to get this bitch to 10000

>> No.3666545

around 80K, I've got funds tied up in other projects (wanchain) or else I would've gone harder.

>> No.3666569

Shit coin. DNT 2.0 Fuck this shit

>> No.3666581


>> No.3666585


>> No.3666835

>do you really believe in the firefox browser?
>do you really believe in the brave browser?

yeah actually, i think he can pull it off again

>> No.3666841

Dude everybody knows just shut the fuck up for a week so we can dump at a good price

>> No.3666842

Just bought some LINK today. I've been bagholding ZRX and DNT for a while here. Should I just give up on them and hop on LINK?

>> No.3666851
File: 77 KB, 1000x670, 911 banepost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already found Binance but thanks. How long will a transaction usually take? Over an hour?

>> No.3666857


>> No.3666893

I went full retard and continue to use EtherDelta to buy more LINK. Is it normal for deposits from ETH wallet to EtherDelta smart contract to take over an hour? Or is it just a volume thing right now?

>> No.3667218

Check your gas

>> No.3667240
File: 41 KB, 636x477, tu0tadx4leoerugk2cws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im in 100%, fight me

>> No.3667255


DNT was pumped and dumped because it was added on an exchange, not because of its fundamentals

>> No.3667426

Are there any link wallets around?

>> No.3667430

I have 480k LINK. Will sell half at $2.50

>> No.3667528
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>tfw lurker
Okay, this thread convinced me to get in on this.

>> No.3667556

its a token dude

>> No.3667578
File: 121 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170930-084738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% links

>> No.3668142

Link will be $1 before end of next week
screencap this

>> No.3668277
File: 42 KB, 132x149, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are telling me you spent 10k on this? ICO price was 10 cents or so, right?

Are you people aware that this coin has a current supply of 350 million coins? Are you also aware that no coin with that kind of supply is worth 1usd?

>> No.3668297

100% missed ico but in at 19c

>> No.3668775

I am actually deceased rn. been trying to get coinbase to work all week while I've been watching LINK go up and up in price. just kill me

>> No.3668791

are you aware that kys

>> No.3668800

please someone tell me a place where I can buy with CC i wanna die

>> No.3668810


coinbase lol.

>> No.3668814

it's not letting me buy