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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3639996 No.3639996 [Reply] [Original]

All the haters.
All the fuders.
All those that sold.

Don't watch the chart or you're gonna kys.

This has been a succession of ath minute after minute for days.
Holders, congratulation, this is just the beginning,

>> No.3640014

Should I sell and take profits? Hahahaha just kidding

>> No.3640038

this is where i'm at too. this is big profits for me but i also don't want to play george soros

>> No.3640052
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lol im sure it hasnt mooned that much since i sold at 400



>> No.3640064

I'm conservative and will have enough money for my irl project at 18$ so I'll sell here.

If you want huge gains wait for 25-30.

>> No.3640066

Congrats strong holders: Don't be like me, I sold at 74 :(

>> No.3640092
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What the FUCK is going on with is coin???

>> No.3640102

>1,333 WTC reporting in
I bought at in to the initial FOMO late August and got burned during that BTC drop, but iron fucking hands wins the day

>> No.3640116

the china shit got cleared up, a bunch of coins got refunded and it's going to get in on a korean exchange. hold through november desu

>> No.3640121

Waltonites are fucking crazy right now nearly $15M in volume and eating sell whales alive

>> No.3640123

you sold half your stack at 62 too lmao

>> No.3640193

The 1M chart is like a boxing match right now

>> No.3640243

sold at 74, missed first 90, bought back at 73

>> No.3640267


>> No.3640296

Every minute is a new floor, just jump on and look forward to the end of the year

>> No.3640320
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Not LARPing

>> No.3640324

nowalts getting shredded as this just keeps climbing.

feels fucking great man.

>> No.3640347

nice, i bought in at the launch of the coin's almost-alltime-high at about 57, then bought in more around 70 just earlier today as i saw it was liftoff time, already 2x'd my initial investment, and since i'm only holding walton as a long-position, i'm just happy to be on the gravy-train for once, instead of missing the boat on all the other coins that i ended up missing out on xD

>> No.3640402

here's the top, sold, bids in, ill be comfy after this reload

>> No.3640444


Nice, anon.

>tfw only 40 WTC

>> No.3640526
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Welp, that didn't last long!

>> No.3640544


look again. get your bid in 7600 youll be ahead of me

>> No.3640604

I'm actually thinking about killing myself. I sold 15k WTC at $1.10 after buying in at $.80 and being one of the original shills. Since then, I've lost 2/3 of my money (not including lost profits) and I'm now bag-holding.

I was about to move too, but I got emotional and wanted quick money lmao. How long does it take for the gas in your car in a garage take to cause you to pass out?

>> No.3640622


natural selection brother. at the end of the day nobody cares. just go all in at this point.

>> No.3640632


Don't worry anon, I sold all my ARK at 30K right before it mooned.

It still makes me mad I could've made so much money but hey, I bought OMG and it mooned as well and bought some WTC and I'm doing fine.

Just keep doing your thing, we all are going to make it anon.

>> No.3640639

>Suicidal because he made money

>> No.3640664

Such is life in Crypto. I'm down from where I was 3 weeks ago and it's hard to deal with this - I was planning on making bank from the China fud by putting money into Walton and waiting ;_;

>> No.3640674

Where is that stupid nigger yesterday who kept fudding when it temporarily dropped?

>> No.3640678

You're not made for crypto you sweaty palmed fag

>> No.3640703
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feels good but hodl long term

>> No.3640744


Sold all mine at a loss on Monday, thinking the lack of news would surely cause a dump after that questionable rise from the bottom. it's a lesson to be learned.

profits come from holding where as trading is risky as hell. gonna sit this one out until an obvious dip and rebound.

>> No.3640763

Nigga what? Doesn't this shit have news coming out all of October?

>> No.3640776

Yeah, I still have 20k in Bitshares and that's the only coin I have faith in doing a potential 100x in the next year or so. I keep feeling tempted to sell and buy WTC back at a dip, but I might just hold and stop needing to see sick gains every week.

I also sold AntShares at $6 ($1.5 buy in).

>> No.3640858

You're a bitch dude. The 1/3 of your money that you have is probably more than tons of people's portfolios. Imagine if you became a ghost and got to see WTC hit $100. You can still make it, just not as much.

>> No.3641051

real profits are always better than paper profits.

>> No.3641114

The thing with RFID tags is there is already a worldwide non for profit organisation that controls it all, the same organisation that has controlled barcodes since they first came out GS1.

>> No.3641147

He's actually fudding in another thread while telling people to buy OMG lol

>> No.3641169

Stop trying to undermine an entire concept with your self serving hypothesis you dumbass faggot neet. kys, srs.

>> No.3641223

Is it still a good idea to buy Waltons?

Will it go 40-50 dollars in the future?

>> No.3641254
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>> No.3641268

This isn't relevant to Walton, but anyone feel that currencies are better investments than tokens? The potential for the market-cap to exponentially increase is much higher, while tokens are limited by a company's performance in their given market.

>> No.3641271

Don't fomo, wait and see where it consolidates, the graph is pretty mad right now. Especially daily chart.

Or you can ignore my advice, fomo buy and then be very upset at yourself...at least in the short term. Im sure it can go higher in longterm

>> No.3641305


but people are like woah imagine having a central database that company's can use for RFID tracking, like that doesn't exist already. and like barcodes it doesn't really make sense to have more than one central authority to govern it

>> No.3641422
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>> No.3641443
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I kno rite. Why do blockchain anything? Just cancel all cryptos, they are all useless. We already have lots of currencies so who needs Bitcoin? We have SQL databases so we don't need Factom. You're right, just shut it all down.

>> No.3641445

I remember you from a thread a couple weeks ago. Good work, anon!

>> No.3641462

That was me kek. The one saying "*breathes in* ahahahahahhaa" I actually have decent positiona in WTC I bought at $.80

>> No.3641463

>bought 110k WTC at 420k
>sold at 270k because i expected it to be banned from china
>it did get banned from china
>price goes up to 900k
brb kms

>> No.3641493

Honestly though I have no fucking clue why this coin would go this high. The community is godawful, the CEO looks like a mobster, their secretary spread FUD in the Slack, they ACTUALLY got banned exchanging in China due to it being a dividend paying coin and will most likely never be allowed for trading in China, it's a centralized company with a focus on an industry it's banned from trading in, and still it goes up this far. Fuck.

>> No.3641529

I said the same thing about Antshares / NEO - It's basically vaporware with one developer and has no support from the chinese themselves, yet it was dubbed the ethereum of china by western redditors. Why the fuck does it keep going up, while QTUM / EOS stalls?

>> No.3641541

Exchanges and ICOs are banned, not coins. Your intelligence is no higher than any random crippled retard on a street.

>> No.3641552

You must be the secretary then.

>> No.3641697

Oh I'm aware. I remember you also saying you had like 10k in WTC. Were you trying to play both sides?

>> No.3641854

WTC was banned specifically by the Chinese govt: http://www.waltonchain.org/notice
Throw the latest post in Baidu Translate or Google Translate. The notice is well hidden and purposely vague, and not dicussed anywhere, but it's true. They were banned as a currency in China as where others are not.

>> No.3641865

NEO does not have 2 developers. They have a large development team, but only 2 accounts make the final commits on Git because it's not their main repository.

>> No.3641871
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nice FUD pajeet

>> No.3641901
File: 3.31 MB, 4032x3024, 8521E940-8453-47E9-BB1C-86FEA51A2A63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God speed anon you made me laugh for a solid 10 seconds.

>> No.3641984

How is it fud? It's on WTC's official website and it literally says "WTC has been banned for Chinese users" and that they don't know when (if ever) it will be allowed.

>> No.3642017


Chainlink has two developers yet biz shills it nonstop

>> No.3642034


U fucking brainlet, that was a notice telling the public that ico refunds would be issued and a precaution that there was a POSSIBILTY that wtc would be delisted. Its old fucking news you brainlet.

>> No.3642043

Same LOL i also bought the lows aswell and IM FUCKING RICH NOW HAHAHA FUCK U FUDDERS

>> No.3642342
File: 54 KB, 374x388, Binance Moon Magic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had buy order in at 170 and it hit several weeks ago

I forgot that I had made the order....

Logged into Binance today for first time in weeks