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354806 No.354806 [Reply] [Original]

How do I find someone to work consistently 40 hours a week for $9.00 an hour doing general labor that ISN'T some shitty kid who wants his first job?

>> No.354811


>> No.354817

Newsflash: kids can only work part-time because of school. Your only option is people lower than that, like ex-cons or druggies.

>> No.354823

I'd consider an 18-year old a kid.

>> No.354826

You might, but the law doesn't.

>> No.354833
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>> No.354842

what exactly is wrong with giving someone their first job?

at least that kid will go on to do better things

better then finding some ex-con

>> No.354846

Kids are 95% utterly worthless. Sometimes less than that when they are given a key role and everything is held up because of it.

And I'd hire some ex-cons in a heartbeat, although most, not so much.

>> No.354853

I consider anyone under 25 a kid. College eats up even more of your time than high school.

>> No.354872

I'm still technically a kid? Well, that makes me feel a lot more young :^)

>> No.354938

>tfw work with these kids each summer
Always have some type of a hang up, and usually a big learning curve.

>> No.355025

Oh you want a professional for 9/hr? That's worse than a job posting I've seen demanding 5 years of experience and two languages for 30k a year.

>> No.355035

Don't you need to start providing befits for workers that work 40 hours or more a week?

>> No.355192

Pretty much what was said in this thread. But another thing to add to posting is opportunity.

Hopefully you are willing to promote someone up and give raise to expand your business in near future. I would take a $9/hr job if you had another truck & were looking for someone to learn your shitty biz, train new guys & run my own crew from your other truck over a $12/hr shit warehouse job. Pay would have to be decent but if he's making you $$$ while running "shitty" kids then...

Or you could just dangle the potential to move up but don't expect them to work for you for too long.

>> No.355351

there's nothing wrong with hiring college kids, you just need to plan for constant turnover and bank on them flaking out occasionally.

i won't hire anyone over 25, because they expect things like benefits and time off to tend to their brood. you'd be amazed at the quality of employee you'll get for $9/hr if you're flexible on scheduling, and college kids fill that void for me.

i'm sure at some point, when i need to expand, one of my guys will step to the plate as a leader and obviously be worth more to me.

you may want to consider veterans, too. depending on your workload you can make out like a bandit hiring handicapped vets. i haven't looked into it in a while, but i want to say uncle sam will pay up to $18k of their salary for the first year.

>> No.355365

^ this. Relax your drug screening and criminal background check standards.

>> No.355366
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Wanna come back to my place and watch Barney the Dinosaur :^)

u have to go at 6pm thoug cuz thoser mums ruls an anyhting she says gos ugh fuk bein 18 i wish i was 40 -.-

Why the ex-con over the kid? I would really love to hear why. Also, would you hire a 15 year old who has tats on his arm and a criminal record?

>> No.355574

Hire a "supervisor" in name only for 9.
Induct unpaid interns he can supervise.
Result: A full team for 9/hr.

>> No.355586


>> No.355619

That depends on what the labor comprehends, OP.

>> No.355624

>Also, would you hire a 15 year old who has tats on his arm and a criminal record?
I wouldn't let that kid get within 15 feet of my business if I owned one. Seriously, what 15 year old has tattoos?