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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3611969 No.3611969 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3612002

the meme triangle has transcended its own meme
unironically the best crypto out there

>> No.3612034


>> No.3612171

Wrong. It's just okay, not the best. I'll give it one year and then see where it is at...

>> No.3612188

well you are not taking the point: ARK is the only one that is not directly in competition with other coins since it's strongness is the fact you can perform transactions cross chain. So as long as there are cryptos ark are meaningful

>> No.3612189

How much ark do I need to live passively off of voting?

>> No.3612192
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Why do you spend the entire day shilling this worthless coin when you can easily double, or even triple it in a week's time? There is no reason to "hodl" a coin when you can participate in pnds, like the IOP 1000% pump done by Delta-V. Just take the leap or stay a bagholding wagecuck forever. https://discord.gg/8VyWZFU

>> No.3612195

i think if you have 4k ark you get 1 ark a day

>> No.3612213

Damn was hoping ijt would be 1k.

>> No.3612214

You're just spouting nonsense. You're making us Arkies look bad.

ETH VM port with DPoS is why you should be interested.

>> No.3612231


> 25% compounded gains per day

Are you retarded?

>> No.3612268 [DELETED] 

Pls explain Ark Gm to a brainlet

>> No.3612276

Pls explain ARK VM to a brainlet

>> No.3612280

it should overtake lisk soon as is
the coming ARKVM, IPFS, IPDB combo shall shoot it into interstellar space

>> No.3612289

Maybe ARK is not really for the majority of /biz/ anons......
Buy 2-5k Ark, put off exchange in wallet, vote for the best delegate there is- biz_classic- HOLD
Patience is key ffs
If you put your bucks on a bank, I do not think they would grant you almost 10% return per year.
And all this without daytrading and other bullshit.

>> No.3612290

Yes, I'lll accumulate. Once it drops to 65-70k.) For now enjoy your bags.

>> No.3612315
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He probably mean't 1k = 1ark a day.

>> No.3612465


>> No.3612609

OP cares about this board.

Do as he says, mortals.

>> No.3612802
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It's a nice feature for sure, but it isn't what makes Ark special at all. ArkVM + Push Button Deployable Blockchains + IPDB integration is what really gets me excited about Ark. Not to mention the fact that they already support so many programming languages, opening up the doors to a huge number of developers regardless of what language they favour.

I'm looking forward to seeing the projects that will spring up and take advantage of Arks lightning fast blockchain, which can all interconnect with each other without bloating up the main chain.

Everything about Ark just excites me, it's one of the few projects that I can really see achieving mass adoption.

>> No.3613125

When is this going to pump again?

>> No.3613227


Right after you sell, fag.

>> No.3613265

not until the stuttering pot smoking devs do something notable. which will probably be like 3 months, minimum.

>> No.3613538

2k ARK here, will I make it?

>> No.3613671

Compared to my 20 ARK, sure thing bro.

>> No.3613760

add 1-2k and you 'll be fine. as OP says