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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3657264 No.3657264 [Reply] [Original]

The idea behind cyrptocurrency (at first) was an experiment of a uncontrolled economy. One that is based on a finite and diminishing resource. I've really been a believer until these last 8-12 months.

These altcoins and traders and stuff are what will destroy this system. It's sad. I truly wish we had a world that wasn't so corrupt, and was more financially connected, but more and more this experiment is failing.

You guys realize that this is a speculative bubble, that BTC might have a future, but you guys are spoiling it. You guys are ruining the chance we have to end Government control of the monetary system.


Many of you will lose your money.

If you're up, cash out as soon as possible. When the shit hits the fan and ya'll all try to pull your money out, it will tank Bitcoin for years

>> No.3657304

The scariest thing is nobody wants to think about/discuss this.

This is textbook confirmation bias

>> No.3657315
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College kids on /biz/ and plebbit don't create a bubble, institutional money does. We are seeing the first of the big money coming into crypto. Overstock, LedgerX and the CBOE are starting crypto derivatives and options for institutions and accredited investors. Once that gets going we will see ETFs get cleared. Jamie Dimon knows what's about to happen and wanted to accumulate. The bubble will pop eventually, but not for anoth 5-10 years

>> No.3657331

Plenty of people are talking about this.

I work at an Ethereum based Dapp company and we joke about ICO scams all the time and how ridiculous this market is.

It's like money skeley said, there isn't anything you can do about these bubles except let them run their course. It's not like the dot com bubble ended the internet or something.

Grow up.

>> No.3657334

I think 5-10 years is optimistic. I agree that it will grow for a bit longer, but the amount of PnD groups, scams icos, etc. will bring the hammer of regulation down really fast.

>> No.3657340

Cult of Bitcoin. Dumbasses can't see the forests for the trees.

>> No.3657349


>> No.3657351

>that pic
well now I am depressed, thank you faggot

>> No.3657355

Okay, lets discuss this. You could be wrong, you could be right. Don't put any money in you aren't willing to lose, it's that simple. As >>3657315 said /biz/ and other small time users are not effecting btc as much as the big money and corporations will. JP Morgan is working alongside 30+ large scale institutions and businesses to influence crypto. The other thing people need to worry about is government regulation/bans (EU and NA).

>> No.3657360

Again, pajeet PnD groups and scam icos don't have enough capital to create a bubble. Regulation is good and will bring more hedge funds and banks into crypto

>> No.3657382

The thing I'm saying is, these PnD groups, scam icos and everything will bring regulation, and bring it fast. This will inevitably cause a selloff and a crash

>> No.3657415

Pumping and dumping is perfectly legal as long as the information is available to utilize. Regulation may come in some way, but PnDing is fine in NA in terms of not using insider bullshit/fraud.

>> No.3657436

It will be though, and SOON. The Government won't turn a blind eye to that much longer

>> No.3657444
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OK nocoiners lets do some math real quick. The total world stock market is about $70 trillion, total crypto market is $137 billion and bitcoin alone is $67 billion. This means all of crypto is about 0.2% of the stock market, and bitcoin is about 0.1%. For comparison all the gold is worth about $7 trillion making it about 10% of the stock market. If just 1% of the stock market moves into bitcoin, we 10x. If we reach half of golds value we 50x. Anyone saying we are in a bubble has zero perspective of the broader markets. $67 billion is literally pennies...

>> No.3657447

Anyone with a brain can see that this is a bubble, but if you think it is anywhere close to popping, you aren't looking at the big picture. Cryptocurrency is getting a lot of exposure lately, but how many people are actually buying into it. Most people still see it as a scam or are too skeptical and afraid of it. Once the people who post about tulips on Forbes articles you see posted on Facebook start changing their minds, then it will be time to sell.

>> No.3657449

Your fearmongering isn't productive and you're bringing absolutely nothing here to discuss except "warnings". Threads not worth the time and I've given you enough replies as I actually thought you were going to bring some insight, have fun.

>> No.3657475
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bundamentals :^D

>> No.3657509
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check em

>> No.3657524

>but its a bubble
and the regular economy isn't?
Cashing out isn't safe either nigger.

>> No.3657581

thanks for the FUD Dimon, buying more cheap coins

>> No.3657865

The experiment is still running. As per usual with an experiment. You have anomolies, you go back and check. You straighten out errors. This is exactly what is happening within crypto and the interaction between crypto and the 'old world'.


The reason governments are getting scared/annoyed is that currently they cannot tax this thing. I was talking to my lawyer normie friend the other day, and he was amazed at the money-laundering capabilities. This + taxation is important to gov, for good reasons. After that it will most likely be business as usual. Also regulations will allow big money entering the markets.

http://money.visualcapitalist.com/all-of-the-worlds-money-and-markets-in-one-visualization/ >> The BTC block is now roughly the size of warren buffet...

>> No.3657921
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This thread is already 20 posts long and so I'm afraid this will not be visible...but I'd really like to discuss one point that I hear nobody verbalize:

Cheaply exchangable utility token destroyed the bitcoin finite total supply argument.
Bitcoin is no deflationary by default (as conceived), because people can come up with new utility assets (which might be good projects or bad, doesn't matter) and thus producing incentive to sell btc for another just created "currency". The problem is that the exchange is too easy and the newly created tokens also hild value! Coina aren't finite after all!!

>> No.3657987
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You are partly right. The moment the government decides to ban crypto its over. People will want to cash out ASAP as banks will no longer do fiat to crypto transactions.

But how long crypto survives essentially depends on how powerful the crypto lobby gets. And right now its a pretty hot topic amongst university computer science departments and IT departments in banks worldwide

The price may fluctuate wildly but I doubt an outright ban is anywhere in sight within the next couple of years, unless the government goes full Orwellian and authoritarian

>> No.3658080

>What is peer to peer banking
>What is the decentralization against governments

>> No.3658174

>all bubbles must be this size to burst
all bubbles are the same man, just like when you make bubbles in real life theyre at the same size same time and same height when they pop


>> No.3658191
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Governments can't regulate decentralized crypto. They can only regulate the exchanges. Guess what gets decentralized next?

>> No.3658195

etherdelta proved how safe decentralized exchanges are

>> No.3658200

I don't know what etherdelta is but if your argument is
>it failed once, so it will never work
you may want to rethink your position.

>> No.3658202

You know my biggest problem with posts like these? They never say WHY altcoins/normies/whatever are killing BTC, or WHY bitcoin is going to crash to $1 or anything like that. It's not so much creating a discussion as you just stating your opinion to try and trigger people.

>> No.3658212

holy shit terrible post. you do realize what a "bubble" is right? There isn't some random Japanese guy named satoshi blowing a giant bubble every time the BTC a price goes up.

>> No.3658213
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Right, there are no actual arguments in the OP just baseless FUD.

>> No.3658239


>> No.3658240

ever heard of the smart contract scam/hack

also there never has been a hack free system

>> No.3658304

>ever heard of the smart contract scam/hack
No, I haven't.
>also there never has been a hack free system
If that's the case, decentralization makes even more sense.

>> No.3658309

1 bitcoin will be worth six houndred trillion dolllars

screencap this

>> No.3658329
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saved for prosperity

>> No.3658332

now read up on what happened to the dao investment hack

this is what your decentralization means courts lots of courts, anon decentralizations wont work on greedy greedy human beings

under the smartcontract what that faggot did was right and just if that was your money would you still say he was right?

>> No.3658338
File: 12 KB, 541x464, drtg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laughed so fucking hard even though I've seen this vidclip before. thick solid tight!

>> No.3658523

>now read up on blah blah blah
Again if your position is
>it failed once, so it will never work
your position is untenable.

>> No.3658656

I see youre in the hodlr cult, just keep on holding everything will be fine kek

never question just blind faith