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File: 844 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3605076 No.3605076 [Reply] [Original]

Why do girls on Tinder get triggered when I say I am "high earner" on my profile and nothing else ?

>> No.3605083

Reminds me to update my tinder to just have my coin holdings

>> No.3605089

Because they want to pretend like it doesn't matter to them.

>> No.3605094

Women put guys into two categories. Lover and provider, by talking about your money you are putting yourself into the provider category. Idk why this would make them mad if anything they would be rubbing their hands together trying to find a way to exploit you

>> No.3605098

you've been shitposting with an agenda
I got my eye on you, mister _IDF

>> No.3605148

No autists in this thread plz

Yes why the fuck do I get that impression too? Like wtf

Damn that makes sense but why do some girls send me hate mail like wtf

>> No.3605181

Post pics of triggerings

>> No.3605224


>that pic
>ok anon are you ready to Man Up (TM) and let me stay home with the kids?

>> No.3605288

Post pics

It's unclear how they are reacting

>> No.3605309

they are attracted to high earners but not attracted to braggers

>> No.3605381


Now how do I subtlety tell people I am a high earner ?

>> No.3605414
File: 84 KB, 549x752, IMG_1660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a trigrn

>> No.3605436

she's a whore and this is a test, pretty simple
treat her like shit she'll prob like it

>> No.3605449

go on expensive dates?
I know 4chans probably an awful place to ask but what type of picture should I take if I want to get laid off tinder?

>> No.3605491

send screenshot of the beginning of the triggering

>> No.3605499
File: 123 KB, 1425x1425, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does it makes
tell the bitch to learn some fucking English

>> No.3605508

A photo of your male friend.

>> No.3605511
File: 27 KB, 618x619, f2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give you a fun fact OP, I've been using tinder without giving out where I work.
I finally filled that part in, and wouldn't you know it.

Zero matches with multiple days of swiping, and then you get 3 matches in one day with a simple change.
Just really activates my fucking almonds. Really makes you wonder about love, cause it's fucked me up pretty hard when I figured that one out for myself.

>> No.3605614

And why the fuck am I having less luck whilst on holiday in Eastern Europe then I would otherwise get back at home wtf

>> No.3605633

>buy white coat
>go to a nice looking hospital and get your pic taken
>use as profile pic
>suddenly 10000 matches

>> No.3605639

because it really just means that you're an elitist piece of shit that derives their self worth from how much $ you make
this is how you get a golddigger, OP

>> No.3605643

h u s t l e r

>> No.3605652

post more

>> No.3605655


Roastie be gone

>> No.3605670

Welcome to the real world, just go back to loving 2D like the rest of us

>> No.3605678

Jews have destroyed the American society and have completely damaged all our women and our men. Women have become unless and just want violent sex from only rich attractive men and nothing else. Men have become feminine from the water with all the chemicals in it making frogs gay. Hope you guys like fucking male ass.

>> No.3605682


>> No.3605693

you just need to realize women are things.

>> No.3605709

>Now how do I subtlety tell people I am a high earner ?
Have pics of you incidentally doing things that cost a lot of money

>> No.3605715

Be happy you have learned it in that way. Srs

>> No.3605729
File: 249 KB, 440x550, cow smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rich and can't even get girls
fucking lol if this isn't a bad a troll thread

>> No.3605730

after you fucked the bitch you should tell her you're a janitor at the hospital, not a doctor.

>> No.3605796 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 575x575, IMG_1664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tinder was a mistake in this country

>> No.3605828

The invention of the pill and Tinder will be the downfall of western civilization

>> No.3605834

>creates profile that makes him look like an asshole
>makes 4chan post about people calling him out for being an asshole

>> No.3605851

>uses the phrase "calling out"
Get the fuck out, faggot

>> No.3605861

I know I'm sorry I'm just bored the country is pretty amazing and tinder is good I'm just not having any luck with the girls . Yes I did change the profile to make me more dickish. I'm off to bed goodnight

>> No.3605872


she's a stupid slut who wants you for your money but doesn't want to admit it so she's allowing wiggle room for you to prove you're not an arsehole.

She's clearly absolute garbage, rage fuck her for me and dump that trash.

>> No.3605892

>high earner
>"R U"

>> No.3605900

This guy fucks

>> No.3605905

probably true. hypergamy unleashed. the bottom 90% of men will not go to work and pay taxes for women's welfare babies they had with Chad. and flooding the country with immigrants is a last prayer last ditch attempt to bring new taxpayers.

>> No.3605916
File: 93 KB, 906x932, 00e3b2fb5f19c3ec7f746f5aabba366d24c00dca99a091cab29778c91bcada25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is all
good by OP, you will never get a gf

>> No.3605925
File: 340 KB, 564x1086, 0cfddca528721a269a4a0e21b8100063b26deab9a4c9aea06dee99ef82e5b74c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$$$ doesnt get you girls, unless you like vampires. Women like men who can give them the Viking Power, not the Jew Money

>> No.3605928

The death of western civilization has been the plan for decades. They don't want new taxpayers, they want a dumb negroid race that won't fight their enslavement.

>> No.3605940

yeap. it's because you're calling them out on being whores.
women are all face. if you are making their veneer look bad they'll treat you bad.

>> No.3605966

haha. I see soooo many 25+ year old girls on tinder who are done with the carousel trying to lock down a beta with money. our gen is educated, not gonna sell ourselves short for old, soon to be infertile whores.

>> No.3605982

>Why don't they like me Q_Q
WHO CARES! Double down. Throw it back in their faces that you're rich and that they'll be wagecucking until they're 70. Be the biggest fucking prick you can be with girls who are cunts, and accept no compromise even with the ones who aren't.

You're a high earner. Higher value than they'll ever be. Start fucking acting like it.

Holy shit some of you are faggots, it's no wonder half of you are virgins into your 30s.

>> No.3606002

women don't love. they'll never admit it but what they really want is to be girl #37 in the alpha male's harem. also, they cannot feel attraction unless there are other girls in your life. that's why they just happen to end up "in love" when they're 33 and done fucking all the guys they can't control.

>> No.3606011

not flaunting money. wear really nice, expensive clothes. not gaudy shit just high quality shit.

>> No.3606018

nah it's her who derives his worth based on his $.
stay salty, woman, or should I say ho

>> No.3606022

It's kind of hard to believe in a grand narrative behind all those hings. It's more like one huge Black swan event after another, where impacts are often not felt instantly. Stupid politicians usually only start to play catch up when it's already a problem.

>> No.3606028
File: 35 KB, 545x366, IMG_1666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the winrar

>> No.3606047

I have "Bitcoin multi-thousandaire" in profile, gets a lot of positive openers from matches asking about bitcoin.

>> No.3606057

Because the idea any man might hold (modern Western) women to any standards whatsoever triggers them because they subconsciously imagine being treated as badly as they treat men.

>> No.3606088

Here's where you agree and amplify.

>> No.3606125

She's turned on by how rich you are and hates herself for being so shallow. She wants to find a reason to hate you so she can tell herself "look this guy is rich and I still don't like him, that means I care about more than money". Tbh it's just human nature. I don't blame anyone for being attracted to wealth. But it is socially frowned upon and many people have a hard time coming to terms with the truth.

>> No.3606130

>letting anyone know you are a high earner

>> No.3606148
File: 82 KB, 539x710, IMG_1669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3606151

Because it's hot when the relationship dynamics suddenly flip to the girl fighting for the guy's attention. Unless you are 8/10+ and charismatic this is likely not the case normally.

>> No.3606157

It seems every second guy here on tinder calls himself CEO. It's often literally the one and only way to compete with other men. Power law is no meme

>> No.3606166


>> No.3606171


>> No.3606173

you're making my day brighter, fucking side-splitting dialogue my dude

>> No.3606176

lol i can see the appeal in just being 100% asshole on tinder. maybe ill try it

>> No.3606178

the really actually bad part is that no one educates men. they actually believe in love until they are burned about 30 times throughout their 20s and find out the hard way.

>> No.3606198

Lol thanks man I'm glad someone else is enjoying it

>> No.3606219

well, I gotta admit I don't know how to treat women on tinder, I suck at small talk and being creative at it, I usually don't tell people on the internet who I am, but most importantly, I don't want a gold digger in my life. I guess I only want tinder women to suck my dick for a while... yet I've had 0 success.
guess tinder isn't for me

>> No.3606225

It's a start. Remember, don't accept anything less than what you want, and if they start getting uppity, bullycide the shit out of them.

>> No.3606238

Lie to them faggot. Stop playing fair.

>> No.3606256
File: 31 KB, 624x172, IMG_1672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'm off to bed night guys it's been a hoot

>> No.3606263


>> No.3606279

I still believe in love, just not the unconditional kind you find in fairy tales. I think (some) women can genuinely love you if you add unique value to their life, it doesn't have to be purely monetary. It’s just most guys are bland and do nothing to stand out in an ocean of single men.

>> No.3606293
File: 17 KB, 564x260, IMG_1673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add at the end triggered girl went to bed on good terms

>> No.3606305

>chancoin begging address in name field
>r9k tier sperging
Fuck off kid and stop begging

Oh and op, you want some advice
Women go on tinder to get dicked not to find a man. They already have a beta back home they are on tinder for a reason
So unless you have party boat money don't even mention it

>> No.3606313



>> No.3606321
File: 84 KB, 300x205, 1504984859682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most correct post I've ever read on 4chan.

>> No.3606323

This is pussy pedestalizing bullshit. Why is the onus on the man to "add unique value to their life"? Why do girls apparently get a pass for being bland and not standing out?

(I know that for you the answer to these is that if you can get one you can finally stop spending all day jacking off in your mom's basement, but the point is that your mentality is all wrong).

>> No.3606352

>So unless you have party boat money don't even mention it

This part is correct. You can't impress bitches with money unless you have a fuck load of it. Merely being comfortable (under seven figures USD) isn't enough to brag about in this day and age.

>> No.3606355

Do the bland girls find guys who truly love them? I imagine they settle with similarly bland guys.

>> No.3606362

For a while the only info for then was "Well endowed"

Very low success rate although one did ask for a photo. I sent and she said "Hmm nice.. 7? I said" yea about. Let's grab some drinks"

We met up and it didn't go very well. Long story short, no bang.

So maybe add "well endowed" to your "high earner" description. I'm curious of the result.

>> No.3606367

I imagine that they do, men on average are a lot more realistic about their prospects than women typically are.

>> No.3606369

Lol. You know how much effort women put into attracting men? A lot.
Take any woman, no make up, no beauty products, no working out every day. They look like shit.

>> No.3606375
File: 686 KB, 1022x731, 20622862_1873232016226975_447407849_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are weaker and stupider

Its basic biology that men add value to a woman's life. That's the symbiosis of it.
Could women manage alone. Probably not.
Could men manage alone? Yes, but it would be boring. Like it or not, women are the carrot dangling on a stick to get your fat ass to do something with your life.

Also, anon, why don't you look for a woman to try and add value to your life. They do exist, by the way, you just have to be patient.

>> No.3606425

Szandi... easy on the kokó

Also, why the fuck do you use tinder if youre rich? Can't you afford to go to places where your ideal oneitis can be?

>> No.3606438


doesn't get easier boys

>> No.3606454


>> No.3606457

surprised that 8 year olds are lurking biz

>> No.3606483


>> No.3606504


>> No.3606576


This is simply not true, you're just chasing ugly girls. If a girl looks good without makeup, she probably looks uglier with it.

>> No.3606583


>> No.3606692

I present to you the anon who has given up and settled for the retarded woman

>> No.3606702

go get in a car crash. you don't know what you're talking about, the most successful strat on tinder in to have a perfect body.

>> No.3606717

it is among millenials. if you make over 50k in the midwest you're in the top 20% of our gen.

gen x can fuck right off go listen to white zombie

>> No.3606719

Women don't use tinder to find a boyfriend/husband, they use it to get fucked by Chad. How much money you make is irrelevant.

>> No.3606728


>prove your worth

Lol the fuck, make that bitch prove her worth. Don't play her stupid games. Wealth has implicit value, her turn.

>> No.3606730


*tips fedora*

>> No.3606760

post the full caps faggot

>> No.3606791

Its not hard to believe it when you read shit from sixty years ago like the kalergi plan.

>> No.3606822



>> No.3606876

This really, wealth is attractive.

>> No.3606901

Because woman have pussy and men want pussy.

It's not hard guys.

If you do not get that pussy somebody else will.

>> No.3606903


t. supreme gentleman

>> No.3607030

This is the way to do it, and news flash, you're not going to find her on tinder. However tinder is fun for finding holes to put your peepee in.
You won't find her at a bar or online. You'll find her at church, or through a friend of a friend.

>> No.3607061

If they come out looking worse from makeup they are merely unable to use it correctly

>> No.3607095
File: 25 KB, 615x399, jim carrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll find her at church

>> No.3607100

Dude it's 100% true

>> No.3607409



women love to convince themselves they are very noble when the exact opposite is the truth. It's how they can look themselves in the mirror.

Notice how when a person has some horrible condition women will go out of their way to compliment the person and tell them how "beautiful" they are.

Think about it.

>> No.3607457


if you think women look better with a layer of plastic why not just buy a doll and fuck it?

>> No.3607642

lol, what are you gonna do then?

You aren't Chad, so you don't get to choose. Beggars can't be choosers, beta boi.

Now be a nice beta provider and pay for her LV bag.

>> No.3607688


Poor Chads don't exist

>> No.3607698

If you think they look better stock standard why not buy a piece of cardboard and fuck it

>> No.3607703


>> No.3607829


>> No.3607983
File: 103 KB, 1035x827, 1488209706343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they though?

>> No.3607991

Its like if a girl just wrote big tits on her profile

>> No.3608027

I'd swipe.

>> No.3608059
File: 447 KB, 3300x1840, eca4e45ce8dca7558735c3e443f45b0b40a686583e75a35ed3bc114f8736147a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Incel Tinder:
>tells girls he'll buy them dinner
>tries to show off his money
>has cryptoportfolio in his bio
>puts job in "Job" area

The Chad Tinder:
>pic related

>> No.3608062

> If a girl looks good without makeup...
...she's young

>> No.3608129

My sides

>> No.3608158

You are talking shit about roasties unaware that Kek blessed this thread with so many Dubs. Shame on you

>> No.3608172

Now I understand how std's spread so easily

>> No.3608186
File: 390 KB, 534x950, IMG_0922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this gem yesterday

>> No.3608203

Because you didn't give them anything to work with so they could pretend they aren't only after you for that very reason.

They aren't triggered. They are pretending to be outraged so that you can give them more information which they can use to pretend to be interested in you for them.

If you had more shit on your profile they would talk about that shit while ignoring the real reason they swiped. Since they don't have anything else to go on they have to invent SOMETHING to justify why they did and you clearly aren't attractive enough for them to just say they thought you were hot without it being the most obvious bullshit in the world.

>> No.3608239

They are, instead of buying/selling virtual coins to make money you can insert into their vagina so they can make money

Idk why all the other guys in this thread are bitching about tinder when the solution is literally right here

>> No.3608245

women are only the veneer. only the face. holy hell.

>> No.3608251

kalergi plan was pre 30's my dude

and it's working :^)

>> No.3608254

And was she fun to have sex with?

>> No.3608290

Revese cuck? Looks like a nigger babby that

>> No.3608321

rather be alone than be a provider, anon
pretty accustomed to our own company after the first 20+ year surely

>> No.3608442

well I think it's more about the fact that they are all turning about 30... but so are we. they're on their way out of their prime and we are on our way into our prime. not gonna marry these old ho's, we will find success and date 20 year old Gen Z's instead.

>> No.3608609


read the first letter of each line you idiots

>> No.3608650

holy fuck, funniest biz post ive ever read

>8 inches

>> No.3609089

Chad plays safe and doesn't have STDs. It's mostly just minorities, coalburners, drug addicts, and gays who have STDs desu.

>> No.3609367

They want both. The world banks run on debt. They need tons of people taking loans and spending themselves into debt so individual banks continue loaning money from central banks.

Bonus if these people are mixed race and have no culture/history to associate with, that would help prevent uprising against the system.

>> No.3609403

>Hope you guys like fucking male ass.
tfw this is best reality. thanks j-j-jews

but seriously no one can grow facial hair anymore unless their alpha testosterone jock. Couldn't most males grow facial hair thirty years ago?

>> No.3609416

no 44 or 77 :(

>> No.3609640

It's how your body reacts to testosterone, not the test itself. natural selection noticed less body hair is more attractive, and lacking a beard doesn't really hurt your mating chances. but hair on top of your head is important

>> No.3609806

You both type like idiots. Basically made for each other. Also nobody gives a fuck about your tinder

>> No.3610308

holy fuck.

>> No.3610409

They might also be calling him out on what they perceive as deception. Women don't like betas that try to pass themselves off as alphas to get into their pants, although they're clearly not Chad material. There might be some lingering interest, because they're fundamentally intrigued by the way he put it on his profile, so this whole thing becomes a shit test (to see if he's really as alpha as he claims).

>> No.3610429

>just wanna be friends
tinder profiles in a nutshell

>> No.3610463

Not giving any indicators of social status, dominance etc. is like a women that doesn't show her face and body. Think about what essential, classic male vs female qualities are (back to our cavemen days). Men don't wanna fuck a personality and women don't wanna fuck a "nice" man (because being nice is primarily a female quality and doesn't even come secondary for men). They want dominance, and a job let's them better size you up.

>> No.3610465


>> No.3610573

youre suppised to use your pics to show that.
women dont read profiles

>> No.3610762
File: 65 KB, 460x763, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys even discussing roasties? This be /biz/.

>> No.3610825

I know. But he asked why he suddenly gets more interest with his job in the profile. I guess his pics didn't show enough on their own.

>> No.3610829

Because we are only here for the money
And when you get the money then you get the power
When you get the power then you get the pussy

>> No.3610842
File: 68 KB, 500x738, thirsty beta orbiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most beta reason to be in crypto.

>> No.3610862

GB2School - you 1337 haxxor you

>> No.3611227


You are right but this is the root of the problem.

I was tindering a lot a year ago and one of my main complaint was that 99% of the women are completely and utterly boring/uninteresting/not funny.

Like they have zero sense of humor and zero interesting shit to talk about. All they have to attract guys is their fake looks and vagina.

It's terrible if you think about it, 50% of the population spending >10% of their monthly wealth on useless beauty products. God I hate women.

That being said, the few funny/bubbly/interesting ones are usually golden.

>> No.3611902

bit of a stretch, honestly

>> No.3612130

i have only ever had 2 dates from tinder and they werr both in the same week. i didnt do anytjing to my profile

>> No.3612136

>normie shit

dont forget to sage and ignore boys

>> No.3612140

Because their emotional stability relies on them maintaining the illusion that they are something more than a money sponge.

>> No.3612241

You are the typical modern faggot. "Uhh why do women do this and men do THIS!" Because men and women are different retard, how is this not obvious. Equality is wrong.

>> No.3612270
File: 346 KB, 1443x661, virgen_chad_oil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, what a pathetic thread.

And I'm not even a Chad or something, but most of you guys are really pathetic.

>> No.3612275

>bragging about your “wealth” to girls or anyone

That’s some katana fedora tier shit m8, quit it right this second please

cringing hard

>> No.3612370

Fuck yeah. Hot, young and smart gf's, the butthurt will be Ebin. But i think my velfare state will stop this somehow.

>> No.3612406

This. Equality is bullshit. Feminists use it to dress up their ideas and pretend that they are new and progressive, but really feminists want a continuation of the way things have always been, thrown into overdrive: women being of high value, to be protected by men at all costs. I get a kick out of the people trying to argue with feminists on the grounds of equality. They've fallen in the trap. It's not about equality, it's about aquiring resources and influence. Equality is the distraction so that idealistic fools will pick up the torch.

>> No.3612431
File: 216 KB, 945x945, The-Spaghetti-Incident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hot, young and smart gf's, the butthurt will be Ebin.
How about just finding the right gf, no matter her age (assuming she's legal) and no matter any possible "butthurt"?

>But i think my velfare state will stop this somehow.
Yeah, no. The only one who will stop this is your spaghetti, your fat and your autism.
>Tips fedora

>> No.3612559

Support this.
Women love to tell stories to themselves to rationalize their hypergamy.
When you say you are "high earner" it triggers them because they don't want to acknowledge they are attracted by money (even if noone is dupe) which is a normal trait btw, if I was a women I wouldn't want a partner with shit ressources either.

t. poorfag

Unless you are repulsive or asian they will throw themselves at you just to experience a superior lifestyle.

>> No.3612633

>be frustrated young male trying to find pussy on Tinder (major red flag, an alpha would try this in real life)
>hurdurrr why dont women like the fact that I say I'm rich
>it's actually because his social skills are retarded and women see this when you say 'high earner' and nothing else

>> No.3612690

meanwhile women only want to fuck guys with money. DO NOT date women over 24. you are worth a girl who is young and fertile and has many dating and childbearing years ahead of her.
fat, ugly, wrinkled old whores are worthless (:

>> No.3612691
File: 592 KB, 375x500, 1504686857287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really love this picture...
Man i kinda wanna be a white night for a east europian whore, but on the otherhand, i dont want a whore, this pic made me cry thx anon

>> No.3612708

yep. women are communists so that they can live consequenceless lives at the expense of men- using the state to take our money to fund their slut children directly at our expense.
what do we get out of it? a damaged generation who grew up without their dad in welfare poverty.

>> No.3612726

I think they just want to keep men with money around for when they're older.
upuntil then they want the 6' 2" guy with a shredded body or the tatted up guy from that famous band.

>> No.3612731

>be morbidly obese bitch
>make this post

>> No.3612759
File: 38 KB, 883x402, takes it slow with beta drops panties for alpha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3612817

>and I thought we could've had something
literally rationalizing her shitty behavior in front of our eyes. felt zero shame, as if leading on betas meanwhile banging alphas is "normal"
women have made themselves only good for a bang. who on earth would have children with these women? impregnate an 18 year old Christian girl who will actually be a mother (at all) when you're ready. if you're successful there will be plenty of options.

>> No.3612833

>fat, ugly, wrinkled old whores are worthless (:
Jokes on you. My gf is 30, but constantly gets asked if she want's the youth price when we go to the Opera or such.
Good genes and a healthy livestyle are gold, but I admit, that's a lot to ask of burgers.

>> No.3612844
File: 222 KB, 500x738, glory-sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shop, meant to trigger emotional reaction of betas like you.
Here's the original.

>> No.3612869
File: 8 KB, 233x250, 1502299896701s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you do this to me ?

>> No.3612914
File: 693 KB, 561x750, sip_jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because sips the saviour.

>> No.3612946
File: 3 KB, 125x116, 1504605674397s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never tried the white, i only drink 39 cent Cola
What Flavor is it ? The most luxurious i have been drinking was root beer importad from the USA

>> No.3612983
File: 692 KB, 1200x1586, sipboro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What Flavor is it ?

It's a /fit/ and /ck/ meme that took overhand.

>> No.3612998
File: 2 KB, 70x124, 1503143970989s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh that why its shilled on ck ?
is the incredible edible egg also a meme or do they just think its an awesome dish ?

>> No.3613058

Jesus christ, I'll never understand this shit.

>> No.3613079
File: 306 KB, 1280x1004, 1501456504805-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did anon mean by this?

>> No.3613133

something about a third copy of chromosome 21

>> No.3613145
File: 56 KB, 432x768, howmany?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3613196


>> No.3613226

wasting that iq for cooking and cleaning

>> No.3613252
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, 1407243323712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3613266
File: 169 KB, 747x2406, nurse-talk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls like her really make me wanna fire up my android VM again to go on an autistic LARPing spree…

>> No.3613457

Send her tinder profile to her husband for great keks. Poor fellow probably does not know what's happening.

But it does smell an awful lot like carefully crafted bait though.

>> No.3613482

Anyone has that pasta from /fit/s fathate thread, where a guy fucked a landwhale while on holiday or something, and then she got really clingy and psycho, he found out that she used him to cheat on her husband, contacted the husband, and helped him into a clean divorce or something?
Was a really funny thread, but I forgot to screenshot it.

>> No.3613510

>not directly


>> No.3613539

This one gets me everytime kek

>> No.3613569


>> No.3613575

Shit like this happens all the time, srs. Even in "conservative" Europe lel

Once met up with a married, visibly pregnant woman in her early 30s. Husband fits the beta, hard working provider stereotype on point, meanwhile she was 'bored' and decided to look for some cock on the side because she was worried she won't be able to slut it up for a while when the kid's there. Called her out on that tho

>> No.3613742

I give the West 10-20 years max.