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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3651918 No.3651918 [Reply] [Original]

This subject is impossible to seriously discuss on /pol/ or /int/, so I'm coming to you guys. I'm pretty sure this isn't off-topic, but if it is then it wasn't my intention.

What exactly are Macron's planned financial reforms for France, and how likely are they to turn France's economy into something slightly better than dogshit in a paper bag?

>> No.3651988

Well lets hope he ends the welfare state

>> No.3651991
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More socialism, more government control, more Jewish control of finances, more financial power to women and non-whites.

>> No.3652011

Yeah sorry OP we have our own pol infestation here

>> No.3652015

the only infestation is you.

>> No.3652036

This. Good luck getting anything but conspiracy theories.

>> No.3652039
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Féminiser les blancs pour donner aux Juifs le pouvoir

>> No.3652041

/biz/ is a /pol/ colony, its where we come because most on /pol/ are still pretty blue-pilled on crypto. As for Macron, he will keep importing uneducated low IQ unskilled third world shitskins. They are trying to destroy Europe, not improve it.

>> No.3652074

good luck getting anything but communists

>> No.3652092

Nothing. Because no one in the political elite cares about you.

>> No.3652112

Dotard detected

>> No.3652131

Nigger detected

>> No.3652203
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>This thread
I just wanted to discuss French economic policy.

>> No.3652211
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Yeah that's why people here invest in stateless currency you stupid fucking faggot

>> No.3652216

is the bottom right one supposed to be alex jones?

>> No.3652223

Buy Bitbean

>> No.3652248

>What exactly are Macron's planned financial reforms for France
To pump and dump MCRN

>> No.3652252

Sup nigga I'm french what do you want to know exactly

>> No.3652253

the ecnomomy is fucked up from the root
politics are fucked up from the root

we don't live in democracy
FIAT has no value and appears from thin air

we live in the worst of the dystopic worlds

>> No.3652257

Wage deflation and cutting public spending to further enslave european people. That's all.

>> No.3652386

in France
stay salty, McNalty.

>> No.3652450

anarcho-capitalism ≠ communism dumbass

>> No.3652495
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Macron is just a a puppet for the kikes in the EU. They don't give a fuck about France or it's economy. They want to turn France into a state in a "united state of Europe" while they seize total power over a continent without anyone casting a single vote for them. France is going to go down the toilet while it slowly turns into a third world country and then gets absorbed into the EU after French people become a minority and can't vote to stop it anymore.


>> No.3652557

I didn't make it but it seems plausible, Alex does seem like a cryptokike

>> No.3652578

We live in a kike-controlled democracy-on-occasions. When the kikes feel like the state is going in the "right" direction (socialism and progressivism) then they allow the democracy to exist; when they feel that it is going in the "wrong" direction (conservatism) then they rig the elections to get back to what they want.

>> No.3652602

then it's not democracy

a representative governed republic is not the same as a democracy, in fact, they're the opposite

>> No.3652657

This guys gets it. Once Turkey joins, the ethno-French minority will beg to leave the EU while leftists will have long since emigrated

>> No.3652672

Biz is a g colony
Pol is cancerous trash

>> No.3652673

As I said they clearly suspend democracy when they feel like it (USA, France, Germany, etc.) to prevent loss of power, but other times they allow it. So in reality it SOMETIMES is a democracy but not always.

What's true in reality is that voting doesn't matter because if the candidate is a threat to the Jews then they simply suspend the election and rig it in their favor.

>> No.3652689

only a black swan event could cause that
democracy's been hijacked by state budget users who outnumber libertarians, preventing any significant change
let's hasten the day

>> No.3652719

Haven't you got an outdated linux distribution to compile and configure?

>> No.3652754

Haven't you got a Facebook post to sperg at in your echo chamber until thread hits bump limit? Or a pagan larp thread to participate in?

>> No.3652810
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Yes, I have multiple tabs open.
Haven't you got a refugee to blow his load up you?

>> No.3652832

>if you call out the underage trash on pol for what they are you must be a stupid libcuck
Lmao, classy af bro. Reminds me of something like
>if you dont support gay marriage you are a homophobe nazi gay basher

>> No.3652871

not a democracy, never has been a democracy, we call it that way because it has things in common with greek original democracy, but in practice it's the opposite

>> No.3652923



>> No.3652950

>if you call out the retarded blatant redditor on /biz/ for what they are you must be stupid underage trash
Lmao, classy af bro. Reminds me of something like
>if you dont support multiculturalism you are an antisemetic racist nazi fascist transphobe

>> No.3653013

This is simply not true, democracy in the west has existed. The issue is the Jew and his inability to accept the people's will. Democracy will always results in conservative presidents because conservatism is the natural position of the majority. Only a majority can win in a serious, real democracy.

>> No.3653019

France has a fucked up Labour market.. It's almost impossible to fire people, which decrease mobility in the work force.
They have some unreasonable high wages for government employees and some messed up vacation/pension systems for these peoples.

>> No.3653070
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>> No.3653078

>Democracy has never been tried
>It wasnt real democracy

Your ideal view on Democracy, does not exist and it can never exist. Its just oligarchies that have found a way to achieve a mandate of the people.
Democracies are essentially a bunch of Economist trying to appease the irrational-masses.

>> No.3653087

Why am I a redditor? Because I think a board full of reddit migrants is cancer?
Pol was brought back for a reason. Containment for the edgy underage trash. That is all.

Or are you a newfag who thinks pol has always been around?

>> No.3653110

>Or are you a newfag who thinks pol has always been around?

How old are you 30? 40? you sound like those republicans that say "the democratic party was the slave-owner party, the confederacy party".

>> No.3653117

LOL op you're at the wrong website

>> No.3653132

>Why am I a redditor?
That spacing, calling /pol/ and /g/ pol and g, virtue signalling
>"look at me, look how clever I am for being against the racists!"

>> No.3653194

expansion of social grants to wider net of immigrants and advancement on the welfare state, higher taxation rate for professionals and higher earners and living within france and a heavier push for stricter environmental control making it nearly impossible for new small businesses to enter the market. This comes alongside a harder push for french socialism/communism leaving the economy of France floundering under the weight of its own ineptitude.

also grannyfucking, lots and lots of grannyfucking.

stock up on essentials/preservables and in 7 years time the populace will sell you their souls for a can of beans

>> No.3653207
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forgot pic related

>> No.3653256

LE reddit spacing meme is a meme only used by newfags
Muh meme slashes is for try hard newfags
What virtue signalling have I done?

Keep trying underage rthedonald migrant

>> No.3653280

France is a lost cause. Move away if you want any resemblance of freedom or independence in 10 years. If you're useful come to America. Our decline will happen slower than Europe.

>> No.3653330
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This amount of projection is hilarious

>> No.3653460

Do you even know what projection means? Explain how it applies to that post

>> No.3653497

Actually kind of hot

>> No.3653513

>implying america isn't the cause of the decline in europe

>> No.3653525

>calling others newfags and underage td migrants whilst acting like one yourself

>> No.3653595

Never said of implied that. We'll get our comeuppance, but not before Europe.

>> No.3653608


>more shitskins than any european country
>higher debt than any european country
>constantly fighting wars for israel
>on the brink of civil war
>most jewed out country on the planet
>"come to the US eurofags, land of milk and honey"