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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3656227 No.3656227 [Reply] [Original]

Drop any shitcoins you have into Fiat, BTC/ETH immediately.

Don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.3656233
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>> No.3656252

And what Korea news would that be m'laddio?

>> No.3656279

So new to crashes. Let's say I'm down 30% on a shit coin. Are you saying it's better to just convert to fiat at a loss?

>> No.3656300

>he thinks 30% is a lot
Fucking newfag.
Wait til you're down 85% on your entire portfolio and hold through it, and then still someone end up at 300% 2 months later. I've had that happen more than once.

Just fucking hold.

>> No.3656304

convert to fiat/btc at a loss and just rebuy after the inevitable dip if you are confident it will go back up

you're profic will be greater that way, and if it looks dead you got out at a better exit point.

holding is a meme and a good way to tie down your assets into shit coins that arent moving for weeks or months at a time

>> No.3656352


What will end up happen is that you fuck up buying in the dip and end up buying higher than you sold in an endless circle. I see this all the time on /biz/. Cryptocucks trying to time the market.

>> No.3656358

Yes make sure you sell as soon as possible and then wait for it to go up at LEAST 200% before buying in again

>> No.3656374

yeah true, this guy has a fair point. If you don't know what you are doing and don't want to put a lot of research in, holding is probably the best strat.

If you can make at least somewhat decent predictions it is better to sell.

I lost a fuck ton of money when I first started buy constantly buying at the wrong times over and over again

>> No.3656384


OP is giving SHIT advice, hold.

>> No.3656386

You will learn after buying high, selling low and buying high again a few times.

>> No.3656398

Imminent. Not eminent.

>> No.3656419

ya i think if someones really new they should just hold most of the time. I'm relatively new myself and am just starting to recognize patterns/cycles and devising future strategies. Next time I hear even an inkling of this sort of foreign ICO ban type shit I know exactly what I'm going to do that very minute

>> No.3656430

why are chinks so fucking passive and weak. goddammit, I was having August faps again.

oh well, back to buying the dips and accumulate

>> No.3656432


poop coins and short trades maybe longterm holds doing real business like OMG NO!

>> No.3656466

What if i bought icos that i cant sell like fapcoin and greenmed, am i fucked?

>> No.3656513
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>Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.3656577

How many new waves bagholders are in the building? Kek...

>> No.3656580

What's this about Korea? I thought prices are plummeting because Chinese exchanges officially close soon.

>> No.3656847

I'm at the point where I feel like it's watching rich white people roll through the ghetto and hearing gunshots.
They weren't ready for the wild west.
They don't get how it will be won.

>> No.3656936
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right here buddy

>> No.3657069

(((North Korea))) trying to steal btc now according to lugenprrsse

>> No.3657202

What are some good resources/guides for someone wanting to start with the cryptomeme?

>> No.3657211
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BTC test pls ignore


>> No.3657226

They have computers? Internet?

>> No.3657240

Lookup Chris Dunn on YouTube. He is a very knowledgeable guy and he consistently calls out FUD all the time and gives really good tips/calls. I also follow him, secretsofcrypto, and cryptoinsider on twitter

>> No.3657253
File: 129 KB, 1000x565, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Test 2

<<<< check out this spider in my house

>> No.3657255

Okay, thanks. I'll start there.

>> No.3657271

Go to my friend Medium Tony on 128th street and he will send Bitbeans to your account (albeit at a premium price). From there you go to the Yobit exchange and use your Bitbeans to buy a coin called Espers. Once the buy order is confirmed (it may take up to two months, but keep emailing the Yobit exchange customer service people), you can then move your Espers over to Ether Delta and with your Meta Mask wallet buy Ethereum (buy the sell order with the highest number attached to it). From there the world is your blockchain (a little crypto joke, you'll understand it later :)

>> No.3657274
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test 3

>> No.3657293

Lol, fucking idiot. If you expect it to rise, it's still smarter to sell when it's obviously crashing.

>> No.3657306

>just time the market bro
>implying i can compete with a billion bots programmed by millionaire savant autists

>> No.3657327

>It will always rise to your initial buy-in price 100% guaranteed
>Just have faith, bro.

>> No.3657365


never sell for loss unless its a minor loss to jump on another moon mission

>> No.3657383

ah, didn't read the whole reply chain. yes, if it goes near your buy in price, then it's probably best to sell. but you shouldn't buy high in the first place...

>> No.3657387

OP eternally btfo.

>> No.3657644

Fellas are we selling or not? I need to figure out how WTC and LINK are going to do even though they just got listed on binance. Thinking about taking a weekend out of the market, this shit ain't ever good.

>> No.3657665

china > korea. dont think it will have that big of an effect.

>> No.3658232

These news have already been priced and were irrelevant.

>> No.3658824

30% down is nothing on shitcoins. It's Russian roulette. You could easily lose 90% in the span of a week and have it never recover, and removed from exchanges because of no volume.

>> No.3658965

it was fake news

>> No.3658988

offset by 11 bitcoin exchanges being authorised by the Financial Services Agency in Japan today