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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3534407 No.3534407 [Reply] [Original]

In every single career field I look into I find a lot of similar complaints.

-Clients will treat you like shit, and disrespect your profession
-You'll get a lot of people trying to make you work for free, or work on spec
-If you have a boss, inevitably he or she will be a cunt to you
-It's extremely hard to get started and make a living out of it
-What you will do, people in India and Pakistan will do for one third of the money, and you can't compete at those rates because you couldn't live on that money
-Unpaid internships, jobs for the "experience", and "exposure"
-Software has already started to take over your field, and now there is less and less work because computers are doing more and more of what needed to be done by humans before

Is there anyone here happy with their job? Happy with their career? Is there a field that, as soon as you walk in the door, you won't hear that the field is fucked and only getting worse?

>> No.3534652
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I am a private equity investment professional. I travel the world meeting ceos, bankers and LPs. What I do can't really be automated because unlike public markets, the private market place is a place with tons of negotiations, special terms, management issues, business strategy issues which are not quantitative, therefore impossible to measure to feed the big data. Smaller businesses will always need funding, and the data will never be transparent or good enough where a machine can make the judgement call. It is a world about connections, intellectual challenges and very high compensations and perks.

I really like my job

>> No.3534764

If you're smart and a hard worker who loves overtime you can make 100k easy in construction trades. Go through a 2-4 year apprenticeship most of which start out 50% journeyman scale wage.

I'm making 35$ an hour and I'm still an apprentice. I get two raises every 6 months. One raise which increases my % scale towards becoming a journeyman albeit I have on year left. And one raise due to contractual negotions between my union and employers.

I'll be making 46 dollars an hour next year as a commercial glazier. I love wrapping up a building in curtainwall or window wall and seeing the end product. Its satisfying knowing you helped create a fucking skyscraper.

The people are assholes but just dont take shit and dont be a dumbass and its all gravy.

>> No.3534779

god i love hong kong

>> No.3534839
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Also the view can't be beat from on top of a 40 floor building

>> No.3534857
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Running air bnb and buying shitcoins is ok. I also clean other peoples airbnb great money no working for the man ever.

>> No.3534976

The entry bar for your job is ridiculously high though, lol. Good job on making it as an investor though.

>> No.3535152


Seriously, don't work for someone else. Work for yourself. If you know you are smart enough to think about things like "revenue" and "customers" you can succeed in business.

Don't invent a new wheel, just take what you're good at/passionate about/willing to tolerate, and do that.

t. Building small business and enjoy it far more than begging to be hired by companies that never give me a chance.

>> No.3535342

small businesses are even harder in todays economy unless you have a fortunate niche

>> No.3535365

Work as a mortician. The dead can't complain :D

>> No.3535377


Operations director for a niche construction company. I enjoy my job. I don't see automation being physically possible.

>> No.3535438


so you went to Ivy League and are also attractive then?

>> No.3535478

Recently turned 24. I'm sufficiently intelligent (or so I like to think) good looking, not awkward in social settings and generally a decent dude to be around.

I am, however, hella lazy unless the situation practically forces me to take action. Such as nearly getting flunked from high school. Cue reality check, blasted my way through the rest with commendations and great grades. Then I fell off again, as there was no longer an immediate threat again. This means I spent precious time aimlessly drifting, just doing my thing, being a knowing underachiever. Played in bands, partied here and there and generally had no real goals.

I'd be lying if i said I didn't regret being a fucking worthless floater during these formative years, instilling what are likely gamebreaking habits, but I was also never truly distraught about my situation.

Now I just work for almost decent pay, mostly hoping I'm not too late to escape wagecuckoldry via crypto, continuing to not take life seriously.

I'm convinced there are genuinely well-read, well-traveled, insightful and entrepeneurial people here amidst the pajeetposting.

What would be your honest critical feedback to a loitering sloth like me?

Is it really as simple as the bootstrap meme? Or are some people just forever doomed to not achieve much of note due to their nature? If i become rich, is anything really going to change? Or will I just be the same sloth, simply sitting atop a bag of money? Even worse, not even forced to work to achieve anything at all. Will I literally waste away, sitting on ass and staring into nothingness as the thrill of living fades utterly from my eyes?

I'd like to think with the financial emancipation comes a new perspective on life - physical, mental and spiritual pursuits to better oneself as a person. But what is it really like? Am I fucked?

I'm realistically doing just alright, not much to complain about. But it feels like my brain is decaying. I find it hard to get excited for anything. No drive.

>> No.3535526

no one is gonna read your blogpost moron
give a rundown

>> No.3535579
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>the smart but lazy meme