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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.91 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3600378 No.3600378 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished my meetings and having a beakfast on the bisphorous. My private driver is picking me up in 30

How will coinfags ever compete in the real world. I bet you can't even look someone in the eyes without stuttering. I bet you guys would die if you ever had to negotiate or pitch anything.

>> No.3600383


>> No.3600384

At least I am lucky enough not to live in Turkey.

>> No.3600386

>How will coinfags ever compete in the real world.
By cashing out some of our stack.

>I bet you guys would die if you ever had to negotiate or pitch anything.
I bet you'd die if you had to <insert random job>

>> No.3600392

what a shity looking breakfast, I'm not jealous in the slightest, you have some real plebeian taste

>> No.3600394
File: 2.83 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20161022_141249114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to America and say that to my face, faggot.

>> No.3600407

Istanbul is a god tier city but also really cheap considering the Turkish Lira fell heavily in price. You can live like a king there for 500 euros a week easily.

Always funny when an American is confronted by non-American food

>> No.3600410


lol exactly. dude is eating at a hotel with buffet breakfast. what a pleb.

>> No.3600414

looks disgusting

>> No.3600432


easy on the american sized plate, you dont want to become more obese

>> No.3600433

i'm western european you roach

>> No.3600442



>> No.3600445
File: 1.27 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You must be some dumb fuck, I am an American traveling to Istanbul for business. Why the fuck would a Turk stay in a hotel. Not only are you ponzicoinfags autistic, you aren't even high functioning autists resulting in a waste of space. It must be strange imagining there are big swinging dicks like me who get to travel the world doing real deals while you live in your mom's basement trading Monopoly money.

>> No.3600452 [DELETED] 

>Istanbul for business.
Sure thing, Big Swinging Dick. Keep telling yourself that. Some of the "basement kids" here probably make more in 1 week trading their shitcoins that you do in 7 years. But if that shitty hotel breakfast makes you feel important, do carry on ;)

>> No.3600457
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>> No.3600473

What low tier restaurant is that where non whites are allowed?

>> No.3600481
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More like I spent more on flight than your combined wealth

>> No.3600491 [DELETED] 

No, more like you're an insecure piece of shit that travels to a second rate country to pretend to have a business while a bunch of basement dwelling neets are making more money than you ever will and started 20 years before you ever did. Stay bitter. ;)

>> No.3600498
File: 20 KB, 278x326, 1498366594274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at you all alone, faggot. Hahahaha. Kys no one likes you.

>> No.3600500

What the fuck are you eating? Was you mom McDonalds?

>> No.3600508

>y in a hotel. Not only are you ponzicoinfags autistic, you aren't even high functioning autists resulting in a waste of space. It must be strange imagining there are big swinging dicks like me who get to travel the world doing real deals while you live in your mom's basement trading Monopoly money.
that must suck to have to take a plane to a shithole country to make money. sitting comfy in my boxers making thousands trading crypto on my pc feelsgoodman

>> No.3600512

I wonder how it feels to be turkish or another kind of arab and when you go to a real country everyone looks at you with disgust even if you're "rich".

>> No.3600517
File: 1.07 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh yeah I am real insecure about a bunch of basement dwellers who draw funny memes with no basic life skills declusional about their shitty Ponzi.

If you work hard, maybe you could be my driver

>> No.3600527

OP is coming.

Prepare the instanBull.

>> No.3600535 [DELETED] 

Stay poor and bitter, faggot.Your taxi driver should be pulling up to the Best Western you're staying at to pick you up on a trip to the city bazaar to pick up some fake Persian rugs to sell at your second rate store back in the States. Better hurry; Wouldn't watch to miss out on any of the "profits".

>> No.3600536

You come on fucking 4chan to brag about completely normal business trips. You also feel the need to take shitty pics to prove your point. Yes you are an insecure douche.

>> No.3600546


anyone can get an uber bro.

non leather briefcase. what do you sell, encyclopedias?

>> No.3600547


Sure you are man, wow money will surely be adopted by the rich and powerful and then you'll be all set. You know until 10 days later it is announced North Korea uses Bitcoin and every country bans it

Good luck pitching crytocurency trader on your resume after your mom kicks you out

>> No.3600562

I stay in cash so im not exposed to market risk, i also worked for ernst and young for 2 years so my resume is fine, enjoy wagecucking ill continue to make more than you from the comfort of my home

>> No.3600566
File: 1.10 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>best western

Funny guy, if you don't recognize this hotel you instantly reveal your pleb status

>> No.3600577
File: 366 KB, 1027x930, IMG_2374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure you are, accountant boy

>> No.3600579
File: 147 KB, 303x566, me 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some generic hotel in a shithole cheap ass non-country, cab rides and plane rides
Wow bro you made it in life. Nobody every experiences these things.

One thing I've learned is that nobody who brags on anonymous anime imageboards is as successful as they say.

Fucking kek.

>> No.3600586

You think you're balling. You're new to money. Like actually your first month.

>> No.3600587

That breakfast looks interesting. If this isn't a LARP could you tell me what that is?

>> No.3600589

hasnt completed CFA, 5 years out of college, working in wealth management you make no more than 150k per year. I made $60k last month lol

>> No.3600590


Stop larping.

>> No.3600603
File: 101 KB, 1027x731, IMG_3446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Congrats on being on a plane and enjoying your first restaurant big boy.

>> No.3600616


Cfa is irrelevant once you hit associate in PE.

>He doesn't know about carried interest

>> No.3600617
File: 38 KB, 620x413, 10744991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Such a pathetic loser you brag about third world hotels in countries with a dead currency which cost literally nothing on a Cambodian porn imageboard
Woah.......you made it OP.

>> No.3600627

big boy in the economy seats! must be rollin in it

>> No.3600635

>carried interest
i surmise that by the passiveness of this rebuttal compared to you're previous posts that you do indeed make $150k or in the realm of that amount and now knowing that and knowing how much wealthier i am than you, i will comfortably tuck into bed, good night pleb

>> No.3600636
File: 1.02 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he thinks I am larping


>> No.3600646


Sadly those are business yes united sucks balls. Atleast they lay down

>> No.3600653

If you actually made it into private equity that's extremely impressive. Do you have any advice for a lowly accounting student?

>> No.3600654

Who the fuck even cares. Your brag boils down to.

>I took a plane.
>I took a cab.
>Now I am in a hotel.

What exactly is the big whoop?

>> No.3600658

Nobody said you aren't actually where you said, it's just you actually brag about everyday things nobody gives a fuck about, which leads us to believe this is some entirely new experience to you and you're LAPRing about being rich when in fact anyone from any non shithole country can afford this shit.

>> No.3600663
File: 95 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure thing that is why you are up this late. You surely have all this wealth. I have shown proof, where is yours, you larping autist?

>> No.3600679


plus its likely expensed.

>> No.3600680

>eating ham
I feel bad for you.

>> No.3600703

This desu. If your not monitoring the foods you put into your body by this point, you're a brainlet.

>> No.3600705

I luv the bisphorous

>> No.3600736
File: 10 KB, 250x202, images(7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Surely no one in the world has ever experienced both a plane trip AND a stay in a hotel. Not to mention being driven to the hotel in a cab. Such a combination is truly out of the ordinary.

Hope you packed the essentials.

>> No.3600768

Now that op is crying in his hotel room, what do you guys wanna talk about?

>> No.3600796

>people talking shit about Istanbul
literally the best city I have ever been, and I have been to most major European/American cities

>> No.3600823

Be a millionaire first to boast about your account balance, poorfag.

>> No.3600824

>meetings before beakfast

you pitching strippers OP?

>> No.3600840

oh yeah? well I've been to /pol/ and they told me it's a very bad place

>> No.3600857

Hyatt Regency in Istanbul. Nice hotel, been there a couple of times.

>> No.3600860

I've been to an all inclusive resort in Turkey once. It was way more luxurious than anything I ever experienced in Italy and Spain. A great experience.
But if you would leave the resort you ended up in the world of Aladdin with shady people on every corner. So leaving wasn't really an option.

>> No.3600861

wait i dont get these threads. why would the person you described be jealous of this type of lifestyle?

they just want to trade coins and not be bothered by anyone, not wake up at the crack of dawn to go to meetings

>> No.3600874

shit, this is the same format that i use for my resume. same font and everything.

>> No.3600881

All inclusive is so fucking shit, bunch of Dutch and German and Russian douchebags running around drunk as hell and annoying everyone. All the food is shit, etc etc

>> No.3600906

I am Dutch. I´m sure I´ll manage.

>> No.3600937

That breakfast looks like shit breh

t. turkfag

>> No.3600968

Nice life OP
I woke up one hour later (also in Europe), then opened this thread with my girlfriend sleepily rubbing her head against my shoulder
What are we going to do today? Oh, it's Sunday, so not much because seeing as neither of us need to work for money we go out during the week when there's less crowds
Granted, we're not living a lavish lifestyle like a distinguished man such as yourself being driven to important business appointments
Guess you win that one, champ. GL with escorts or whatever you do for companionship, got to get back to cuddling now

>> No.3601026

I always browse these kind of threads to laugh at the most butthurt replies. This one wins.

>> No.3601027


Awwwwwwww babby's first business trip!

>> No.3601041
File: 561 KB, 851x654, 1472301331665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just finished my meetings and having a beakfast on the bisphorous. My private driver is picking me up in 30 Minutes.
Just woke up and having a beakfast on the bisphorous. My dad is paying the Airbnb and picking me up in 30 Minutes. He is taking me to see the big mosque today, after that, he promise to buy me a kebab.
ALSO, you will get cancer with that shitty breakfast

>> No.3601053

it's ok /r9k/, you'll get your peewee touched by these evil women one day

>> No.3601058

Yeah, Turkey has a lot of beautiful places, too bad Erdogan and his followers are turning into a nazi shithole.

>> No.3601068

You can literally see the cancer thriving on that processed meat.

>> No.3601075

having all that money and luxury... yet you are still a Turk

>> No.3601099

Libcucks thinks we care

>> No.3601157
File: 1.79 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Am I a chink now?

>> No.3601165

please don't put savoury things and sweet things on the same plate EVER AGAIN YOU COCKSUCKER

>> No.3601169

what's up with you and variety?

>> No.3601171

Why is your breakfast on the ceiling?

>> No.3601173

Given Erdogan is re-Islamizing Turkey, and libcucks fucking love Islam, you'd think he'd be a hero of theirs.

>> No.3601217

You already spent 4$ today.
Take care bad guy!

>> No.3601273
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, 1506251474300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed your photo

>> No.3601370
File: 1.26 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me pick my meal on the way back

>> No.3601435

stop taking food photos and enjoy your cheap holidays, anon

>> No.3601446
File: 56 KB, 704x528, 1398900130781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more you have to brag about/flaunt your wealth, the weaker you are. Nouveau riche (not even that, with half a mil in the bank) idiots pissing me off. OP is probably amerilard, they tend to be the most insufferable cunts when they come into money suddenly.

>> No.3601450


>travels to a muslim majority country

>Thinks shithole=vacation


>> No.3601459

gay ass restaurant with old ladies and a bad lunch; got a better egg sandwich at the deli this morning
lame, go talk to karen

>> No.3601463
File: 1.14 MB, 900x900, Awoosader2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe you mean Constantinople.

>> No.3601524


Enjoy your stay in the wart of the asshole of the world that is the middle east.

>> No.3601540

>all these buttblasted memecoiners

Top job OP.

>> No.3601734


>is so successful he brags on 4chan

Really activated my neurons

>> No.3601777

>this much beta thirst for approval

>> No.3601842

This is a 5 star food? Pretty much I can buy that same dish across the street for $1.20.

>> No.3601889

Dude, you are super insecure. You are coming to an anonymous imageboard to brag and boast and feel important. I think that in real life you must be lost and depressed, like something is missing and you cannot fill the empty void inside. This is a sad cry for attention.

>> No.3602165

Looks like port mann in Vancouver

>> No.3602170

You will be vaporized shortly. Fool. Bosphorus is where WW3 starts.

>> No.3602358
File: 84 KB, 594x783, 56b0831c11347dd7808aaed08807dc9bcb08fc062ade305bf19fc3ace73b2c9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Constantinople, right?

>> No.3602388

I'm sure you must be pretty good in your skin and your life to kneejerk on an anon comment on the internet

>> No.3602400

your plate looks disgusting

>> No.3602417

"Bosphorus" you fucking mongoloid

>> No.3602576

this image has been recycled on this board this entire week nigger

>> No.3602588

all that money and you cant get laser eye surgery

>> No.3602594

This. All that fucking bread. Make it stop

>> No.3602617

/biz/ aka /alt-larp/

>> No.3602624

remove minaret

the throne of the emperor shall be retaken in your lifetime despoiler

>> No.3602631

that fruit is fugly

>omesigo apple partnership confirmed

>> No.3602646





>> No.3602790

Yea op I browsed the whole thread. You're a massive faggot and I hope a roadside bomb takes you out. Also, you eat like a fucking rabbit. You're no man.

>> No.3602902

>Have to rush my lunch to get free lift
>No ashtray on the table

>> No.3602937

>Autistically eating alone and photographing your food
>implying this isn't a stock photo

you're never getting out of the basement faggot just learn to deal like the rest of us

>> No.3602963

Yo dude have you been fired yet? Aren't there some tables over there you need to be bussing

>> No.3603008


Raid yourself subhuman

>> No.3603344


Babbys first business trip. Cute.

>> No.3603389

I've seen you post a lot, OP, and you always seem so combative. You seem to have a good job and at least a decent income but I don't understand what motivates you to make threads on a board full of mostly losers and then just start flinging shit almost immediately. What is your purpose?

>> No.3603404


Not even once

>> No.3603414

Being an approval-seeking beta whose parents were never satisfied with its achievements.

>> No.3603546

2nd, 2nd and the double choc because you're American.

>> No.3603790

>business trips
i fucking hate those, NEETs have life figured out

>> No.3603920

>Instagraming a meal for one.
Your driver wouldn't sit with you?

>> No.3603994

I love Turkish airlines, their meals are restaurant tier.

>> No.3603998

P.S., you greasy sand-nignog sister fuckers are never getting in the EU:^)

>> No.3604153

You're obviously insecure enough that you decided to come and brag about your made up accomplishments on this board

>> No.3604535

>I am an American traveling to Istanbul for business
buying cloth and reselling it on Amazon is a cuck tier business. Unless you own your own SaaS technology company where the only inputs are your time and servers, and the output is a recurrent stream of revenue you're a cuck. Sorry bud

>> No.3604640
File: 1.34 MB, 262x323, 1505070932956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw invested in btc when it was a couple of quid each
>literally a millionaire today at 22 with no work done other than hodling
>playing with crypto online still making some decent gains, especially during jan-may.

I'm literally richer than you and probably will be for the rest of my life, assuming btc keeps going up

I just want you to know when you're losing sleep over your work, there's a frogposter on the internet living a life of pure laziness and comfort

>> No.3605260

That's really rough anon but I agree. Op is a huge faggot but really that's no different than any other day.