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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 488x152, ethereum-oracle-859c3cb27f13608afd8576c31787cd1b25ffbb524aaf9d10743696f65753487d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3653272 No.3653272 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be real here about ChainLink. How can something so "revolutionary", something that is supposed to change the nature of smartcontracts and finance, be built off the back of one developer, Steve Ellis, who is a handsome enough looking guy but clearly is no Vitalik?

I know this whole SIBOS and SWIFT stuff is impressive, but if you peel back the layers, it seems that ChainLink is composed of 2 guys, and only one dev! And this dev ain't no Bill Gates, Woz, or Musk. How foolhardy to put your money on the line, to think that Steve Ellis (who?) is going to invent something that changes the face of finance and international banking. But convince me I'm wrong, I'm all ears.

>> No.3653292

How can a revolutionary company like microsoft be created from just one guy?

How can facebook be built off the back of one guy?

Jesus christ, do you hear yourself think?

>> No.3653297

2 devs who cant even speak without stuttering

>> No.3653308

>OP is poor AND retarded

>> No.3653309
File: 375 KB, 600x800, 1462548703871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autism means its the real deal
if you're not buying as much LINK as you can right fucking now you're rejecting Lambos.

>> No.3653322

I literally addressed this in my post: do you think Steve Ellis is a Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg? Are you ready to bank on that? Who the fuck even is Steve Ellis? And even with facebook, that was a minor social media website, it was the idea itself that was more important. With something highly technical and involved like decentralized oracles and banking infrastructure, that you have guys with PhDs working on, are you seriously telling me that some guy called Steve Ellis is going to come in and disrupt all that?

>> No.3653324

The devs are stuttering potheads. I don't know what /biz/ sees in them.

>> No.3653335


First of all this is basically an ad hominem. Sergey and Steve clearly got this shit done already.

Second, this isn't just these two guys starting on the project. The project is over three years in the making.

>> No.3653344

use one of these to get the same result --
a) use LINK/GAS
b) use GAS

LINKers btfo

>> No.3653349

quality over quantity

>> No.3653368

This, I trust small teams more than large ones. Large executive teams always end up with a visionless project

>> No.3653370

This. They've been working on it for ages. And after the ico they have plenty of funds to increase their manpower/resources as needed.

>> No.3653373

gimme one genius with a vision over 10 developers working for a paycheck

>> No.3653376

You understand shit about IT.

A developing team of 2 devs is the perfect size. When the project gets bigger you can add some, but they are doing this stuff for 3 years right now.

And yes sergey got an IQ from 50, you are right. no autism confirmed. game lost gg wp

>> No.3653379

Ok then, sell us on the "quality" of this Steve Ellis. what the fuck has he done to suggest he's a genius on the level of Vitalik? Because that's the only kind of motherfucker who I would put money in to disrupt the tech world.

Good job, good effort, you've been working on it for 3 years and have a head start. But in tech, things can change FAST, and all it would take is one vitalik-level autist to come up with something newer and better and then all of ChainLink is finished and SWIFT and all those banking pals will move on.

>> No.3653383

Maybe, and maybe not. But we did not know Mark or Steve or Bill before their creations. Bill gates was some nerd out of his garage.

You might be right, but never overlook a possibility, heck without "possibility" and "chance" we wouldnt make shit in crypto market

>> No.3653392

Sure, one genius is good. Now sell me that Steve Ellis is that genius...

>> No.3653393

Wow OP you win the award for the biggest retard of the day

>> No.3653394

Is this like Jeb Bush's "slow and steady wins the race" meme?

>> No.3653404

>comparing Steve Ellis to a jew who literally stole the idea for facebook

>> No.3653410

the fuck? Bill Gates was a 19 y/o student at Harvard - one of the smartest kids of his generation. He was taking the notorious Math 55 as a freshman. What has Steve Ellis done? GTFO here

>> No.3653437

Bill gates was a genius who was going to get a phd in math and already had a math paper published in a peer review journal when he was in undergrad.

>> No.3653442
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Your thought process simply locks doors for yourself, doesnt really hurt me in any way.

>> No.3653461

I don't blame him, some people just don't want to own a Lambo.

>> No.3653480

Holy fuck is Steve Ellis a new meme?

>> No.3653503
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>> No.3653511

Lets be real here.
Some stuttering slavshit autist that emigrated to Canada made a coin that is now worth $300 with a market cap of $28 billion.

How foolhardy is to put your money on a guy who wears unicorn tshirts to business meetings?
I'm all ears OP.

>> No.3653590

Vitalik is a certified genius who got Bronze medal in International Computing Olympiad

Steve Ellis who? Do we even know what projects he's worked on or heard him speak?

>> No.3653620

What's the name of that OmiseGO faggot who held the skateboard? Like who the fuck is that, what has he done in life and most importantly why is his shitty token worth 1 billion dollars?

I think you can find your answer somewhere in there.

>> No.3653679

Doesn't that also apply to literally everything? Why are you invested in anything?

>> No.3653688

>>>3653590 (You)
He's the founder of an already existing company (Omise) that has dozens (hundreds?) of employees and relationships with the Thai government and McDonalds... and their company is not so much tech but developing business partnerships and promoting user adoption. Steven Ellis and Sergey have decided to go FULL AUTIST with no communications with their community at all. Here's hoping they can swing that with some heavy-hitting tech.

>> No.3653699

I hear they smoke the marijooana as well.

>> No.3653711

Because if you're not confident about your autist at the top (like Vitalik is a top-grade autist), then you've got fucking nothing, just vaporware and empty promises. You have to make sure to invest in a crypto whose autist is unflappable in his autism. It's a winner-take-all world and only an autist king can reign supreme. Sure I'd be willing to bet that on a bed-head Russian kid in a unicorn t-shirt. Would I be willing to bet it on a handsome no-show like steve Ellis? Hmm, let me think about that... no.

>> No.3653722


LINK isn't tied to ethereum though, it's independent from any specific blockchain.
That's why the token is there.
Pay close attention, this is the actual use case for tokens.

>> No.3653794

Well Steve Ellis is some guy who developed Chainlink and apparently there's these guys called "SWIFT" that are interested in his work.
Now I don't know about Steve but I heard these SWIFT guys were loaded.

You might be right but I'd rather trust these guys than a literal 'partnership confirmed' meme guy who can thank the success of his company to Vitalik who wore their tshirt in public.

>> No.3653909

This aggressive FUD from absolute brainlets is only giving me more confidence.

>> No.3653915

same here. you can just feel the butthurt. they are trying to rationalize, desperately, missing out on LINK.

>> No.3653958
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x720, BUYLINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to FUD something this enticing

>> No.3654048

So now we're arguing over who's figurehead is more autistic? FUD used to be much more believable lol

>> No.3654135

Dude do you remember what Lisk team looked like? It was 2 guys who looked like fucking scam artists https://www.businessinsider.com.au/24-year-old-raises-66-million-for-bitcoin-app-store-2016-5

If I remember well they had copied their code from another failed project

I didn't invest in it back then because everything about it looked way too shitty and scammy

And look where it is now? Fucking 600+ millions marketcap lol

If that goddamn shitcoin among shitcoins got to 600+ millions marketcap, I'm not too worried about Link

>> No.3654165


>> No.3654187

Just this.

Even if LINK is a Scam It's still gonna go up a fuck ton. The token isn't even $1