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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 700x394, china crypto ban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3537509 No.3537509 [Reply] [Original]


>Due to trading security issues, the UN body is has decided to plan banning cryptocurrencies. If North Korea can get away with cryptocurrencies, it is likely possible that cryptocurrencies can be used to buy dangerous things such as nuclear warheads and weapons.

>Such security issues are cyber attacks. Hackers are able to get away because of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin transactions are untraceable, and this could be used by kidnapping syndicates and terrorists in the future, therefore a ban is necessary before cryptocurrency could destroy more innocent lives.

>This month China is the first country to stand up against cryptocurrencies by banning crypto exchanges. It is likely that the US and the rest of the world will follow China on banning cryptocurrencies soon.

Game's over lads. The whole world is your enemy now.

>> No.3537521


Literally no authority to do that. Cool FUD, yid fuck. Ins gas.

>> No.3537526

You wish

>> No.3537527

Yes goy, ban the crypto and hackers will simply stop meddling.

>> No.3537529

you're an idiot that's the United Nations there you can't fucking go against the UN unless you're Kim

>> No.3537537

Israel does every day for years. Nobody cares about the UN.

>> No.3537545

The UN literally doesn't have any governing power over any nation, all they can do is reprimand you.

>> No.3537546

Old news, May article

>> No.3537549

>stand up against
>innocent lives
>nuclear weapons

such rhetoric wow

>> No.3537550
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>it is likely possible that cryptocurrencies can be used to buy dangerous things such as nuclear warheads and weapons.

>> No.3537553

>he actually believes this
are...are you markel?

>> No.3537554

The UN is as effective as the 1930's League of Nations

>> No.3537558

Old news. 1/10 try harder retard.

>> No.3537562

banning something they use

>> No.3537569


>> No.3537573

>Game's over lads. The whole world is your enemy now.

I know this sucks, but damn does it feel good. Enemy of the whole world. I love it.

>> No.3537578

>The UN is as effective as the 1930's League of Nations
illiterate moron like the rest of this board

>Old news.
Article's updated you bong

>> No.3537582

Why settle for a buying a Lambo with your crypto gains, when you can buy a nuke and have all the Lambos

>> No.3537595

>banning something they use
They used it once as a test. It is likely that the UN bans crypto while making a new blockchain-inspired system that will regulate transactions and trading, making the world a bit more safer.

>> No.3537597

>letter written by anonymous nonexistent person
shit bait 1/10 kys

>> No.3537606

I am a bit worried. What happens when the world figures out that Fatty Mc KimChi Pants just bought his latest and best Nuke with proceeds from his mother of all bitcoin mine site. BTC and all alts become shit overnight. Wi Proof of stake eliminate this problem?

>> No.3537613

Nobody takes the UN seriously, your fud sucks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TEvacFETvM

>> No.3537622


well they seem pretty damn effective at flooding white nations with human garbage

>> No.3537624

They may actually have to start treating him like an actual country and slowly work democracy and better life for its people?

>> No.3537628

>Nobody takes the UN seriously
You're a fucking idiot. Without the UN dictators and criminals like Saddam, Ghaddafi, and Bin Laden would still be alive right now..Stupid idiot.

>> No.3537633

>cant ban crime
>think they can ban crypto

arent they just adorable, cant wait to buy that dip

>> No.3537637

the UN should be disbanded for the greater good, all they do is gibsmedats to shitty third worlders and keeping the good nations down.

>> No.3537639

>The UN
>making the world safer

maybe for goat rapists and other melanin enhanced individuals

>> No.3537647

bull shit. The UN had nothing to do with it.

>> No.3537655

I'm sorry I won't tease you about your beloved UN anymore OP, I'm going to sell all my crypto and give it to the money from it to them now so they can make the world a better place.

>> No.3537656

I doubt that you could afford nuclear bomb with half of all bitcoins

>> No.3537658

that wasnt the UN, that was the ww2 allies using the UN to whitewash their imperialist policies. everyone else just tags along to not get under the treads. the UN on its own cant do shit.

>> No.3537691

That would be 33 billion dollars, you could probably buy one for that much, I don't know where from maybe somewhere on the darknet.

>> No.3537718

all they can do is enjoy being unaccountable in their bullshit makework positions
and feed niggers with gibs
fuck the UN

>> No.3537723

You can't ban cryptocurrency trading lol.

You can stop SOME of the exchanges, but not all. Ain't gonna happen.

Decent FUD.

>> No.3537730

Good nations? Like Russia and Syria? kys terrorist

Watch the news; read newspapers goddammit. Stop watching cartoons you're a fucking adult.

Yeah right, because your digital tulips are worthless. Nada.

>imperialist policies
Now this is stupid. UN is fighting against the terrorist ISIS, tackling global warming, and giving refugees a better place to live. How is that even imperialism??

>> No.3537746

you know what? I hope someone proves the parasites right and blows their cancerous HQ in thermonuclear hellfore

>> No.3537757

And look what a wonderful place the world is after taking out Ghaddafi and Saddam.
>1 million dead Iraqis
>constant war
>the brown horde flooding into Europe, ruining it
>region the least stable it has been since the first world war

Thanks (((UN)))

>> No.3537765


Meant to reply to


>> No.3537777

You could buy all the tech/materials to create your own nuke factory and study up on it/hire someone to make them for you.

>> No.3537781



>> No.3537788

Article was posted on May but got updated today.

>> No.3537789
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>it is likely possible that cryptocurrencies can be used to buy dangerous things such as nuclear warheads and weapons

>> No.3537798

>article from May
nice try Jew

>> No.3537801


Reminder, the author: Misha Chen

>> No.3537806

oh the delusion. I suggest you also go buy SIGT while you are at it.

>> No.3537808

The kike star symbol didn't show up in Cohen.

>> No.3537811

Yep luckily sadam and ghadafy are dead - now Iraq and Libia are doing so much better!

>> No.3537818

> watch CNN and foxnews, UN is good.

>> No.3537848

It might be worthwhile to keep an eye on this. For some time (((they))) have been putting out articles about North Korea and bitcoin.

This is likely not a coincidence, but an organized plan to declare cryptocurrencies to be terrorist or something of the sort.


>> No.3537860

Of course, anything that provides freedom is either terrorism or pedophilia.

>> No.3537866

Who the hell would sell nukes? If spies find out, the country will receive lots of sanctions up the ass.

>> No.3537869
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Call me when someone important bans it.

>> No.3537887

>listing heroes that died under imperialist america's claw

>> No.3537888

This just takes me to a subscription page. Archive, anyone?

>> No.3537895
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the more you want to ban it the more people want it while they lose confidence in the old currency. why would you like to ban it if not a better, or a threat?

>> No.3537896

You morons think the Jews are playing against you when you're just playing against each other. The Jews aren't even real and they have better thinks to take care of like taking care of their children to become a better person that would actually help the world and not just watch cartoons. The real investors are just laughing at you and they don't care about cryptocurrencies. You think your digital tulips are untouchable, the banks along with the UN and the military could kill it in an instant.

>> No.3537902

Those sanctions won't mean shit in a post-nuclear holocaust world.

>> No.3537905

go back to >>>/pol/ and kys

>> No.3537927

Nice b8 I r8 8/8.

>> No.3537932

US authorities main tool to combat Central- and South American drug cartels has been tracing the money through banks in tax havens.

Anyone who's paid attention to OECD the last couple of years knows that EVERY tax haven on earth has been subject/forced to the automatic exchange of tax information. Even Dubai couldn't say no.

What does that mean? It means that if a bank, no matter the secrecy laws, holds asset of a foreign national, the bank is required to register the information of said individual in a register, which automatically shares that information with the individuals country of residence.

Colombian cartels began moving funds through BTC early on, and has used Monero as a washing mechanism. Mexican cartels only recently began to catch on. European organized crime, most notably the Belgrade mafia, has also began moving into the cryptocurrency market.

Every nation thought they had a strangle hold on organized crime through OECD, but cryptos opened another door wide open. They will fight tooth and nail to keep that from happening.

t. LEO

>> No.3537988

This is a satisfying read. Thanks.
Crypto really does have its use cases.

>> No.3538010

>Not valuing your portfolio in DEFCON

>> No.3538026


>> No.3538049

That makes you phink...

>> No.3538050

>it is likely possible that cryptocurrencies can be used to buy dangerous things such as nuclear warheads and weapons

Good thing that's a non-issue in a world without cryptocurrencies. What's next, a ban on owning things, so you can't exchange anything? Now, where did I see that before?

>> No.3538064

Enjoy the unregulated market while it lasts. At some point exchanges will be forced to verify your ID and register your transactions, for your government to see.

I'm sure the illegal market will find its way around this through decentralized/deepweb exchanges. But on the clearnet every trade you make will make its way back to your government.

>> No.3538089

So I will only be able to buy drugs nukes and whores with my crypto, damn I really just wanted to pay taxes

>> No.3538096


Jewish nonsense

They have no authority to do this and the smart or non ZOG countries are already implementing

Jewish control of money will fight this as they fight white people, but we will prevail

>> No.3538099

its called decentralized exchanges

kikes are losing power by the week.

>> No.3538104

Nah, you can do all that AND pay taxes. Don't forget to pay sales tax on your nukes.

>> No.3538112

back to r3ddit you go, now.

>> No.3538113


If such a thing happens, please know that any excuse like this is complete bullshit; Think North Korea is going to use Crypto to buy nukes ? Shit they already got them in exchange of fiat from Pakis who were in turn funded the US itself.

>> No.3538119

But I can claim that sales tax back by threatening to nuke the country that charged me it right?

>> No.3538132

In theory you could, but I wouldn't advise it.

>> No.3538169
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>its called decentralized exchanges

That's what I said.

>> No.3538175

>If such a thing happens
It's already happening you idiot. Look at China. The UN applauds China's movement against crypto. It's a high possibility that the UN could implement what China did to crypto, knowing that the UN is the most powerful organization in the world that has the combination of all world powers. If the UN gives brings in the final call and you live in the US, it is likely that you as a crypto holder is subject for imprisonment and the US has CIA and NSA they could easily identify you.

>> No.3538205

it's a troll you dummies

>> No.3538208

How many ark for a nuclear warhead?

>> No.3538219
File: 12 KB, 142x142, dolan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t is likely that you as a crypto holder is subject for imprisonment and the US has CIA and NSA they could easily identify you.

no coiner fantasy

>> No.3538310

>all they can do is reprimand you
Exactly. Any country within the organization can be reprimanded for allowing cryptocurrency trading.

>> No.3538320

LOL what a bitter kike

youve lost power over the goyum, get over it.

>> No.3538330

>buzz feed

>> No.3538357
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and? literally nobody respects or listens to the UN.

>> No.3538379

i come back hours later and this thread is still up. it's a fake "letter" written by a non existent person on russiatoday.

no wonder you people get scammed by people shilling shitcoins, you can't even tell a fake article.

>> No.3538430

Look up OECD. The UN isn't officially in charge of the organization, but it's the UN's attack dog when it comes to fiscal policies.

If you don't do what OECD tells you to do, you're in for a world of hurt. That's why they managed to coerce every single tax haven on earth into signing the Automatic Exchange of Tax Information.

>> No.3538507
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>> No.3538528

Nobody will listen to us here. This place is full of delusional morons who thinks the world owes them everything.

>> No.3538608

Nobody in the real world takes your digital tulips seriously.

>> No.3538644

>This is the average intellect of the new /biz/

Board's fucked now

>> No.3538750

so bitcoin is useless but it can buy you a nuke



>> No.3538777

Shit troll is shit

>> No.3538798

>i dont understand a word but it sounds bad so I was right all along
A stern questioning of why you arent following the rules with no other penalties is not any reason not to do what you want.
The UN agreed to help the rebels and Russia decided to help Assad.
What do you think happened to Russia?
The only question is what will the big 8 think and do because they are the only ones who matter.

>> No.3538833

Fresh pasta.

>> No.3538906
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>Otherwise, the next time the NHS is crippled by an attack financed in bitcoin, the government will rightly be accused of complacency as sick people die.

You cointards are financing terrorists. That makes you terrorists and murderers too. Stop trading buttcoin or you'll go to jail or worse!

>> No.3538955

The Brexit vote caused FT's management to have some sort of retardation inducing stroke and now they act like they're trying to make their paper as big of a joke as possible as quickly as they can. Imagine how disappointed you'd be if you were a long time subscriber. Sad.

>> No.3538969

Haha 4chan just officially "warned" me for trying to post this. Wtf? Are we owned by Nikkei too, now?

>> No.3539023

September 22nd lads, you still have time to let go of your digital tulips.

>> No.3539061


Trump is at the UN meeting... they will convince him to ban crypto like China is doing.

Cash out now before it's too late.

>> No.3539091
File: 77 KB, 300x300, akuhä.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but who is going to bail out the banks if you cant print money for hoees next time instead you will need to be solving math problems?

>> No.3539102

Isn't this really bad though?
Won't we see an increase in crime and sociopathic behavior?

>> No.3539115

It's the government's fault for forcing central banking on us in the first place.
Now look at this shitshow.

>> No.3539151

Yeah, but it's good for the value of crypto. USD is used by criminals worldwide and it's accepted nearly everywhere as a legitimate currency at the same time.

>> No.3539170

The UN is basically making sure only Israel can do what Israel does, other countries have to obey.

>> No.3539203

>Yeah, but it's good for the value of crypto.
Okay, but the fact organized crime increases is really bad.

Do you think it's going to get heavily out of hand or something or are people just paranoid?

Can the police still find criminal scumbags?

>> No.3539223

No, not an increase. It just makes it easier for those who are already criminal. Cryptocurrencies goes against what the OECD/UN has worked for, for nearly 15 years.

Anyone who thinks the mainstream cryptocurrency market will be unregulated in 2 years must be delusional. The governments of the world will never allow it to continue as it currently functions.

>> No.3539234

>It's the government's fault for forcing central banking on us in the first place.
No, it isn't. It was some farmers who invented fiat first, the government saw it as viable solution to the problem of transporting heavy goods. Fiat is backed by companies including metals and services.

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.3539259

>Anyone who thinks the mainstream cryptocurrency market will be unregulated in 2 years must be delusional. The governments of the world will never allow it to continue as it currently functions.
but I thought they couldn't regulate it

>> No.3539268

This is a natural result of crypto's decentralized nature. You can't get away from it. Coins that offer fully anonymous transactions will make it completely untracable.

>> No.3539275

How do you logically ban the trading of 1s and 0s over the Internet? I feel like we're going to win at this point

>> No.3539294

If this is true, isn't that really bad?

Wouldn't criminals be unstoppable?
What are the police going to do?

>> No.3539300

Who cares. The problem will resolve itself to some conclusion

>> No.3539304

fuck off, retard

>> No.3539311
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>The problem will resolve itself

>> No.3539312

Not the entire market, no. But they will regulate the exchanges, and the exchanges will have to allow tax authorities to audit their citizens' transactions. Of course criminals will resort to decentralized/deepweb exchanges.

No matter what policy you put in place, people will find a way to bypass it. The only way to fight is to set up road blocks in order to make it harder.

>> No.3539314

I'm an idiot for liking the idea of a non-cucked currency? I don't support criminal ventures, but it makes perfect sense to use cryptocurrencies to stay under the radar. In the long run, untracable or very hard to trace transactions are a good thing.

>> No.3539322

not an argument

>> No.3539328
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You seem extremely naive. Not sure if you're trolling.

>> No.3539332

I just want to know if this whole crypto currency thing will make the rate of organized crime explode?

am I just being paranoid?

>> No.3539335

>Wouldn't criminals be unstoppable?
>What are the police going to do?
This is where the UN comes in. Be glad that the UN concerns everyone's safety despite being criticized by a lot of morons who think they're weak and useless.

>> No.3539339

Yes, you're being paranoid.

>> No.3539343

lol what is the UN going to do?

Explain why using actual arguments.

>> No.3539351

Crypto hasn't made want to shoot anyone I didn't want to before, the difference being now I'm a few clicks away from getting one instead of having to do it the old way.

>> No.3539370

>am I just being paranoid?
No, this is the real thing. You might have to question yourself on why you shouldn't be paranoid on a sudden increase in organized crime and terrorists.

>> No.3539378

Organized crime will still be a thing with or without cryptocurrencies. This will just make it a bit harder to track down criminals. It justs helps criminals avoid a paper trail, but it doesn't mean they'll never fuck up and get caught some other way.

>> No.3539397

I lol at the idea that crypto currencies are currently the reason for increased rates of terrorism. Organized crime as in organized buying and selling of drugs such as MDMA and LSD? sure.... who the fuck cares about that stuff though

>> No.3539411

explain more

>> No.3539412

If the UN is truly worried about terrorists using ways to avoid being tracked they need to outright ban all cash as well and switch over to a completely digital fiat monetary system where there is zero privacy.

>> No.3539414

The UN is just trying to FUD and make me drop my bags, the sleazy kikes.

>> No.3539418
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Why would organized crime increase all of a sudden, when BTC was created nearly 10 years ago?

Before cryptocurrencies there were already thousands of ways in place to launder money and hide assets. Mainly through art and nations with strict bank secrecy laws. And they still exist today. Cryptos are just one additional way.

>> No.3539422

can anyone actually see this article? how do you get pass the pay wall

>> No.3539436

>they need to outright ban all cash

Oh, it's in the works. I know a couple of countries are already playing with the idea. Norway being among them.

>> No.3539438

Okay. :)

>> No.3539458

You have to pay up you stupid goy

>> No.3539507
File: 6 KB, 220x146, 220px-Tsar_Bomba_Revised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many bitcoin for 50 megaton Tsar Bombafu like this?

>> No.3539594

Highly organized crime will be taking advantage of the anonymity of cryptocurrency transactions. The first evidence is the WannaCry ransomware attack. The attack disrupted public operations especially school and hospitals. The hackers used Bitcoin as the money for ransom payment in exchange for the data to be saved. It is likely that they will strike back but we don't know when, so rather than wait for another dangerous attack, the UN might ban cryptocurrencies as a solution to prevent organized crimes from growing bigger.

>> No.3539595

Actually the UN was against the invasion of Iraq. But it's cute seeing you pretend really hard to know stuff and get triggered when no one takes your shit seriously.

>> No.3539607

Just by XVG and watch the shitstom, we'll be alright.

>> No.3539610

You realy need this?

>> No.3539662

Fuck off douchebag. We dont give a shit, we dont take any shit, we're not in the shit business. AND, if we wanted any SHIT from YOU, we would SQUEEZE YOUR HEAD. Fuck off. Lets see, what was my point again? Oh yeah. Fuck. Off. And if you forgot already; Fuckoff.

>> No.3539690

but these attacks are still pretty rare

shit like this has been going on for ages

>> No.3539700

Get U.S. OUT of the U.N. t. John Birch Society. Check em.

>> No.3539716


Does this not mean Monero or Ethereum w/ ZKSnarks has a very high chance of a future use case

>> No.3539756
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Ha, that's cute

>> No.3539765
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Prepare your anus, buttcoiners!!

>> No.3539788
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>UN tells jap to ban loli porn from comiket
>japs give them the middle finger
No one gives a fuck.

>> No.3539809

You'll start giving a shit when the UN lifts its finger against cryptos soon. You should be thanking me for giving you and the other morons an advanced warning so that you won't lose your money.

>> No.3539835

>using exchanges at all
>not buying/selling BTC locally

>> No.3539874

Go ahead. Ban crypto. Just makes it worth more, just like banning Alcohol and Pot. I'll take Prohibition for $400, Alex.

>> No.3540332

ISPs can block crypto exchanges just like porn.

>> No.3540442

And they do such a good job of blocking websites using TOR already, right?

>> No.3541071

>lol what is the UN going to do?
By banning cryptocurrency in order to stop widespread use of it for criminal and terrorist movement.

>> No.3541169
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UN have on power anymore

>> No.3541749

>Due to trading security issues, the UN body is has decided to

Stopped reading there. If you can't properly edit your paid-subscription-site article, I automatically don't trust you.

>> No.3541769

Yah It's in the works but I don't think it'll happen in the states anytime soon. We're far away from people accepting that reality still imo

>> No.3541793


>> No.3541813


irrelevant topics that shouldn't even be in the same sentence.

>> No.3541832

This is honestly why I think XRP might be worth something. Since it's centralized, doesn't that mean it will eventually be bought out by some bank which would then keep a record of all the transactions? Essentially making it a very public and easy to trace currency.

Am I wrong here? Feel free to call me an idiot, I just got into crypto and know basically nothing.

>> No.3541880

one day Chad decides to add 1000000000000000 xrp supply and fuck everyone of you, and if Chad stops paying the FBI, IRS and SEC to look away, they seize the servers and shut down your so-called "centralized blockchain" LOL

>> No.3541886
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>> No.3542079

kys yourself pajeet

>> No.3542108

you are confusing UN with NATO

>> No.3542419

You are confusing real money with digital tulips.