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File: 60 KB, 1386x332, POSWM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3656616 No.3656616 [Reply] [Original]

I posted a thread yesterday about POSW.

Got some hate, but also a few comments from some people who saw the opportunity. Well, congrats to those of you who actually LISTENED! POSW will keep going up, and will reach it's ATH and beyond in about 6 months. That's almost a 10x if you want to get in early.

So why am I so confident that it's gonna reach such price levels? Well.....

Look at the roadmap: https://posw.io/roadmap/

These things are planned to be made before the year end:

>Adding it to bigger exchangers
>Marketing + PR
>Video Tutorials
>Instant & Private send/Anonymous transactions
>Trustless Staking (TPOS)
>POSW Treasury
>Debit Cards

So.. As you can see, LOTS of things are planned. New devs on board, new website.

The site is reopening for new registrations the 1st of October. Get in before that, and you might be able to get it BELOW 3000 satoshis.

It might be a shill thread, but if you don't see the opportunity here, you are seriously missing out.

Good luck!

>> No.3656651

Someone smarter than me want to weigh in here? Seems too good to be true.

>> No.3656655

Thanks Anon I've invested some after seeing these threads pop up over the last few weeks. current price / market cap is an absolute steal for what it can and will achieve

>> No.3656667

I believe a crucial piece of the value prop (TPOS) seems to still be under development. They aren't shilling or marketing it till it's ready though.

>> No.3656806

Piece of advice: Buy as MUCH as you can.. but try to do it slowly so you don't clear the sell book completely and jack up the price. I bought another 70k last week.. took me several days not to buy above 3000 satoshis.
Sitting with 100k currently.. enough to run at least a couple of masternodes

>> No.3656843

PoSW will be huge once it all the changes starts to being implemented.
ETH right now has a $27b market cap. If 10% of eth is staked with PoSW thats $2.7b
Assuming 2% return per month (quite low) via Casper PoS rewards, and PoSW capturing 0.5%
Thats 135mil per month in revenue
And that's just ETH.. there will be other coins as well..

>> No.3657134

Gonna buy some.. Looks Pretty solid!

>> No.3657224

Posw holders is gonna be filthy rich it seems. Holy shit!

>> No.3657246

You forgot to add: SEC secured

So Bittrex BTFO

>> No.3657256


>> No.3657320

does this mean it will never be on bittrex?

>> No.3657338

Why would it be? Bittrex is only popular for shorters and daytraders, so let those morons become poor.

>> No.3657352

They said all this shit the first time around
They then fucked it all up
They got hacked
Now they got their shills posting the same fucking thread everyday to buy their bags

>> No.3657697

Lol look at these shills trying to sell bags.

>> No.3658234

Keep denying.. but in the end you will be wrong.
The exchange was taken down because it wasn't "legal" to run.
The dev has made all the paperwork to make it completely legal.
Hes been working on security for the past. 3 months, since the hack..
NOBODY lost any coins during the hack.

Trustless staking will become a game changer, since you can let the masternode holders stake your coins for you. No risk involved, you only pay a small fee to the masternode holders. (Me) - because I'm gonna get at least a couple.

You'll eat your own words in a year's time. I'm not even doubting myself this time. The amount of work that is put into this coin right now is pretty insane.

>> No.3658254

POSW scammed me hard in April

Not falling for this Yobit shitcoin again

>> No.3658257

That would make some pretty insane returns. SHIT I'm gonna buy some, don't even care if it's a gamble, the price has been going up since the last 2 weeks anyways.. so might not be too dumb to get some.
Which exchange are you guys buying from?

>> No.3658269

Scammed? BTFO.. You bought on a pump you retard. Now is your chance to buy in before the next pump. Look at the graph.. Looks so fuckikg juicy at this point.

Don't even care if you buy some. You'll regret it when we hit December though. Mark my words

>> No.3658287

Cryptopia has the most volume/sellers. However from time to time you can get some cheaper on Livecoin. Keep a look out on the order books if you want to buy as low as possible.

We are going straight to 3000 satoshis next week guaranteed. Because the site reopens the 1st of October.

>> No.3658306

I have 20k that I bought a few months ago for cheap (had some BTC lying around, so I thought why not). I've made over 300% on them so far, so not too bad. Is it enough for a masternode?

>> No.3658361

You wasn't scammed. You was just buying at the wrong time. I did so too, however, I never sold. I just bought more while it fell down, and I'm actually $500 in profit at this point. >>3658257
Cryptopia is where I bought mine. If you want to buy smaller amounts, you might be able to get a better "deal" on another exchange. Anything above 5000 POSW, and Cryptopia is your best bet.

>> No.3658369

Nobody knows for sure how many POSW is needed for a masternode. However we are estimating between 10k-30k.

Personally. I believe a node will cost you about 25k POSW, but I'm just guessing.

>> No.3658387

POSW its a shitcoin, poswallet exchange delisted PIGGY and many more shitcoins, i hate POSW, Cryptopia the other exchange were you can buy POSW got hacked a month ago and Tradesatoshi has no Volume.
Why to wate your time with this Shitcoin when you can be buying and pumping BNB from binance? why why

>> No.3658426

Price increased with 65 satoshis since I made this thread.

While everything is going DOWN, POSW is slowly climbing back up. Kinda funny.. It's the only GREEN part of my portfolio right now, and have actually been green most of the time.

It's not too late guys.. Jump in BEFORE the site reopens the 1st of October, and you should at least make 40% gains.

Wont post more here. I'll let the thread die if it has to. Thanks for the discussion everyone. Hope at least SOME of you listens. I just scooped up another 10k today. Probably the last time to buy below 3k sats.

Have a great weekend everyone :)

>> No.3658452

Cryptopia was hacked?? HAHAHAHAHA.. Jesus Christ dude, how stupid are you? Yes a lot of coins has been delisted, however the popular coins will be added again. You must have bought in too high, and refuse to earn big money now where the price is CHEAP.

You know what? I'll send you a postcard of my LAMBO in 2018.

>> No.3658474
File: 167 KB, 1378x726, POSWPIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay... This is my last post. Just wanted to state the obvious.


>> No.3658484

Holding since 12000 sats. Down 80%

>> No.3658491
File: 138 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170929-112911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steady growth... COMFY AS FUCK!!

>> No.3658499

Keep holding. I bought my first 30k at 16k

Bought another 70k at 1600..

I'm break even dollar wise, not in BTC.. considering to buy even more actually

>> No.3658505

Can you explain to me exactly what the coin does? Is it's only use case to provide dividend?

>> No.3658534

That's the main idea with it as far as I understand, however it will be used as an anonymous coin as well. Masternodes will play a big role with their Trustless staking concept.
You can let a masternode holder stake your coins for you, without actually having access to your coins nor your private key. You can stake 24/7 this way without doing anything on your own part. Masternode holders will get a fee on every stake however.

Posw will also be a medium of exchange if you want to buy other coins on their exchange.
Normally your only option is BTC. However you can choose to trade in both currencies on their exchange.

>> No.3658623

The price is rising. DAMN. I'm gonna buy some. Seems like OP is right. even if he isn't at least I can make some money while everything is red.

>> No.3658912

When will it finally breach through 3k?
It has been going sideways at 2k for ages...

>> No.3659582
File: 193 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170929-140614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon.. Big wall taken down a few hours ago.. See pic

>> No.3659862

godamnit he still makes these threads reeee i want to accumulate more

it was better off when ppl were still fudding it, now its gonna rise faster

>> No.3659887

Good point. Actually think you are right. I'll buy a few k and see what happens.

>> No.3659918

Better now some while it's cheap I guess, haha

>> No.3659999

>PoSW 2.0
We already have that. It's called Minereum.

>> No.3660023
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>> No.3660068

I hope you are joking.. Minereum is a SCAM. Would rather hold POSW, even if I hate that coin as well.. >>3660023

>> No.3660091

Nice buy walls are forming. Not much resistance going forward. A small pump could 5x the price EASILY. I'm in.. Not with a lot, but I'm in

>> No.3660168

You better buy some nigger.. Otherwise you will be left behind

>> No.3661148

Looks like an uptrend $-wise, I just hope BTC won't go full retard and shit on the market again.

>> No.3661378
File: 245 KB, 1465x1209, 1492329526157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3661522

What are you taking about? It has been TRASH talked for months.. However now it's rising from the ashes.. Get it or stay poor and get left behind. Next week we will be way above 3k sats..

>> No.3661543
File: 218 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170929-175911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet gains.. And WAY MORE to come.. Feeling COMFY AS FUCK

>> No.3661593

Seriously considering putting in .5 BTC.. Seems like a cool project if they deliver. Why so much hate on this project? I don't get it

>> No.3661596

It was always trash talked, even when it was mooning back in April. I actually think that was partially the reason why it tanked so hard.

>> No.3661610


>> No.3661624


>> No.3661653

the wallet site is so shit lol

>> No.3661806

A new design is on its way. Check Posw.io if you want to see something fresh..

>> No.3662005

Still rising.. Sweeeet!!!

>> No.3662329

Just bought my first 5000 Posw. Should I buy more?

>> No.3662586

Depends on how much ROI you want!!

>> No.3663393

Sure... Buy 15k more so you have enough for a masternode dude

>> No.3663438


>he fell for the ark meme

>> No.3663857

He is staking 60+ ark monthly from my calculations.. when it goes up.. probably next year.. He is going to make thousands of dollars monthly from staking.
This dude is gonna be filthy rich with the amount of POSW he owns as well.. Incredibly nice portfolio I must say.. Jelly as fuck

>> No.3663929
File: 180 KB, 1378x904, POSWMOON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back guys! Nice to see this thread is still alive :)

Since I posted this thread, POSW has risen: 122 Satoshis.

So it's still climbing upwards, while most other coins are tanking.

We will be at 3000+ sats by next week. Hop on the train, or get left behind. I'm dead serious.

Pic related

>> No.3664028

The price just jumped another 50 satoshis up.. we are at 12 cents now.. holy shit!

Won't call it mooning.. but damn it's steadily rising!! Thanks for the heads up OP.. I bought 12000 yesterday.. Already up with 22% thanks to you!!!

>> No.3664683

3000 sat this weekend.. GET IN LADS!!!!

>> No.3664732

No to all of this

>> No.3664789

Stay poor

>> No.3664962


>> No.3664966

Tempting to wait for a dip to buy in, but afraid their won't be any... Shit

>> No.3664994


>> No.3665020
File: 440 KB, 680x850, funny_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't buy LINK

>> No.3665040

Hahaha... Dude. Relax xD
The price is going up pretty nicely. Good buy walls, thin sell walls.. It's all looking good!
Tomorrow we will most likely hit 3000 sat.. good to make money while the market is red. Feelin good

>> No.3665066

Link is a good coin.. no doubt, but its shilled WAY TO MUCH.. Too risky to get in, not risking becoming a bagholder, when this is a sure moon coin long term.

Good luck though :)

>> No.3665117


>> No.3665159

30k wall now. After that there is no resistance to about 3300 satoshis..

>> No.3665169

Finally, let's pray BTC doesn't shit itself and fuck everything.

>> No.3665224

Depends if a weekend dip is forming. Honestly hard to tell at this point

>> No.3665312

It's happening - whether you like it or not.
Low supply
HUGE DEMAND - Not only for the service being offered, but for the coin itself.

Are you going to let this opportunity slip right away when you have the chance to buy LOW?
Posw is going to 15k, maybe even 20k satoshis at Christmas time.

Buy some, thank me later.. Not trying to "scam" anyone. This is a legit HIDDEN GEM.

Imagine when ETH goes POS.. If 10% of the holders uses Poswallet, it will bring in 135 MILLION PER MONTH in revenue, shared with POSW holders.
Think about it. Let it sink in........

>> No.3665389

135 million/42 million POSW..

how much is that per POSW in revenue per month? I SUCK at math.... But this sounds BEYOUND amazing O_O

>> No.3665514

That alone is insane to think about. Never thought I would actually do this. BUT I'm buying some!!!!!

>> No.3665678

Where is the best place to buy this coin??

>> No.3665715

Best place right now is Cryptopia

>> No.3665879

Damn. Was out the whole day, and this thread is STILL alive? Amazing :D

The price is about to go to 3000 soon... NICE!