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File: 13 KB, 793x361, ethbet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3607880 No.3607880 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3607887
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>> No.3607890
File: 9 KB, 220x229, 1500148398721 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask the dev for a refund

>> No.3607893

Volume is too low because the crowdsale literally ended 3 days ago.

You're an idiot for going all in

>> No.3607896

gambled and lost on a gambling site


>> No.3607904

Will this work? Please be serious I need this money within 3 days

>> No.3607907

Suck some dicks OP
Are you in cali? I could use a BJ

>> No.3607908

Sell it to me at a loss and next time don't bet more than you can lose.

It's literally a gambling platform, and you've bet more than you can lose. You will lose everything.

>> No.3607914

How much will you give me? I put 5 eth into it

>> No.3607928


>> No.3607947

I can't believe people actually bought this shit lol

>> No.3607950

patience my friend. you shouldn't have bought if you didnt know you would have to hold until q1 18'

>> No.3607962

Bbbut muh instant 10x

>> No.3607963

Look I have money in my bank account but an emergency came up that requires more. I'm freaking out here anon, please don't insult me

>> No.3607971

kill yourself and hope you dont come back an even bigger faggot

>> No.3607980
File: 866 KB, 352x224, giphy (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're FUCKED

>> No.3608003

this is why you never invest more than you are willing to lose

if you want out, you need to sell a heavy loss, you'll probably lose 70% of your money, but you'll be out

>> No.3608011

A 70% loss won't cover what I need HOLY FUCK WHAT DO I DO

>> No.3608022

ask the dev for a refund or sue him
oh I forgot the dev is anonymous lmao

>> No.3608035

I think the dev mentioned refunding a guy who was in a similar situation and sent him an email explaining what happened. If you aren't trolling I suggest you try that. The dev actually seems like a good person

>> No.3608038

how much did you even throw into this ico

just take a quick loan or something

>> No.3608039
File: 2.15 MB, 320x240, 1506180867305.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dev is anonymous lmao

>> No.3608050


developer seems like a honest caring guy, he always answers his mails fast, always within an hour mostly

it doesn't hurt to try, op

>> No.3608056

>can’t hodl for more than a week
>expecting to get rich


>> No.3608057

Is it really down 70%? Check the buy orders on Etherdelta.

>> No.3608058

gee I wonder why the 1000th Casino coin isn't doing so well lmao

>> No.3608065

Anon, you're a fucking idiot and you will repeat this every night for a month before going to bed:
>I won't invest more than I can afford to lose.
>I won't put all my eggs in one basket.
I'd take those off your hands but I already hit my investment limit for the month.

This, it was always a hold because of the low hard cap.

The expression includes emergencies.

Negotiate on the discord, someone might take you up on it:

The dev is active here, though this situation is your fault he might be able to help if you're that desperate.

>> No.3608068
File: 46 KB, 635x581, 28rQr03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got 10k of these sexy tokens they gonna make me rich.

>> No.3608086

on top of that let me gamble with coins that I can gamble with already by trading them.

>> No.3608093
File: 82 KB, 1775x777, 1234aseaseas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its down 30% on the bidding site, down 10% on the offer

but its mostly due to barely any buy orders at all

so if he shoved his life savings into ethbet, then it'll take a while i offload

>> No.3608112

I fucking told you fags not to buy into something where the dev didn't even give out his own name, holy shit you guys are retarded.

>> No.3608130

crypto started with an anonymous guy that decided to make bitcoin

go neck yourself you fucking retard

>> No.3608132
File: 113 KB, 423x497, bigjoey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3608144

what the fuck does it matter if he's anonymous? so was BTC. just because other shitcoins have chad and brad pictured all over them as advisors doesnt make them any more legit

>> No.3608155

you are a brainlet and I am happy with my decision to invest

>> No.3608162

anonymous means 0 risk for the founder, he can leave at anytime

also don't compare BTC with this shit
an ICO token requires less than 100 lines of copy-paste code

>> No.3608167

We aren't in 2008 anymore. There doesn't need to be a Satoshi Nakamoto of 'online casinos'. Projects need good developers who can be held liable for pumps and dumps.

Bitcoin wasn't an ICO, it wasn't trying to be anything more than a proof of concept. The value of the bitcoin network came from it's users. It didn't come from false promises.

>> No.3608174

Satoshi didn't collect ICO money and delivered a working product on day one.

>> No.3608179

but he does own 1 million buttcoins

>> No.3608183
File: 232 KB, 1128x780, hol up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did any retard think online gambling is viable? americans would rather spend $1,000+ on a plane flight/hotels/meals to gamble in vegas than do it in their office chair or their boring home

it's a niche for the weak minded

>> No.3608195


>> No.3608198

Online gambling is worth over 50 billion dollars anon

>> No.3608206

Yes he took <5% of the total BTC for himself. This has never been sold or moved. Look at this shitty ICO. You gave some anonymous dude your money, and he took that money and 25% of the tokens you paid him for.

>> No.3608210

why did any retard think online streaming is viable? americans would rather spend $30+ to go to a movie theater than do it in their office or their boring home

>> No.3608217

his tokens are locked away for a year in a smart contract

sure he got the money, but his ico was extremely low compared to shit like chain link and agrello

>> No.3608237

I don't know how many times I told you guys they have no working product on the blockchain. Sorry you guys are losing money but please just don't buy into something on hype alone. Especially manufactured hype on biz.

>> No.3608240

if this is a scam its the best ICO scam so far. There are a lot of bitter people on this board who cant see the light, i dont know why but only time will show them the way



>> No.3608252

Shit hey so he only has 80% of the total money to burn RIGHT NOW and then a free 20% in a year if he works his arse off to deliver an actual product. I know what I would do...

Those projects aren't a simple dice game that doesn't even work.

>> No.3608257

You linked to a PAID press release. What exactly are you trying to prove here?

>> No.3608269

Are you retarded? Did you expect it to 2x over the week or something when there's no product?
Nigger this is a long term hold for 2018

>> No.3608287

what are you trying to prove, why the FUCK are you even here if you think its a scam

>> No.3608288

I'm not bitter. I'm trying to make you guys invest in less of this bullshit so this space isn't full of scam coins and gains some legitimacy and actual traction.

>> No.3608304

Holy shit lold hard

fuarkk i was saying the same thing

>sure he got the money, but his ico was extremely low compared to shit like chain link and agrello

That was his trick to scam people

>> No.3608385

except streaming services put shit as big as blockbuster out of business

online gambling has had since the 90s and it's not like this shit is introducing anything except smaller numbers?

like wtf

>> No.3608577

protip: No one important uses EtherDelta

>> No.3608630

Sell at a loss if you need the money. Ethbet's market cap was small, but it's also super risky with lots of existing competitors and an unknown creator. Also 1 contributor on github, ONE. Just because something has a 2 million dollar marketcap doesn't mean you should just blindly send money at it.

>> No.3608686

He's still working on things and is easy to contact. If this was purely a scam to get money and run this wouldn't be the case.

>> No.3608722

How do you know if he is working hard or buying a LAMBO?

>> No.3609061

No refunds. Please stop investing more than you are willing to lose.

>> No.3609115


>> No.3609139

Valued just below LINK atm.
Please panic sell so I can get a good deal before October hits.

>> No.3609140

first, consider suicide, after that, kys

>> No.3609147

This is a lie. He is talking in the discord right now.

>> No.3609182
File: 22 KB, 350x233, 1498078837861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one thing to do

>> No.3609196

bout 3.50

>> No.3609200

Why the fuck would you buy ethbet? I've been reading about crypto for a day and even I know that shit is retarded

>> No.3609201

Guys I can't. I need this money for my dad who was in a car accident. I can't leave him like this

>> No.3609203

LMAO exit scam confirmed

>> No.3609210

tell him to wait for sick gains

>> No.3609268

Daddy gon die lol

>> No.3609305
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>> No.3609399

I never had a father, I ended up investing most of what I made from my business into crypto about 2 years ago. I did end up becoming pretty well off and it was life changing since I never really had any money growing up. I feel like I should give back, go ahead and post your private key for me so I can donate some BTC to you, I hope your dad makes it through whatever is going on anon.

>> No.3609487

>private key
If you meant my private key instead of address, I'm not going to fall for that. But if you're being genuine here's my address 1AfShpguNnF73Lh8qGAAG3b71oy9UsmtDC

I really don't expect anything but I'm at a point where I'm willing to post if on the off chance you're being genuine.

>> No.3609501
File: 19 KB, 480x439, 1487970452752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EBET and CSNO not even listed on coinexchange

>> No.3609509

*coinmarketcap not coinexchange

>> No.3609528

10k daily volume required. Lots of under the radar coins not showing up on coinmarketcap now because of this this new requirement.

>> No.3609540

it's literally only on etherdelta at the moment, just fucking wait jesus wet

>> No.3609556

he'll die and you'll get the inheritance

my dad was in a wreck the other day and survived and now our family doesnt have a car, but you dont see me complaining while working 17 hour shifts

you're just another pussy millenial having a breakdown instead of dealing with reality

>> No.3609562
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>> No.3609569

He isn't going to die, but he needs physical therapy and his medical bills are high right now. I love my dad and he doesn't have any money. If there's any way I can get my money back to help him I need to do it

>> No.3609580

Being listed on EtherDelta doesn't mean anything
I can deploy an ERC token now then it will be listed on EtherDelta automatically

>> No.3609585

That was my point

>> No.3609592

Didn't you say you're in for 5 ETH? What the fuck is that going to pay for? I week of physical therapy?

>> No.3609609

He needs to pay his hospital bills before they'll let him start therapy. They have a payment plan for the therapy but he won't be able to start until the initial bill is taken care of. They said he needs to start as soon as possible for the best results

>> No.3609657

I got scammed out of 100 eth.

RIP me

>> No.3609663


>> No.3609692

Bought 100eth worth of this shit. Fell for the meme, thought I could be my own casino and set bets with a fair house edge, making some bank.

Got straight scammed tho.

>> No.3609718
File: 126 KB, 800x769, 1505611718500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this half assed FUD

for what purpose?

>> No.3609724

Maybe give the dev a little bit of time to get a working product out?

>> No.3609742
File: 533 KB, 1271x505, BEST GUILD IN CRYPTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit was always a meme.

Who the fuck are the developers? Why did you trust nobodys?

Anyone with basic knowledge of crypto, statistics & gambling can whip up some bullshit like this, write a plausible whitepaper & take your money. I wish I had done it myself.

RIP the idiots who invested.

If you want to get your money back, you're welcome to join BAT, the best guild in crypto & come with us to lamboland.

>> No.3609754

This is not fud, I can sign a message so you can see I hold 150k+ EBET.

I mean, I have no choice. I could sell 100k ebet for .05 eth on ED lol.

I'll have to hold this bags until I can dump with a 50% loss

>> No.3609764

so how can you so much of a retard and have had 100 ETH?

>your coin is shit, buy my bags instead

>> No.3609788

I always choose god ICOs, previous icos I bought are strat, 0x and etheroll. Made some fat slacks.

I don't know why it looked like a no brainer 1 week ago, now I have to hold this bags for god knows how long until I can sell. Oh well

>> No.3610425

Kill yourself so he can get the insurance money.

>> No.3610491

Was kinda obv that ETHbet wont moon in 1 week. Why? Zero utility, zero volume and zero demand for the token so far. When Blake starts to deliever anything we can speak again. Not a lot is needed for a x2. Sell now for a loss or wait 2months.

>> No.3610643

legit, your pretty incompetent if you didnt realise this was at least a hold until q1 18'

>> No.3610717
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Mfw you can't even into basic flowcharts

>> No.3610737

You have to be a hella brainlet to expect a week one moon with this.

It’s an easy 10x but you gotta be patient

>> No.3610843

It's a gambling ico
Unless it was a literal scam you WILL make your money back, plus a hefty profit. Just be patient.

>> No.3611378

Who tf is blake??

>> No.3611382


>> No.3611393

Waddup nikkah

>> No.3611429

What was ico price of this shitcoin?

>> No.3611468

ico price please?

>> No.3611551

you could get 1500/eth first day, rest sold out at 1400/eth

>> No.3611554


>> No.3611659

Does anyone know when it will be avaliable on another exchanges?

>> No.3611929

dev is actually a very good guy. The marketcap is tiny. I only invested like 3 eth in this (not too much for me) and will hold this till next year. Much, much growth potential

>> No.3612332

First day was 0.000666