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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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351428 No.351428[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>349796

>> No.351429

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 72 Satoshi

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.351432

Lad wwewewewewew

>> No.351433

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))


Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=568529
Twitter: /PandacoinPND
Facebook: /Pandacoin.PND
Reddit: /r/PandacoinPND
IRC: #PandacoinPND on freenode.net
Weibo: http://weibo.com/pndcoin
Chinese QQ group: 255237866

Want to help Pandacoin (PND)?
Cryptsy voting: https://www.cryptsy.com/coinvotes
Send a mail for its inclusion on bter to: admin@mail.bter.com
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND

Website: http://thepandacoin.org

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin


Normal pools can be found in the bitcointalk thread.


Charity: http://pnd4pnd.com


Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:


IRC: #PandacoinPND@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

Tipbot for 4chan:

>> No.351437

Friendly reminder to backup your wallet.dat.

>> No.351438


Also friendly reminder to vote for PND every 1/2 hour at https://www.usecryptos.com/coinvoting
and that making an account to vote only takes a second.

>> No.351439


I want my PND to be safe but I also would very much like to pirate videogames, what is the solution for an individual like me amDoge?

>> No.351440

Encrypt your wallet as well.

>> No.351444

hey! finally got my pnd wallet working buddy!

>> No.351446
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>> No.351458
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>I want my PND to be safe but I also would very much like to pirate videogames, what is the solution for an individual like me

Play a p2p/f2p MMORPG and don't let anyone in the chat not hear about how awesome PND is

>> No.351472

Keep your PND wallet on an older computer running linux or something.

>> No.351475

send all your pnd to me for safe keeping.
i'll charge you 1% of your yearly balance, as a fee.

>> No.351477
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>> No.351479


>> No.351481

Also a friendly reminder to post in our Bitcointalk thread.


>> No.351485
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>> No.351487

Aaaaaaaw :3

>> No.351489

Swisscex is still kill. It's taken me 4 days to just deposit and now withdraw funds from their wallet. I sent through a withdraw request yesterday and, while the function worked beyond a "failed" error, my coins still haven't materialised in my wallet. Getting tired of their shit.

>> No.351491

In addition to that, I still can't see the transaction (back to my wallet) on the blockchain, despite their website saying the transfer has been complete.

>> No.351493
File: 712 KB, 3876x2033, PND_FRACTAL_CASE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PND will rise because of muh fractals!

>> No.351497

I like it.

>> No.351631

the fuck were you smoking?
also, how can i tip you?

>> No.351643

Some good news on 1#
The site will soon come back to a stable state, and development will resume.

>> No.351652
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Congratulations Nekomata in winning this fantastic bounty of 250k citzencoins!

>> No.351656

And it wasn't even that bad.
Except for the aesthetics.

>> No.351660


thanks, anyway, half was given to the other admin and later i bought 125000 ctz and donated back.

>> No.351664

Looks like we're going to be on useCryptos next week. Weeeew laddy.

We really need to crack bter, though, but this is another step.

>> No.351734

can someone explain how to mine? I have no clue how to join the multi-pool and the bamboo house link says they are not accepting any new members

>> No.351742

You can't join bamboohouse since PoW phase is over.
You don't join the multipool as only your address is need so you're able to receive PND. What exactly is not clear about the description at http://multi.pandapool.info ?

>> No.351764
File: 773 KB, 1920x1080, dogecar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greetings fellow shibes

I'm running the iRacing Charlotte 600 tonight in the dogecar. Stop by for giggles, starts at six PST

twitch: mdotcroft

not trying to make money or anything, just thought some might find it interesting

>> No.351769
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>DOGE is one of the 2 coins (other was AUR) where I saw some merit. This was when it had just come, at 35s. Now I believe it is in a terminal decline, since there are no markets for all-around coins except BTC. A further threat is that DOGE's inflation is quickly slowing, making its network very vulnerable. I advice to sell out on this one.


>> No.351775

So because some guy I don't know says to sell I should sell at a loss? No thanks.

>> No.351777

crash everyone then spam the chat with "wew lad"

>> No.351781

DOGE has been dying for quite some time now, and plebbit who holds the highest influence is actually happy the price is shit, so it's likely to continue being shit.

>> No.351786
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I have been saying that for months, had you listened to me you would have sold at gains, plus if you don't know rpietila, I couldn't have saved you in first place, another soul lost...

>> No.351792

Well lemme tell you about the little Nekomata who cried sell... Either way, I don't pay too much attention to Bitcoin Talk. It isn't something that matters to me.

>> No.351798
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>> No.351803

Well it's like radiation. When I have to listen to a faget too long I too become a faget.

>> No.351807
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Friendly reminder that there's only about 100k (read: nothing) USD needed to buy up sell orders to reach 890 satoshi.

>> No.351812
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not bad, meanwhile doge needs over 1/4 billion of bagbuy to get back at 100 satoshis

>> No.351815

Do you want to trust someone who thought AUR was a good idea? It lost 90% of its peak value


>> No.351816

Where's the richfags when you need them

>> No.351818

We don't need them right now. It's better when actual holders / users can get in at a lower price to gain more now instead of whales completely controlling the prices at 100+ sat.

>> No.351828

I have $105, what crypto should I invest into?

I was thinking LTC because I adore Charlie, but I like PND too because of these threads

BTC is too "been there done that" and Doge is a shitstorm

>> No.351829

LTC is very stable where it is, having said that, it's gone up $1 in value, in line with the BTC rise this past week. DOGE is a shitstorm. I'd say either PND or BTC.

>> No.351830

I would wait for PND to drop, then buy in.

>> No.351831


What point do you think would be a good entry?


Yeah I think I'm gonna buy some LTC then maybe exchange it for PND

>> No.351836

That's the spirit. At lease you can talk directly with the PND devs and know when changes are coming, and they are open to advice and changes. PND is a real community development, where DOGE is run more like a shitty people's republic.

>> No.351837


If it wasn't for amdoge i wouldnt even consider investing in PND

>> No.351839

Frankly, it is nice just having the dev try to be a person and not have any drama.

>> No.351840

If it wasn't for based eGod, these threads would have disappeared 5 months ago. I really hope he makes a megatonne of cash from this, even if that was never the intention. It is truly deserved.

>> No.351841

cult of amDOGE when?

>> No.351843

A while ago. I think it was called "General PNDOGE Thread".

>> No.351845


Speaking of which, why do you think that this community has died down so much?

Do you think it's because it got moved to /biz/ or everyone moved to reddit or what? I remember the first few weeks after Doge's release the Doge threads were super active and maxing out after like 15-30 minutes.

>> No.351846
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>> No.351847

They were maxing out because of Wolong drama, and all the pumping and dumping. Money and lels could be made or lost in an instant. Reddit did what Reddit does best - kill the lels like the cancer it is.

>> No.351848

Probably /biz/. Also because it was the first few weeks after Doge's release.
Good night eGod.

>> No.351850
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What time zone are you in? I've always wondered that


No, I mean before that

I remember Wolong's pump but before it was even on Cryptsy the threads were extremely fast


I dunno, I thought this board was going to be a lot more active in general

>> No.351853

/g/ is a more active more known board, more people see the thread, more people post.
/biz/ is a less active less known board, less people see the thread, less people post.

>> No.351854


Fair enough

>> No.351859


It'd be cool if you could cite another instance of crypto following your 'fractal' pattern though.

>> No.351860


>dem unchanging prices

It feels like PND is going in slow motion... or is it just me.

>> No.351886


>> No.351912

So, uh, what's going on with /biz/? There are a bunch of Shrek threads.

>> No.351916

it is indeed very stable, friend

>> No.351917

Gettin raided. Just ignore them and they'll go away in about 20 mins

>> No.351918

Welcome to /b/.

>> No.351923

/b/? I checked /b/'s catalog, and I couldn't find anything relating to /biz/. Whatever.

>> No.351925

Not saying it's them, but it's the sort of childish shit they do.
>inb4 doge on a coin/panda on a coin

>> No.351945

There's a thread on shrekchan. I'm not linking because 4chan won't let me.

>> No.351950
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>> No.351955

is there a shrekcoin or ogrecoin or something similar?

>> No.351957

>bitcoin rises $65 in a day
>only currency thread on the frontpage is dogecoins

Personally, I think you're all fucking stupid.

>> No.351961

There's nothing to discuss about Bitcoin, you know the drill already, buy it when it's low, wait for it to rise, cash out, rinse and repeat every crash.

>> No.351962


People don't post about BTC here anymore, if you want to discuss it go back to 2011 then go to /g/

>> No.351976

omg just like every other currency and stock

much predictable

>> No.351983

hey, out of all listed exchanges which will net me the most PND , ltc and then PND on mintpal?

>> No.352052

Yeah. LTC>PND on Mintpal has the best rate, and highest liquidity. Swisscex can sometimes be lower or higher, but that's because there's little liquidity and their wallets are broken at the moment.

Or you could risk it all and buy BTC, hope it rises some more and profit. But you're already paying above the LTC price when you're buying in satoshi.

>> No.352055

nah thats retarded, I made like...1500% gain of DIS last night, btc is just a middle man coin

I want some PND for sure though

>> No.352110
File: 176 KB, 868x665, pnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I accidentally purchased 7 million PANDA at first and sent them to my PND wallet so...money well spent but

I figured it out

>> No.352116

>I accidentally purchased 7 million PANDA at first
Did you manage to get anything back from that purchase?

>> No.352117

> being this new


>> No.352141

I only transferred out 3 million and then realized my mistake so i resold the rest.

I mean, were talking the price of a meal at tacobell here.

Got swindled earlier today on /r/dogemarket for my last bit of paypal cash too though

>> No.352151

amDOGE, how many doge coins do you got?

>> No.352165


>> No.352175

You can install a PANDA wallet, import your PND keys into it, recieve the payment and then send it back to the exchange and sell it.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.352177
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Well shit, just got up, haven't had coffee yet.

>> No.352200

There have been a lenghty interruption in service on 1#
It's back up.
Haven't fixed everything yet, so things will be wiggly until the migration is finished, but then it will be far more stable.
Again I'm sorry for this instability, I'll do my best to keep it up in the future

>> No.352236
File: 173 KB, 878x709, pls stake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the pos_faq. Do 100% of the coins need to be idle?

>> No.352268

By idle do you mean not received within 72 hours? If so, you just need some coins at least 72 hours old. However, the more aged coins you have, the higher your stake weight. The higher your stake weight, the faster you get stake.

>> No.352270

does anyone know where the PND wallet.dat is stored in windows 8 id i installed via win32 seetup

>> No.352271


>> No.352272


>> No.352275


this worked thanks

capital letters matter apparantly

>> No.352281
File: 191 KB, 1275x997, YEDUFGF[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this here too.

In 1 week BTC is 30% up wrt USD.
DOGE is down 30% wrt BTC.
This is good.
It means DOGE is ever less dependent of BTC.
(I don't have a chart for DOGE/USD, tho)

>> No.352284

DOGE has changed.

>> No.352285

It's not about Wolong, or making it to the moon.

>> No.352311

When will we see x11 added to the multipoo?

>> No.352315

It's supposed to be some time this week I think

>> No.352316


>> No.352335

it was never about that.

>doge was about making funny doge OC
>doge was about an anon shitting on his thinkpad for doge
>doge was about begging threads on /g/
>doge was about getting more doge
>doge was about 1 doge=1 dollar
>doge was about killing other shitcoins like stable and fedora

doge is dead

>> No.352338

DOGE has changed.
It's not about fun, or The Shiba Inu. Its not even about profits, drugs or niggers. It's an endless series of pumps and dumps, fought by reddit and the Chinese. DOGE, and its vast consumption of human capital, has become a irrational, lightly-oiled business transaction.
DOGE has changed.
Reddit tagged soldiers place reddit tagged sell orders. Use reddit tagged valuations. Reddit inside their bodies. enhance and regulate their Volume. Sell control, bid control, emotion control, Exchange control . Everything is monitored, and kept under control.
DOGE had changed.
The age of Crypto-currency is now the age of control, averting catastrophe from Chinese Whales. And he who controls the Whales, controls history.
DOGE has changed.
When the Whales are under total control, dumping becomes routine.
DOGE has changed. DOGE has changed

>> No.352339

its over
everybody go home.

>> No.352345
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>> No.352350


>> No.352362


he has around 1.8 billion but won't confirm it with screenshots anymore because he claims people will panic due to seeing how much he has

>> No.352364

your MOM has changed
now sell your doge and get lost you pompous piece of shit

>> No.352370

I don't remember owning that much DOGE at any point in time.

>> No.352373

i can confirm this. he has in the billions

>> No.352378

How come none of the PND I mine on the multipool ever seems to go into stake?

>> No.352380

buddy-mate-lad-boy-son-man-freind i love my doges pls calm down

>> No.352383

Depends when it was mined and how much was mined.

>> No.352385 [DELETED] 
File: 1.71 MB, 673x480, shakem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh okay

>> No.352387

you gotta be millions for stakes

>> No.352388

I probably mine about 60 thousand a day or something. None of it ever seems to go into stake.

>> No.352389

When did you start mining?
Is the client staking at all?å

>> No.352391
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>> No.352394

Right, that clears that up, cheers.

>> No.352397

>tfw only 61 million

>> No.352398

>tfw only 47 mil
>tfw not even in the top 100
hold me /biz/ ;_;

>> No.352402

You two again?
I have only 13 million and I give to the people here and on IRC

>> No.352406

100,000 pleb tier reporting. Thinking of buying some gridseeds. Any thoughts?

>> No.352410

Don't buy into ASICs.

>> No.352414


Unless you get one of the really expensive ones that have a waiting line and aren't even out yet, like KnCMiner's ones, you won't see any ROI that would make the risk worth it.

>> No.352417

Muh dreams

>> No.352424


>> No.352434

Jeez. 72 satoshi. I'm beginning to wonder if it'll ever recover.

>> No.352439

all I can do is hold and hope.

>> No.352441

>still holding DOGE in an age of ASIC miners

>> No.352446

What exactly are ASIC miners?

>> No.352447

It's a small amount. Only 120k.
I have little to lose by holding.

>> No.352448

They're a piece of hardware made specifically to mine.
SHA256 ASICs have been around for years, and they effectively ended graphics card mining for bitcoin.
they can do much more hashs than a graphics card while using 1/100 of the power.

Scrypt ASICs have been emerging over the past few months. I'm not sure how good they are yet.

>> No.352449

I sold at 85 and kicked myself for not selling at 100.

If it goes to like 5 satoshi I'll buy in again, but I doubt that will happen. PND is what I'm holding now apart from BTC

>> No.352452

And how do you get ahold of one of these? How much do they cost?

>> No.352453

I remember when it peaked at 300.
I really should have got off the train there, but hind sight is 20/20.

The interesting thing right now is because bitcoin rose since yesterday, even while doge is around the same by satoshi, it's value against fiat has risen since yesterday

>> No.352455

generally speaking they cost too much.

I remember the first round of USB scrypt ASICS got about 70kh/s, and on about 2.5 watts that's great.
They had a bad habit of burning out after a few days though.
That was back in march, so they're probably much better by now.

>> No.352467


confirmed for scandibro

>> No.352468
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>> No.352475

I always thought amDoge was german.
Silly me.

>> No.352480

opps :^)

he still could be, though

>> No.352482
File: 399 KB, 1800x1205, grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know anything do you?
amDoge is a grill.

>> No.352483

>71 satoshit


>> No.352488


>> No.352491
File: 16 KB, 603x393, doyouhaveasinglefacttobackthatup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amDoge is a grill.
what convinced you of this

>> No.352492

back when these threads were on /g/

>> No.352497
File: 20 KB, 996x310, amdoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amDoge was born a boy, begged the shit out of people for free Dogecoins, which funded his transgender surgery to become a girl.

>> No.352501

He is.

>> No.352502

Transgender surgery is funded by health insurance in Germany.

>> No.352511

There's more than just having the dick chopping surgery for individuals with this mental disease.

>> No.352518


just hopping on PND today, setting up wallet now and buying about $80 worth of PND.

rong riv PND

>> No.352520
File: 129 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the IRC channel if you haven't done so already.

>> No.352521
File: 4 KB, 275x183, fin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't go on. i have to leave. i can't take the pressure.
> let gril use laptop for evening, no idea what she does
> on return, laptop suddenly slow as fuck, fan power at 100% on boot, nothing showing in task manager but hardware inexplicably overloaded
> oh shit, btc qt stopped downloading blocks 6 hours ago
> oh look, mintpal won't let me log in, says pc is infected with malware
> ohshitmoment
> avast/avg show nothing
> panic, shove wallet.dat on second pc... blockchain 2 days behind
> 2 hours of panic later, blockchain on second pc synced, send coins to cold wallet, aside from a few thousand satoshi
> check balance this morning
> no satoshi
so, seems my wallet was copied, a keylogger grabbed the password and my blockchain was blocked, so my balance would appear normal. a few hours later, the remaining btc dust is cleared out, not by me. i don't know who or what did it. i've just finished formatting the fuck out of every drive i have, am exhausted as fuck, and i give up. fuck it all, i'd rather be poor.

>> No.352522


we're all gonna make it bro~

your source is weak, do you have anything more solid?

>> No.352526

Thanks, will do.

I lost 900k doge gambling a long time ago. I'm at peace with my loss now and am moving a good chunk of what I have left in doge to PND>

I hope we make it.

>> No.352531

>let gril use laptop

>> No.352533

Get the tipbot, so I can tip you PND.

>> No.352535

How much did you lose?

>> No.352536

Friendly reminder to post in our Bitcointalk PND thread.


>> No.352537

>asking for a solid source

Well verify with the person 2 posts above you.

>> No.352538
File: 22 KB, 320x494, mad at myself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let gril use laptop

>> No.352540

I just put the id in the mailfield?

Testing I suppose. Thanks a lot anon!

>> No.352543

sent ;)

>> No.352552


well amdoge is usually secretive about their being, so you could or could not be right, we'll probably never know.

Even with that knowledge, what is the means to the end? It's not going change the communities disposition aside from a few archaic minded.

>> No.352556

This, who the fuck cares.

>> No.352562

every time we talk about eGod we always say "he", no grill would stand being called "he" without making it known she's a grill. it's the way grills are.

i can say with almost certainty that eGod is a man

>> No.352567

uguu. Thanks senpai.

Syncing wallet now. With my shitty internet I'll see it in a few months.

>> No.352573


if they wanted to remain anonymous of their being, they would just let the crowd speculate.

But regardless, it's a pointless discussion.

>> No.352580

DOGE @69 best time to buy



>> No.352583


want those sell orders filled I see~

>> No.352589

JUST BUYORDRER IS good price now

who you see doge THIS cheap again?? 69 !

it BACK UP to 130 in 2 hours MAX

>> No.352591


that's quite presumptuous, you got some insider detail from the secret pump and dump group?

if so, tell them to get in on more PND

>> No.352601

yes good price buying

>> No.352606


guess I'll buy some and put it into more PND~

>> No.352608

Anyone got any resources for starting to day trade with cryptos?
I have no experience and want to know where to begin.

>> No.352610

Buy high
Sell low

>> No.352611


on mintpal is good price

>> No.352613

Is basically getting some coins of whatevercoin and start trading on your favorite exchange.

>> No.352621

Even jackson palmer said dont takw doge seriously.

He is literally killing the coin because he is an adobe faggot

>> No.352622
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Lets come up with business ideas for which DOGE and PND can be the exclusive mediums of exchange.
1. No stealing other peoples ideas without permission.
2. Any criticism must be backed with an argument.

>> No.352623

I mean like, what sort of patterns or signs should I be looking for?
What are some other basic guidelines besides buy high sell low?

What's there to show that it will go back up again?

>> No.352625

Porn website

>> No.352626

*buy low sell high
Fuck you, nigglet.

>> No.352627
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>> No.352629

But what would it offer that free porn websites do not?

>> No.352632

Alright here's a real tip
Buy an ASIC and mine for coins right after their pumps

>> No.352635
File: 1.46 MB, 217x217, 1396368900170.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.352662

>Buy an ASIC
fuck you, i want to leave, i need to escape. i hate my life. i'm so stressed. i just want it all to stop.
how much are they? recommendations?

>> No.352668
File: 43 KB, 383x400, gif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend Butterfly Labs 10 gh/s miners
You'll be mining tons of PND in no time!

>> No.352676

yeah, i'd have to sell my car.
is .2 btc too much for a 350kh/s, 7watt asic? there's a dude flogging them on ebay for btc, and that .2btc would be almost as good as my 270x, without the terribad electricity costs. i just need to get away from everything for a while, leave all my balances in my wallets for a while regardless of what happens, but leave an asic running, and come back to cryptos in a few weeks or so, when i feel less like i'm going to have a stroke.
.2 for 350kh asic, good deal? i'm too wiped and exhausted to research it.

>> No.352680

>10 gh/s
oh, sorry, those. aren't they pointlessly slow now? scrypt asic is surely better, no?

>> No.352685

There aren't too many people mining BTC right now so you can easily swoop in and make tons of money.

>> No.352693

why hasn't everyone done it then...

>> No.352694
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>> No.352697
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Oy vey!

>> No.352717
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>> No.352719
File: 624 KB, 1590x1401, PND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to start some shilling.
post this image around, spread the word, and let some more people hop on the train.

>> No.352728
File: 72 KB, 653x721, watermelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We received watermelon.

>> No.352734

Webm of Kabosu and cate eating watermelon when?

>> No.352739

IIRC he only lost a few satoshi that he left as dust, he managed to move the btc to a cold wallet before the thieves actually imported his keys to clean his wallet, close call.

>> No.352742


Oh, I get it.

Worth nothing = stable now.

Price remaining nothing = stability.


>> No.352755

You must be confused with PANDA.


>> No.352773



>> No.352776

Don't laugh at other people's bad luck.

>> No.352777

I laugh at the greediness and stupidness of some people.

>> No.352779


>> No.352781


>> No.352782

lel, just checked it's true
>muh god tier devs
>muh masternodes
>muh anonymity
>muh next Bitcoin

>> No.352785


oh goodness, well I'm sure some anons made a bundle off it

>> No.352786

which of these has the most liquidity and least barriers to entry?

Im trying to ride the waves but I dont want to have to learn all this hashrate nerd shit

holy shit this capatcha

>> No.352787

I hold both PND and DRK, and two other coins, please no bully, PND and DRK are not enemies. The mentioned fork will be no big deal too, the dev already uploaded a checkpoint

>> No.352788

>I dont want to have to learn all this hashrate nerd shit
It isn't even hard, actually you don't even have to understand it.

>> No.352789

aaand this is why i'm going to have a stroke. drk hodler. was looking forward to their increase upon my return.

good luck, goodbye forever.

>> No.352790

PND if you want to make real long-term profits

>> No.352791

they're going to rip off Bytecoin or Boolberry to "resolve" the failure and will only get blown the fuck out for that

>> No.352794

without any qualifying beyond that you sound just like the pushers of doge and all the rest.

Doge also seems to have publicity that its second only to bit coin

darkcoin seems like the next gen bitcoin (for buying drugs and moving dirty money)

what can PND do?

>> No.352797
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>> No.352798


>> No.352799

>darkcoin seems like the next gen bitcoin
Just got forked.
Time to learn the drill when this happens, newcomer.

>> No.352823

Ok ill ask again

WHY is PND promising (besides the fact that you are invested in it and therefore its the best) when compared to others. Bit and Doge have established themselves as mediums of exchange outside of their internal speculatory jerk off session.

I hear the doge is gonna run into a block chain issue or somesuch, and bit is extremely prone to cyclical bubbles.

so why PND ? and is it worth it to even mine?

>> No.352827
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>> No.352828

>so why PND?
Because it's not going to have a block chain issue and is not prone to cyclical bubbles?

>> No.352832


>> No.352833

I have zero interest in being active with cryptos anymore but I have ~50K doge. What should I do with them?

>> No.352837

Trade them for PND.

>> No.352838

And then what?

>> No.352839

Donate to pnd4pnd.com

>> No.352840

Wait until it reaches 100 Satoshi.

>> No.352842


>> No.352847

The only thing that saddens me about going PoS is that PND won't be contributing to the end of the universe the same way PoW cryptos will be.

>> No.352850
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Why would you want to contribute to the end of the universe?

>> No.352851

We all need a hobby

>> No.352852


Does anybody have a spare 178 BTC?

>> No.352854

I see.

>> No.352856

Because it's inevitable that crypto mining will combine with the singularity and create AIs that start converting all matter they can find into a form useful for mining cryptocoins until entropy maxes out and nothing is left but low energy photons.
So unless they use your multipool, we witness the end of all things and think "wow, we really made a difference."

>> No.352858

The fake Moolah scam?

>> No.352859

*we can't

>> No.352861
File: 111 KB, 864x516, ss (2014-05-26 at 10.18.50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys what's wrong? I've got a block and then this happened. How Iong must I wait to stake again?

>> No.352863
File: 96 KB, 849x340, Screen Shot 2014-05-26 at 23.22.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How Iong must I wait to stake again?
It's all in the faq.

>> No.352865


Just saw this, does that mean every time I mine some pnd I'm going to have to wait 9 hours before I can stake again? That's fukin bullshit innit

>> No.352866


>> No.352876

So that no single transaction can happen to stake 6 times in a row. Do you even into blockchain security?

You'll have your 2,5% over the year anyway.

>> No.352882

amDoge is that your Doge?

>> No.352883


>> No.352886

You should make a faq for that xD

>> No.352888

bist du schon mit asics unterwegs oder machst du noch mit den grakas rum?

>> No.352890


>> No.352891
File: 751 KB, 1119x738, darkcoin more like FAILCOIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I exchanged all my BTC for DRK. I should have sticked to DOGE instead. Now it lost all its value and the network is with multiple forks. I wont be going to the moon anymore.

>> No.352892

ASICs are a bad thing. So yeah I'm still with GPUs.

>> No.352893


shoulda PND~

>> No.352894

I loled

>> No.352897

>I exchanged all my BTC for DRK
I hope you're joking for your sake.

>> No.352900
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I read all that but I still don't get the point completely.

>> No.352901

It can't be helped.

>> No.352905

>BTC for DRK.
Should have invested in PND™.

>> No.352908

PND hasn't been so Stable™ lately. Too much of an uptrend

>> No.352916
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and monaero

>> No.352918

>if there's one thing I hate, it's when my investment's value goes up

>> No.352920

What about mona?

>> No.352923
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I actually mined that instead of PND for about 3 weeks
No regrets ;_;

>> No.352929

What about Coinye?

>> No.352932




fucking captchas, six times, SIX TIMES

>> No.352940

>mfw that drk shill has disappeared

>> No.352959

Yes excellent coin. Would mine.

>> No.352961

He didn't disappear, he just went...Dark.

>> No.352962

Dark times ahead I presume?

>> No.352965
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>> No.352970
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>> No.352972



>> No.352976

Which order? DRK is removed from exchanges

>> No.352990


forgot the green text, just reiterating what that guy is trying to say

>> No.353015
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>> No.353016

Not going so good?

>> No.353019


it's sleeping.

>> No.353020

Oh. Hope it has a good rest then.

>> No.353023
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It'll rise again, there is no reddit to feast on 1 mona = 1 mona.

>> No.353050

Any new DOGE or PND related happenings to look forward to or is it steady as she goes for now?

>> No.353054

How do you jew people out of their dogecoins?

>> No.353064

Call youself the DOGE doubler. Promise to send back double the DOGE people send you if they post their address and amount.
Then don't follow through on your promise.

>> No.353067

Nah that doesn't work anymore

>> No.353076
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>> No.353078

hey amdoge

is that your wifu

>> No.353080


>> No.353081
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>> No.353090

I was always shocked when it did. And often it wasn't small amounts.

>> No.353091
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>> No.353099
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>> No.353102
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sweet dreams

>> No.353106

No payouts for a while in the multipool, what gives?

>> No.353113

cryptsy fucking up again
be patient faget

>> No.353115

Uh, thanks.

>> No.353120

I am the PND doubler. Send me PND and i'll double it.


>> No.353142

Withdrawals are completely frozen on Cryptsy. Can't get any coin out because of the DRK disaster

>> No.353145

Sent 429, hook me up.

>> No.353165
File: 102 KB, 273x254, may may.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw the dogecoin community is going through a full-blown red scare right now, except instead of communism it's "FUD"

I can't wait until their shitty coin implodes

>> No.353194

it was fun while it lasted,
just kidding
it was only fun for the first month.
everything after that month has been a jew filled shit fest

>> No.353197


I agree totally

The only good thing that's coming out of this is the amount of smug I'm going to feel when dogecoin shits the bed.

It really did morph from something awesome to something shitty after the first few weeks in december through when wolong's pump ended

>> No.353200
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>> No.353203

Appears legitimate. I would definitely make an investment in what this guy says. He has a chart behind him.

>> No.353207


He was born in 98, he has the experience needed.

>> No.353215


>> No.353219

What? Darkcoin is on Cryptsy.

>> No.353228

It'll be suspended, though.

>> No.353238

please tell me more of this DRK disaster, b/c i'm interested in coins that promote anonymous transactions.

>> No.353244


I have no idea but I read something about multiple forks I think

>> No.353248

Somebody stuck a bunch of forks in DRK's pocket and now there's spaghetti everywhere.

>> No.353253

Also, we need new bread.

>> No.353281
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>we don't need global adoption
>we just need to keep giving!


I like the general idea behind dogecoin but most of its userbase is ignorant and/or stupid, it hurts.


people just don't fucking get that a useless coin won't help them "doing nice things". IT JUST DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY.

>> No.353291

so doge is officially kill?

>> No.353292
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The need to merge mining with Litecoin.
Otherwise Doge will be pretty much kill after the next halving.

>> No.353314

There's no getting through to the cultists.
Bring it up and you'll get bombarded with retards that legitimately believe that Litecoin is trying to piggyback off Nascar popularity.

>> No.353334

So is litecoin going to continue to fall relative to btc, or is it a good time to switch btc holdings to ltc? I'd just by pnd, but this is my reserve pool incase someone dumps on pnd.

>> No.353337

Keep your reserve pool on BTC for now. It's likely that LTC isn't done falling yet

>> No.353345

LTC is historically delayed whenever there's a large BTC rally. Expect it to go down a bit more than the ratio exploding upwards.

Also this:


The difficulty will continue to rise tremendously as ASICs rollout.

>> No.353373

Should PND then rise, relative to LTC's fall? Or the complete opposite?

>> No.353380

PND is too small fry to really be tied in anyway.
Most large bitcoin and litecoin holders aren't holding PND. It utilizing both for exchange reasons but it's market cap is too small to have any real effect right now.

>> No.353382

Thanks for the explanation.

>> No.353407

Just to clarify my position, I'm in 50% BTC and 50% LTC.

The most important aspect of this technology is the blockchain.
The public ledger is all and it's security is paramount.
Any gimmick or functionality can be layered on top of it with client updates wallets.
What matters is longevity and reliability.

>> No.353452

i think that's wrong... that's about how much the top holder has and amDOGE actually isn't the highest.

>> No.353454

The person asked about Dogecoins, the guy gave an answer in regards to Pandacoins because he's an idiot.

>> No.353461

shit, lol. i just realized the original poster said doge as well.

>> No.353467

Well it is most likely right in regards to PND because I've seen amDOGE post a wallet with ~1.7B PND and that was weeks ago.

>> No.353477

fast rises worry me, but growth isn't bad. Panda's had both, so that actually makes me wonder what the crash is going to look like.

HOWEVER, even with the inevitability of a crash, i know there are enough major people in the community to keep it from becoming completely trashed.

cryptos are only as valuable as the community thinks it is, and this community is pretty damn good.

>> No.353478

new thread when?

>> No.353479

why do we still fucking use Cryptsy, it's so shit. Are there really no better alternatives?

>> No.353480

>why do we still fucking use Cryptsy,

because they have fiat pairing with certain cryptocurrencies and service and merchants seem to find it easy for converting their cryptos immediately

>> No.353482
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>because they have fiat pairing with certain cryptocurrencies
Did they activate it???

>> No.353484

>Did they activate it???

i thought it was already active

They never activated it ?

Why the hell did the http://bongocoin.com/ guy want PND to be on cryptsy to accept their service ?

>> No.353490

why the heck is LTC so low?

>> No.353500


>> No.353503

Why would DRK affect LTC? That don't make no sense.

>> No.353504
File: 51 KB, 597x519, 1388815062784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luckily I'm the bongocoin guy.
We use Cryptsy and they API's as transaction back-end and for quote calculation.

The calculation for a direct quote can be quite complicated:

Suppose you want to buy this Wifi Adapter for 17.80 Candadian Dollar and want to pay with Dogecoin:


The back-end first has to calculates the current CAD/EUR exchange rate, then the BTC/EUR exchange rate on Kraken (with global order book sensitivity) and finally the DOGE/BTC exchange rate on cryptsy. After this is done our premium is added and the result displayed as output on the website.

>> No.353532

people like to sell and jump on the newest wave

>> No.353561

New Thread:

>> No.353599

>We use Cryptsy and they API's as transaction back-end and for quote calculation.

arent there other exchanges whose API you could use ?