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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3602658 No.3602658 [Reply] [Original]

Weekend is almost over, wagecucks

>> No.3602672

Biz actually picks up on the weekdays, imo. They probably need stimulation.

>> No.3602681
File: 104 KB, 381x500, 1421857282231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome I get to earn another $400 that I can inject into learning a skill and crypto to make even more money next year

Tell mummy to get your tendies ready while I rip my girlfriends ass open for a few hours

>> No.3602787


As a self made man I fucking hate weekends. Wage cucks everywhere, nothing to do.

>> No.3602793

biz is not for larping

>> No.3603505

Wow, you must be having the time of your life. While I'm here with so much time I have, I'm learning German and Chinese language, learning different recipes, and talk to people that I like especially the Germans.

>> No.3603526
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laugh while you can
your shift will come soon neetcuck

>> No.3603534

I see your English is pretty good, too

>> No.3603653

Yup back to the grind at least I can browse biz all day either way

>> No.3603686

I work on the weekends. The weekend shift pays time and a half.

>> No.3603735


>> No.3603753

you mean learning German/Chinese for about 10 minutes then spending the rest of the day on 4chan

>> No.3603765

fucking hell man why even live

>> No.3603936
File: 473 KB, 1694x1270, 20170924_091540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone has to do the real man shit out here while you soft dorks sit at your computers all day.

>> No.3603947
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Also check this captcha

>> No.3603991

*soft dorks with feminine benis

>> No.3604024

Honestly I always thought that'd be a neat job, that or working as a sailor on the cargo ship. I'm secretly in love with the sea.

>> No.3604071

Is this an ILA port?

>> No.3604081


>> No.3604117

Awesome man! Didn't expect to see a fellow dockworker in here!

>> No.3604129

Looks gay acquire more stake coins so you don't get crushed by container kun when crane bro is drunk at work

>> No.3604137
File: 210 KB, 773x1274, 20150819_103222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers, brother. Last February I was working clerk on a trans (what you guys call an RTG I think). It was slow and I was bored so I thought "hmm I wonder what they talk about on /biz/" so I clicked and started looking at the catalog and I saw some really funny ETH memes. That weekend I bought my first btc and eth. Now this is my main board.

>> No.3604146

>tfw comfy government job
>tfw work from home most of the time, if not get to go into the office and flirt with my younger female coworkers who look up to me and treat me like a god for being a successful older man unlike the boys they are used to (even though I'm an autistic virgin)
>tfw spend most of the day trading while I'm at work
>tfw travel a lot for free
>tfw pension, great benefits, and good pay to put more money into crypto

>> No.3604280

That's awesome. Didn't find this board until this May. Smh. If you guys are setup like us - isn't it so nice being able to browse/trade while earning fucking great money? The setup is so ideal for someone lazy who wants to funnel cash into other ventures..

>> No.3604433
File: 57 KB, 606x592, 1505900206629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss these types of threads, biz used to have a weekly make fun of the wagecucks threads.

>> No.3604570

weekend warrior here too. But im a doctor so i feel less shit about working in the weekends.

>> No.3604584

what job?

>> No.3604585

the sea is a harsh mistress anon

>> No.3604637

That's good then, I like it rough.

>> No.3604638
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dont make me go back mommy

i cant do it anymore

>> No.3604807
File: 765 KB, 2495x1270, 20170816_184830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually hardly ever trade at work. Maybe once or twice I did some crypto day trades while on the job. Mainly I just refresh blockfolio throughout the day. But yeah I like the variety of the job. I like that there's days where you sit on your ass and do fuck all for $300. And the shorties are nice as well. I worked a start/finish vessel on friday, my crane was done working at 2:15 pm (we start at 8 am, lunch is 12-1). I got to drink in the parking lot with my pals for an hour and still beat the traffic home.

Did you see on the news a few weeks ago about the stolen vehicle fugitive that drove onto a terminal here and climbed the crane before eventually committing suicide? I was there that night. They sent us all home and paid us for 4 hours.

>> No.3604837

Got lots of friends who went to sea when we left school. Used to be great earner but not so much now if you're citizen of Western country. Most shipping cos will have some token Brit/US/Dutch etc officers but most crew they just recruit from places like Philippines or Ukraine to save money.

>> No.3604839

aww how nice of mr shekilstein.

he even gave you 4 hours of work credit for witnessing that event.

must've been a good goy.

>> No.3604869

Actually the company wanted to pay us 1 hour and send us home since this all occured before th 6pm start time. The local vp showed up and said we should all get 8 hours and sent home with the option of coming back to work if the dude surrendered and we would be able to work. The 4 and go was a compromise. Personally I think we were entitled to 8 because it was the company's fault it happened but whatever. I went home and shitposted on /pol/ all night while the dude's death played out on tv.

>> No.3604877

I'm not a wagecuck you fucking NEET. I'm still in college and my classes are literally only 2pm-4pm, but the teacher is a bro so he let's us out at 3pm. So not only am I comfy as fuck and can get a full night's rest, class is only a hour long. I plan on getting rich off of crypto before this turns into a shitty schedule.

>> No.3605165
File: 836 KB, 626x631, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no i get to go make more money to invest and make even more money and get to lamboland faster. all while flirting with hot stacy coworkers and customers. then at the end of the week i will check my profits from crypto before going out with friends from work friday night and then "hanging out" with a random stacy saturday night

>> No.3605223

Working is for <100 IQs
Usually the dumber people are the more they condemn you for not working.

>> No.3605324

>going out with friends from work

Fucking cuck

>> No.3605466

I have a higher then AVG 100IQ and Ive never been happy working for others, who I could do their jobs better and cheaper. Its literally has made me quit jobs. I'd rather earn less working for myself other with others not for others.

>> No.3605695
File: 68 KB, 750x553, cate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw make good money
>tfw still hate every minute of my job

c'mon crypto, you are my last hope.

>> No.3605733

i make 2500/week but i'm a freelancer. worked for the past few months but now the jobs over. no more money into my cryptos. time to kms

>> No.3605748

u work at the port in long beach? how do i get in? i looked at the crane op job but it's insane and 10k just for my lottery ticket test.

>> No.3605757


>> No.3605820

ITT: neets LARPing

>> No.3605823

LA/Long Beach. I got in on an interest card in the 2004 draw. We did a draw this year.


> i looked at the crane op job but it's insane and 10k just for my lottery ticket test.
I have no clue what youre talking about here.

>> No.3605833

you gotta pony up $10k to get on a list to take some test to be a crane op. they make bank

>> No.3605852

If youre talking about gettign crane trained, you have to already be in the union for that. You don't pay $10k as a guy off the street. The only other back door into the union is to get hired as a mechanic. You need welding and refrigeration certs for that.

>> No.3605968

Can you help me get started into working there. I live in LA too anon, I've been looking for a better job because I have a newborn son. Is the lottery draw really the only way

>> No.3606517

Listen to the other guy for the specifics - but definitely look further into getting refrigeration/welding certs as a backdoor into the union. Getting into the union is the important part, and that makes it so much easier because people usually don't want those jobs because they are spoiled with easy work. Once youre in you can ditch the hard shit and coast. And even if you don't get it, you have certs and can make enough money to fund your crypto/real estate shit