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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 608 KB, 644x917, qtumorbiter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3641313 No.3641313 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder the Qtum main swap happens Oct. 4th. Qtum will no longer be an ERC-20 token and will run on it's own blockchain. On top of that these crazy fucks are launching satellites to run nodes from space. Say bye to $10 bags unless btc has more drama. Gains guaranteed at this point.

>> No.3641342
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we space now bois

>> No.3641343

>Wtf is this


but I can't wait to get rid of these bags

>> No.3641356

I got in at a decent price and I'm profiting atm but I'm going to hodl a bit since this is getting interesting and I think staking comes along with this

>> No.3641381

staking is coming too.

>> No.3641392
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thank me later

>> No.3641398

Thinking of going all-in into QTUM

>> No.3641400

That's gonna be gooooood. It will take a fair amount of coins off the market since people will be staking.

>> No.3641401

Can someone give me a dumbed down explanation of what Qtum is trying to do? Is it just a programmable blockchain that runs on mobile? What's their selling point?

>> No.3641408

oh shiiiii flat earth confirmed.

>> No.3641427

Adding to this. Can someone explain to me where did the satellite idea came from? Do they want a decentralized network?

>> No.3641428

So is this why my nexus is plumeting? Reeeeee

>> No.3641438

about the satellites from the ama

"Hey this is Zee, I am founder of Space Chain. We have already finish building our first satellite with Qtum and it is welded on rocket and ready for launch soon. We believe satellite nodes add a new dimension of diversity of nodes and make the system more decentralized. Current blockchain technology applications use computer as nodes and adopt ground-network-based transmission channel. The singular network and singular node pose great security risks. Once node computer or transmission network is under attack, the entire blockchain network may be greatly impacted . Therefore, from a security perspective, blockchain needs to have diversified transmission networks and nodes with multiple data storages to enhance system safety and security. It will be connected with ground station to receive/use data, and there are also IOT testing devices. On the first satellite, we creatively use Raspberry Pi to run the Qtum test node. It will the first time that Raspberry got brought to space. In future, what hardware we have on the satellite will be dependent on what kind of services it provides. As I said, the first satellite is finished and welded on the rocket. We expect the first satellite will be launched later this year. If everything goes well, we will have 4-8 satellites up there at the end of 2018."

>> No.3641444

what are the ERC-20 tokens - every time before some token swap or shit, whales dump everything.. why the fuck do they even list some tokens on exchanges instead of wallets? educate me please

>> No.3641448

Quantum computer resistant/ready blockchain that will be decentralized via satellites in space

>> No.3641492

Erc-20 tokens are coins that run on the ethereum blockchain.

Just don't daytrade and be patient to let things progress if you want gains with less risk.

Every token is stored on the ethereum blockchain. If you want to put your token in a wallet you just send it to your Eth address. If it runs on it's own blockchain they will have a wallet app for it. Exchanges exist because people want to trade coins for other coins or fiat "regular money" The users that own the coins put them on the exchange it's not like they just all get sent to the exchange and it runs off that.

>> No.3641518

I hope this fucking coin dips 1 last time so I can get more bags before we go to space.

>> No.3641537
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>mfw literally going to the moon

>> No.3641546
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>in space
not even at the karman line 62 miles up

>> No.3641576

thanks, what about the part about swapping tokens for coins when they launch mainnet stuff?

>> No.3641595

this shit is so stupid

>> No.3641605

what a joke.

>> No.3641610

qtum has the potential to go 3 digits next year. i knew this a few months ago

>> No.3641617

Do you retards not realize this is true decentralization coming?

>> No.3641645
File: 236 KB, 604x604, 21.01.FF_.McAfee.DL_.59838.Wired_McAfee__039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove that its a real satellite.

>> No.3641647


>> No.3641670

hurr durr first raspberry in space. Maybe because its not a hardened piece of equipment and thus not meant to go into space, where high radiation levels kills unhardened shit in short order.

>> No.3641671

This has to be b8 or you're super retarded/dense. Nanosatellites aren't mythical creatures.

>> No.3641673

why aren't we pumping ahhhhhhhhh. IVE BEEN WAITING ALL WEEK

>> No.3641693

wtf are you even on about? do you honestly think a manufacturer of satellites won't properly shield internal components? Or are you just ass hurt and have all your neetbucks dragging you down in the form of shitcoin bags.

>> No.3641695

regardless of any shit this will pump beyond belief with satellite hype alone. thats some NASA high tech shit right here.

>> No.3641699
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nt nerd i aint clicking that hacker link

>> No.3641724
File: 1.03 MB, 1888x1010, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could have done what he did.

>> No.3641733
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>> No.3641739

Please stfu and delete this op I want to accumulate

>> No.3641785
File: 660 KB, 1024x636, finished.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to be much sexier for the qt's when it's done ;)

>> No.3641798

CGI bro no proof wtf find 1 photograph of a satellite in space and I will send 1btc

>> No.3641834

>built in mexico

pablo, you have to go back..

>> No.3641888
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>> No.3641897

And I got trips senpai!

>> No.3641915

being built by space chain. I don't think chinks=mexico.

>> No.3641917

where is the satellite that took a picture of that satellite?

>> No.3641935

It grabbed it with that arm coming up out of it. I think it was defunct so they had to retrieve it or some shit

>> No.3641943

there's a selfie stick right there

>> No.3641944
File: 3.11 MB, 2584x1536, Screen Shot 2017-09-27 at 4.43.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek look at the ELA

>> No.3641948

m8 you're either being bated or trying to argue with a complete dumbfuck.

>> No.3641952

Here's the link

>> No.3641976

Well I'm not going to stick a sharpie up my ass, but arguing with a complete retard is worth a shot for 1 btc.

>> No.3641986

actually worse than begging thinking anyone on biz is going to send you a shekel.

>> No.3642001

bought back in hopefully this goes well
space is cool that's enough of a reason for me

>> No.3642013

Damn, good point. Well, I'm getting a decent bonus in november so I'll have a full BTC soon enough.

>> No.3642078

Fuck it just went in more again now. Rather wait a bit then miss out