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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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364194 No.364194 [Reply] [Original]

I have a genuine question - Why is /biz/ so shit?

I've been here a short while and I've noticed the majority of the threads are 'I have $x and want to make $y', I understand the frustration with the 16 year olds trying to be The Wolf of Wall Street, but I've seen hardly any actual advice.

I made a success of myself from the breadline, with debts, a dead end job and no real help (no trustfund, no loans available, no contacts etc) and all I wish to do, aside from increase my own success is help others in a similar situation that are as hungry and lost as I was. I was extremely motivated, but spent the longest time struggling where to direct said motivation.

Take this as a thread for the general 'I have no money, I want to become rich' q/as, the 'how to side incomes and small amounts of cash'.

I'll start with a pretty obvious, but far too often overlooked - save your fucking money. If you have $250, stop looking at the stock market, stop thinking of business ideas, start thinking of a 2nd job, think of savings accounts and side incomes. Think of all little gardening, DIY and general favours your friends and family want doing. Start thinking 'how can I earn $10' instead of 'how can I get enough to afford a Ford Mustang GT'.

When you earn these small nuggets of cash, save all you can. It may take months, it may take years, but eventually you'll have a nice sum, so when you spot an amazing business opportunity or think of an app to develop, it wont be a problem and you'll be able to pursue it with ease.

>> No.364195

I should point out, I wasn't knocking the threads asking for advice. I was knocking the shit responses the threads receive.

>> No.364202
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To be fair, a lot of the questions being asked are stupid. People aren't asking about how to find extra work. They generally are asking how to get something for nothing.

I do hate the buttcoin threads though.

>> No.364205

Thanks for the advice sir. Im currently a sophomore in college for comp sci. Gonna graduate with at least 50k debt. Working summer job this summer and hopefully internships next. Any advice money wise?

>> No.364207

>"They generally are asking how to get something for nothing."

>> No.364210

Because its not a discussion board. No body discusses economics or politics they just ask stupid questions and spam shitcoin threads..
No current events ever discussed either

>> No.364212

most new boards end this way for awhile, everyone wants to come check them out, and it results in shit, eventually they get bored, and the board develops it's own culture, starting with memes and trolling with threads about the silly shit people post.
The problem with becoming good with finances, is that it's glamorized by t.v. and movies, but in reality, to 'get good with money' , it takes a lot of small things, and involves living the exact opposite lifestyle people want to achieve through getting rich.

>> No.364216

I'll start with a pretty obvious, but far too often overlooked - save your fucking money. If you have $250, stop looking at the stock market, stop thinking of business ideas, start thinking of a 2nd job, think of savings accounts and side incomes.

See, that's why we have inflation. It's for money hoarders like you.

>> No.364250

OP imma let you finish but

its a tad naive. google federal reserve open operations schedule

at least save your money in gold or something, take basic steps

i'm glad you kicked life in the nuts OP, but in 2014 this might be bad advice

We are setup for some uncomfortable inflation.

>> No.364271

>money hoarders

Or maybe /biz/ is so bad because people on here are apparently fucking stupid.

>> No.364276

what are some ideas you have for this sort of thing?

I am a recent graduate, BA, and have a few thousand in student loan debt. Currently I am working at a hotel 5 days a week (night audit), 8 hours a day with very little time to have another job due to fluctuating scheduling. I am also working as an independent magazine printer/distributor and have many pet projects that may one day turn in to something.

I am paid 10.50 an hour and have potential to be promoted, of course within that I also hold the possibility of being fired, not due to the way that I work, but rather due to the fact that certain higher-ups do not care for the way I act. I have exemplary marks as far as customer service is concerned and have made minimal mistakes in my work.

I ask you, what the hell am I supposed to do to save money when my bills (not including my loan payments, which are too high for me to even begin to pay) are close-to if not equivalent to my current pay?

mind you, this is the most I've ever been paid in my life. I'm currently seeking something better, but because of a jobless market combined with a bunch of slacker pieces of shit there are no jobs, no opportunities for a young person willing to work out there.

what should I do, OP? I accept any wisdom, and I am not trying to be #rude.

>> No.364333

every other board on 4chan has no entry requirement.

If you want to post on /v/, just play video games

If you want to post on /a/, just watch anime

If you want to post on /sp/, just watch sports etc...

all of these are hobbies that anyone could partake in. It is easy to accumulate knowledge in these areas since they require no skill.

At /biz/ on the other hand, it requires years to actually know what you are talking about and post meaningful things to the board. Most people don't have the required skills or knowledge. This is why the vast majority of threads on this board are "what do i major in" "how do I turn x into y amount of money" "why won't HR hire me?"

it also doesn't help that this place doesn't have a proper sticky

>> No.364344

This about sums up the /biz/ problem.
Jerks posting what they read in one article on economy and muh freedoms.

I look forward to the day when /biz/ is a place to make connections and discuss biz not 'I need money I'm poor.'

/biz/ is not for poor people. Stop being poor, no we wont teach you how.Get money, have money.

>> No.364351
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>we have to spend money guise, it's the only way to keep the economy alive hur durr

Stay pleb

>> No.364485

I'm a 23 year old with a brand new Masters in Physics.

Input from anyone on lucrative career paths would be appreciated. I don't mind long hours within reason.

Also, flexibility to work abroad would be a minor plus.

>> No.364525

probably being a physicist would be a good plan