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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 89 KB, 256x256, mast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
357897 No.357897 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>340202

Which coins are you holding?
Which would you say look the most promising?
Any upcoming coins worth getting on the train early for?


>> No.357906

Holding XC, MAST and MRO
Was a bit worried about XC but everyone seems to be pretty confident so I'll keep holding, pretty excited about MAST, but not so sure what's up with MRO. Its still early days though so I'm not gonna be panic selling anytime soon

Would also like to know any up and coming coins to jump onto, i know ones with anonymous transactions are the hot thing right now, anything promising with X13??

>> No.357908

I think maru and boost are the only X13 ones out at the moment.

>> No.357911

>not so sure what's up with MRO

Wondering this myself, I was watching those 30 btc buy walls at 0.005 get crushed, then the various 10-15 btc buy walls in the 0.004 range get eaten instantly as well.

>> No.358007

I'm holding MAST, XC and MRO. The three are promising and its likely they will be pumped a lot in the next days, also they are very cheap now, so it seems a goos time to buy now if you haven't done already.

>> No.358020
File: 44 KB, 641x394, f24c952d-bd71-4680-a0d4-1de4900ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


still Vertcoin. Solid community, great premise for a coin. Has the vest chance of going big.

>> No.358087

Buying as much MAST as humanly possible at the moment.

Shit's gonna make me a gorillianaire

>> No.358117

How much are you holding? Do you have a price that you're gonna cash out at?
I'm holding 1000 MAST, but thinking about stocking up

>> No.358143

Instamined by devs.

>> No.358144


i'm holding about 800, i think at the first sign of an increase i'm going to sell for .005-.006, i dunno.

>> No.358145

Holding MRO and XC

Sold XC at 50 and bought back at 40, hoping for a continued uptrend instead of a momentary pump and a 100% retracement

Still holding

>> No.358147

MAST still worth buying?

What's special about it and why does it have promise?

>> No.358149

Only 2 million coins, seems to have good devs and PoS starts in 5 hours.

>> No.358150


active/transparent dev, launched with no hiccups, PoW ending later today, the general consensus seems to be that the price is going to skyrocket, i guess we'll see. :)

>> No.358152

I coded a bot that traded between btc/drk in mintpal, I managed to make 1btc out of 0.6, thank God I coded the thing to dumb DRK if the price started going down the hill
good times
I'll start betting I mean investing more

>> No.358153


also, looks like the price is slowly starting to rise, i think it might hit 30k soonish, so get in now if you're gonna.

>> No.358154

I can see MAST reaching 500k easily.

>> No.358155


that would be great.

>> No.358157

what's PoS?

>> No.358158


proof of stake, from what i understand it's a way for coins to attain interest, i don't fundamentally understand the math behind it though.

>> No.358161
File: 44 KB, 512x384, DBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't fundamentally understand the math behind it though.

Take what you have, cut it in half, and double it.

>> No.358162


also, i guess apparently the dev is going to unveil some "revolutionary" new feature for the coin later today, probably just hype-train shit but there's still inherent value in hyping something up. haha.

>> No.358169

vertical coin was only good for the first day when it had some vert

>> No.358190

I know this is probably the wrong thread...

But can anyone recommend any coins with actual innovative features *beyond* the mining algorithm or purported "fairness"?

DRK and the CryptoNote coins I might class as this since they have the anonymity marketing angle.

But any others? What is there that is useful beyond anonymity and "fairness"?

>> No.358192

PND because equal rights to all pandas

>> No.358199

Yessir I already posses PND. I'm not that short-sighted.


>> No.358204

People are being retarded and fucking themselves big time right now with MAST.

Shit hit a high of 34k yesterday and a bunch of people got spooked and dumped by selling thousands and thousands at ~30k, which where then obviously bought up by the same people who are right now posting tons of asks at ~25k.

Idiots should just be all setting their asks at 500k right now because no one in their right mind should be selling it yet. There's gonna be rivers of tears in just a day or two when that 34k high is long shattered by 100k or more.

>> No.358209

In other words, if anyone has any BTC to spare at all, you're stupid to not buy all the MAST you can right now while people are still acting like retards and selling way below what they're worth on Bittrex.

>> No.358227

Holding MAST and PND

>> No.358239

Price looks like it's moving down right now

What time exactly does PoS end?

>> No.358242

WIFI (Wificoin) is also at an insane low-point right now, and a relatively new coin with essentially nowhere to go but up.

Just bought myself 100, will hold without even considering selling until it re-hits it's current 24-hour highpoint.

Would recommend if you're looking to trade for cheap.

>> No.358243

>Price looks like it's moving down right now

>> No.358244


>> No.358246

Back on the MAST train. Shit is going to heat up big time in the coming weeks. Heard we might end up on mintpal by monday.

>> No.358249

It's ok, I'm just watching the charts while I wait for my BTC to transfer to bittrex

A fair launch, active dev and PoS don't guarantee a price increase

Why is this different to any of the other shitcoins?

>> No.358250


High-volume and low-price. I say why the fuck not. It's cheap as dirt right now and even if it were to completely plummet to 0 who cares? 100 of them at 300 satoshi isn't exactly a drastic loss considering the 24-hour high is almost 4x what its going for now. Worth the gamble IMO.

>> No.358253

This is the MAST bear trap..

>> No.358255

DRK and XC are at each other's throats. DRK thread is nothing but people saying DRK is getting added to bitfinex, and the XC thread is nothing but FUD right now.

Might just go all in with MAST instead. All these anon coins are driving me nuts,

MAST will probably end up getting an anon feature added anyway.

>> No.358258

How many confirmations before I get my BTC in bittrex?

>> No.358260


two i think?

>> No.358266

>at 1


>> No.358268

Seems that way.

There we go, all set for liftoff. It's funny that the big sell yesterday didn't seem to affect demand at all. Mastiff could be more in demand a week from now than XC.

Set your sell targets at .005 because that's where we're headed.

>> No.358269

Seems to be stalling around 0.00025

My prediction is it goes down from here

>> No.358270


same, m8

>> No.358271


idts, PoW is ending, miners probably selling their coins for "sure thing" profits, price will prob fall a bit to 20k i'd reckon, then shoot back up once PoS starts.

I really regret not dropping a few hundred bucks on this when it was like 4k :(

>> No.358275

Anybody here ever write a cryptotrading bot?

>> No.358276

So what I said was right? We are in accordance? ;)

>> No.358281


yeah. I'm interested to see how this plays out over the next few days.

>> No.358282


only fifteen minutes until their "big announcement"

>> No.358283

Can this reach 0.01?

>> No.358286

but the price is dropping

Where is the big news being announced?

>> No.358288


on their bitcointalk page probably.

>> No.358292


>> No.358294

you mean


>> No.358301

The big announcement: A coin recycler that lets you dump your worthless dumped shitcoins for mastiffcoins.


>> No.358302


>> No.358307
File: 36 KB, 342x359, 1363094007968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dish network now accepting bitcoin
>prices shoot up $40
>there are still people holding on to worthless cryptocurrencies

I will laugh even harder when BTC goes to $5000

>> No.358308

Not a massive announcement to be fair

Don't really see the point

>> No.358318


me neither, oh well. prices are rising slowly.

>> No.358345

Why did /biz/ b8 me into buying this shitcoin

Bought at 25k, now we're at 22k after the "big announcement" which was actually complete useless shit

>> No.358352

>Bought at 25k, now we're at 22k

Everyone who mined any is dumping. If you look at the order books most people are selling 1k or more BELOW the bid for the sole purpose of getting every sale through as fast as possible.

Seriously, hang onto your MAST for 3-5 more days and then see if you still feel like you've been "baited into buying a shitcoin" while you're rolling in 1000% profits.

>> No.358361

Miners/People who bought at 4k are selling. Once they sell what they want to sell it's a straight shot up to 100k.

>> No.358366


bagholding once again I guess

>> No.358383

Honestly its holding steady above 20k. If it dips under 18 I'd start to worry. Otherwise just fucking hold that shit.

>> No.358461

Why is it at 19 wtf niggers need to stop selling like faggots goddam

>> No.358462

>dump your worthless dumped shitcoins for mastiffcoins.

top lel at mastiffcoin not being a shitcoin

>> No.358464

babby first coin

>> No.358465

Hold and your patience will be rewarded.

>> No.358481

Cure coin is interesting.

Motocoin, boolberry, Boost (X13). There are so many different coins good luck.

As far as price goes, today we will see XC, GLC, BOST, and SC to rise.

>> No.358496

Motocoin seems vaguely funny, I'm thinking I could easily write some AI/bot to play the game... How on earth can they prevent that? Anyone know?

And then it loses its interest.

>> No.358504

Monero, Quazarcoin and Fantomcoin.

>> No.358506


>> No.358511

What did you code it in?
What technical indicators did you use?


>> No.358525

>clonetards in charge of which coins make actual improvements
It's like you've never heard of boolberry

>> No.358544

boolberry is disabled on bittrex, where can I get some?

>> No.358549

Ur mums cunt m80

>> No.358554
File: 46 KB, 604x464, wumbo-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c'mon people this is first grade stuff

buy on hype and rumour, sell on news

every altcoin, everytime "good news" in coin development = miner whales dumping and price dropping

which coins are x13? just maru and boost?

any twitter channels I can subscribe to to get info>?

>> No.358563

If you want to make even more shekels vote MAST here to be added on cryptsy:


>> No.358641

bump for MAST GAINS

>> No.358657

Oh, and also votefor MAST here:


>> No.358665

Bitcoin keeps creeping up and you fuckers are still screwing around with altcoins.

Come over here and party:

(you DO own BTC, right?)

>> No.358674


You don't understand we're trading alts to get more btc ?

>> No.358677

>implying MAST isn't the fastest ticket to turning 1btc into 10btc

>> No.358689
File: 7 KB, 188x268, partyyyyyyyyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't understand we're trading alts to get more btc ?

well come and party with me then :^)

just don't miss the BTC rocket if it takes off.

>> No.358697

> dont miss the rocket

Already got 2.1 btc in mah wallet bruv. Holding 100 MAST in the houses moneys

>> No.358699

BTC is for faglords and bitches

>> No.358707

my good man

>BTC is for faglords and bitches
naw it's for future rich people m8

I buy alt coins sure, but I have no pretence that the majority aren't shitcoins and the Bitcoin rocket is being prepped for launch

>> No.358712

>Bitcoin rocket
the Bitcoin rocket is a shitrocket headed into fagville

>> No.358723


>> No.358749
File: 32 KB, 500x500, ZM3dIbk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

curecoin train hasn't left the station by a longshot, as it picks up steam in the crypto community it will gain, and once the media gets ahold of it it's going to the moon. Multiple 50btc+ buywalls on it from big fish getting in on the ground floor.

I'm mining CURE for long term and holding XC for short right now

>> No.358756

what the fuck happened to BANK guys?

everyone saying to buy.... now look at it....it's at 15

>> No.358775
File: 251 KB, 536x381, middle_management[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




1 SNGL = 12,000,000 BTC SOON






>> No.358776

ID: VG1tvGEm


>> No.358777

Can't find the link

Seriously though this shit would go way beyond the moon

>> No.358778

I bet that the people who said you to buy were those who sold their shitcoin to you.

Never trust people you don't know on the interwebz..

>> No.358782


the key is that there are going to be a few other coins. I think it's reasonable that about 5 are going to be relevant, with BTC and LTC the top dogs. I figure there's a definite spot for an anonymous coin, a "social value coin", and an outlier.

BTC/LTC/CURE/PND and whoever wins the anoncoin wars?

I'm really high on CURE because I think that as John Q. Public sees cryptos as more than the odd news story or nascar sponsorship there's going to be demand for legitimacy of value.

>> No.358799

I was wondering the same thing - then checked the forums - inactive dev and no attempt to build the community. A pity cause it had a great name and X11. Still holding 50000 of those.

>> No.358800
File: 1.89 MB, 300x200, just-kidding-lol-dog-gif[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it? Are you considering investing real dollars into this "SingleCoin" I just rused up?

Please look up PiCoin or 365Coin.

I vaguely recall a 21Coin and a 42Coin as well.

All were pumped, all took massive dumps.


>> No.358847

what the fuck is so special about mastiff coin?

is everyone just shilling this shit coin?

>> No.358849

Only the bagholders are shilling it.

>> No.358850

What was special about XC?

>> No.358854

>implying every coin isn't flashmined in the the first 96 hours

and people don't even care because VTC was tame compared to every other coin

>> No.358862

I'm glad I mined 38 Darkcoins way back when.

>> No.359024

just bought into xc, hope to fuck it pays off. also put some spare change into mast. this is the rest of my btc. i have faith in your motherfuckers

>> No.359054

Working, anonymous transactions which are working.


>> No.359113

maru and boost? yay or nay?

juggalocoin? or am I high?

>> No.359141

>curecoin train hasn't left the station by a longshot, as it picks up steam in the crypto community it will gain, and once the media gets ahold of it it's going to the moon. Multiple 50btc+ buywalls on it from big fish getting in on the ground floor.
>I'm really high on CURE

Can somegoy explain why CURE is better than GridCoin?

(I bought GRC a while ago and it didn't really go anywhere)

>> No.359207

All those bullshit coins. Not waiting for bitSlap coin launch. Stay poor, fags.

>> No.359210

>making money by waiting
Sounds rather boring if you ask me.

>> No.359214

I admit BS sounds fun though.

>0.5% Premine.
>What? You think we are doing this for your benefit? Get the fuck out of here.

>The last thing we want to see when we go to a website is a bunch of stupid fucking words, so we filled it up with pictures of cute cats, star wars, shit like that. I mean, who does not want to see cute cats when they go onto a website?

Will definitely mine.

>> No.359219

1.everyone gets mines so they can trade for BTC
>the ones that got into the ride early mined the shit out of it while they could
>then the first batch of people start to buy because of 1
>they get more people to buy because of 1

Are you people stupid or something?

>> No.359224

When all of these shitty coins like craftcoin or bbqcoin are made and worth like a 40k-50k marketcap, what does that mean?

How much do the creators typically make from shitcoins like that?

>> No.359245

Depend on the amount of coins they have and if they dump these or not.

>> No.359248


If I made a shitty clonecoin and posted it on bitcointalk and everything, I wonder how much I could make

I'd probably end up with nothing, but there's probably a big market out there for cleverly named coins/niche coins

>> No.359265

Fuck all of you fucking faggots who told me to buy that shitcoin Mastiff

Jesus Christ what a shitcoin, I got rused so fucking hard, 10/10

>> No.359278

What coin should I put my infinite wealth into, /biz/?

>> No.359280

rip my money

>> No.359296


price is about to shoot up, I hope you're still holding.

>> No.359305

I'm still bagholding seeing as I didn't invest that much

What the fuck makes you think this shitcoin will take off or go in any direction but down?

>> No.359307


Always do the opposite of what 4chan tells you with cryptos

Always do what reddit tells you with IRL stocks

You're guaranteed to make money

>> No.359314


I dunno, I'm not heavily concerned over whether this has long term growth or not, as I think it's just another shitcoin as well, I'm confident in the people that do believe in it enough to push the price back up after everyone finishes dumping the mined coins/getting it up on mintpal enough to raise the price back to a decent level.

>> No.359317

I don't expect any of you guys to listen because educated input doesn't really seem to be valued here but I am feeling cocky so I'll give it a shot.

I am going balls deep on RubyCoin because the developer is creating a "Coin Lab" which essentially allows people to create their own alt-coin with the click of a simple button. Now, here's the catch....payment is only accepted in RubyCoin...and he made RubyCoin.

So, the idea here is that this will drive up demand for RubyCoin and cause the price to shoot up.


>> No.359331


this sounds brilliant akshyully

>> No.359360

Oh great, MORE shitcoins...

>> No.359363


basically, the hard work that gridcoin is trying to do to setup the network for issuing work units and managing the workforce has already been done by stanford

cure is also gen 3 and has a better media angle as a "socially responsible" coin

>> No.359392

1st time crypto?

>> No.359429

Thanks for explain

>> No.359496

Gameleaguecoin (GLC) is due for a massive upswing for short-term profits IMO

>> No.359542

Anyone tell me why dogecoin is dropping so damned fast? I got almost a million coins and I'm losing money.

>> No.359554


mostly because BTC has been jumping fast, doge/dollar is about the same

>> No.359619

actually impressed by this

>> No.359832

OMG Its happening, MAST price is going up like crazy. Glad I held.

MAST to the Moon!!

>> No.359843

Just when I was about to go to sleep ...

>> No.359850

Thanks /biz/, holding MAST even when there seemed to be no hope now is generating me shitloads of Shekels.

MAST will be on a brutal rise, I see it, buy before its too late if you haven't done already.

>> No.359852

It says a lot about our generation that people get ansy from holding longer than 24 hours

>> No.359854


>> No.359858

You haven't seen the 2014 CEDA (cross examination debate association) championship match yet.

Debate at the collegiate level in the USA

>> No.359883

PURE looks to be revving up for a moon run.

Was over 4k this morning after it's debut, down to 800. I just bought 6,000.

Whos wit me?

>> No.359892

MAST went up 80%, selling at .0002

>> No.359895

Just bought 200 with my leftover BTC, let's see how it goes

>> No.359945


Where can buy?

>> No.359978

Got mine on bittrex

Looks like MRO is finally making a comeback

>> No.360027

Is there any way on Bittrex to see P/L or any other useful metrics?

>> No.360092


>> No.360093

MYR most profitable coin on whatmine.com as of a few hours ago, volume is picking up

>> No.360101

Any guesses how what price this mast pump will reach?

>> No.360105

>lel, those 1 buy orders
If you're still a bagholder I would sell now. Crash the fucking market.

>> No.360117

Picked up a few DVK in case anything interesting happens with it.

NL just popped onto bittrex also. Probably good for at least one good pump and dump.

>> No.360130

Most cryptos are priced against BTC so they rise and fall with it, if BTC ended up at $1,000,000 Doge would still be 55 cents each.

>> No.360146

just sold last of MAST at 22500, top lul. bought at 13000. you guys are the best, thanks for helping me get aboard the train.

now I'm just holding XC. might throw into ruby or pure next, unsure at the moment

>> No.360151

update (nb), bought 2000 rby for 770, hoping to cash in if the Coin Lab plan ever opens up.

hoping this works out.

>> No.360153

i already made some bank off of a shitload of ruby bought at ~700, sold for ~1000. It seems stagnant/dead IMO.

If I were you i'd hop on dat dere PURE train; seems all-time-low feels right now.

>> No.360162

noted, just placed an order for 3.2k @ 930. 24 hour high of 6997 too, shit's hysterical. hoping this isn't a permanent dive. what's the reason?

>> No.360176

Just picked through the forum thread. Apparently the dev already dumped the premine and ran.

>> No.360180

I'll try to sell back at around 940 and hold a little bit to see if it rises at all. dev premine dump isn't promising.

on to the next one, whichever that may be

>> No.360191

What coins are people mining right now?

What can I make loads o money on mining within a few months?

>> No.360192

I'm on Granite right now, it has nothing new and nothing going for it which means it should get a pump and dump at some point.

>> No.360193
File: 34 KB, 481x404, 1371037112001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the most fucking disgusting logo I've ever seen.

>> No.360225

>just bought into xc, hope to fuck it pays off.
i'm all in. i'm fucking scared, but as soon as the fear dies down from the drkfud, it should explode. real money to be made atm. this could be better than pepsi vs coke.

>> No.360233

why is the spread so huge on MYR?

>> No.360249

It's only a matter of time.
Anonymous transactions with XC are already possible.

>> No.360252

Also I wonder how many of you sold MAST and bought back in when it was rising.

>> No.360253

I did ;_;

>> No.360255

What's so special about MAST? Their "coin recycler" feature will never be implemented because it's not feasible to implement it.

>> No.360269

it's also worth half what it was when i bought. it's gonna take weeks to recover from the drkfaggotry. i do have faith though, the dev, an i.t guy for 20 years, has some crazy shit planned, his irl dox are public, backed by the cinni dev. he also delivers on everything promised. it is indeed just a matter of time, but solely because drk are so terrified they're spreading fud like never before seen, and trying their hardest to destroy the XC market. it's still alive, despite their increasingly desperate efforts. wonder what they'll pull next.

>> No.360282

you moron, Ive been in irc with the dev all this time. he's still here you chucklefuck idiot

>> No.360283

I hope you're right

>> No.360291

The only thing that matters with altcoins is what is new. Litecoin was the first coin ever with a solid asic resistant algo. Dogecoin was the first ever to add a funny character (a very funny one is the common plebeian mind). Peercoin was the first something (peer to peer confirmations I think). Namecoin was the first to allow you to create domain names using the blockchain, somehow. Darkcoin is the first to make a decent attempt at sustainable anonymity, and it will win that crown in a few months. Auroracoin was the first to tie itself to a country. Blackcoin was the first hybrid proof-of-work/proof-of-stake coin.

They all enjoy a little time in the sun for having something truly unique and possibly useful. Very quickly that possibility hits reality and you have shit like Blackcoin and Auroracoin getting dumped almost to 10% of their peak in less than 24 hours. You just have to be able to tell what matters from what doesn't. New algos, new memes, new proof-of-stake hybrids, new internet domain registration systems, and new countries to tie coins to are completely worthless aspects now.

Nobody know what the next big boom will be in altcoins, but it is certain that it will not have be one of the above mentioned innovations that creates it. Maybe a coin that can create marriage certificates for gay couples living in conservative states will be the next great pump and dump, fuck who knows or cares about that shit.

>> No.360294

Oh since Mintapal's api v2.0 is still in Beta and not available, I coded it in javascript as a plugin for my browser.
>technical indicators
Well nothing really too sophisticated, buy DRK until the rise is over, as soon as it stops rising trade it for more Bitcoins, then wait for Darkcoin to slide until the slide is over and you can buy far more Darkcoins than you could before, the market is so volatile, that there are at least 30-70 oportunities doing this every week, but keeping a 24hour watch manually on this is virtually impossible.
Plus the fee of every trade is 0.15%

>> No.360310

I hold BTC, LTC and PND, that's my trifecta.

>> No.360312

What about MMXIV? There's only 2014 coins and the price is going up.

>> No.360403

Wow this is great, bitcoin is charging ahead while just about every alt market is stagnating.

>> No.360407
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, popura bochechas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding tight to a lot of XC and a little PND

>> No.360413

DOGE is getting pumped right now

Get on it while it's low

>> No.360422

>lot of XC
> lambo.jpg

>> No.360428

>tfw only 800 XC

>> No.360445
File: 58 KB, 200x200, yatta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.360447

Made a +85% profit on PURE during that slight uphill during early this morning.

Shit's already back down to 11k. Parlaying everything back in for more gainz.

>> No.360528

What's everyone's opinion on Ruby? (RBY)

>> No.360531

Dead-as-fuck scrypt clone. Only thing going for it is CoinLab which probably won't take off.

NL is going up like crazy on bittrex right now. Only started trading last night and it's up to 15k from a low of 8k.

>> No.360675

man, xc just doesn't want to launch yet. the price is still so low. i'm starting to think it's a ruse, to bleed terrified drk whales as well as eventually dominating the anon market. the only way xc can fail now, in light of it's tech innovations all being a success, is if another, better anoncoin is announced before it surpasses ltc and drk. xc is my fave gamble right now. shit is exciting. and relatively cheap.


>> No.360686
File: 97 KB, 250x250, mintcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holding mintcoin

>> No.360777

why mintcoin of all things?

>> No.360798

it has a rabid fanbase of users, the ones still holding.

>> No.360825

>it has a lot of bagholders, so I should be one too

>> No.360845

>holding a shitcoin

>> No.360856

It just got removed from mintpal

>> No.360858

is that ironic or nah?

>> No.360863

MAST trading at https://coinnext.com/trade/MAST/BTC

>> No.360902

So I used some mining profitability calculator: "http://www.bitcoinx.com/profit/" to calculate how long it would take something like this: "http://www.ebay.com/itm/ANTMINER-S1-Bitcoin-Miner-180-GH-s-Asic-USA-In-Hand-Can-Overclock-/221448876571?pt=US_Virtual_Currency&hash=item338f61b21b" would take to pay for itself. It says it would be only 79 days. Is this legit? Sounds too good to be true. If it's all profit after less than three months why isn't everyone buying tons of these miners?

Also the calculator assumes you're mining bitcoin which is less profitable than mining other currencies so it would be even less time if you use your brain.

>> No.360908

no one wants to risk $350, presumably. also it's ASIC, which means it won't mine most coins in this thread that are inherently anti-ASIC. ASIC kills coins, it's only ever really used to SHA256, which is still a large part of the altcoin market, but not as popular as other algos due to being less accessible (requiring rigs like the one linked)

>> No.360913

also that's a relatively low-duty asic miner. i've seen butterfly labs shit that can and will range in the thousands. i leave that shit up to the pros though, i'm just a day-trading poorfag trying to make a quick buck like everyone itt

>> No.360930

I have:


What else do I need in my collection? CINNI maybe???

I am hodling all in case of moonshots. I never panic sell on drops, I just write it off as a loss (see PND).

>> No.360941

CINNI might be worthwhile but it's notoriety has faded with the new algos

>> No.360991

I would like to suggest GabenCoin. It's been around for months and relatively unused. Would be a great candidate for pump and dump.

>> No.361107

It's a piece of shit coin and has been dead now awhile. Wouldn't bother with it.

>> No.361243
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>samefagging by making a suggestion and then shooting himself down

>> No.361270

Is Mintpal down right now?

>> No.361527


>> No.361544

whats everyone eyeing for this week?

>> No.361638

XC is 12 on Coin Market Cap, just holding. I only have 15 of them and I bought at 0.00215000 a while back. Price is only peaking now at 0.00203880 after several slow days, feelbatman. Shouldve bought lower. I'm prospecting it'll shoot up here soon though

>> No.361646

I bought XC yesterday so it'll probably be all down hill from here.

>> No.361654

XC, XC, XC and XC. fuck everything else atm, it's all last gen stuff which will go no further than a few faggy pumps, then flatline and die.

>> No.361657

such is life

im predicting the mast boat is dying here soon. still waiting for a .1 BTC deposit to come in that I bought off Coinbase with my bank account. hoping i can turn it around for some profit seeing that I'm pretty much broke

>> No.361661

ITC is #1 on mintpal voting. might be some money in that, although it already got pumped. there's a chance mintpal will bring new interest. current price is double what it was yest, so tread carefully.

>> No.361742
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dayum das crazy

>> No.361749

Seems like theres nobody even trading today. Volume is low all-around.

MAST and PURE were fluctuating 33% both +/- all day long at a constant pace yesterday; today they've barely moved up or down with only a couple trades every hour.

Is computer users all over the world kill?

Also: Wtf is with the new Bittrex chart layout? How the fuck can I see what the highs and lows of the past were when hovering the cursor over the graph doesnt even give you the numbers anymore? It's pissing me off.

>> No.361762

>Seems like theres nobody even trading today. Volume is low all-around.

Everybody's HODLing their bitcoins instead?

>> No.361816

whats up with boolberry? looks like it was pure PnD but I'm wondering if it will spike again, btc volume looks like its increasing though...

>> No.361834

no, summer break just began. everyone's enjoying it.

source: at the beach, not sure why im still here.

>> No.361865

I know this is a thread purely for speculation on cryptocurrency, but I decided to make this post in here just so I wouldn't have to make a new thread and pollute the board with another kind of thread you guys probably get 30 times a day. I apologize, as I'm obviously new to /biz/ so I don't know the etiquette or the board manners, but I'm hoping this post doesn't go against those. Let me know if I should just make a new thread for it and I will.

I want to buy a small amount of bitcoins (Something like 0.1 bitcoins) just for some minor purchases. I know the basic theory and science behind how bitcoins work, but I know nothing about purchasing, storing, transferring, or making purchases with bitcoins, especially when it comes to doing all of those securely and discreetly.

1. What website would you guys recommend for the safest, least scam-prone bitcoin purchasing?

2. I've heard of something called bitcoin "mixing" that makes your bitcoin transactions more secure and less traceable. Does anybody know anything about this, or how to do it?

3. Transferring and purchasing things with bitcoins seems easy enough, but, again, is there a way to do it securely?

Any other advice and tips on how to go about purchasing bitcoins and using them in a safe, secure, discreet manner unrelated to these questions is appreciated.

Again, my deepest apologies if I'm somehow breaking unspoken board rules or board etiquette or manners by making this post. Let me know and I'll go ahead and delete it right away.

Thanks for your time, guys.

>> No.361868

miners dumping 1000% under value, lots of panic too. happens every time a recently launched coin hits

>> No.361893

coinbase for us and bitstamp for eu for purchasing. What does more secure transferring mean? If the recipient is trustworthy its secure otherwise its not. You can't chargeback.
Bitcoin transactions are stored in the blockchain visible for everyone.

>> No.361903

1. CoinBase, Bitstamp. Localbitcoins is may be the quickest if you buy from somebody in the same country, but there is a markup.

2. I believe the blockchain.info Bitcoin wallet has a mixer you can use. (Shared coin or something). Dark Wallet is coming soon.

3. Wut. If you mean hackers stealing your coins, the only true secure method is an offline wallet, but it's not simple. With just a small amount I wouldn't bother. But you may one day have a virus and they'll be stolen.

>> No.361907

1. https://localbitcoins.com/

2. Not really important just use throw away wallets.

3. Nothing is 100% safe. I recommend you purchase a small amount and test it out for a while before committing an amount of money you can potentially lose due to ignorance.

You want to buy bitcoin? It's possible to buy on ebay if you are not comfortable with localbitcoins.


>> No.361912


Thanks for the responses, guys, I really appreciate the help.

As for "secure", I was more referring to the ability for bitcoin transactions to not be traced to my personal identity, or to be anonymous in nature. I guess I was using the wrong terminology for that, so my apologies there.

>> No.361915


About purchasing, in an exchange like Bitstamp its instant and its not possible to get scammed, the bitcoins that are being sold were already deposited by people in the exchange.

About anonymity, google "bitcoin coin mixing services"

And to secure your bitcoins, just make sure your computer itself is safe, i.e. do not have software that you do not trust in it, and have your OS and browser updated. And encrypt your wallet.

>> No.361917

As soon as you use a different adress in your wallet for each transaction you make and never post publicly that a given address belongs to you, then you are mostly anonymous

>> No.361924

mixers are expensive. just bounce the coins off a few blockchain.info wallets, using a different IP every time, then deposit into your silkroad account.

>> No.361927

To give 100% anonymity is a very hard thing to promise. You have to have an understanding of identity, and how all actions link to your identity... And properly segregate these identities.


1. buy Bitcoin under your real identity
2. pass it through a mixing service, through some different obscure russian exchanges, whatever
3. finally finish in your "anon" wallet.

You must then be sure your "anon" wallet is never used for any purchases that will link to your real identity. And remember your IP address identifies you, ideally you are operating behind Tor or a quality VPN service.

I could go on and on. But having said that, at this point in time >>361917 and >>361924
...is probably enough.

>> No.361936


I'm operating on a Tor network, yes. I'll take your tips, though, and look into how to do those.


>then deposit into your silkroad account.

I clearly need to work on my subtlety.

Anyways, thanks again a bunch for all the help, guys! Really appreciate it.

>> No.361978


think its worth buying into?

>> No.362054

>think its worth buying into?

100% yes. It's going to double in value at the very least. Miners are STILL dumping right now, and the value is barely above the lowest it's had since debut.

It may very well be worth 10x what it is now by the end of the week. Just look at what MAST did in its first week alone and that coin wasn't even at the top of the game as far as user benefits like BBR is.

>> No.362066
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>Lowest ask
>0.00145 BTC

>> No.362106

just bought 18.5 BBR at 0.00143. Putting faith in this one, it's at its lowest value yet and the volume is rising quickly. pretty sure it's only going up within this next week or so

>> No.362122

Guy from earlier in the thread who was talking about buying Bitcoins as a beginner here again.

I've been lurking in this thread since then, and watching you guys talk about this stuff. How profitable is cryptocurrency speculating for you guys, on average? Obviously there's a LOT of risk involved, as there is in any speculative market, but I see guys like >>362054 talking about how a cryptocurrency can reach 10x it's current value - So I have to wonder, what kind of money do you guys manage to make off of doing this stuff? Can a college student like myself who only has a couple thousand of USD in the bank at any given time buy enough of any given cryptocurrency to make a significant profit on it as the value rises?

>> No.362124

It's very frustrating if you don't know what the fuck you are doing.
But when you do it can be very, very profitable.
Like 5 Bitcoin profitable, which I made last week.

>> No.362130


Wow, that's actually pretty crazy. Is that on average, then? How easy is it to convert the Bitcoin back into USD for regular transactions like rent, food, gas, etc.? 5 Bitcoins, from my understanding, is $3,000+ USD, which is great for any transactions with people who accept Bitcoins, but I'm worried that, if you can't convert it back to regular currency, it'd be somewhat useless for daily living expenses.

On that note, do any of you work exclusively as cryptocurrency speculators? Is it possible to make a living off of this? It's nothing I'd want to do, as I have actual things I want to do with my career besides just make money, but I'm just curious if such a thing is possible. It's definitely an interesting subject, to say the least. It feels almost like daytrading stocks, to a layman such as myself.

>> No.362141

if you get too deep into this shit you'll end up like the people on /r/bitcoin who have taken out 250k loans and are drowning in debt because thy invested and lost. I do this partially for fun and partially in hopes that i make a little cash on the side. do NOT jump into any of this with the intent of making it a lifestyle. everything is purely speculative, devs can jump ship at any moment.

rule 1 of the cryptto game is assuming any coin that isn't a new algo is a shitcoin. drk, xc, ltc, vtc all branched off from bitcoin and started innovating.

it more or less is daytrading stocks. if you set up a coinbase account, you connect your bank to the site, and you can buy and sell as you please. if i wanted i could withdraw my funds at any time. there's usually a 5 or so day delay in which it takes time to get the funds into your account but it's reliable.

if you have any other questions, ask. ive been working with bitcoin since around mid '11. before the price skyrocketed i'd gambled all my shit awa because i didnt think btc would go anywhere, rofl. had 36 BTC, went on satoshidice like a fucking idiot. didnt fuck with btc again until 3 months later i saw it hit 100, then 1000 USD. ive been messing around with crypto shit ever since.

>> No.362151

>if you get too deep into this shit you'll end up like the people on /r/bitcoin who have taken out 250k loans and are drowning in debt because thy invested and lost.

Yeesh, was it really that much? That's kind of painful to hear, even if it does seem to mostly be their own fault.

>do NOT jump into any of this with the intent of making it a lifestyle.

Yeah, that's nothing I intend to do, don't worry.

>if you set up a coinbase account, you connect your bank to the site, and you can buy and sell as you please. if i wanted i could withdraw my funds at any time. there's usually a 5 or so day delay in which it takes time to get the funds into your account but it's reliable.

When you sell your coins on Coinbase, even with the 5 day delay, will you get the amount that they were worth when you hit the "SELL" button, or the amount they're worth at the end of the 5 days? I'm sorry, I'm sure that seems like a silly question, but I just want to make sure, since I'm sure that Bitcoin prices can fluctuate wildly in such a short time.

Anyways, thanks again to you guys! I'll be honest, every time I go onto a new board I'm not used to on 4chan, I expect to be torn apart by the natives on there. It's always nice for my expectations to be wrong and everybody turns out to be really helpful and nice.

I'll be looking more into this, maybe checking out some of the cryptocurrencies you guys are talking about in here, see if I can't hang around and make a few extra hundred bucks a month, or something like that.

>> No.362157

you still get the same amount that you entered, regardless of price fluctuation. btc is going to blast off soon, I feel. I already placed an order for .15 BTC a week ago or so.

also relevant reads




last one the guy used his kid's college money.

>> No.362383

fucking whales are tanking bbr... still holding, just considering it a loss atm. hopefully it comes back up after this

>> No.362519

InformationCoin is on mintpal now.

Pure PoS, the initial distribution was based on some arbitrary ranking of one's social media accounts/posts.

70 million ITC total.

What do?

>> No.362522

is MAST officially dead?

>> No.362527

yes, BBR is the new XC, DRK and MAST

>> No.362534
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Forgot pic.

Also. These buy walls are blockier than wombat poop.


>> No.362573

ITC is going ape right now.

Bought 10,000 at .00000300 up to 400+ so get in if you havent already/

Any idea what to set a sell at?

>> No.362605

Nofa King clue, I've never boarded a train this fast before.

420? 800+?

>> No.362613
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Peaked at 535 before it was on mintpal.

>> No.362626


If possible, could you or anybody else expand on how I can learn to "know what the fuck I'm doing", so to speak?

I want to go ahead and toss $100 at this whole thing and see where it gets me, but I'd like to do so while being as informed as possible, obviously, so that I have the greatest chance of at least some minor profit and the least chance of losing out horribly.

I mean, I suppose the basic wisdom of "Buy low, sell high." applies in cryptocurrency trading, but are there any particulars I need to know or look out for? Where do you go to look at cryptocurrency values, like in the image here: >>362613 ? Is there a program I can download that lets me observe cryptocurrency prices?

As always, thanks again for the continued helpfulness you guys are providing.

>> No.362629

New coins on mintpal are so predictable these days.

Massive pump on shit exchanges followed by immediate dump when it hits mintpal and people want to arbitrage. Some people panic when they see big sells and dump their coins as well. Market bottoms out and is pumped by the whales who bought the dumped coins from panic sellers.

Don't buy a coin before mintpal, its usually over priced on hype alone. Instead buy when the initial dump settles.

>> No.362675

Holy harpoons, batman! These ITC whales are heading into orbit!

Depends on the currency, but my image is from the ITC/BTC market on poloniex.com.

What do you know so far? Are the following links helpful/new to you?


>> No.362678


I know literally nothing besides the scientific theory behind Bitcoins, some basic facts about the market, and what I've been told in the thread.

While I'm making this post: What are the "whales" you guys keep referring to?

Those links are very useful, by the way, so thanks for that.

>> No.362683 [DELETED] 


Sorry for the double-post; Saging this one.

Holy shit what the fuck have happened to the price of Bitcoins over the past month? It jumped from what looks like ~$20-30 USD per coin, and now it's at $600+ USD per coin? Does anybody know why or how this happened? That's pretty fuckin' god damned crazy. Do spikes in the value like this happen on a frequent basis, or is this something unusual?

Making me wish I had looked into this sooner, jeeeeeezuuuus.

>> No.362707

Long story short, China happened. Also one of the largest exchanges (MtGox) kind of shut down and stole everyone's money.

In newer/smaller markets, like ITC/BTC, people who own a lot of BTC can single-handedly move the price by a large percent. Like a whale. In an above-ground swimming pool.

Here's a link with some more words:

>> No.362711


That second post was made before I realized that I was looking at the entire history of the price of Bitcoins, and not just a single month. I am not that dense, no sir.

Anyways, thanks for that link. I'll make sure to go through it instead of asking redundant questions next time.

>> No.362726

none of you niggers have mentioned silkcoin? POW/POS they are integrating darksend, about to put out the first darksend or "ecosystem" based on the block chain. Fulltime devs, and a rad community the wallet is fuclking sick too. Has a lot of potential

>> No.362733

Should I link my credit card to my coinbase account for instant transactions? Is there any downside to this?

>> No.362734

So remember again that this is speculative gambling, buy on rumour , sell on news (you'll notice "news" for a coin like PoW or PoS leads to a sudden price decline)

So, ignore anyone applying technical analasys to altcoins (looking at charts for patterns) , also understand that fundamental anal. will fail you because fundamentally no altcoin does anything that bitcoin couldn't do with a fork in the chain (and its dubious as to what exact "need" is being met by btc in the first place)

go lookup "crypto currency market cap" and pick 10 or 20 random ones, look at the 180 day graphs, notice anything? , get that in your head from the start.

>> No.362835

When's xc gonna get pumped again? I'm getting bored with it...

>> No.362851


been sitting on xc for the past week don't even get me started.

Dev seems promising though, not letting go.

>> No.362970
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What's the deal with BBR?

>> No.363056

xc or bbr?

>> No.363233

xc long term, bbr if you want to chance a pump and dump. its purely speculative though. xc looks like its here to stay for a while.

bbr might be more profitable or you might lose out a lot, xc seems like a guaranteed profit even if you'll have to stick it out longer.

also i dont have enough btc to invest in itc, feelsbatman

>> No.363249

>also i dont have enough btc to invest in itc

Why would you "invest" in ITC? Isn't the pumping/dumping all over?

...or is it a long-term coin? I don't see how it is...

>> No.363260

I use the word "invest" flexibly

>> No.363291
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ITC is pure proof-of-stake, so we might see a CINNI-like pump in the next week.

In the meantime, rev up those wallets, claim your 10% annual coin growth today!*

*by next June

>> No.363292

Do you guys have any particular rules or guidelines you follow for when to purchase BTC? When it falls under a certain USD value, or when it's had a period of slow or negative growth in value, or anything like that?

I know >>362734 said analysis is useless on stuff like this, but I'd like to make these decisions in a way that is, at least, not completely 100% blind.

In case the other guy calling me out wasn't obvious enough, I'm primarily looking into BTC as a way of doing exchanges on the Darknet. (Let me know if discussion about that is frowned upon, and I'll promptly shut up.) That being the case, I'm not looking to make hard cash from BTC, but I would like to do what you guys are doing, where you buy BTC, invest that BTC in other cryptocurrencies, then turn those other cryptocurrencies back into BTC to get more BTC with which to use Darknet transactions. I assume that's viable, based on what I've been reading in this thread, but I'm just curious as to what you guys would consider the "best" way to go about it, or whatever ways you guys have found works well for you. I know it's all risk, I know there's no way to be sure, but I'd like that risk to be at least somewhat educated.

>> No.363307

Happycoin (HPY) will take off soon

>> No.363324


You're gonna need to back that up with some sort of info, because if that's all you've got you're just being a shill who bought too many and is losing money right now.

>> No.363339

I don't think I would discredit MAST just yet, they have that coin recycler feature coming up which *should* give it one last pump. I think I'm going to split some cash between that and BBR as BBR is fucking cheap as hell right now.

>> No.363348

who fucking shilled me to buy your stupid fucking mast coin? shit I lost 5 btc to your stupid fucking shitcoin that you said will net me at least 5x profit

>> No.363350


sounds like you made some bad decisions.

1.don't spend more than you're fine with losing
2.i'm some anonymous fuck on the internet, not warren buffay.
3. you would have made close to 5x profit if you bought in when it was on the exchange for 7k sat and sold it for 34k sat, so technically no one was bullshitting you.

>> No.363352

i hope this bbr shit will go up. it will go up, right?

>> No.363354


some people think so, yah. I can afford to lose 50 bucks so that's what I'm putting in, hopefully it'll double in value at the least.

>> No.363356


>> No.363362

This. I was wondering why noone has mentioned this. Fuck everything else in this thread all of those coins have already been pumped and dumped. SC is the best coin to hold for long term gain hands down.

>> No.363364

some said cure the other day, but that is being dragged down to the ground

>> No.363443

I put some in SilkCoin but it's more or less stayed stable or gone down since I put money into it

>> No.363461

hold, you wont regret it. Check out their bitcointalk thread. The devs are really active with the community and have a looooot of shit going on. It's going to have every godtier aspect of any coin on the market combined into one.

>> No.363517


Not even involved in this, but

>It's going to have every godtier aspect of any coin on the market combined into one.

Sounds shady and unlikely as fuck. I've heard the same thing about video games and experimental browsers and new TV shows, and it's never true.

>> No.363525

do some research, faglord

>> No.363530


I'm just saying; If something sounds too good to be true, then it's probably not.

If you can show me some sources that prove otherwise and show that I'm wrong and everything you're saying is factual, please, do so. If I am actually wrong, I'd like to know, so that I can stop being wrong.

>> No.363532

thats a slight exaggeration, but yes it is an innovative coin and the dev team is pretty great. Just take a look at the wallet, they do great work.

>> No.363533

>some said cure the other day, but that is being dragged down to the ground

You have to remember that anything anyone says on here is pump and dump bullshit, plain and simple.

If somebody is shilling, it means they just bought and want somebody to sell to later.

>> No.363584

What's happening with CryptCoin?

>> No.363604

i have 0.25 btc and still not sure what i should buy

>> No.363610

Diversify your investments and you should all right.

>> No.363614

>Dat BBR rocketing skyward right now

If you haven't gotten on the train as of now you should probably start running as fast as possible and grab the caboose. Shit's about to get nuts.

>> No.363616

the price is at where I originally bought it yesterday

>> No.363617

>Having to verify your identity with government ID and all that stuff just to get an account set-up

What the fuck is this shit? I just want to buy and sell cryptocurrency. I'm really reluctant to do this, too, due to the possibility of identity theft. I know BitStamp is trusted, but it just feels shady as fuck to give them all this sort of info.

>> No.363618

>the price is at where I originally bought it yesterday

In other words your bought it at the peak of the miners dumping on Day 1 and crashing the market just as it began. Went from 0 to .0013-.0015 almost immediately and then again almost immediately down to .0008-ish and has been climbing upwards ever since.

This time tomorrow I'll be surprised if it's under .004

>> No.363619

I believe they have to do it by law if you intend to exchange BTC for USD or USD for BTC. To deal BTC/altcoin in bittrex, mintpal, cryptsy etc then you dont need to show anything

>> No.363622

point taken, I hope so. I'm reading to get some BTC.

>> No.363625

>I know BitStamp is trusted, but it just feels shady as fuck to give them all this sort of info.

If you're with BitStamp or Coinbase you are not going to get scammed, son. They are both gigantic multi-million-dollar brokerage firms. They aren't going to single you out as the one guy whose personal info they'll want to sell. The whole reason they want all of your info in the first place is because they refuse to act like a shady company and they've learned from the fuckup that was Mt. Gox.

>> No.363634


Won't this make any transactions I do traceable to my personal identity, though? Or do I just need to route it through a personal wallet on my computer, or something along those lines? As always, sorry for the ignorant questions.

>> No.363636

Buy MRO while it's fucking cheap as olives. Trust me that shit is going to explode like Bitcoin did because it's actually a decent and well thought system.

>> No.363637

what makes monero better than let's say xc or bbr?

>> No.363640

gmaxwell's been shitting all over it for the closed development, so there's that

>> No.363642


Completely new technology based on the CryptoNote protocol.

It's 100% anonymous and doesn't need any shit addons like darksend or some other made up bullshit.

Trust me if you want to invest on something and make a killing like the modern Bitcoin millionares did, buy MRO. You won't regret it. You can screencap this thread and buy me a beer later when you're chilling out on your yacht fucking some expensive bitches.

>> No.363648

Silkcoin. I'd stay grab it while its still cheap before it hits mintpal anf blows up.

>> No.363651

I bet you're one of those morons who thinks there won't be any more bitcoin millionaires

>> No.363652

>Won't this make any transactions I do traceable to my personal identity, though?

Buy coin(s), transfer to personal wallet, transfer to different/new address, do with it what you will.

You aren't commiting a crime if you buy a car and the guy who sold you the car buys a bazooka with the money.

>As always, sorry for the ignorant questions.

No worries, friend. We all gotta ask if we're gonna learn.

>> No.363662

>I bet you're one of those morons who thinks there won't be any more bitcoin millionaires
>Reading and comprehension.

It's time for bed little Billy, school starts early tomorrow and you need to learn how to read.

>> No.363663

It's "reading comprehension". Enjoy your DOA clone

>> No.363790

5-15% bitcoin flux incoming hold onto your butts

>> No.363801

flux = dump?

>> No.363804

fluctuations, my bad

>> No.363814


How did you know ?

>> No.363822

I've been trading BTC for a while and the fluctuations always follow the same pattern for the most part.

And by that I mean I'm possessed by a finance demon who feeds me information instinctually

>> No.363964
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Riddle me this, Finance Demon™...

Why did red trend circle B signal a drop, but not red trend circle A? Just more volume?

>> No.364012

Keep an eye out on cinni girls


>> No.364062

XC not looking so strong, guys. premine was moved and tech is a little wobbly. i'm so very, very fucked if this is a scam. i can't sell at current price. it's death or glory.
hold me.

>> No.364072


>> No.364074

Do you guys just day trade cryptos in your free time?

How successful is that?

I made a little over $600 profit on darkcoins after investing a few months ago, which is intriguing to me. I'm curious how much you usually make by the daily margins of a promising coin.

>> No.364076

i do it as a hobby, and make almost zip, mostly because i don't have much money and i put as much time putting money into coins that go south as i do putting money into coins that do well.

i'm unemployed and just graduated high school though, so i don't mind.

>> No.364086

btctalk thread. there's also a new one


>> No.364089

considering making a spreadsheet here soon to keep track of profits/coins/site, not sure how to begin though.

I'd like to do something like "Sites", "Coins", "Net profit/loss" in Google Spreadsheets but figuring out how to go about designing this is leaving me at a loss. if anyone has something like this and is willing to share it would be much appreciated.

>> No.364097


Why can I not log into bittrix

It just keeps asking me to log in from the home page after I log in...?

>> No.364108

you're getting XC mixed up with Cinni...

>> No.364112

shit, am i? ok, i'll read more thoroughly once i've properly woken.
the premine movement and the bug found by this chaeplin - those were both on cinni?

>> No.364123

no clue, read the thread title in the link you posted. you almost gave me a heart attack for a moment. im holding xc and not letting go for a while.

>> No.364128

ok, i've read a little more now. fucking 6.30 in the morning, too early for this shit.
i am starting to lose a little faith though. the fud is fucking unrelenting, and the drkwhales seem to have infinite wealth with which to fuck up xc's price. even if the tech is solid and the dev is genuine, i'm starting to worry the coin might be lost amongst all the confusion, and all the other coins hopping on the anon thing. i'm cashing out 50%.

> XC coin: So anonymous, even you won't know where your coins went!

>> No.364132


Fuck i just read it too.

>"x11coin is worked on by many more people than just atcsecure/Dan. x11coin started as a scam coin and has been turned into something much better, worked by atcsecure and others."

Theres a chance this coin was conceived by loljosh, since atsecure sent like .7 btc to him about when x11 began.

I smell a conspiracy.

>> No.364145

They got hacked, everything is gone...
Just kidding, clear your cookies, same thing happened to me, working fine now

>> No.364156

thread bump limit reached. don't wanna start a new thread to further the fud, there's enough fuckin' fear as it is, almost none of which has any real basis other than uncertainty.
i've cashed out 50% at 170k. fuck that hurt. bought in at 180. i went A L L in on xc though, i had NOTHING else left, so i at least have a few btc now that i've sold, just incase it is yet another fucking scam.

for the love of christ, anyone thinking about doing something similar, stay away from reinvesting in CRY. if XC is a scam, CRY is too. i'm not touching any anoncoins for a while, everything is so overpriced, and only one is likely to survive. at this time it appears to be all in DRK's domain, and there's little if any money to be made by investing in drk now. i'm holding my btc until zerocash and zerocoin appear, at which point i'm going all in, again, and if those too fail, i'm staying the fuck away from alts.

>> No.364157

>tfw 50/50 on xc and mro

it's only 0.25 btc tho but still. i hope these won't fail

>> No.364159


Actually it was just fud, the XC developer apparently gave permision to the CRY developer to use a the public code and fork it his way.

anyway, i sold half my xc to buy cinni since i know they are going to make an announcement which will boost the price in about 10 days.

>> No.364167


