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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3594084 No.3594084 [Reply] [Original]

When we getting rich?

>> No.3594148

I lost 20% of what I had into this shitcoin. I hope a whale pumps it, because otherwise, I'm selling. FML.

>> No.3594150

At this point never. We are now stagnting now but don't worry, as soon as I sell at a loss, it will immediately moon.

>> No.3594162

Taking a look at the roadmap...maybe towards q3 2018.....

>> No.3594184

Fuck that I'm out asap. I don't hold coins no more than 2 months

>> No.3594185

Why in the fuck would any retard sell at a loss, especially on something that 1) hasn't even pumped yet 2) is literally fucking 10 days on an exchange. You pink wojak posting faggots will always stay poor with this impatient mentality.

>> No.3594241

lmao the devs better rev up that buyback protections, its under 80% ico price

>> No.3594586

>lost 20%?
>sold under ICO???

>> No.3594609

wew lad

>> No.3594672

10 days is a long time when you suffer from endless autism.

>> No.3594763

>not wanting your new shitcoin, bought cheaper than the ICO price, to go up to 2x a few days after the ICO
what are you doing here?

anyway, not only hasn't kept at ICO price, it went DOWN after it,

>> No.3595118


>> No.3595154

No it's not, if ETH goes to 80 cents they are not going to pay you 1 ETH for your buy back. The protection is 80% of cost which is eth being worth $311.

Right now it's trading at 0.00263860 ~

>> No.3595480
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Someone who understands how math works! It's a fucking unicorn!

There are no whales. This is one of the most evenly distributed ICOs ever. There was no early buy-in bonus, so everyone got their coins at the same price. No whales selling at a 5% gain that equals a 40% loss for everyone else. On top of that, Dev coins are locked for 2 years. and there will be no more distributed for the foreseeable future. What was distributed into the wild (Approx 30 million coins @ ICO price of $1 per) is all that exists.

I'm accumulating a couple hundred at a time on the dips. Sell me your bags you weak handed faggots, this shit is going to buy me my moon mansion in Q1 2018.

>> No.3596509

>There are no whales. This is one of the most evenly distributed ICOs ever
there are 30 and 45 ETH sell walls in liqui, and those walls have been there for days...

>> No.3596775
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Oh no, $9000, whoever could possibly overcome such impossible walls...

>> No.3596799

yet, I've been watching the chart, and I'm pretty sure those walls and some bots drove prices down.

>> No.3596811
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>> No.3596838
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Now, that's not to say that whales won't pop up. Looks like one's feeding right now. He doesn't actually have any buy orders up, but he's been buying anything that dips below a certain level. Unfortunately it's a little higher than what I was aiming for, and I don't want to try to compete with him if he's already thrown 10k+ at it, so I guess I'm just gonna sit back and see what happens with this guy.

>> No.3596868
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whales are out too play

>> No.3596893

>Whale sells at loss
>Weakhands panic and sell at loss
>whale waits it to go down further
>whale buys the dip
>whale gains more money

>> No.3597119
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>> No.3597136

hahaha literally never anon

maybe by the time the next eclipse comes you dumb fucking retard
i cant believe u actually bought this dumb shit

>> No.3597549

mr whale pls pump this coin
also bump

>> No.3597558

then why the fuck is it below ico price then?

>> No.3597587
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>weak handed faggots

People who chase moon missions are getting BTFO. If a coin doesn't 10x a week after distribution they consider it a failure and move on to something else. This is how we reappropriate wealth from the stupid.

>> No.3597636

why doesn't that happen to most other coins?

>> No.3597711

We're going to make it, all of us.

>> No.3598002
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>> No.3598653

and it keeps falling...

>> No.3599459
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>> No.3599724

Never you faggot shill

>> No.3599740

This: >>3597119

>> No.3599759

I hope you didnt buy BMC to make a quick 2x before dumping it and lever looking back. Thats what chainlink was for. If you are not planning to hold BMC for a while you better sell it now.

>> No.3600105

aaaaaand it's mooning, I guess

>> No.3601325
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Uh... it does. Check most ICOs that have come out in the last few months. It looks like chainlink is going through it now. Some recover and really take off, like OMG, but most flounder for a while before dying an ignoble death. The difference between them is you have to do your research into the team and the product. Just making the new ETH isn't enough, or else Komodo would be worth $800 right now.

I believe in BMC. It's got a good team that's been working on the product for years now. The ICO was basically nothing but green flags (no presale bonus was a huge one for me), and the team doesn't get paid for two years. They have a vested interest in succeeding and making sure their coin is worth big bucks. The only real competitor in the space is Iconomi, which has an inferior product with 5x the market cap.

There is literally no reason this coin shouldn't be a fucking moonshot... in Q1 2018. Accumulate while you can.

>> No.3601399

This. Thread/

Too bad ICN is doing bad though...really had high hopes for this project and own 9000 ICN...

>> No.3601513
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Managed to sweep another 1200 BMC into my bucket below the 190 mark. I should have just waited for the firesale instead of my initial ICO investment, but oh well, live and learn...

This is the coin I'm going to be accumulating for the next 4 months. Every spare satoshi will be used to fuel this moon rocket. It will complement my OMG stack nicely.

>> No.3602090

Russian scam

Most icos give you tokens at a discounted price and then released to the public at a markup. This is why you can flip most ico tokens for money.

Not bmc. Ico price is basically public price so you couldnt flip it upon release for any profit.

I tried asking this question why there was no markup in their Telegram and they would just dodge it, telling me that it was just a personal analysis and to go look at their website/medium for answers.

Its cause they didnt want anyone to profit from the ico except themselves. Greedy russians and now im stuck holding bags.

>> No.3602133
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these bags are heavy as fuck will hold 1 year

>> No.3602192


If they dont abandon the project and actually try to get people hyped, we can finally dump our bags

But they r russian so who knos. Might just have to sell at a loss.

>> No.3602643

When blacks reach the moon.

>> No.3602944

What the fuck do you mean by "public price"?
It's not like the devs have any impact on the price. If everyone who participated in the ICO decided to sell at 5x the price, that would be the price. But weak handed faggots are selling at a huge loss, even when they can literally receive a refund from devs at a 20% loss.

>> No.3603315

if I didn't participate in the ICO, but bought from an exchange, can I still get a refund?

>> No.3603566


>> No.3603570


wait, so how is that chainlink and other ico's selling for 2x+? i always thought that the first mover, maybe a dev or something, determines the market price

if its the case that the market determines the intial price, then i fucked up for sure. blackmoon is nowhere near worth a $1 per token.

realistically its probably worth like .5

>> No.3603613

If I participated in the ico, can I buy coins at below refund price and return them for immediate profit?

>> No.3603622

Not sure, but probably not

>> No.3603644

I also fucked up by buying this shitcoin, should have bought LINK...
see https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/blackmoon-crypto/
at least LINK is being p&d'd atm...

>> No.3603650

Was thinking the same. Why shouldn't this be possible?

>> No.3603688


yeah i got fooled by the russians

the first red flag should have been the $1 per token. theres no way their token is worth $1 with no product. they havent begun doing anything.

the second red flag was their 30 million cap. their company is nowhere near worth that much.

i got played by their superior marketing.

>> No.3603748

Pretty sure with most, decent, ICOs devs lock their tokens for a fixed time period, disclosed in the white paper.
Which makes sense, since they're not legally obligated to provide a working product.
If this wasn't the case, anyone could run an ICO, dump all the tokens on day of release and never be heard from again.

So to answer your question, yes, market determines the price. If everyone who participated in the ICO either held, or sold for a profit, the price wouldn't tank.

>> No.3603758


read this post->>3595154