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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3611869 No.3611869 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain this pump to me?

>> No.3611871

FAPcoin pump is going to be bigger. all of 4chan are going to pump it and take all the normies monies

>> No.3611873

it was a group that pumped it sky fucking high.

>> No.3611875

Probably a PnD.

>> No.3611886
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So it was all artificial? How they fuck did they manage to 10x the price?!
Is there any way to get into that group?

>> No.3611893

because its marketcap is low as fuck

>> No.3611897

Relaunch, many updates coming in next month

>> No.3611922

I think it was pumped by a group called moonpumps or some shit. Don't have an invite link though and it has paid entry as far as I can remember.

>> No.3611962

I think it was a group called Delta-V

>> No.3611967

Why does everyone think it's a pump?

>> No.3611971

obvious from the market chart

>> No.3611973

Because its a dead shitcoin that went up 10x

Any way I can get into that group? PLEASE

>> No.3611996

why do you want in so bad, how do I know your even good at pumping ?

>> No.3612007

Cause like everyone on /biz/ I want to make some money
Do you know how to get in?

>> No.3612011

If you did even 5 minutes of research you'd see it's being revived. The fact that people still think this was a pump is ridiculous

>> No.3612019

Found it https://discord.gg/8VyWZFU
Nice job larping as a "pumper". The group is having a free trial right now

>> No.3612042
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Yeah I heard it was delta V I think I saw it being posted the other day saved it and looked around , regretted not sitting in for the IOP pump initially though got 10% so i mean its better than nothing

>> No.3612081

Thanks alot!