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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3550044 No.3550044 [Reply] [Original]


lambo land bitches

>> No.3550086

Not in mine...but there is some random token that I now seem to have a ridiculous amount of.

What the fuck is going on? Did I get scammed here?

>> No.3550091

Oh shit

confirmed. I have the LINK tokens from the pre-sale. Even though the pre-sale address later went over its limit.

>> No.3550102

>10k LINK

am I making it yet?

>> No.3550103

I just got my LINK from the 1500eth pool posted on biz. Thanks bros.

>> No.3550105


>> No.3550106

Do I have to create a custom token in MEW? Or does it just show up?

>> No.3550109

100k usd by christmas.

>> No.3550114


Enter your wallet address.

>> No.3550115

Did you guys that pooled get the presale bonus of 3120 per eth? I didn't for some reason.

>> No.3550116

guys I am freaking the fuck out right now

I am on MEW

how do I check to see if I have link

do I need to add the token or something?

I see nothing

I sent a ton of eth to multiple presale links weeks ago. I don't have the eth either

please help

>> No.3550119

Oh shit I got mine.

Fuck time to sell all 50k of them.

>> No.3550120

just enter your wallet address on etherscan

>> No.3550121

im seeing some 476s get it

>> No.3550128


>> No.3550130


Also, I got ~23% more LINK than I had originally expected. Did they decide to up the amount given to pre-sales?

>> No.3550131

block 497... got in wtf

>> No.3550135

275k LINK reporting in

>> No.3550138

Thank fuck. I see it

now what do I do

>> No.3550145

The new crowd sale amount was 2600. They scaled the 20% to that.

All this fud and they haven't done any pajeet tactics

>> No.3550149

If you didnt get LINK, try Etherdelta. Even 3-5x ico is still a bargain

>> No.3550150

Now go sell it on EtherDelta and make that profit!

>> No.3550159

Didn't get in crowdsale. Refund when?

>> No.3550162

I can't find it on EtherDelta

>> No.3550169

This doesn't show any funds that we put in during the presale does it?

>> No.3550170
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>> No.3550172


Kind of, it'll be really slow though, 50k would be the right place to be to make it short term.

>> No.3550174

How do we access this shit on MEW?

>> No.3550180

What was the presale token/eth rate? i got 35880 link for 11.5 ETH

>> No.3550183

it's over

476 was the cutoff

>> No.3550187

>selling before Sibos and the future timeline for our once and future King Sergey

Stay poor anon

>> No.3550188

I see mine on etherscan, now how to get to MEW? Is it still transferring?

>> No.3550191

I got in at 481 dumbass.

>> No.3550192

Fuuuuck 82 as expected nothing

>> No.3550194

im 497 but no links

>> No.3550202

Thanks! Weird how its not on the dropdown menu

>> No.3550204

proof or larp nigger

>> No.3550207
File: 5 KB, 545x131, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related boys.

pic related.

>> No.3550209

74 y
77 n
83 n
84 n

>> No.3550212
File: 595 KB, 460x600, tipping_intensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who missed out can buy them on ED now!


>> No.3550214

so do the LINK tokens serve a purpose? or are they just a tool of the crowd sale. is it like ripple where the tokens are meaningless and the network is what is important?

>> No.3550215

30k link. can I quit my job next year?

>> No.3550216

Got in at 480 thank fuck for that, anxiety was killing me.

Seems like block height was not the final deciding factor

>> No.3550218

>should have gotten in with ease
>made a minor mistake that shouldn't have effected anything
>cost me maybe 20 seconds and I didn't get in

Shit is ridiculous.

>> No.3550222

What was the ICO price? Just for reference

>> No.3550228

how are people getting them there?

it doesn't even show up on MEW

>> No.3550231

please tell me you're not larping


>> No.3550232


Protip: etherdelta's site is borked. If you open this link and get the cloudflare-scanning-your-browser page which then changes to etherdelta, you won't be at the page for the LINK token. Just try the link again and it will work.

>> No.3550237

3120 so you're fine. I was in presale too and didn't get the bonus. wonder why I got fucked over.

>> No.3550247


1 ETH = 2800 Tokens. So .000357

>> No.3550250

post tx id

>> No.3550251


I don't care about etherscan, how the FUCK do you get it to show up on MEW or whatever

>> No.3550257

2600 you mean?

>> No.3550269


I'm averaging the presale cost with the crowdsale

>> No.3550271

I see my tx on etherscan, how to get into MEW??!?!!!!??????

>> No.3550272

Wait what the fuck?

I have a token that appears to be called "LINK" but my address doesn't show up when I use that.

Did I actually get fucking scammed?

>> No.3550284

Add Custom Token -> put in LINK's contract's address (0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca), "LINK" as the name, and 18 for decimals.

>> No.3550295

Now how do we send these coins to etherdelta. Not selling rn. Just want to know

>> No.3550311

OK what the fuck is this fake LINK bullshit?

I almost had a fucking heart attack.

I don't know why but I also have this fake fucking LINK coin as well. What the fuck.

>> No.3550317

Go to https://etherdelta.com/#0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca-ETH

You may have to try that link twice to actually end up on the page for LINK, Etherdelta has a glitch right now.

>> No.3550320

Thank you!!!!!

>> No.3550324


You deposit them into ED using the deposit box. Once in ED you can make or take orders from the order book. Then you can withdraw ETH from ED

>> No.3550325
File: 24 KB, 613x570, LINK Fake coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.3550328

I got mine from 77

>> No.3550337

Same. Got in at 77

>> No.3550355

yes... 478 reporting in receving my linkz

>> No.3550360

people from 8 are starting to get in


>> No.3550371

this guy better get to 9 soon

>> No.3550373

I feel happy, now time to sleep. Thanks to the anon who sold me the whitelist.

>> No.3550377

I saw a 479 get his a few minutes ago

no bullshit

>> No.3550389


same here

>> No.3550428

502 about to an hero represent. Were the guys who don't have much money, wanted to finally believe in an ico, and got our dreams crushed. We're never gonna make it, bros.

>> No.3550430


>> No.3550433

Got 3120 per ETH. Is that the presale bonus?

>> No.3550438


>> No.3550444


>> No.3550455


>> No.3550458

1 eth = 3150 is the actually rate

this was said on slack

>> No.3550488

478 is the last block given any as of right now

>> No.3550548
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Damage control. What a fucking mess

>> No.3550554

>when you are late to the FUD game but still salty you are NOLINKer

>> No.3550618
File: 11 KB, 501x585, 1485456934915.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, they gave me tokens for the ETH I sent to shared presale links people posted here on /biz/ instead of refunding the ones that go a certain percentage over the cap, like was being rumored about. I got a total of 1.872m LINK now.

>> No.3550644

What is the price right now?

>> No.3550647
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You know we can just see if anyone has that amount right?


>> No.3550678


>> No.3550708
File: 83 KB, 868x633, 1505858569785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is there any damage control? Everything was explained nicely.

With the ETH price rising so much since the announcement of the ICO, they could either: 1) screw over anyone who bought in the presale a few weeks ago or 2) lower the amount of LINK available in the public sale yesterday.

They logically went for option 2)

In any case, there were NEVER any guarantees you'd get into the public sale yesterday, so stop bitching.

>> No.3550709

1 ETH = 3120 LINK for presalers

>> No.3550727

Of course I know, but if you're implying I'm lying because there's no account with that exact amount then that's simply because I have them spread out over three accounts. I used a different account for each presale link I contributed to because I didn't want to take the risk of them checking for accounts circumvent the presale cap by using multiple presale links.

Not me.

>> No.3550736

Sergey is a good guy, I'm satisfied with this explanation. They literally avoided this becoming the next BANCOR

>> No.3550761

Everyone bitching is just salty they didn't get in.

Be glad they honored the presale, even though so many people broke the presale rules by pooling together.
They could've just as easily thrown out any obvious pools that had over 5 addresses contributing to them, and sell that LINK in yesterday's public sale.

>> No.3550769

Forgot to add option 3) get greedy and simply raise the dollar cap on the entire ICO.

Which they could've VERRRRRRY easily done, but thankfully didn't.

What they actually did was the most legit honorable thing.

>> No.3550784

There are a lot of people fudding to spite the devs. I don't see the future in this token. Might as well spread that Sergey is a jew and get it over with.

>> No.3550802

>I don't see the future in this token.

>> No.3550821


blatantly lying about how many tokens are available is not honorable at all.
they tried to hide their incompetence.
it wouldnt be that bad if they had at least managed to open the sale at the exact time, what a bunch of incompetent pieces of shit.

>> No.3550879

>blatantly lying about how many tokens are available is not honorable at all.
They didn't lie. Circumstances beyond their control (ETH price) changed pretty dramatically, and they had to adjust.
Nobody got fucked over, some people simply didn't get in.
And guess what, people who got in the presale actually got bonus LINK.

>> No.3550927

i got 1k less than i should have, did everyone else get the right amount?

>> No.3550976

I didn't get the presale bonus for eth I had in a pool. Also was in the regular crowdsale. All of it ended up equaling 2600 per eth.

>> No.3550992

What are your LINK price predictions by year end?

>> No.3550998

x6,29 in OCT

>> No.3551013

Realistically, there is a crucible moment for LINK that comes October during the major banking and financial institution conference Sibos. I can see this token staying 5-10x before the news at Sibos. Any news hinting at adoption would be good, any news that confirms adoption will be great.

If Sibos news is good/great, it gives LINK a timeline for adoption or new announcements. It creates hype and buzz among players that actually matter.

After Sibos

Bad news, LINK goes to zero

Good news, LINK goes 100x

Great news, LINK goes 500x

>> No.3551027

ok i see what happened, my last 2 eth in presale returned 2600 rather than 3120 because it was late

>> No.3551043

>block 4291498

did i make it

>> No.3551056

77 y
83 also no
84 also no

>> No.3551064

Sure, now that we've finalize these details I am glad to share them with you.
4291478 is the last block to be included in the token sale, with a total of 2649 token sale participants.
Today or Thursday at the latest.
The LINK token has now been released to token sale participants, as planned; within the 24 hours after the token sale concluded.

>> No.3551073

so these fucking cunts have my money

>> No.3551074

I guess mine was late too. That makes sense I guess. Probably an alright compromise on their part. At least it guaranteed us a spot.

>> No.3551086

mine too, I'm fucked off.

>> No.3551096

They literally said refunds should be happening on Thursday or by Thursday, I forgot.

Take your 7 ETH and get the fuck out of the LINK sphere and stay poor.

>> No.3551101

oh fuck off you gay cunt

>im le rich man on 4hcan

ill just buy some at 1.5x on ethdelta

>> No.3551117

hodling 7.2ETH in KNC and 14 ETH in LINK. Feelin comfy af

>> No.3551118

Ditto. Fuck these cunts. There is absolutely no reason why they couldn't have reduced the cap to 2 eth. Also no reason why they couldn't have used smart contracts to limit the oversubscription. This was completely avoidable

>> No.3551145

>There is absolutely no reason why they couldn't have reduced the cap to 2 eth.
This. Why the fuck would they make the cap 7 ETH when the crowdsale cap was a tiny $3 million? Completely incompetent.

>> No.3551163

>tfw 56k

Slow hand bitches btfo

>> No.3551167

Is 18k link enough for retirement biz bros

>> No.3551181

Christ you faggots are insane.
They're refunding you, dimwits. Do you even know how to read?
This was a very popular ICO, it's very normal for some people not to get in.
You can still buy it pretty cheap now it's only on ED.

>> No.3551217

Should I dump my DECENTRALAND tokens and buy more LINK?

>> No.3551318

what is the next best ICO friends

>> No.3551334

Link is still a bargain rn.

>> No.3551341

Why is this guy selling all his link

>> No.3551345

Cmon cmon $2 per LINK baby, let me finally hit 6 figures

>> No.3551367

what is the price right now compared to ICO price? how many LINK per ETH originally i can get 20k for 11 ETH right now

>> No.3551377

Because he just made 1.6x on his ~60 ETH, so he just made like 40 ETH. $11k ain't bad for a day

>> No.3551386

Why? Becuse this ico was a mess?

>> No.3551388

Now is about 0.00056 ETH per link, ICO was about 0.0003 ETH per link.

>> No.3551401
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Someone didn't get in.

>> No.3551406

14 blocks too late - FUCKING CUNTS

>> No.3551408

He bought some again lol.
Probably a rich sperg.

>> No.3551412

Reporting 93600 LINK, but be objective. I can understand ppl selling for 1,6x.

>> No.3552392

Did you participate in ICON as well?

I received 16.25 sextillion tokens of unknown type after the ICON smart contract was executed.

>> No.3552636

The bags are heavy

>> No.3552645
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>> No.3552649

ye. Same with me. i think it's ICON.

>> No.3552659
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145k LINK in the wallet.

This is the comfiest I've been in my adult life

>> No.3552689

WTF is it listed as on EtherDelta?>??? I can't find it.

>> No.3552693

Stealth Mode. You have to add it manually. How? Research it yourself if you want gains.

>> No.3552707



>> No.3552710

Anyone else want to be a bit more helpful so I can buy your bags?

>> No.3552713

someone posted the link earlier, looks legit to me but be careful etc


>> No.3552717

Thanks man.

>> No.3552718


It's legit, how new are all of you? Fucken normans.

>> No.3552724

>Great news, LINK goes 500x

I put $4k into this, so you're saying if everything goes great I'll be a millionaire?

>> No.3552725

80k LINK for 50 ETH last buy order
we are going down - shiiiiit

>> No.3552728
File: 122 KB, 318x558, Screen Shot 2017-09-20 at 13.25.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100k Link, feels /comfy/ man.
Almost 100% gains after not even being officially listed on ED.

>> No.3552734

Thanks but could you tell me how you even got it in the first place?

>> No.3552737
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Shit sell sell sell!!

>> No.3552740
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LOL trading at 70% above ICO price and it isn't even visibly listed on _ED_ yet :DD

These bags might as well be filled with helium.
Keep FUDing salty cunts.

>> No.3552749

given the only place to buy is literally not only etherdelta but DEEP WEB UNLISTED ETHERDELTA then the only people buying and selling right now are absolutely neurotic nerds, not surprised it aint mooning

>> No.3552750

You will be lucky to get out with more then you put in to be honest.

>> No.3552753

https://www.sibos.com/ not selling a single one.

>> No.3552755
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Do you like money?

>> No.3552774

At work right now, I basically need to know if anyone with block 480 or higher got in.
Cause if you did then I did

>> No.3552778

na mate you and me are both out :/

>> No.3552781

Yeah sorry man, I didn't get in either.

>> No.3552783

>You cannot trade this order because it already traded. Someone else already traded this order and the order book hasn't updated yet.

>> No.3552788


fuck your mother if you want fuck

>> No.3552791

Both my 7 ETH in that 1500 presale pool and my 7 ETH in block 76 went through. Very happy.

>> No.3552808
File: 79 KB, 1200x630, lambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck living in the North... I wan't to get a lambo for Christmas but there's snow on the streets and it'll just sit in the garage.

What's the winter version of a lambo?

>> No.3552813

N-no :'^(

>> No.3552830

It's not too bad of a price on Etherdelta if you wanna get in.

>> No.3552831

Invest in rental properties

>> No.3552850

A Hummer.

>> No.3552863

Considering the price rise of ETH, they had three options:
1) be greedy and raise the general ICO dollar cap
2) screw over anyone who bought in the presale a few weeks ago
3) lower the amount of LINK available in the public sale yesterday.


2x ICO price as we speak.

>> No.3552878

my spare eth is locked in the ICO, fucking lol.

>> No.3552900

lambo with hydraulics and big tires

>> No.3552918
File: 547 KB, 1200x538, 1200px-Abrams-transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An M1A1 Abrams tank.

>> No.3552922

just mount a couple of hydrazine flamethrowers on the front of your lambo to turn the icy roads into ideal lambo territory.

>> No.3552928

audi r8 can be driven in the snow. Saw some in montreal during winters

>> No.3552953


>> No.3552987
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Thanks for the advice lads.

After some searching, I think pic is what my LINK will buy me for Christmas if I promise to be a good boy.

>> No.3553035

15k links, am I going to make it ?

>> No.3553060




>> No.3553139

just got 6700 links

is this 100x somewhere real?
why would it go from 32 tot 3,2 billion so fast?