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File: 24 KB, 308x302, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3607654 No.3607654 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think you owe your parents?

I don't owe them anything. I told them tonight by the time I'm 30 I will take every single penny they've earned from them for treating me how they did for 20 years.

I will not help them at all and the moment I'm finished college they are dead to me, I will never speak or have anything to do with my family the day I graduate, I'll never ever speak to them after that day.

>> No.3607669

Everything, they are very good people.

>> No.3607670


>> No.3607696
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>tfw having good parents is like winning the lottery without even realizing it
>tfw don't have good parents
>tfw seeing other people with good parents

>> No.3607710
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>TFW completely realize this feel

I've never felt more jealous than when I see a happy family or hear about one.

>> No.3607727
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why aren't your parents good

>> No.3607731

Wow why are peoples family lives so fucked up

>> No.3607765
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>> No.3607780


My parents are amazing and when I see shit like this I'm reminded just how amazing they are.

>> No.3607788

I wanna know why OP thinks his parents are bad. He has a home and is in college. Bad parents don't give you those opportunities or shelter you for 20 years.

>> No.3607878
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stalepasta bro

>> No.3607900

Tfw have great mom, wonderful person, always helped me as much as she possibly could

tfw still turned out a failure and suicidal and seeing how much it destroys her to realize her son is so fucked up just makes me more depressed

>> No.3608139


>> No.3608230

lots of reasons, but this isnt a suicide blog so wont go into it

>> No.3608289

Tfw your parents provided you with all the necessary material comfort but you hate them because they are braindead. The only positive thing about them is that they are introverted so I can get away with not interacting with them much.

>> No.3608337

dont worry, she probably blames herself somehow.

>> No.3608438

Parents are better than children becuase they are more capable of violence.

Tall men are better than short because of being perceived to be more capable of violence.

Fiat exists because it is forced with guns, feminism is exists because of cucks with guns. Synagogue of satan (((attorneys))) have everyone worshiping the law of men becuase consent is given to superior violence.

Cannibal pedophiles run every institution becuase these predators of humanity are better, and everyone agrees with this social darwinism.

Parents (boomers) eating their young is 'natural'.

>> No.3608497

>tfw 25.
>live with parents expense free.
>tfw zero debt.
>tfw 370k net worth.
>tfw drive nice 25k car.
>tfw save 90% of my after tax income.
>on track to retire in 10 years

Feels good man. I feel bad for you cucks.

>> No.3608515

Try /r9k/?

>> No.3608518

My mum did this and she is seriously fucked up. Be careful with the choices you make OP

>> No.3608716

life is hard for your parents too OP

dont be so harsh on them

be harsh on yourself and make yourself a better person and then you won't be a victim of your situation

>> No.3608866

Normie bull shit

>> No.3608926

Wut? Eating their young? Get off pol lad

>> No.3608945

Congrats on being a leech dawg, I'm sure your parents are gonna be so proud of you when you retire at 40 after living in their basement your whole life, life isn't all about money lmfao go outside for once, mummy might not make your vitamin d pills if you get enough sun on your own ;)

>> No.3609011

what a little bitch

>> No.3609017

No one has perfect parents, but the bare minimum to deserve any respect from your kids IMO is to be financially responsible and maintain a stable home. Sadly lots of baby boomers had kids and then realized that they couldn't put their children before them, so many of them selfishly spent their high salaries on stupid shit and handed their kids the bills for their college etc. If you had one of these parents that didn't forego anything so you could succeed then you have every right to hate them. Also, having a child will not magically make you a different person so don't fall into that trap if you currently don't feel that you can handle being a parent because in the end everyone loses.

>> No.3609065

>told them tonight by the time I'm 30 I will take every single penny they've earned from them
>told them tonight by the time I'm 30

>told them

Well that was clever.

This is probably trolling but if its not I want to give one piece of advice.

Dont let them drag you down. Dont let the memory of them poison you.

Also, be prepared to ditch your current city and any social connections they are even indirectly aware of.

Give some thought to a legal name change, its cheaper than you would expect and should cut down the chances of them googling you and tracking you.

>> No.3609162
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>TFW op is a copypasta but it also applies to my life completely because me and my parents fight every week and im only 21 and a loser so dont know how to move out

I'm in Canada

>> No.3609183

My parents beat the shit out of me and never let me forget that I was a fat boy destined for hellfire and damnation for being a glutton.
After I developed juvenile diabetes at age 14, along with a few other health problems (I had a broken-off tailbone piece from beatings) - they've softened up a bit.
I'm now almost 30, thanks to insulin costing more than gold per gram I've got cheekbones like a male model and I can see my ribs through my 'pecs'... However, I'm trying to set aside extra BTC every month to gift them in the future - they're not terrible people at heart, they were just misguided by a shitty religion and showed their true colors when their son became chronically ill.
Never speak in absolutes, OP. You may not like your parents now, but people change, and some people just show their love in maligned ways.

And IF they really are demons in the flesh...you can still be the bigger man and kill them with kindness. The world is full of women and money, but love and kindness are the rarest currencies of them all.

>> No.3609186

you sound like my faggot exfriend from highschool who won't talk to his mom even though she got diagnosed with terminal breast cancer last year.
grow up and if they fed you and gave you a house to live they deserve respect

>> No.3609221

That's fucked up man

Maybe you should try understanding why your friend feels that way not defending him but there might be a little bit more to the story

>> No.3609288

>I will never speak or have anything to do with my family the day I graduate
Because you need them until them? You're a faggot

>> No.3609292

It's the Mormon church that's fucked.
Imagine being a 7yo kid and feeling the blood drain out of your spine when the pastor takes your parents aside to inform them their son has "demons surrounding him" after you question why Jesus showed up in Jerusalem and USA, but not Asia, Africa or Australia...
Also, tons of parents were PROUD that they beat their kids, my dad took it to a new level and made my brothers and I stay in 'push up position' for hours if we talked or laughed at church... I wish I had the money to nuke all of Utah, man..

>> No.3609295

He's a pussy bitch that came from a family worth millions. His dad bought him whatever car under 40k, paid for college, took him on exotic vacations, and he met some chick and just took offense to something his mom said and they stopped talking.
He always worried about money and prestige and we got into drugs after highschool briefly and he talked down on me so we stopped chilling. What's funny is I kept talking about crypto and conspiracies around 2011/2012 and he wrote me off to become "successful" funny how that turned out.
I wouldn't cut communication with my mom over a girl especially if she had a terminal illness.

>> No.3609297

Should have ordered a Fatherbot instead

>> No.3609332

she just wanted you to be happy

you can't even do that, not very difficult my dude

>> No.3609393

Do you have a dad?

>> No.3609420

I made it clear I aint giving them shit.
Not out of dislike, it's just they have net worths over $500,000 and if they fuck that up its their own problem.

>> No.3609550

My parents aren't very good people, maybe not by their own volition, I don't really know. But I do know they did their absolute best to be good people when I was a child. There's nothing more I want right now then to be able to hand over 15 thousand dollars to my mom and tell her pay off your credit cards. Someday I'm gonna pay off their retirement, until then I'll never be my own person.

>> No.3609586

Greeting fellow leaf bro.

I wish you luck and many fruitful Tim Hortons trips.

Advice: depending on your province there should be some form of social assassinate agency available that would help you. The particulars vary depending on the province but as a native of Ontario I would recommend seeking out the local financial support agency.

>for example http://communityservices.regionofwaterloo.ca/en/employmentfinancialassistance/financialassistance.asp?_mid_=18369
>Or just google financial assistance

If you have more than a thousand dollars in saving the Gov usually expects you to use that before coming to them, you can dodge that by just emptying you bank account.

You need to move out or at least nor be living with a relative the Gov will expect to support you (parents/grand parents)

Once you got that worked out you can sign up for the financial support program and get most of the essentials covered.

The social workers tend to be quite helpful with connecting you to other local programs that help with work, training or housing.

>> No.3609588
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>that entire post

You're right anon. You're so fucking right.

>> No.3609625

I'm in Ontario(Aurora)

I have too high assets for all assistance I think Idk how to get rid of $20k+ except cryptos

>> No.3609644

Let's see, 2 years at a $40k/semester university down the drain, 3 months of lying about my grades at another college when I was getting straight F's in reality, getting bailed out of jail countless times... probably about $300k.

>> No.3609661

>The hell did you get 20k+ at 21?
Anyway, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe_deposit_box

If anyone asks, just say yours worried about the safety of some very sentimentally valuable stuff.

>> No.3609682

Got very very lucky on some /biz/ pennystocks

I also never graduated highschool, virgin, no friends, skinnyfat and no drivers license

>> No.3609711

Yep, he was traveling for business my entire childhood though, but now he lives pretty close to me. Helps with with shit like moving but we dont really see eachother. Also he's likely dying and I dont really care

She sure does, which is like 50% of why I'm so miserable
For me, it seems impossible

>> No.3609726

You're fucking nuts.

>> No.3609738

Intense feels hit me when people talk shit about their parents... Saved that pic BTW, thanks anon <3

>> No.3609778

Buy a bicycle (and maybe a helmet) and let the test flow from your legs into the rest of (You).
Qts always compliment me on my swole legs and my health has never been better since I ditched my car. (I'm the diabetes poster)
Also, think of all the money you WON'T be giving to Shekelstein and Co... Many reasons to work on your body while you save money, anon.

>> No.3609790

soon as i make a couple mil off crypto im buying my dad a porsche

>> No.3609817

I cant really multiple reasons
1) in my area it's really not feasible, no bike lanes and a lot of time you have to take retarded paths
2) im scared people will steal my bike
3) winter in Canada
4) rain

>> No.3609866

Huh, well that ($) at least works out well for you.

After you stash your cash and get get out of the parents you should be able to get hooked up with the Ontario Works program for help to cover basic expenses and help with life stuff.

>Ontario works program - http://www.mcss.gov.on.ca/en/mcss/programs/social/ow/
>Local office - http://www.mcss.gov.on.ca/en/mcss/programs/social/ow/contacts/ow_municipal/central_region.aspx#york

If your not up for loosing most of your cash to vehicle ownership then public transit looks like your only real option. If you have shit to move you could probably hire a guy with a truck via Kijijji.

For most crappy jobs you can just lie about Highschool, nobody really checks that

You can get through an adult learning program of some sort but that is only really worth the trouble if your thinking college or university.

College/Uni can be a bit of a gambol with getting your moneys worth. Lot of people go in, get screwed somehow or just fuck up and end up in ridiculous debt.

>> No.3609868

owe is such a strong word.
do parents owe their children anything?

>> No.3609910

University seems worth it if u study compsci or finance and now that OSAP changed to give free tuition to mature students maybe worth it?

I'm trying to find a good job but it all requires a car it seems at least from where I live what are my options for affordable place to live if I move out

>> No.3609920

Well, yes. As Louis CK put it "You fucked a woman and made a baby come out so you deal with it."

>> No.3609955

so what is owed then

>> No.3609984

Poor fag spotted

>> No.3610012

depends entirely on where you go, but as someone that recently went through the crap there are fairly reasonable room or apartment rentals availability to students

I went to Conestoga in Kitchener and got a decent room rental(mid sized basement bedroom) for about $550 all inclusive.

Without a car in a relatively out of the way spot, your kind of fucked. Urban areas get shit for entirely valid reasons but they have far more options for those without cars. Also options for getting your High school diploma http://stlouis.wcdsb.ca/

I would recommend you relocate first to where ever your going, get settled then get the HS diploma. Get a crappy job to keep money coming in(take your time to find something tolerable and unlikely to cripple you with Ontario works covering most of the basics) then see if you can Audit(basically quietly sit in on classes for a bit) whatever program your thinking of to verify the quality and if your ready to do that shit. Then go through the College application stuff and commit if it looks solid.

>> No.3610107
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How poor do you have to be to believe this.

>not throwing $15,000-20,000+/yr to a landlord and utility companies
>your parents might pay $1000-2000 more per year to feed you and you help with chores

Living on your own is bluepilled as fuck, any capitalist will live with their parents/their office if they don't have a choice and accumulate funds. The reason most college educated millennials are too poor to afford a house is because they think they have to have a 1-2K+/mo apartment in the city to be successful when its quite the opposite.

It's funny when I hear lower class cucks like you spouting bullshit like this, when I drive the company '14 Benz E350 to work everyday and am entitled to 33% of company's net income (after my salary). I was already worth 1M by 24, but a peasant like you cant wrap your head around this. Most 'rich' people are rich because they had supportive parents. That's why a greater majority of the billionaires on TV that you see went to top high schools & universities.

As soon as you can wrap your head around this and make the best of your situation instead of self-limiting yourself by being stuck in /pol/ tier conservative thought will you finally find ways to better yourself.

>> No.3610132

> tfw you have a rich millennial friend that thinks their parents wealth and socialization had nothing to do with their success.
Granted, there are a few special cases out there but as the old saying goes money goes to money.

>> No.3610148

Yep indeed. This is an easy concept to grasp for second generation immigrants, but for third generation and later, they have no taste of the other side, so they just assume rich people got rich by being lucky.

There are so many factors at play and not pushing every advantage you can get sets you up for failure.

>> No.3610149

I can do online courses to get hs done is that worth it? The only adult school near me is kinda far otherwise.

I really want to one day go to university and get a degree

>> No.3610178
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>> No.3610203

well having rich parents is luck for the kid

>> No.3610226


You just dropped the red pill so hard on the /pol/tard he's ded.

>> No.3610237


grow up

>> No.3610259


But I think you would benefit more from doing it where ever you go. Social interaction, familiarizing yourself with the location, and it gives you something to focus on while settling into the new location.

You can also probably combine it with the Auditing of whatever Uni or College program you go with. This also gives you buffer time to address drama or other problems before your committed to classes/employment.

>> No.3610298

now people have access to the internet and can get good advice from wealthy people instead of listening to their poor parents & friends.

then they go back to partying & their liberal arts degrees and complaining about how there are no jobs....
but obama did such a great job turning the economy around...

>> No.3610304

Okay should I also move to Waterloo? Is there many jobs besides tech? It sounds affordable I was also thinking Hamilton or maybe cottage country

>> No.3610392

There are a good number of crappy jobs(warehouse work, assembly line, retail and fast food) and depending on if you have experience a decent mix of ok jobs.

There are tech jobs but few are entry level, there are a fair number of other jobs available depending on you skills.

Hamilton works too for most of the same reasons. I would recommend comparing the local colleges and university's as well as the kijiji and indeed web pages between Kitchener and Waterloo.

Hamilton is a bit bigger than Kitchener-Waterloo and more built up, but having been there recently I like Kitchener a bit more. I find kitchener easier to get around and generally less stressful.

>> No.3610415

Okay thank you I will try to milk my parents for as long as possible before they finally evict me, by then hopefully ill be much better set for life

>> No.3610417

I don't know what I owe them but things turned out well except I'm constantly in a depressed state

>Grow up in a religious family
>Never think about my own death
>Go through years of abuse by being told to never be social with other people
>Never developed social skills
>Find a career since I'm autistic and have personality issues
>30 years old and still anti social
>No gf, no wife, no kids, just a lonely rich guy in his 30s

What do I owe them? I don't really know and don't want to think about it

Things turned out well, except I'm still a fucking autisti with poor social skills

>> No.3610660

Life's way too short to hold grudges man. You'll regret that when they're old / dead and you think back on all the time you could have spent with them.