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File: 9 KB, 266x266, ChainLink-Logo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3577617 No.3577617 [Reply] [Original]

When there's this much FUD for a coin it's usually a good sign.

niggas copy pasting the same shit to different threads and everything lmao

anyone on /biz/ who bought into ICO will not sell before October 16. This is an undeniable fact, anyone who denies it is larping. Go FUD to pajeets on twitter or something maybe then you can buy for cheap on pajeetdelta at x2 ICO price lmao

>> No.3577628

Oh no, not the CHINK LINK!

>> No.3577636

I kind of missed the boat on this one. Had my ETH ready but failed to remember.

Will it come to another exchange?

>> No.3577642


>> No.3577643

yep. not selling before october 16.

>> No.3577650

yeah if theres one thing ive learned its that if a genuinely good idea is fud'ed hard on biz it means go all in

>> No.3577663

Nice, just solved 100k oracles

Seriously this coin doesn’t do anything that Oraclize it doesn’t do. You probably don’t know what that is cause you don’t do your research tho

>> No.3577667

Let's see a response from the HODLers to the below:

1) Company registered in Cayman Islands (Notorious for tax evasion)

2) No KYC meaning they will have a hard time to get into any major exchanges anytime soon.

3) Chainlink is one of a FEW companies that SWIFT nominated to work with, too much uncertainty at this point that the partnership might be insignificant. (LINK BELOW)


"A representative of Swift confirmed to CoinDesk that it is a SmartContract customer. Swift is currently working on multiple blockchain projects with various vendors." Who the fuck is this representative? Please link source.

Do you really see any major companies, like SWIFT announcing partnership with a company registered in the Cayman Islands? That would be detrimental to their reputation.

4) Only a team of two, this might change, but very hard to hold only two people accountable when they are registered in the Cayman Islands.

>> No.3577730

Bro you still don't get it do you? Even if what you say is true, nobody will still sell it before the 16th and this will not change even if you post your shitty pasta 100 times

>> No.3577745

not selling oct 16 is retarded lmao its going to dump for sure after SIBOS, they are only one of many side projects for swift lmao hold until 15th AT THE LATEST

>> No.3577748

Ok, so I should hodl and dump on the 16th?

>> No.3577750

Either it will skyrocket after the SIBOS or it will crash and then it's a srs crash

>> No.3577754

This guy seems to get it. Thanks bro, I will dump on the 15th, too.

>> No.3577761

Pls dont dump your 5k LINK, you might crash the whole market. LUL

>> No.3577800

Haha, we are gonna witness the transfer of wealth from the dumb to the smart.

>> No.3577838

yeah dumb being you :^)

>> No.3577855

Screencap this :)

>> No.3577863

How did you manage so live so long all by your own?
>Ask random ppl how long to hodl
>Ask random ppl when to sell
>Random ppl makes you sell earlier

Good luck in the future. Peace out.

>> No.3577888

He's also been posting random people's FUD pastas lmao

>> No.3577920

With Chainlink, anyone can be a data provider, whereas Oraclize itself acts as the data provider.
In other words, Chainlink is decentralized.

>> No.3577956

>Chainlink is one of a FEW companies that SWIFT nominated to work with
Read that thing again.
Chainlink was SELECTED out of those companies. Swift is now a confirmed paying client of Chainlink/Smartcontract.

Which is why Chainlink/Smartcontract is the one company doing a live demo of the proof of concept they developed with/for Swift.

>Only a team of two
-former RSA Chief Scientist Ari Juels (co-wrote the whitepaper)
-decentralized consensus expert Andrew Miller
-Ethereum Community Manager Hudson Jameson
-Facebook's Director of Engineering and LLVM developer Evan Cheng as an active Technical Advisor

It's ok anon, just buy some. Nobody ever needs to know.

>> No.3577965

>Which is why Chainlink/Smartcontract is the one company doing a live demo of the proof of concept they developed with/for Swift.
... at SIBOS, of course. Forgot to add.

>> No.3577971

>they are only one of many side projects for swift

See >>3577956

>> No.3578007

just hold. buy some more if you think you have not enough. i dont get it why its so hard to shill a good project - but all those other scam projects like dgb or ark are getting hyped without end.

stay poor nonlinkis or join the flight to proxima centauri

>> No.3578118

I will be holding even after sibos conference. You stupid fucks just don't get it do you? Sell before the event to cash in on x2-x5 gains then get out and buy into what? Fucking ark? This is why your destined to be poor, you let desperation get the better of you. I will be holdafter sibos and hopefully cashing in on x20 gains for literally doing nothing. I got into cryptocurrency to do as little as possible and earn as much as possible. No fucking day trading buying the dips selling the tops no voodoo TA because i honestly can't be fucked with a that mental stress anti climax and work. Fuck. That. That's why I just research hard, get confident in what I'm buying then sit back do fuck all and cash in the x2

Enjoy your "trading" you pathetic wojaks, while i sit comfy af with my 50k links :)

>> No.3578124

x20* mobile sucks

>> No.3578144

Literally solved the Oracle problem and you guys think it's nothing

>> No.3578158

whales will be whales

>> No.3578175
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I've always thought the same. This is the ticket if you've missed omg in recent times.

>> No.3578208

What was the presale price per eth 3 weeks ago? What about the crowd sale 3 days ago?

>> No.3578209
File: 24 KB, 600x451, consider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


20x is sort of pessimistic though if you consider this can take on Ripple's market cap in about 2-3 years. At current rate, that would mean a 200x return on an ICO investment (0.00038ETH). While this might be the optimistic scenario, I think the necessities that are needed to make that happen are there. With a good showing on Oct 16, I'm going to be holding for 75-100x profits in about a years time.

Trading is a nice hobby that can net you decent money if you're good, but this is literally the best thing that has happened in crypto since ETH. So while I'd normally consider flipping at 2-3-5-10x profit to be great, this is one of those things where you might end up regretting even 10x.

>> No.3578227

legit posts

just fucking hold especially if you bought at ICO price. i had to buy at 0.0005 ETH and i could only get 30k LINK so im pretty butthurt.

>> No.3578231

Nice 6,4B market cap. Seems legit. Thanks.

>> No.3578246


>> No.3578284

Sounds unrealistic. But everyone is dreaming big, and one day they everyone will be rich.
Nevertheless it all depends on SIBOS, can be a flop too.

>> No.3578301

what were the presale and crowdsale prices? pls respond

>> No.3578316

Nah man, SIBOS will be a victory lap.

From https://www.finextra.com/pressarticle/70428/smartcontractcom-unveils-chainlink-plans-adds-to-advisory-board:

After completing a successful phase 1 implementation in May, the details of which are set to be announced at the upcoming SIBOS conference, SWIFT has continued to work with SmartContract.com towards a Phase 2 Implementation.

>> No.3578318

>Nevertheless it all depends on SIBOS, can be a flop too.
You're confusing this with the old "BIG NEWS COMING" bullshit you see so often in crypto.
Invariably, this "BIG NEWS" turns out to be disappointing as shit, so prices drop.

In this case, we know EXACTLY what will happen at SIBOS. A live demo.

Only thing that will change after SIBOS is a lot more people will know about it.
Selling would be very dumb.

>> No.3578325

Billion dollar market cap is actually realistic to me. Nobody bat an eye lash when Bitcoin Cash instantly became a billion dollar MC coin, based simply off speculation, coin has no actual use except as a fallback if BTC fails.

This coin will be pumped just based on supply and demand just like all other coins. It very much resembles OMG in terms of whales holding most of the supply and everyone else pushing the price up fighting over the crumbs. Price is going up in steps because whales aren't going to dump this for a while. Sure, many will dump their crumbs for 3-5x but they will miss out on 20-200x.

>> No.3578333

How do you know if the live demo will be a success? Still speculation.
I am getting your points and i am heavily invested in LINK too, but this still can go both ways.

>> No.3578340
File: 35 KB, 321x362, 1480081450724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you know if the live demo will be a success?

>> No.3578343
File: 69 KB, 500x352, risk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse my sports analogy here, but this is like telling Lonzo Ball in UCLA that his chances of making it to the NBA are minuscule due to the statistics of how many college basketball players actually make it to the NBA vs how many don't.

Sure everybody wants to be rich and yeah everyone has high hopes for this, but those hopes are not unfounded in the slightest.

I'm assuming that the price will dip after Sibos however well the demo goes short of SWIFT announcing that they are rolling this out in 2 weeks, just due to the "sell the news" meme, but if you take the researched perspective, if the demo goes well, that is like selling after Apple revealed the iPhone just because everyone told you to "sell the news".

>> No.3578358


>> No.3578370

this guy gets it.

you can try and time the movements, i.e. buy the rumor sell the news, but most likely you'll end up reducing your stack.

it's much safer to just hold, and buy more if it dips (and you still think it is going to be a big deal).


>> No.3578371

what was the last block to make the cut for the crowdsale?

>> No.3578378

Maybe they have test run the demo, making sure it works.
But then again, why didnt smartcontract use smartcontract.

>> No.3578442

Success in terms of expectations.

>> No.3578447

478 I think

>> No.3578449

Will 2850 LINKS get me lambo?

>> No.3578462

Gentleman, you have being awarded No-Wojak for life award

>> No.3578469

I agree completely. The reason why I mentioned October 16th in the OP is because I know at least some people sell when it hits x5 but nobody on /biz/ is stupid enough to sell right now

I have a measly 20k LINK anyway, I'm just gonna hold it as long as possible

>> No.3578472

So what hype actually came true from this?

>> No.3578520

what do you mean? it's literally a 2 day coin

>> No.3578528

all in bancor bois, we moonin haha fuck the fudders

>> No.3578532

I heard it was going to be on Liqui and 10x within 24 hours.
FUD works both ways.

>> No.3578562
File: 63 KB, 1082x736, chain link ED volume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I heard it was going to be on Liqui
It will hit other exchanges very soon, yes.

See pic.

>> No.3578578


Full disclosure, I'm holding 143k LINK. Consider that as my money where my mouth is.

>> No.3578592
File: 79 KB, 1095x556, volume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a % of coins on that exchange. If every other coin was pulled that number would be 100%. It's not representative.

>> No.3578597

1.5M on ED is still nuts...

>> No.3578603

The point is that chainlink had nearly 4 million dollars in volume the first day it came out.

This is insane.

>> No.3578609

you people really have your own special little language here

>> No.3578614

What are your price predictions for LINK at the end of this year and middle of 2018?

>> No.3578621

Join the collaborated pump group on Telegram..

We're currently up to 180,000 to pump with. Join and let us know how much you have. I'll see you there

ABCDEFG zyx wvt

>> No.3578625
File: 1.37 MB, 320x180, Chainlink Internet Defense League.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still doesn't wipe away the total FUD used to hype it up

>> No.3578688


1 ETH = 3125 LINK in the ICO I think and then it was 2600 in the crowdsale.

>> No.3578705

Theres more shilling than fud.
An ICO being talked about this much is usually not a good sign.

>> No.3578944

1) look up what fud means (it's the opposite of what you think)
2) volume is volume, and the Chainlink volume is insane

Guess it's a good thing then that I didn't believe the bitcoin shills four years ago, or the ETH shills last year.

>> No.3579087

it will. But by the time it does you'll compete with other people and price might probably be x3 already. Just take 45 mins to figure out etherdelta and you're set.

>> No.3579091

whats KYC? Know your customers?

asking for a friend

>> No.3579100

i sold at x2 ICO and made 21 ETH faggot

>> No.3579133

We usually dumb after a big event/ convention because:
-team was a bunch of stuttering potheads (arkies)
-Bad communication skills or bad english skills ( Omisego)
-Company did not win the contest ( Rip Digibyte)

But with Chainlink what can go wrong?
Team is a mix of geniuses that worked for Facebook, Ethereum Foundation etc. The product is used internally by Swift already ( see Sergey's hour long video on youtube).

The live demo will be a success, they wouldn't offer to do a live demo if the product wasn't working in the first place.

Just remember the following, never in the history of crypto was a product hyped and shilled on twitter/slack by devs when they had an actual working product ( Looking at you Omisego), there is no need to hype it up when the tech is here ( see Ethereum)

>> No.3579141
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, fakedollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa! Over four thousand dollars!

>> No.3579151
File: 20 KB, 600x600, 1502652769346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

478 boys reporting in

>> No.3579159

lambo idk, a good mustand most probably

>> No.3579231

there's only FUD because the FOMO fags are posting 24/7. which by the OP's logic is a bad sign. lol

>> No.3579250

LOL well done

i mean wtf is wrong with you people that you can't see this is one of the best asymmetric investments you'll stumble upon.

If this works it will be used across all smart major contract platforms, it's not debating lisk vs ark vs neo or whatever BS.

>> No.3579270

Kill your customers

>> No.3579305

what does this mean

>> No.3579325

indeed. best investment since ethereum.

>> No.3579360
File: 269 KB, 605x536, 1506081106812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never in the history of crypto was a product hyped and shilled on twitter/slack by devs when they had an actual working product ( Looking at you Omisego)
Pic fucking related.

>> No.3579416


>I got into crypto to be lazy and do as little work as possible.

Yeah you're really making it to lambo-land with that attitude retard.

Enjoy your sputtering meme coin as it loses steam and crashes.

>> No.3579620

>I got into crypto to be lazy and do as little work as possible

imagine all the "dude weed" fags who bought a bunch of bitcoin back in 2011 to buy kush on the darkweb. because of their laid back attitude they totally forgot about the 500 BTC they had in their wallet and are currently millionaires. do they deserve that money? did they work hard to get it? nope. stop thinking that the world is fair.

>> No.3579743

Fucking EBET and BMC, wish I had went all in on LINK instead. 41000 will have to do.