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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 696x449, ethbet696x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3629678 No.3629678 [Reply] [Original]

>selling for one third ICO price

>> No.3629694


>> No.3629724

>muh low marketcap

all you idiots that thought this would moon just because of a low marketcap deserve to lose your money

>> No.3629749

>gambling coin
>crypto is gambling
why would you do this to yourself?

>> No.3629757

>anonymous devs
did u learn nothing from SIGT

>> No.3629772

Time to stack up then

>> No.3629774
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>> No.3629791
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>5x gains from SIGT and ELIX

>> No.3629810
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>> No.3629829

oohh no my ebets

>> No.3629901
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>> No.3629903

Why the fuck did I buy it at ICO price. I could have bought it cheaper than that...

Gonna buy like 10k with this, thanks OP

>> No.3629908


>> No.3629924


>> No.3629973

Because you don't DYOR?

>> No.3629995

We good. I see their advertising everywhere. This will go up eventually. Peer to peer coin with no house edge? That has prospect and all a gambling platform needs are gamblers which are in abundance and once some start using it it'll snowball like all other technically successfully platforms

>> No.3630018
File: 186 KB, 540x540, TFWnodice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not DYOR and realizing that BitDice is the superior gambling crypto

>> No.3630146

threres fuck all volume, why would anyone even be trading this

what sort of retard would buy this without knowing they'd have to hold until q1 18'

>> No.3630201
File: 30 KB, 657x527, 558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I need to wait until Q1/18 to play riveting dice games?

>> No.3630225

Waiting patiently until it gets added to YoBit, then we go to lamboland

>> No.3630226


>> No.3630239

no you need to wait for dat 10x

theres going to be a lot of salt on here when this is at $10 mil market cap

>> No.3630249


Have you goys read this?

>> No.3630260

sigt gains were huge and comfy af

>> No.3630300

Lol I could buy in now and make 3x money if this gets back to break even for all you ICO fags. But I'm not gonna. I'm gonna wait till it goes to 10-20% of the ICO price then buy a fuckton, create some volume, make a shitton of money and sell everything at about 90% ICO price so you fags don't break even.

>> No.3630314

Also you know ethBet paid for themerkle to post this?

>> No.3630315

theres no volume for you to buy a significant amount

keep larping FUN holder

>> No.3630340

.00071 / 3 = .0003?

>> No.3630344

If I put in a big buy order one of you desperate fags will sell into it. Then I just buy the rest of the orderbook, create a couple posts on here and reddit about how it's mooning and I'll sell all my bags to dummies for a significant profit.

>> No.3630356

>people unironically bought ethbet when they could have bought LINK instead

>> No.3630363

Nigga anyone who bought this coin is waiting until they release a working product at least.

>> No.3630369

I bought both just to be sure.

>> No.3630381

Lol if you think anyone on /biz/ is patient
enough to wait like 3-6 months with bags for a working product your habbing a larp. Everyone on here thought it would be a quick flip. 10x gains in a week they said. Especially with good ICOs like request on the horizon people are gonna want out.

>> No.3630392

I do know

>> No.3630405

I didnt buy this with intentions of a quick flip
I think that was just memery by link shills
I threw bundle of eth into this
It was free eth in the sense of being replaced not soon after by gains so I dont really care if it moons or not
But the dev seems like a decent guy, has an angle he is working, seems promising.

>> No.3630453

The way I was sold on this was that it'd be worth putting in a bit just because of the small hardcap and then holding until they get a product on the blockchain, no one ever mentioned flipping it that I remember. It was "a niche project with big gains potential".

>> No.3630459

>the dev seems like a decent guy
You don't even know his name... He's anonymous. He could and probably will crack the shits one day and just leave because why would he not? He already has over a mill in ETH to his name. Noted he does get between 10-25% of the EBET tokens after the vested periods, does that really matter when he has so much ETH?

And before you say but but satoshi... Satoshi didn't do an ICO and ask for over a million, and he delivered a working product day one.

>> No.3630466

Yeah cryptos are a risky business. Like I said, I didnt put in more than I could lose. Either way, its all good.

>> No.3630496
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sorry for your loss goys. meanwhile i'm quite comfy

>> No.3630497

>knows the risks
>is prepared to lose
Credit to you mate, didn't think I'd see such a level headed reply on /biz/. I actually hope it works out for you.

>> No.3630511

Because if he spends the next six months working and puts out a semidecent dicing game he could increase his net worth 10x.

>> No.3630551

this tbqh famalam

>> No.3630601

I only bought 1.2 ETH.
If I can't hodl that I have no hope trying to invest.

>> No.3630632

Guys, I'm gonna buy 1 ethbet to help you guys out. I know it's hard.

>> No.3630687

implying we didnt buy both

I am, i bought this full well knowing id have to wait 6 months for upwards of 10x's. its all a fucking game anyway, we're taking big risks for big rewards and there are people here FUDing this just because they're bagholding something else

>> No.3630712

It's always the same type of arguments in these threads, some of us here are minimally functional adults who understand risk and reward. It's not like I forced my sister into prostitution to buy EBET, if it doesn't work out I'll just move on. I have other investments.

>> No.3630718

You're all stupid as fuck.
It's not even on any big exchanges yet.

>> No.3630757

cheers m8

>> No.3630804

on etherdelta where idiots will buy things at 10-1000x market price? i wouldn't even bother adding ICO coins to blockfolio is they are still only on ED.

>> No.3631392
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another token that goes directly alongside with my bitbeans, DGB and NEO

>> No.3631541

Glad i didnt throw more than 4 ethers into this

Not selling at this point though, will dumb if it gets around 80% ico price tho

>> No.3631561

>Caring, ever, about etherdelta prices

The only thing that place is good for is setting some very low buy orders and some very high sell orders incase some fat fingered idiot wanders in there

>> No.3631786
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HA! lmao at all you ethbet fags for actually thinking this shit project would give you 1337 10x gainz in a matter of days. How about you put your money into a project with an ACTUAL working product, millions of dollars wagered, AND pays out the profits. Thats right fags, I'm talking about Etheroll. It's OVER. You got JIPPED. Cut your losses on this shit and move on. There are many other projects competing for the same market, that plan to do a lot more than this, and have a lot more to show for.

>> No.3631822

>> implying I don't own both already plus some of all the competition

gamblers are superstitious, ethbet will find its niche if the dev wants to make it happen.

you think there is just one online casino or just one casino on the las vegas strip?

>> No.3631825


stay cucked no ebeta's