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364162 No.364162[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

[A l t c o i n G e n e r a l] - /biz/

Previous Thread Reached Limit.

>AltCoin Discussion
>What are you holding
>What are you selling
>What do you keep your eyes on
>How to invest your loans in Bitcoins and lose everything 101
>How to Spread FUD and ruin a coins reputation

Previous Thread:

>> No.364165


Holding Cinni because theres gonna be some news soon.
Holding some Vericoins because they got some news about fast transactions plus they are really cheap.
Holding XC because the dev seems trustworthy.

>> No.364172
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>> No.364173


>> No.364174

holding silkcoin for long term because it has a lot of potential and an impressive dev team who is active daily with the community. Mona for short term. Made about .5 btc from it buying and selling at the right time. I'm feeling there may be another decent pump...im going to buy as soon as the price looks like it starts to rise and sell when it declines, thats how I made the .5 btc profit.

>> No.364175
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>> No.364181

Went all in on XC, praying for a reversal

>> No.364183
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> Last Price
> 0.00142013
Either we get some fucking legendary updates from the dev in the next few hours, or i don't think i can cope.

>> No.364197
File: 41 KB, 450x300, Money-Concept-USDollars-Global-Information-333914[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buying ITC because I made money on it last night.

"InformationCoin: Because I Made Money Last Night"

>> No.364206

holding doge and pnd because of this damn site

also monero and madesafecoin as well as some cure, those are longterm

still have some mast / silk and distro and have made a bunch on all of them so thinking of cashing out

I have some reddcoin because its doing something...sometime soon

have some bank because you guys are assholes, have some rubycoin but might dump within a week,

myriad coin, also might dump within a week. vericoin and cryptcoin, made money on both but not nearly enough even with btc up over a hundred bucks since i bought.

still have 50 libertycoins, sold the rest before the bubble burst, x11 is a long term hold and boolberry might be worth something

>> No.364208

cinni was pure scam from day one so i shied away but I need to stop trading on what I think is a good coin and start buying on hype and rumour more,

anyone here mess with arbitrage or just day trading?

I'm usually on bittrex unless something cheaper on mintpal, kraken...idk about kraken

>> No.364228

1st time Crypto guise, what shitcoin should I buy?

I already have 3 BTC.

>> No.364241


It's official - Motocoin is already swarming with bots. 14 seconds average per block solved. This is now pretty much AI research monetized, which isn't all that bad, really! I'm curious about what will happen to this coin next. And how far will the price fall, lol.

>> No.364246

Oh my god this Motocoin dump on C-CEX is glorious. At the current price I could buy up the entire coin pool just for the lolz.

>> No.364300


Should've bought cinni when i told you bro.

>> No.364304 [DELETED] 


Anyone ever make money simply off faucets and NO mining?


>> No.364313

Bought a whole lotta BBR bretty cheap.

Holding until its moon landing.

>> No.364322


Never tried it, seems like a waste of time.

>> No.364323

Making a shit ton on CRY, might put some into X13

>> No.364326

Missed the CRY train, tried to buy at 7k satoshi when the last price was 9k, but then it went up to never look back, feels bad, I would be cashing out now if I did get int

Right now my main holdings are XC and BBR

>> No.364328

Distrocoin is looking like its going somewhere.

Keep an eye on it.

>> No.364347


200% increase since i mentioned it.

Not bad.

>> No.364356

>Right now my main holdings are XC and BBR


But why are neither doing well? :(

>> No.364360

In my opinion they are doing well, none of them have real world uses right now, as in they are not used in the deep web markets for instance, despite being targeted at the anonymous transactions market in part, so there is no reason for the price to suddenly rise now, the value is speculative
I bought to sell in this future where because of their features people will start using then, the demand will make the price rise, they are both worth more than the price I bought, specially XC...

>> No.364380

Should I sell my MAST now and lose half of what I put in or should I stop getting so worried and just hold until I can break even?

>> No.364385


It seems to be losing popularity, don't know if it's gonna make a comeback.

>> No.364401

Bought CRY at 8k, has been at 100k today, right now at 80k.
When should I sell?

>> No.364406


When you see weak buy orders and strong sell orders accumulate.

>> No.364414


DRK did this right after I bought, but I holdedleldleded and now I am happy


>> No.364417

What are ANC and GRC? Never heard of those

>> No.364420

Heres something to buy and sell in the next week.


From a dev:
>I have worked on and know what is coming on the next few announcements. I am not obligated to post about it yet until it is announced, but I can assure you this. All those who've sold in the last few days will be regretting their decision to sell at such a low price.

This is a rumour, now you buy, when the news comes out, you sell.


>> No.364446

SilkCoin seems great, except it's had had no fluctuation (positive or negative) in a long time. It's a little distressful

>> No.364448

GridCoin does some kind of science work. Kind of like CURE. I bought this a while ago and regret it.

ANC is AnonCoin, would have potential if the lazy devs did want the promised (implement ZeroCoin), but the chances of that are pretty slim. It's a gamble.

>> No.364450

When should I sell though?
Right now at 95k.
I know if I sell at 100k it goes straight to 600k.

>> No.364455


Don't know what to tell you mate, check volumes on different exchanges, check the upcoming developments.

I don't hold any CRY because i am aware it is just a fork of XC.

The Dev took the public code and made his own thing (using some help from Atsecure[Dan-XC Main Dev])

Personally im trying to buy some vericoins for quick money, i sense that many people will want to jump on the boat and the profit margins will be good since the coin is pretty cheap.

>> No.364461

Meh I'll wait until it come to Mintpal.

>> No.364463

What's the scoop on the next big train to hop upon?

>> No.364466

None that I'm aware of as of now

>> No.364468


SaturnCoin and Vericoin

Check twitter.

>> No.364473


SaturnCoin is another 30% up.

Not sure if want to jump on it. Looks like the dirtiest pump i have seen in months.

>> No.364484
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What is going on with Litecoin?

>> No.364488

Saturn has existed for a WHILE now. Not sure why it's just now getting pumped. I'm not going to fuck around with it, I'll stick with coins that aren't 5 months old

>> No.364492

>Saturn has existed for a WHILE now. Not sure why it's just now getting pumped.

I checked the twitter as another anon suggested - apparently they have some huge announcements in the works very soon.

I bought a few hundred for the fuck of it. Let's see what happens. It's still dirt cheap so why the hell not.

>> No.364496

Is there any reason to use Coinbase over BitStamp, or visa versa? I'm not entirely certain what the major difference between all these different online wallet services really is.

>> No.364502

>Coinbase over BitStamp

They are both essentially in first place when it comes to customer satisfaction and security, so it shouldn't really matter which one you use.

Personally I use Coinbase, but that's only because at the time that I bought my first Bitcoin, Coinbase's purchase cost was a dollar or two lower than BitStamp. If at that exact moment the scenarios were reversed, I'd still be with BitStamp today, I'm sure.

>> No.364509

So any coin that I should buy except Vericoin?

>> No.364515

MAST finally rising again

>> No.364516

BBR now if you want to cash out huge in a couple weeks or so.

>> No.364530


Cool, thanks, that's what I figured. I figure I'll use CoinBase, just because it's based in the US so I don't have to worry about international fees when it comes to transferring money. BitStamp says it has to charge me $15 minimum for every time I deposit or withdraw USD from it, and for a poor college student like me that's pretty NOPE.

>> No.364532

long time Coinbase user here, no complaints. not sure what I'd do without it

>> No.364534

Arb is too slow with crypto, I have made a little from it but I only buy coins I expect to rise and don't like the time without them.

>> No.364535

I'm staying clear of it as the SAT/BTC market is being dropped from MintPal soon, I have never seen a coin survive that.

>> No.364541

PND survived it.

>> No.364542

All this time holding it while they dumped. Now I will be the one who laugh. And when coin recycler beta come out MAST will go to the moon. Muahaha.

>> No.364545

It's BTC market is still up, for now.

>> No.364547

They added the PND back market a few days ago. It was PND/LTC for the last weeks/month.

>> No.364551

from last thread

>considering making a spreadsheet here soon to keep track of profits/coins/site, not sure how to begin though.

>I'd like to do something like "Sites", "Coins", "Net profit/loss" in Google Spreadsheets but figuring out how to go about designing this is leaving me at a loss. if anyone has something like this and is willing to share it would be much appreciated.

also holding XC, BBR, SC and LTC at this moment. ive also got 4k pot.... if that ever goes anywhere.

>> No.364557

Ah k, I'm still not touching SAT as I see this as a pump to cover losses before it goes to 8 litoshi.

>> No.364577

that's a good sign, it shows its not a pump and dump coin. Its only been a couple weeks and its the only new coin ive seen in a long time to be able to keep stability. This is coin you want to hold for the long term.

>> No.364592

> Last Price
> 0.00138210
yeah, fuck this. i'm out.

>> No.364597

>Selling when it's low
Why would you do that?
You probably buy when it goes up again.

>> No.364601

>when it goes up again.
one bubble, then a steady decline. drk sees xc as a threat, and it's holders are wealthy. they won't let it go up again.

>> No.364610

this is the epitome of panic selling

you've probably already lost a lot from when you bought, there's no reason to settle. you might as well hold.

>> No.364618

i'm not panicking, i've only got like 40% of my XC left. it's dying. the first pump was murdered by bullshit fud, and now there are too many competing anoncoins. it's unfair and gay, but the momentum is gone.
it may recover in weeks or months from now, but i can't be bothered to wait. i've got several btc tied up even at this pricce. i'm switching to cryptonote.

>> No.364622


You should have switched to CN a long time ago. At least you know for sure MRO isn't bullshit.

>> No.364623


Sounds like stablecoin coin mixing all over again.

Then the dev disappeared, TIPS got coin mixing first and both coins are currently worth jack shit.

Does stableshill still lurk? Is he Mastshill now?

>> No.364627

>it's dying
>dev still active as fuck

>> No.364635

>>dev still active as fuck
yeah i know, but there's big money to be made from the first successful anonymous coin. tens of millions, if not billions. there are soon to be a lot of extremely highly skilled devs working on altcoins.
>MRO isn't bullshit.
precisely what imma buy. i've got 200 which i bought for a pittance ages ago, but the wallet is such a shitbag that i've tended not to use it. but yes, until zerocoin, i'm on mro, in the hope that they release a gui wallet before it's too late for them too.

>> No.364636
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Amazing dev team indeed. They have a bad ass vision a lot of stuff to come. They are pretty good at marketing as well, they joined with poloniex and started a contest to win pic related

>> No.364638


One of the biggest Bitcoin whales came out of the depths of the sea to explicitly say that MRO is the only ever ALT he's ever bought and that he's currently one of the biggest holders of it.

>> No.364643

Link to comment?

>> No.364644

I've decided to buy my first BTC today. I'm going to put $100 USD on it to start off with, and I don't plan on putting any more of my own money into it unless I start to make at least a small profit.

Right now it's going for about ~$642 USD on Coinbase. I've seen it get down to around ~$620 USD today, though. Should I wait to see if the price goes lower, or just buy while it's this low already? The price seems to be going up even as I type this, so I'm not entirely sure as to what I should do.

>> No.364645

>Where he thinks MRO is going

>Official ANN that he is into MRO

>> No.364652

The sure bets today are.


>> No.364657

Thanks for that, I'm buy more.

>> No.364665

Just buy now, it might crash to $400 in a week of be back at $800 but once you have your 0.12 BTC you have that to start trading.

On my biggest win I bought BTC at $700 and sold at $550 but was 3000% up from trading in-between.

>> No.364667


IT IS DONE. Just bought 0.15 BTC, should arrive within 4 or so days.

Once I get it, how do I start using it to trade for altcoins? I'm not looking to make a USD profit off of the BTC so much as I'm looking to turn my BTC into more BTC so that I can spend my BTC profit on other things. Is there a market place to buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrency? I assume Coinbase only allows you to buy and sell BTC, and not trade it for any other coins.

>> No.364668

XC found a new floor at .00138 let's hope this is just a shakeout and the price will rebound or I'll have to sell and take my losses.

>> No.364670


When was this announced?

Is it worth making a poloniex account?

What happened after the March hack/vulnerability?

Mintpal when?

>> No.364671


tbh if i were you i'd be selling right now, don't get greedy, haha.

>> No.364675

MintPal has "we made it" coins, Bittrex accepts a lot of the newer stuff and it's where most people go to analyze pump-and-dump and "on the rise" coins. Bter is like MintPal but even more exclusive. Poloniex is like Bittrex but more dead.

>> No.364679


>> No.364681

The best exchanges are:

A lot of people use cryptsy.com but they have fucked up a few of my orders and haven't refunded the missing coins after 2 months and 20+ requests providing all evidence of the error.

Next is learning how to pick coins:
coinmarketcap.com is useful for established coins but the big movers are over before they get added there.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=67.0 is the goto forum for all things crypto.
And coinfinance.com is a great tool for tracking gains and losses.

>> No.364682

it was announced today on their btctalk ann thread. I havent heard of the hack vulnerability so Im not sure what to tell you about that. Ive had a poloniex account for a few months and had new issues. And mintpal soon. They have a ton of people that are voting every hour they went from like 300 on the vote list up to 20 right now, probably close to fifteen by the end of the day or tomorrow. Id say mintpal by next monday, or the following monday for sure.

>> No.364683


It's worth noting rpietila probably doesn't know shit about the technical side of things, i.e. the actual anonymity aspect. But still, it's interesting support as that guy hasn't previously supported *any* alts.

>> No.364685

never had any issues**

>> No.364688


He probably doesn't even know the technical side of Bitcoin, but it's interesting to note that the guy made a buttload and was one of the earliest investors believing in Bitcoin.

>> No.364692

It just depends if he is willing to throw more BTC at it if it fails, he has the money to pump it hard but would he?

>> No.364704
File: 3.92 MB, 692x519, pewdiepie_s_oculus_rift_horror_by_twilightdragon2000-d6ojvf5[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy volatility, batman! Upon further research, I found that Poloniex announced the Rift giveaway on their twitter, and they also support limit orders.

SilkCoin it is.

>> No.364706


I don't think he's in the coin to save it more like because he believes this coin the CryptoNote Bitcoin.

>> No.364791

what price should I buy @ xrm (monero)?

>> No.364792


Look at the graph and make an educated decision.

>> No.364815


Fuck mintpal swear to fucking god fuck those fucking jews, im trying to buy some myr and that piece of shit is lagging right now, goddamn fucking shits i want to bash their fucking brains in i swear to god

>> No.364828


Be aware that the second PoW phase will generate coins which are probably going to be sold on exchanges, thus lowering the price, but for now i see SilkCoin going a little higher before a sell off during the PoW phase begins.

>> No.364929

MintPal seems to enjoy freezing the page so I have to refresh to get it auto-updating again.

I am vaguely aware of that (starts June 12th?) and of the fact that SC stopped rising. I just really want that Rift.

>> No.364940

how much do you think bbr will rise by?

>> No.364979

noone fucking knows if we did we would all be rich. stop asking stupid questions, nothing is certain in the crypto world

>> No.364985


About tree fiddy.

>> No.364986

How come I don't see much discussion about investing in Bitcoin itself in these threads? Is it because of the huge price? Won't it go up as the overall market grows and improves, or is that not how Bitcoin's value is determined?

>> No.364988


>> No.364990

The fluctuations of BTC price are nothing compared to what we have in the altcoin world, its nonstop action all the time there, BTC in comparison is a much lower risk and lower reward investment that everyone here knows about, nothing to discuss

>> No.365040
File: 86 KB, 1747x515, wtf!?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.365044

Where this coin come from?
And how the fuck it has 132 Billion Market cap?

>> No.365049

This shows how arbitrary crypto market caps are. 23 trillion coins at half a cent each with under a $1000 trading volume.

>> No.365050

wtf??? that has to be an error on coinmarketcap...

>> No.365052

Its not an error. Its how they set up their marketcap calculations. Coins with under $1000 trading volume can be manipulated really easily. One person can just set the value at whatever he wants and then they multiply it by the total number of coins to get the marketcap.

>> No.365087

So all they have to do is put in another filter for minimum volume and problem solved

>> No.365100
File: 6 KB, 1188x92, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fucking FUCK is happening right now HOLY SHIT?!

>> No.365103

Now that's a pump

>> No.365107

I think a more interesting metric would be a rank for (trade volume $)/(available supply in coins)
Notice that even with a big volume litecoin is not nearly as relevant in this rank

>> No.365128

Its clear the coin appeared the first on coinmarketcap so some fools though is the new bitcoin, and some other bought because they predicted that pump. It may pump even more I don't know, what I know is when the volume is higher the fall will be brutal.

>> No.365138


Would a smart thing to do be to buy that coin as it's rising, then sell the moment it starts to fall drastically from whatever towering height it reaches? Or is a coin like that way too risky?

>> No.365141


Way, way, way too risky.

It could "start to drop" by immediately dropping ~90%

>> No.365143

Risky. I would sell way before it shows signs of tanking or you may not be able to get rid of it.

>> No.365146


So, in that case, alternatively, would you buy it early on and then wait until it reaches 2x the value you bought it for and sell it then? 5x? 10x?

Or just not even bother with a coin like that?

>> No.365151

The longer you hold on to it the more risk. Same with any altcoin. They get pumped hard early and then dumped pretty fast.

>> No.365170


Hmm... In that case, is there any website that lets you know the moment a new altcoin gets released, by chance?

>> No.365222

altcoincalendar, cryptocoincalendar, altcoin authority
to make an informed decision on what is getting bumped and how much you need to lurk the bitcointalk thread announcements (all altcoins are announced there before launching), judge is promised features, the dev perceived competency and honesty, economical features like total supply and block reward, it will take experience and research to know what you are doing

>> No.365262


Could you or possibly someone else detail the process of a new altcoin being released, if possible? Like, how exactly do the devs release it, what happens after that, those sorts of things?

Specifically, I'm wondering if altcoins are released without ANY coins being available? As in, in order for ANY of the coins to appear on the market, do they need to be mined, first, or are altcoins released with some coins already mined and available for trading?

Is it possible to mine a new altcoin with a desktop computer before the difficulty of the hashes begins to increase in order to grab some quickly? Or should I just stay away from trying to mine myself unless I have dedicated machines to do so?

All of this is still both new and confusing territory for me, so I'm trying to get a grasp on how all this works.

>> No.365282

some coins are "premined", which means a percent (usually 1-3) is mined by the devs and is claimed to be released as bounties for pools, logos, etc or used as marketing. this can be true, or the devs can dump and run, depending on their trustworthiness. shitcoins are made every day. they make a wallet, decide an algorithm to use, that sort of thing. check coin specs on announcement threads, everything listed can be changed when making a new coin.

arguably the most successful coins are the ones released without premine. this gives everyone an advantage. premine is fairly looked down upon in the altcoin community, even if it claims to be used for bounties.

the best time to mine a coin is before the difficulty goes up aka before a lot of people hear about it and poin their rigs at it. depending on your gpu you might be able to mine a coin, it depends on profitability, etc. i'd stay away from sha256 for obvious reasons (ASIC territory... unless you have a 10TH rig stay the fuck awa)

>> No.365302

Action is on XC right now:



Buy on rumors, sell on news.

God speed /biz/

>> No.365305

i thought this was a worthless scamcoin?

>> No.365313

Any opinions on HappyCoin (HPY)?

>> No.365321


It's a decent coin. It took a huge hit because of the FUD and the supposedly infinite money DRK owners have to keep running it to ground.

>> No.365349

Happycoin (HPY) has just announced on twitter that they are implementing android wallets for smartphones. Better get in before moon landing.

>> No.365361

Got about 10000 coins in my wallet on Bittrex. Bought before it fell unfortunately. Think I should buy more?

>> No.365365

Another announcement of something that will never happen.

>> No.365366

just noticed that cryptonote exchange went down. now i gotta get my moneros somewhere. what do you people use?

>> No.365374
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>> No.365375

poloniex if you want 100% CPU usage, bittrex if you want subpar liquidity. just use polo, their API isn't that bad rly

>> No.365377

Any TWITTERs I should follow?

All due diligence bein' done of course.

>> No.365380

seconding this, I actually have a twitter, haven't considered following any cryptonews though.

>> No.365410

HappyCoin is officially dead


SadCoin now sadface.jpg. Bought at 6 satoshi and sold at 8 so I consider this a success. Also @ the newb apprentice in this thread, these are the whacky variables you have to consider with altcoins

>> No.365416

Gonna guess this isn't happening either lmao. what a shit attempt at a pump. they cant even fix their own windoze wallet and they were talking about putting out for android

>> No.365418



Most of these are whales who usually throw around nice signals, follow them and pay attention to when they buy and sell. 90% of the time they are correct.

>> No.365465

so I have some BTC on coinbase. How do I transfer the BTC to my mintpal or bittrex account to trade?

>> No.365469

create an account on each, find "Wallet" or "Funds", locate BTC, and navigate to the deposit address. then go back to coinbase, copy and paste the address given to you from one of those sites, and withdraw however much BTC you want. fairly simple.

>> No.365471

also create a wallet on blockchain.info because it's dope as fuck


i generally avoid leaving my funds in exchanges out of principle. good for organizationtoo

>> No.365480

appreciate it. Figured out how to get the money over right after I posted it. I made some piddly trade of like .004 bitcoin for some vericoin just to test out how buying works. What is the most efficient way to bid? And why is there such a drastic difference between the sum total BTC and the bid BTC?

>> No.365488

what site are you using? the best way to figure this stuff out is to look at the graph and decide for yourself. do a background check on the coin and check the 24 hr low and high. also check the volume of coins that are being traded. theres usually a correlation between high volume and a sharp increase/decrease in price (pumped vs dumped)

>> No.365490


Atleast the first coin you bought is a decent one, not some shitcoin so kudos for that.

>> No.365499

>can't get my monero wallet to work and you need some payment id stuff to deposit the coins to any other exchange site

what the fuck am i gonna do

>> No.365506

MRO is now XMR? the fuck am i buying?

>> No.365513


Yes they changed the acronym to XMR but rest assured it's the same coin.

>> No.365524

>bought at 8k, has been at 100k today, right now at 80k

I think I am starting to understand this, please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm on the BTC-VRC trading floor on bittrex, for reference. So if someone bids .021 BTC for 700 VRC at a "bid" of .00003918, they bought at 4k, and that is how you measure if the altcoin is gaining or losing value relative to BTC. How is this bid number determined, volume of sales?

>> No.365540

k. thenks breh.

gais i have .72 to burn on hardware. i've never into cpu mining before. which of these would you buy, for mining purposes? my crappy amd 3.5 dual core and even crappier 2.5 intel quad, aren't cutting it.


>> No.365562

I lost my 2 that I got on cryptonote exchange, got some on bittrex, does anyone use kraken?

>> No.365621

ask a trusted member of btctalk to receive them to his wallet, then send them to an exchange for you. offer 10%, or something. 90% is better than 0. i'll do it if you want, but it's probably not a good idea to send anonymous coins to anonymous people.

>> No.365622

TorCoin seems interesting:

Wonder when someone will implement it.

>> No.365650



The fuck.

>> No.365658

Thoughts on alt-faucets?


>> No.365739

Localbitcoins is now down. All in the web is 404 wtf?

>> No.365753

>what the fuck am i gonna do
Nah It was just for a moment, now its up again.

>> No.365756

Thoughts on Motocoin? Undervalued after the panic dumps or not?

>> No.365771
File: 17 KB, 614x360, xmr wallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody have daemon is busy issues with XMR wallet? I've transferred to a couple wallets but they aren't coming through despite showing ready.

>> No.365773

oh jeusus, don't use the gui wallet, it's even worse than the command line version.

>> No.365776

which should i use then?

>> No.365779

really i'm just trying to get my xmr out of https://cryptonote.exchange.to/pages/shutdown

>> No.365780


>> No.365783

still get daemon is busy error

>> No.365786

so you're running bitmonerod.exe, then simultaneously running simplewallet.exe, and you're getting that message? i'm lost.
you do appear to have a receiving address in your gui wallet. as long as you back up the wallet files, you can just have your coins sent there. once you're synced they'll arrive

>> No.365792

just trying to run simplewallet at the moment and still erroring out

>> No.365793
File: 35 KB, 672x342, simplewallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

error message

>> No.365799

>running bitmonerod.exe, then simultaneously running simplewallet.exe

oh man. now i can get my coins

>> No.365801

What the fuck, how does that work
I only want my Monero from the cryptonote exchange ;_;

>> No.365806

Cloakcoin going to 100k today, better buy now.

>> No.365807

>download .zip
>extract to directory
>run simplewallet.exe
>type name for wallet
(wallet gets created)
>enter password or don't
>wallet gets generated in same directory
daemon fails to connect...that's where i'm stuck.

see error message here:

>> No.365808


Explain or shill pls go

>> No.365809

Just did this and I get the same message as you.

>> No.365811

you need to run bitmonerod.exe before you run the wallet. bitmonerod.exe is the daemon.

oh, and on exiting the wallet, type "save". on exiting the daemon, type "exit". don't just click the 'x' to close.

yeah, it's a pain in the ass.

>> No.365813

Read it on twitter, there's lots of hype.

>> No.365817
File: 915 KB, 272x272, SgQc3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.365840

how can i transfer to one wallet to another? want to consolidate. i see the help command but cmd line isn't my strongsuit

>> No.365843

hold alt and space, press E.

>> No.365847

that wasn't very helpful. that just tells you how to copy/paste. the relevant command to send coins, is:

transfer 0 <Deposit Address> <amount> <Payment ID>

payment id won't be needed unless you're transferring to an exchange. alt, space and E will allow you to paste the command above, and transfer coins.

>> No.365857

why is monero disabled on bittrex?

>> No.365858

probably because it's a piece of shit scam clone with no dev team to fix bugs or innovate

>> No.365870

there it is, thanks again. friend tried to transfer 275 to bittrex from cryptonote...did he lose them or are they in limbo? usually comes thru in 5 minutes but it's been about 10 hours.

>> No.365879

you guys getting in on the pump on mintcoin?

>> No.365880

presumably he didn't specify a payment i.d if he sent from an exchange, in which case they'll be deposited in the bittrex wallet, but the same wallet as everyone else is using. without the payment i.d they've no way of knowing who the coins came from. that's my understanding of it. emailing them is probably his best chance. they won't just appear.

>> No.365937

XC on the rise again. Here it comes boys.

Hope you all held and didn't panic sell. And if you haven't picked up any XC at all yet, now's most likely your last chance.

>> No.365944

Explain or shill pls go

>> No.365954


XC got added to BTer.com, chinese exchange. Although I don't think the chinese are interested in XC, we'll see how this plays out.

>> No.365959


XC had a shitload of panic selling the last couple of days, after the initial debut/peak.

Its X11 algo is well hyped but the coin stagnated after all the panic sellers and even more people panic sold at that point in fear that it was all over. However many people held on and it just got added to BTer.

The panic is over and done with and due to it being a valuable algo in and of itself on top of it's spread, its value is now finally making the climb back up to where it will/should be.

>> No.365963

>where it will/should be.
What would that be?
How many sats are possible?

>> No.365973


Was down to ~90k, as of now back to ~140k, if I had to guess it'll probably stabilize around ~200k-250k all said and done.

>> No.366100

Vericoin (VRC) is this weeks coin.

>> No.366133

VRC about to drop on mintpal... It's shot up to 8k on bittrex today.

>> No.366142

The VeriCoin VRC/BTC market is now live, happy trading!

>> No.366195


it better

I bought right on the last 0.002 peak
>fuck me

>> No.366198

What coins are hot for daytrading right now?

I made a fuckton on Doge/BTC when wolong was around, what's the new thing?

Darkcoin seems like a crash is imminent, I would go Litecoin for long term and maybe like Blackcoin for now

>> No.366203

>tfw still have to wait until Tuesday for my first BTCs to come in through Coinbase to begin any sort of trading

This wait is painful. Once I get my BTC on Coinbase, can I transfer it to Mintpal without any more delays, or do I have to wait for the BTC transfer to go through on there, too?

>> No.366208

I had to wait 2 hours if I remember correctly.

>> No.366210

you have to wait for the transaction to get x number of confirmations, which can take minutes to hours. more likely the latter.

also my BTC is arriving today on Coinbase, it better hurry the fuck up

>> No.366214

Ive been trading VRC all day, looks like i sold too early on bittrex though, still, not bad considering I bought it last night.

>> No.366216
File: 45 KB, 1315x646, ver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hop on this train?

>All aboard

>> No.366220

wait until my measly .02 BTC arrives in Mintpal pls

>> No.366223

What platform is best?

I xfer'd my shit to cryptsy

>> No.366229



>> No.366231


I'm in for massive gains. If the devs deliver we're looking at 1000-1500% XC level like gains.

I bought VRC at 800 so you can imagine how much bitcoin I'm swimming in already.

>> No.366233

cryptsy is balls, never use it. it's more or less mtgox

>> No.366241

just bought into vericoin, only 405 of them at this point. ready to see the moon. let's do this.

>> No.366256


Fasten your seatbelt, you're in for the ride of your life.

>> No.366261

i bought 1261, hope this goes well

>> No.366263


VRC at 8.4k. Still worth buying at all? Seems to have stopped jumping up.

>> No.366264


>> No.366265


Well, a couple of hours isn't that bad compared to almost a week, at the very least.


>tfw can't get on this ride

Hold me, /acg/.

>> No.366269

thats only a momentary lapse, jump in now if you want to see profit

>> No.366270

Just transferred .17 BTC into mintpal, which is gonna make me the dosh?

>> No.366271


Yes it will reach 20k at the very least. That's my goal and then I'm cashing out.

>> No.366275


Buy VCR now, from the looks of it. You're a little late for the train but you should still be able to make some profit, from what I'm reading in the thread.

>> No.366276

How often does stuff like VCR happen, exactly? Is it something that tends to happen on a weekly basis, or do good coins like this only appear once in a blue moon? Just so I know whether or not I should be fretting too much over missing all of these good coins popping up right now.

>> No.366281
File: 26 KB, 520x301, 6254741_f520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thats only a momentary lapse, jump in now if you want to see profit
>momentary lapse

Just bought 700

>> No.366283


It's VRC btw, it happened 2 weeks ago with XC. Basically it always happens whenever there is a coin that innovates. Pump and dump shitcoin clones of bitcoin don't last long.

>> No.366290


>Not investing in VCR coin

DVD is a shitty clone

>> No.366295

>Shilling VCR coin

Enjoy your please rewind

>> No.366297


Not even 24 hours being on Mintpal safe to say the train hasn't quite left the station

>> No.366298
File: 6 KB, 1263x134, fucking hell mintpal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long does this shit take? jesus christ

>> No.366301

So when do I get off the VRC train?

>> No.366306

The question I think is on everyone's mind right now. I'm thinking of getting 75% of my holdings out if it hits 15k. Everyones saying 20k but I think everyone is gonna dump long before that

>> No.366307


Not for awhile.

It's nearing 11k on Bittrex, but is soaring over 12k on MintPal

>> No.366309

VRC is 90% in the hands of whales right now. Hopefully they take it up instead of running it into the ground. I'm close to my cash out goal, hope you guys already made the plans as well, don't be greedy.

>> No.366310

I take that back. Not looking stable at all right now.

Cashing out 700 right now. I ain't complaining about a 166% profit.

>> No.366312

Question for everybody who cashes out on VRC:

How many Bitcoins worth of profit did you manage to make off of it? Just to satisfy my curiosity.

>> No.366315

I bought VRC at 600 weeks ago and sold at 1k because the thread was dead as fuck

God dammit

>> No.366316


I'm currently on a 21 BTC profit. I believe there are people who profited more than me around here.

>> No.366317

what was your initial investment, when did you make it? I feel like I could have made more but I only put in .2 BTC and doubled that.

>> No.366318


Zippidy zoo gosh darn - And how much Bitcoin did you have to invest in the first place?

>> No.366319

Just dont pussy out and rebuy if it goes up, will bite u in the ass everytime

>> No.366320


2 BTC around 2 weeks ago when it was at around 800 sats.

>> No.366321

VRC losing support on mintpal

>> No.366330


I'm just going to set it and forget it and hope that it pumps back up to the ~12k I wanted it to.

>> No.366340

Its already back up to 12k on mintpal. Bittrex is hovering around 10.

>> No.366350

thank you based buy walls

>> No.366356

when are you guys getting off the vrc train?

>> No.366364


when people stop undercutting me by a satoshi

>> No.366367

VRC just hit 17.5k sats at Craptsy

>> No.366380

People keep doing mini pumps then removing all buy support

I have got to stop panic buying, time to set and forget again

>> No.366389

So is it too late to buy into Vericoin?

>> No.366395


bullshit, hovering around 12.5k, think it could rise a bit more still 17 sounds realistic before tomorrow

>> No.366398


It was being traded at around 17k sats, check the chart. It suffered a correction that was needed, but it will eventually settle there.

>> No.366406

tapped out at 11k, buywalls at mintpal are down to 10.9, might buy back in if it reaches 9 or 8

>> No.366430

Bump, is it too late to buy Vericoin? Is the train ride over?

>> No.366435


come back tomorrow business hours are over

>> No.366595

give me a coin to throw 100$ at
what about vericoin?

>> No.366635
File: 1.53 MB, 1200x700, mintcoin-new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im holding mint and its paying off right now price is gonna sky rocket soon, it started taking off yesterday and best part is just by holding coins in my wallet i get 20% interest straight into my wallet every 20 days!

>> No.366646


I haven't even started trading but man could you shill any harder?

>> No.366648

MINT holders shill harder than anyone at this point, they're the modern quark holders tbh

veri just hit a 24 hr low

>> No.366649

how's a coin meant to succeed if you don't try to support it. people have there savings invested in crypto coins every body from every community does this

>> No.366659

Well I lost almost 50%

Bought about 1840 VRC for .24 BTC, still have then

Should I just hold then forever in hopes of it breaking even or cut my losses?

>> No.366660

don't panic sell ffs

>> No.366661

if you cant hold a coin for more than 24 hours even after it goes down a little in price don't get into the investment/crypto game

>> No.366669
File: 41 KB, 1004x327, openorders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how I have my veri set up

>> No.366675

20% interest is retarded.

>> No.366676

it goes down by 5% a year till it hits its coin cap

>> No.366684

veri just hit 8400, top kek if you sold low.

>> No.366691

Cryptcoin devs claim they developed an anonymous sending method without using a mixer.
He makes an announcement today, buy the rumour guys.

>> No.366709

just found a new coin on this board that looks like a good opportunity, especially for those who can't mine. it's a free and fairly distributed coin that has some pretty active devs and community support. anyone interested? don't want to get flamed for advertising

>> No.366710

>flamed for advertising
this isn't a pndoge thread, yo. which coin are you looking at?

>> No.366711



>> No.366712


haha alright, well I was just surfing the front page and stumbled on redkoin

seems like their perk is that it's a fairly and transparently distributed coin via a faucet, so people who can't mine can still get in and hold PoS coins and mint them

if the devs are legit and transparent about it and don't keep any of the premine, it could be very successful if the community is receptive to it


>> No.366715

>Premined coin

pls no shitcoins

>> No.366716

yes, premine is bad if the devs keep it.

BUT, in this case, 100% of the premine will be loaded into the faucet and given away to the community.

>> No.366718

Looks good I'll check it out. Will be my first crypto since I don't have a miner rig yet

What's the issue with this coin? I'm new to all of this and want to avoid any pitfalls

>> No.366727

>mintpal 24hr veri high 4 btc
c'mon now.

>> No.366730


I'm not, I held Doge for like 3 weeks to make my investment back once

>> No.366735

i know im guilty of this but stop expecting the price to skyrocket within an hour, the price has setlled within the past 8 hrs, everyone needs to calm the fuck down

>> No.366736


Do you think there'll be another pump at chink time tomorrow? I just want to get out of my coins at ~12.9k

>> No.366738

I'm worried this is all hype and veri isn't worth anything in 5 days.

>> No.366739

i have sell orders at 12k and 15k, im predicting a pump soon

>> No.366740

of course it won't be, its a pnd, it'll be dead within 3 days. thats the point. everyone keeps panicking since that small price fall. its not the end of the world, itll have a few pumps before it dies down

>> No.366741


The whales made a fuckton of money, and I rode the waves from .17 BTC to .24 BTC in like 20 minutes

Then I made one bad play on the charts by panic buying with no support and I got fucked, now I'm stuck with coins

I'm relying on whales to pump to get my money back, otherwise I'm out like half of my money

oh well

>> No.366758

ok, orange and pink coin

enc and myc

cloak coin is the new vericoin

cinni is still total pump and dump garbage but it could see a rally

silk still has a ways to go, as does distro

bost had a new high today

yacoin is cheap as hell and might do something, also Mycoin (cheap and worth a shot in the dark)

lost money on fuelcoin, still holding my ruby

x13 the new x11?

bought some entropy coin but I cant remember why

curecoin is a steal right now, long term value on that one

I also got some madesafecoins because I support what they're attempting

>> No.366766

>x13 the new x11?
How? Are devs not working on x11 anymore?

>> No.366769

no, gimmickwise

>> No.366785
File: 56 KB, 875x409, vrc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I wouldn't be able to dispose of these coins from the previous pump.

>> No.366789

Going up again

>> No.366837

Is VRC ever going to go up again?

>> No.366839

it was at 6 an hour or two ago. now it's 8k.

>> No.366849


i mean 12k+

>> No.366866
File: 320 KB, 1469x538, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.366872


welp, i guess i lost that investment

>> No.366879

>implying that chart has ever been informative.

>> No.366881

not necessarily, s'only my reading of it and i'm often wrong. if you're still up on your purchase price though, i'd sell large chunks now. if the price is down and you have faith in the coin longer term....

>> No.366884

I put in .17 BTC and rode the waves to .24 BTC, but then panic bought at ~12980 disregarding the charts and then got fucked and didn't cut and run fast enough

Now if I sold I'd be down .02 BTC

>> No.366889

I don't see any reason (other than riding the current pnd hype waves) to put money in Veri. Altcoins are more fun if the team is actually making a sincere effort.

Sell now and call it a day. You'll still have money to play with tomorrow. .02 is like one beer anyway

Hope you'll do better next time.

>> No.366890


I'm willing to wait until the day I die to make my money back due to sunk-cost fallacy, I just wanted to know if it was likely to happen before then

>> No.366900

>sunk-cost fallacy
That's tricky.

Try to have a price in mind when you buy. When do you sell? How low do you let it go before you sell with a loss?

It's easier if you know why people are interested in the coin, if you know what the devs are up to. Are there rumors? Announcements?

>> No.366901


I based everything off of this thread and it worked very well until I fucked up once trying to chase money that wasnt supported

>> No.366902

Just bought CRY and CLOAK.
Hope to make some nice BTC.

>> No.366906

There is really no demand for VRC, like damn

I've had the lowest sell order up for like 5+ minutes and no buy

>> No.366908


The bull trap happened the 6th at 1:30, not at 8:30.

>> No.366912

Why does a bubble always looks this?
It's the same for every coin.

>> No.366913

looks like*

>> No.366915

So if I get out of VRC what should I throw everything on hail-mary style


>> No.366916

I'm convinced there is someone on /biz/ with a shit ton of btc that is buying and selling coins so that he can post the chart more often.

>> No.366920
File: 51 KB, 359x305, 1395990759710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That guy who undercuts you by one satoshi

>> No.366970

Alright, just transferred all of my coins to bittrex

There's no option for curecoin which i read about on lebbit, I'll look into the cloak pump i guess

>> No.367053

Welp, looks like I'm losing another fuckton of cash on cloak

bought @ 26k, down to 24.5

>> No.367054

I havent been to /biz/ in a while. How did mazacoin turn out faggots?

You fuckers will never learn will you?

>> No.367055


Fuck it, I'll just hodl for gooktime

Also I'm like the only person in this thread

>> No.367056

meanwhile, VRC is rising.
welcome to altcoins.

>> No.367060


>Buy in VRC @ 13k
>Sold at 8k
>Buy in CLOAK @ 26k
>Down to 24k

I'm bad at this after all, I guess it was just easy as hell during the days of wolong

>> No.367063

Started with .17 BTC, now have 607 CLOAK and zero other crypto

I'm going to hold until tonight or later today, let's see how this goes

I need to keep a net worth of at least $100 or I won't be able to open/sustain a checking account

>> No.367065

Mastiffcoin CoinRecycler feature will be out in a few days. When this happens price probably will skyrocket. I sold mine because I though the coin was over, but with these news I just bought again. And with that number of coins I think now it is pretty cheap.



>> No.367076

lel don't gamble if you can't afford to lose.

>> No.367080


I can afford to lose it all, it's just like $100

I'm just trying to hustle multiple ways right now, I'm making some decent money on a few things but I'm always looking for more shit

I have a ton of methods for free money but don't do most now because of the effort required

>> No.367090

You're not supposed to buy high and sell low.

>> No.367094


I know, I'm just too jittery about catching a falling knife and trying to avoid holding what are essentially shitcoins just in hopes of it going back up

>> No.367096

XMR looking kinda tasty right now. not much volume though, so might not be for those after instant profit.


Last: 0.002 High: 0.00398999 Low: 0.002

>> No.367097

I know exactly what you're talking about, I was exactly like you the first few months when I started trading altcoins.
It'll get better though.

>> No.367101


The problem is that I went from like .7 BTC to 1.2 BTC trading Doge back in the day so I'm overconfident in my trading ability now

I'm doing an all or nothing on a coin right now

>> No.367105

>it'll get better

Thats the same thing I say to my wife when i fuck her in the ass.

>I dont think it gets any better for her

>> No.367107

Have fun with the pump that's coming later and know when to get out.

>> No.367108


Not cloak, no, i panic sold out of that and it's already recovered

>> No.367110


>> No.367112


Bought @ 26050 and sold @ 23750

>> No.367115

Please don't do this again.
Learn from your mistakes and don't ever panic sell.

>> No.367117
File: 33 KB, 1491x379, kill me now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is where I'm at right now

And I know, I've told so many people that before when I used to trade

I've just been too pussified because I'm trading with shitcoins, but I'll stand by trades now

>> No.367157

just put 0.3BTC into VRC and SC each

holding CURE for long term

I wish bittrex had an easier way of calculating P/L, i made a google docs spreadsheet for now ill upload it when i improve it some more

>> No.367162


Where you can buy CURE? I couldnt find it on bittrex or mintpal

>> No.367166

Will be interesting too see where VRC goes today.

>> No.367167


>> No.367174


Still holding SYNC.....

>> No.367180

Hey guys, is now a good moment to buy VRC? Or the train passed?

>> No.367196

price hasn't been higher all day.
if it goes back down to 6 maybe. but I still wouldn't.

>> No.367200

What's the good word on today's train, a-la VRC yesterday-style?

>> No.367201

there's some buzz on orangecoin but seems like pure shilling to me. I don't know if we'll see a VRC style boom for a little bit.

>> No.367205

Ah. Thanks for the info.

Unrelated question: Is BBR and XC pretty much a lost cause at this point?

Shit was beyond hype about being "the next huge coins" and suffice to say I feel pretty disenfranchised as of now. Worth holding for longer or sell asap?

>> No.367213

XC had that rally yesterday but it never really went anywhere, and trade volume seems to be dropping off. Pretty dead, I guess.

>> No.367231


I have bad news for you...

>> No.367247

What's the current consensus on BC? I'm still holding some.

>> No.367285

Any news on XMR? Holding a few but watching this bastard drop makes me want to dump it

>> No.367354


thinking the same thing, i dunno what the fuck is up with it. :(

>> No.367356


XMR is a long term hold. It's not a shitcoin based on the BTC blockchain, it's a whole new and completely different algorithm. Be patient guys, you will be rewarded if you do.

>> No.367362


fuck lets hope so.

I'm also holding on to some MAST for the inevitable price bump that's going to happen when the recycler goes live, I suggest y'all get in while its fucking dirt cheap cuz it should be worth at least double in a week or so.

>> No.367363

speaking of xmr, i'm trying to get mine into bittrex from my wallet but the bittrex wallet won't generate a payment id for me making it impossible to deposit the xmr. what's up with that?

>> No.367387


Get simple wallet and mine to your wallet. Do not mine directly to an exchange's wallet.

>> No.367393

i'm not trying to mine anything, just transferring some coins

>> No.367396

same here

also #YMC

>> No.367480

Just got some YMC, hope it matches its earlier high of 400 then I'll move the gains to sit on mast. You guys certain that the price bump is inevitable for it?

>> No.367484

Fucking finally got my Bitcoins in through Coinbase. How do I deposit them into Mintpal, now? Mintpal gave me a "deposit address" when I selected the "deposit" option - Do I transfer to that address?

Sorry if this seems like a silly question, but I just want to make sure I'm not about to send $100 of Bitcoins to some random address and never be able to get them back.

>> No.367500


you're correct

>> No.367505


Awesome. We're doing this. Tonight, we start trading.

What coins are looking good that people think I should give my first shot at investing in?

>> No.367511
File: 498 KB, 619x710, excitement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's secret information.

>> No.367514


For instant profit this night I don't know. It will be good if someone says what coins are gonna be pumped in the next hours.

For medium term (like 3-7 days) MAST

For long term XMR (known before as MRO)

>> No.367551

there's a lot of blackcoin shilling going on for a potential weekend pump. Anyone else still holding some VRC? I have 2000 or so left and not sure whether to hold or get out if the coin is dead.

>> No.367561

do you think mast will go past it's previous high of .00036 because of the coin recycler? I have no idea if this whole thing will pitch in or not

>> No.367563

Well I think, yes. Until coinffeine is ready and working, MAST coin recycler feature will be allmost unique and ideal for money laundering purposes. So with the amount of buys using other coins price will go up, also with the hype. And even if it only go to 0.3 it will be a good investment.

>> No.367584

Dude chill, its the 2nd date of CLOAK after all. There's 4 more days of PoW, it just got onto coinmarketcap today. Seriously how fast do you expect to make money off it? Give it a little time.

>> No.367592

8000 satoshi confirmed for VRC buy floor.

Seems like mintpal is the only exchange with buy support though.

I would write an arbitrage bot, but I'm too busy doing manual arbitrage.

>> No.367631

honorcoin just listed on bittrex. I haven't really read too much about it, any potential to grow above 2k this week?

>> No.367695


When you guys are using these numbers, what exactly are you referring to? I saw you guys talking about how VRC is going to hit 20k or something like that yesterday, but 20k what, exactly?

>> No.367699

1 satoshi = hundreth of a millionth btc

so by 20k they mean 0.0002 btc

>> No.367705


That makes sense, thanks. Just bought my first altcoin, too. I know people are saying XC are dead, but looking at the history I think it has potential to rise a little bit, so I just tossed in 0.03 BTC (1/5th of the BTC I bought) as an investment. If the price starts to drop dramatically, I'll sell and cut my losses, but I'm thinking I might be able to see a small profit out of it.

Also, is there anywhere to see the change of price in altcoins live, like Bitcoin Wisdom but with other coins?

>> No.367709


>Buy XC
>Suddenly like six people sell, dropping the price from 118k to 114k

For fuck's sake. This is off to a great start, isn't it? Not gonna sell yet, obviously, I'm just not liking the look of how the very first altcoin investment I've made is going.

>> No.367717

the closest you can come are the charts on each individual site

also don't panic sell, especially with established coins such as xc. with pump n dumps, i can understand, but xc has been in the game for longer. it has the chance to go up and vice versa.

>> No.367720

You made a good purchase, wait a few weeks max for excellent returns, could be days

>> No.367808

New thread?

>> No.367827

>tfw watching prices rise then fall, rise then fall, rise then fall over and over again

w-why can't it just keep rising?

>> No.367965

How long should I hold onto VRC for? I bought it at 8.5k and it's up to 10k now, but it looks like it'll keep rising. Any opinions?

>> No.367973

i sold 200 at 10k, i already put another 200 for sell order

thanks china <3

>> No.367974

another 200 @ 12k*

>> No.367985

whats everyone lookingat for the weekend?

>> No.367988

Someone gonna make a new thread? We're way past the bump limit.

>> No.367991

