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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2 KB, 32x32, wallet-builders-coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3609032 No.3609032 [Reply] [Original]

Think about it, /biz/.

Pure proof of stake.
$14k market cap.
18k total supply. 18k.

Why wouldn't you throw even $10 on it?

10x to reach $140k market cap.
100x to reach $1.4m market cap.

Coins like MBRS, HTML5, SIGT would still have more market cap. This coin would still be insignificant after 100x.

Are you sure you don't want to risk $10?

Think about it, /biz/, and do your thing.

>> No.3609046

/biz/ is literally too retarded to do market cap caluculation. they unirnically buy coins with hundreds of millions of coins and wonder why they aren't 1$ a coin.

Let WBC go to 200k sat, and then these stupid niggers will start talking about it.

>> No.3609078

I'm just trying to help. I guess no-one here wants to make it.

>> No.3609100

What does this coin do

>> No.3609106

Any other fundamental reasons why this thing would moon? Whats unique about it

>> No.3609116

Did you read the OP?

>> No.3609135

>hurrdurr why would this coin go up it doesn't offer totally fake "new features" and hollow pump news


Any other fundamental reasons why this thing would moon? Whats unique about it

>> No.3609143


>> No.3609150

This chink shill posts this on every new coin. Ignore it.

>> No.3609154

Check >>3609116 and consequently >>3609032

>> No.3609197

I guess he got some for free judging by the ANN, quick look on coinmarketcap and liquidity has completely dried up. He is a very greedy chink trying to shill his way out

>> No.3609219

This is probably the most blatant P&D I've seen in my life. Takes less than 10 mins of research to find out. good luck with your shills lmao

>> No.3609241

Wrong. Stay mad retard.

You said the same about bitbean, pivx, magi, and dozens of other coins. Stay mad. I originally shilled WBC here at 12k sat, my dear retard.

>> No.3609243

I'm annoyed Novaexchange doesn't allow new registrations. I wanted to sell these off at $2.50 but couldn't get on the damn exchange.

>> No.3609248


>> No.3609254

>this desperate to sell 100 coins for 2.5$

wow, /biz/ really is full of shitskin subhumans isn't it? sell them to me kiddo.

>> No.3609279


This desu.

Fuck man, we need a tripfag here. One that has a history of not failing to P&D.

>> No.3609289

Sure here I am. The guy who shilled bitbean to death before it was even 20 sat. the one fudders love to hate and hate to love because all my calls always end up mooning.

>> No.3609320

>daily volume


really makes me think

>> No.3609333

>muh volume

Exact same thing you chink shills say about literally every coin pre-moon. My retort: we'll see you when we have that volume spike and get back to 100k sat.

>> No.3609375

"Im just trying to help"
>Gives literally no information additional to the OP

what a good goy, must be a hard grind selling bags at $8 a day

>> No.3609385
File: 799 KB, 1920x2223, NOBEANERS BTFO ETERNALLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how chink shills FUD in coordination.

You can go through pivx threads, ETH threads, bitbean threads.. they all have this same one-line bullshit. Why is this?
>muh volume
>muh usecase

>> No.3609405
File: 2.21 MB, 1918x928, MORE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking amazing gagcoin
thanks for the laugh

>> No.3609412

>A message to the disbelievers: Sure you may not like this coin, I get it. You think this is a gimmick! Well I am here to tell you this is not a gimmick and this will be a fully functioning crypto currency with no usecase just like 90% of the top 100 list!

Literally a shillcoin

>> No.3609418
File: 283 KB, 1564x1564, REAL coin REAL usecase REAL technology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'd rather buy ICOs with no blockchain, no wallet, and no technology.

>> No.3609424

Ah didn't see this, ok I get it, very good