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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3637428 No.3637428 [Reply] [Original]

5$ by Friday

>> No.3637454

5 cents by Friday.

>> No.3637462
File: 975 KB, 330x422, desu31.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried to tell people to buy in while it was cheap, it's slowly becoming out of reach. Some people just want to stay poor desu.

>> No.3637466
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SHUTUP. Ive been shilling this hard on /biz/ since 1$.

So many threads.


>> No.3637486

There is like no fucking markets who hold this coin though

>Who has this coin on the market exchange?

https://www.binance.com/ is really tough to make an account on

>> No.3637487

lmao, smart people bought this when it was still worth 0,7$

>> No.3637491

ame ame ame

ame ame ame

>> No.3637522

any predictions that it will dip before friday or blow straight to 5$?

>> No.3637530

It's nto gonna dip bro.. China FUD cleared.
Twitter just active 50 mins ago..
This is taking off.. It's going antshares. Get in now, hold till december and thank me later

>> No.3637544

>This is taking off.. It's going antshares

I hold WTC but this is silly. Neo was to put it bluntly was developed as the Chinese ethereum. WTC has a much more limited use, if they even put it into action. Either way im happy I bought in at 1.50, sold the peak, then bought in again.

>> No.3637551

I don't personally think it's silly but go ahead and prove me wrong in December.

>> No.3637570


so no point of sell high buy lows? I have 'em stashed and thinking of buying more on a dip and waiting to get BNB back to its highs so I can buy a big bag of walton and retire

>> No.3637577

Daytrading this coin is only gonna get you burned in the end.

If you have to sell atleast do it at 10$ so you don't kill youself too bad if it goes even higher.

>> No.3637582

I dont want to prove you wrong I want to make money and I want all my other ballsy WTC holders to make money too for having serious balls during the China FUD. But I dont see this coin making it anywhere near NEO levels because its use is completely different.

>> No.3637586

>much more limited use
Not really, not in the real world. Have you read the whitepaper?

>> No.3637598


kk, I'm very new for this, but have been watching cryptos for years and done a +1000€ this week and trying to get more knowledge of the cryptomarket

>> No.3637608

you have to be stupid to buy wtc right now. huge spike in price after no news, no hype, no nothing. This was a scheduled P&D group that triggered FOMO buying like they do EVERY time. Not saying WTC is worthless or a shitcoin, but at this point in time it's extremely over bought and coming due for the usual correction

>> No.3637615

Read the whitepaper, watch the youtube videos, read the subreddit, look at the coin volume look at the team and angel investors and then tell me again it's not anywhere near NEO levels.

>> No.3637645

Again with baseless tinfoil FUD.

Where is your source for spouting this bullshit?
I don't really care at this point, do your own research i'm not gonna waste time convincing anyone anymore.

I'm already in after all.

>> No.3637650

show proof for your pnd claim

>> No.3637653

Is there something im missing? The blockchain relates to RFID in retail (clothing) logistics and sales.

>> No.3637697

To be fair, though, everyone tells everybody to buy everything.

>> No.3637740

The only reason WTC fell from $2.80s originally was China FUD.
They never targeted WTC, and Waltonchain just revealed they have finished the Chinese investor refund process.
It's midnight in Hong Kong and they posted that they finished and are going to sleep but posted new Telegram channels for Chinese and English.
This project is legit, it falling below $2.80 was FUD, we are returning there and then some.

>> No.3637779

That's just the start, and it makes sense, because this shit is founded by one of the owners of septwolves (big chinese cloth company). But yeah, it is limited in a sense of that's based on RFID (they're building custom chips).

>> No.3637873

Is it..? I literally just registered and started using it.

Maybe its brainlet proof i didnt notice

>> No.3637959

>huge spike in price after no news, no hype, no nothing
it wasnt delisted from binance during ico refunds
that were THE news

>> No.3637966

Are you new to chart reading? The proof of every trade, every pump n dump.. is logged in the charts. luck at pump n dumps from almost any coin and the chart pattern will almost be identical. if you know what to look for you can see it coming before it's too late. jesus you guys are new

>> No.3637974
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>Only fell because China FUD
>Everyone knows WTC is unaffected by the China decision

you can only pick one

>> No.3637978

So you have no proof and you use TA on low volume, infant coins. Unplug your keyboard and use the cable to hang yourself.

>> No.3638029

Every time it has dumped it has recovered to above where it was before the pump. If you think this is a P&D then show me what other coins you think are because I'll hold those long term too.

>> No.3638056
File: 79 KB, 671x768, 1506534486091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me break it down for you autists in a way you might understand.
See this bitch? This is stacy. She is the physical embodiment of the crypto market. You're finally in her.. good job anon! Don't fuck it up!

You start applying logic to your relationship with stacy.
>She said she's not mad so she must be okay!
>She said she needs her space, but if you keep texting her confessing how much she's you're one true love she's bound to see the light and stay!
>Muh WhItEpApEr SaYs ThIs WiLl Be ReVoLuTiOnArY, tHaT iS wHy ThE pRiCe Is SuRgInG!!!1

Little do you know, you've now pushed stacy right into the arms of Tyrone, who's making her his bitch. And you know what? She fucking loves it.

Because logic doesn't apply to women you fucking normie, just like the crypto market, because they're fueled -- POWERED by emotion. The barrier to entry is so low, 99% of the fucks on here are just trading based on what they feel.

Do you want to take advantage of Stacys emotions like Tyrone does? Or do you want to keep crying yourself to sleep every night, you little bitch?

>> No.3638117

you're an idiot.

>> No.3638166

He's not an idiot, he's just spreading FUD to buy lower.

>> No.3638182

nah he types like a pajeet.

>> No.3638196

Hands are getting weak, tempted to take profit.

>> No.3638218


Do you realize how big the chance is that this ends up on UPbit? Many Koreans on the WTC team. I'm sure UPbit contacted them already... it's Binance's biggest performing coin, they want a slice of the action for sure.

It's win/win because it would be a huge announcement for both sides.

It's a matter of time anon.

>> No.3638229

Agree, this sht better be on Upbit

>> No.3638246


Imagine the bull rush when that is going to take place. It might actually be ANS proportions.

Not if, but when.

>> No.3638264

Do it faggot I need to see some more pink wojaks next time it moons

>> No.3638320
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>Because logic doesn't apply to women you fucking normie, just like the crypto market, because they're fueled -- POWERED by emotion. The barrier to entry is so low, 99% of the fucks on here are just trading based on what they feel.

>> No.3638358

The tech has way more potential than btc or neo for mass usage. Only better coin for now would be ETH, XMR and why not litecoin.
If you worked in production, logistic or even retail (I did all 3) you clearly see how fucking revolutionary it is.
It also solves the conterfeit problem that cost 500 billion a year in the world.

No, walton won't be the only one developing this, they won't be the face of the revolutionary change, but they have a large edge for now against competition and are based in fucking china where it matters the most.

It's cheap as fuck now, I said it here a 1$, at 2$ and now 3.5$ and I'll say it again at 15$ when I sell because I'll cash out and do something else with my money.

The exchange has to ban chinese users or walton won't touch it, they don't care about short term coin price, they want to be clear with chink gov.

You're the guy with that shit website selling courses for 400$ ? How does it feel pretending you're the reason for the pump and that it woud dump without you when it already recovered ?
You're a shit obvious scam, no one will give you money except pajeets and russians but they're too poor.

>> No.3638852

I only have 700 wtc
wish I had sold my OMG and NEO for it on the dip 2 days ago but whatever

>> No.3638889

Any guesses on the next dip, or is this gonna be bullish until $5 and then drop back to where it is now?

>> No.3638911

New ATH coming, again.

I feel really bad for cryptogamblers that don't do any research and dump the most promising shit they ever owned because of memelines and scam websites pretending to direct a pump and dump group told them to sell.

>> No.3638933

why would it drop to where it's now
why didn't it drop to 50k ? or 35k again ? or 9k ?

read the thread, I gave you way enough info to make a good choice

>> No.3638968

>bought 600 a long time ago
wish i bought more but what can you do? this is a good coin.

>> No.3638975

Oh, I've got 1300 WTC, I'm just looking to rebuy that's all

>> No.3639009
File: 96 KB, 746x510, 7483728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you waste your time with coins like these when you can just join a pump group? It's so much easier to make money that way. https://discord.gg/8VyWZFU

>> No.3639022

trying to time it or swing trade in a bull market like this is playing against the odds
it can shoot to 150k overnight

just buy now, it might dip, or not, but in the long term it's the best choice

>> No.3639059
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reported motherfucker.

>> No.3639105

what is the token used for?

>> No.3639114
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>> No.3639230

I'll just link leddit

>> No.3640030


lmao we're at 4.11 already

>> No.3640060

what a surprise this coin has been.

>> No.3641322

His name was Walton.

>> No.3641399 [DELETED] 

Join me for a technical discussion: >>3641376

>> No.3641414

Here is a better link: >>3639115
Let's analyze this coin for real

>> No.3641543

im in the US

They ask for proof of citizenship!!!!!!!!!!!!1

>> No.3641965

Ahh right so it is brainlet proof

>> No.3642318
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>> No.3642356

haha I'm the guy who made that reimagined that image with the shuttle

>> No.3642427


My friend said he was going to buy ETH when it dipped below $40

He's still waiting

>> No.3642444


>> No.3642484


can you switch it to the saturn v rocket please? the space shuttle looks sexy, but never actually mooned.

>> No.3642486

you generally can't sustain the same delta when selling/rebuying, as in if you buy at $1 and you sell at $5 it's not likely to drop back to $1 again so you can rebuy and pocket the $4 differential, it's likely only going to drop to say $2 or $3 or whatever so the margin closes over time. ATHs usually means a higher floor as well

>> No.3642496

lol this shitcoin is going to the ground

>> No.3642696
File: 59 KB, 768x1024, Screenshot_20170927-180410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walton imminent moon
Gonna be $10 by March 2018

>> No.3642791

It'll be $10 before the end of the week

>> No.3642836


>> No.3642907
File: 109 KB, 750x1334, bnbwtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTC might be $25 by end of year....

especially if its on 9 exchanges.

source is in the pic

>> No.3642995

Are you that stupid nigger that shilled his cryptowatch blog that told people not to buy when it was at 50k? lmao

>> No.3643019

>Price falls to 2.80 last night temporarily from somewhere in the mid $3 range
>Uh huh muh blog predicted this CLASSIC p&d. Please subscribe to my courses by the way
I'll see you again when this drops to 3.40 or something and you try to save face by shitposting before it hits $5

>> No.3643260
File: 187 KB, 920x920, D6C3055C-E5E0-4771-8BCA-F238C78E701C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get it, kid. The people who triggered this pump got in at 20k. They already made their 5x was before today's price, which is a smart exit time. The goal isn't to predict every "moon" (WTC WILL crash), it's to make 5x consistently using smart methods, instead of gambling or "day trading" for 5% gains but in reality losing more often. Low risk l, high reward vs high risk, higher reward.
The market thinks (feels) like you, so it's easy to predict. That's what I teach.

>> No.3643287

its truly not

>> No.3643322
File: 24 KB, 600x451, 12309102qqq23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one day you will be doxxed and you will deserve everything that's coming to you. stop fucking shilling yourself before it's too late.

>> No.3643447
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>> No.3643452
File: 29 KB, 640x432, already.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty reddit memes to complement your shitty personality and shit life

>> No.3643466
File: 56 KB, 480x360, DFFC7018-41FA-43FE-80BC-E3D4AA80977D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ShItTy ReDdIT mEmEs To CoMpLiMeNt YoUr ShItY pErSoNaLiTy AnD sHiT lIfE

>> No.3643509

Damn you're right. Just bought 100k years of your blog

>> No.3643547

Hahaha dooooooooown it goes lmao! why are people still buying this shit? Buy omg if you want real gains, retards.

>> No.3643551

This is an amazingly well-written post.

>> No.3643559

Omg is gonna 2x by december, and you iduots still have this stupid coin lmao

>> No.3643573

Its the same goddamn guy every time. FUDs WTC and shills OMG.

>> No.3643646

It's barely dipped and it's still up huge. dumbass