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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 140x157, 90584359328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3527638 No.3527638 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3527675

I made 5 accounts. 35 ETH, not too bad.

>> No.3527690
File: 39 KB, 433x488, FKKKKKKKKK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the email i got


>> No.3527695

i only planned to shove 5 ethers into it

i got 3 links though, i thought the cap was way lower

>> No.3527701

Bancor 2.0

>> No.3527717

>mfw I have more accounts than I have ether

selling em for 1 eth each

>> No.3527725
File: 6 KB, 183x183, kCzd0h37_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>comparing 300million ICO to 30million ICO

>> No.3527743

> tfw also a 7'er

>> No.3527777

You're a true businessman

>> No.3527803

I have three accounts, selling them for .7 ETH each.

Contact me at chainlinkaccounts@protonmail.com

>> No.3528043



>> No.3528069

I’ll sell you two links for 1 eth

>> No.3528076

Im also selling accounts. Email me at chainlinkwhitelist@gmail.com for more info

>> No.3528092
File: 30 KB, 325x305, 1505749718794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to complain but can't even fill the 7 ETH cap

>> No.3528115

>tfw I can fill it if I sell my OMGs

s-should I do it?

>> No.3528118

Email me @ lukedingo@gmail.com, I’m not going to use them so I’ll sell cheap sir

>> No.3528151

What does this means i cant put less than 7eth there?

>> No.3528176

Hi scam thread

>> No.3528187

Is someone cool just giving me their account theyre not gonna use come on be cool

>> No.3528193

I got you man, I have 3 addresses selling for 0.3 ethereum each email me at lankyman77@yahoo.com

>> No.3528209
File: 249 KB, 595x745, clainlink_link_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you send eth from same wallet to different links?

>> No.3528218


I swear there are actual 5 year olds on this board. Browsing on a fucking Toys R Us tablet or something.

>> No.3528235

Didnt even get a email.........

>> No.3528238


If that's your plan, why not just set up another wallet under a VPN to be safe?

>> No.3528253

I buy all the accounts you guys have for 0.2 each.

Email me at petedwyke@gmail.com

>> No.3528269

kekd, good 1

>> No.3528276

I'm probably older than you faggot and this is my first ico i made a legit question fuck off

>> No.3528277

This coin seems almost 100% hype based

>> No.3528279


>> No.3528296

I just want all the anons that missed the gravy train to know, I'll only be buying 0.5 ETH worth


>> No.3528297

So lads, price speculations?
>Crowdsale likely to be over in an hour

>> No.3528320

Should have stayed in school then, you dumb faggot. Reading comprehension = 0.

>> No.3528349

Damn, that's way higher than I thought.

Figured it would be 1 ETH per, max

sheeeeeit i made 20 emails

>> No.3528353

Email address doesn't work, contact me at chainlinkaccounts@protonmail.com

>> No.3528389

I have probably higher education than you i havent read shit stop being a little bitch be helpful or sit on 100k dildos

>> No.3528405

Nice punctuation.

>> No.3528422

If I put in 2 ETH, how much will I profit?

>> No.3528433

you get 20 eth congrats anon

>> No.3528435

>I have probably higher education than you
kek'd audibly

>> No.3528448

Will it be over after 19th? I will get money like 20th 21th. Will it be too late?

>> No.3528466

Meant you. I got whitelisted why can't I wait like 3-4 days to invest?

>> No.3528472


Def too late. Email says they expect to sell out in hours if not less

>> No.3528475

if multiple accounts work then we don't have whale buy pressure on exchange hit, on the other hand they might work out so well it sells out insta, in which case we have BAT BUY FOMO

>> No.3528477

I got some extra accounts. Shoot me an email: delinezion@gmail.com

>> No.3528492

Should I send ETH directly from my exchange or go through a wallet first?
I can't set transaction tip size on the exchange, but I assume since it's ETH it's fast enough anyways

>> No.3528499

Implying punctuation means anything at all in this shithole you're such a cuck

Keep selling your scam accounts pajeet that's all you're good for

>> No.3528536

You will not get your tokens if you send from exchange

>> No.3528543

can't do from an exchange. get a wallet set up a my ether wallet

>> No.3528554

We are guaranteed our caps until 20th @ 1:00 UTC, no? At least that's what it says on my sale link.

>> No.3528569

You need to send ETH from an ERC-20 compatible wallet. Don't send funds directly from an exchange.

If you don't own a wallet yet, i recommend myetherwallet.

ETH tips for captcha solving:

>> No.3528583

aight, thanks

no, it's only guaranteed to that time if they don't reach their total funding target BEFORE that, which they think they will

>> No.3528592

You can't even fill a 7 ETH cap, just off yourself.
inb4 'I probably have more money than you'. Yeah, I doubt that very much.
Your lack of punctuation and wording just shows how lazy and dumb you are.

>> No.3528596

whats the total market cap gonna be of this thing

>> No.3528597

top kek this autists going nuclear

>> No.3528598


ohohohooh bitches i got 1000 eth im gonna be a pimpppppppppp!

>> No.3528616

Kek this is getting funny
>pununctuactionm = money
mY pUNcTmnAtIOn

>> No.3528621


>> No.3528624

I have 2 emails each at 7 ETH limit. I only have 14 ETH right now. I'm just gonna go all in on this shit and hope I come out alive.

>> No.3528639


>> No.3528647

how do I get into the crowdsale?

>> No.3528660

pay me 1 eth and i give you my invite

>> No.3528664

Is this expected to make some good gains? Kind of a high coin volume??

>> No.3528679

No, I said you're poor because you can't fill a 7 ETH cap.

>> No.3528688

I have 20 emails and 15 are for sale.

>> No.3528710

M..ummmmy someone is calling me poor and autistic on the interneeet

>> No.3528711

sent :^)

>> No.3528738


>> No.3528741
File: 93 KB, 300x200, 1434543036945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the title of the mail? REEEEEEEEE DIDNT GET ANYTHING

>> No.3528745

>We think there could be a long period in which these tokens are in low demand, and during this time, people will be forced to hold the bag. -1.5
>We think the legacy oracle networks that are being sought out to join the revolution will need some real incentives to do so. The value of the token will have to be there for them, as well as the value in disrupting their own existing business models. -1.5

>The whitepaper gives the least detail about the token itself, which is problematic. Here is the thing: the idea behind the system is sound, the technology being used to implement it is sold. But does it actually need an ICO to successfully launch? Why does it require its own token? It would seem obvious that the oracles themselves would have incentive to keep their network and access to their own data constant.


>The actual current team of Chainlink is just the pair Sergey Nazarov and Steve Ellis. One assumes they’ll hire the rest of the talent they need, but it is disconcerting to see just two people actually involved up to date.
>Ellis previously worked at Pivotal Labs.
>Nazarov’s qualifications seem to be that he was early to cryptocurrency.

yeah, nah, thanks.

>> No.3528764

Join the Chainlink discord


>> No.3528783

You faggot don't even know anything about it. It has a working product. Stay poor.

>> No.3528800

I just want this fucking ICO to end already so that I either get my LINK or my ETH back. They've been holding my ETH while not telling me what the fuck is going to happen with the presale.

>> No.3528829

HAHA stay poor idiot

>> No.3528841

terrible fud

>> No.3528871


The problem is they don't actually have a reason to think this. It's a function of market cap and demand, and we have a high demand with a low market cap. It's obviously going to sell out quick which means the true demand is above what the 32M hardcap is. Worst case scenario you simply are "holding bags" above what you bought in at anyway. Honestly this is so painfully obvious it's unclear why it even needs to be explained to this author and to you using some arbitrary pajeet point system pretending to know what they're talking about

>> No.3528875

>We think there could be a long period in which these tokens are in low demand
I don't see why
>We think the legacy oracle networks that are being sought out to join the revolution will need some real incentives to do so.
It doesn't need these (whatever they are, never heard of any other oracle network besides realitykeys and oraclize, both of which aren't networks but just single providers) to succeed, they're already in the process of building their own oracle network, they have reserved tokens to incentivize this, and node operators will be paid of course.

That analysis makes no mention of the staking functionality (which also needs LINK tokens)

The team has been delivering working projects to paying clients for years, I don't think this will be a problem.

>> No.3528910

I'll buy after the dip, and you'll be me selling your LINKs for cheap ;^)

>> No.3528936
File: 52 KB, 930x1013, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted in the other chainlink thread as well. I am having 2 links I don't need anymore. Just got them today (registered weeks ago). I didnt thought I would get a confirmation and participated in the presale. If someone wants the links message me at maxbusch1993@gmail.com

>> No.3528946

The team seems to be keeping quiet about staking. Probably so the SEC won't see LINK as a security at the time of the crowdsale.

>> No.3528987

Stfu greedy cunts

>> No.3529005

1 Link = 1 Lambo when?

>> No.3529067

yea itll dip after it goes 10x ico, so have fun buying for 5x

>> No.3529073


>> No.3529088

I have 3 spare links, will sell for 0.1 eth each. Email me at efbz@airmail.cc

>> No.3529152

If you have multiple email links can you send them all from the same MEW wallet or should I go to the trouble of making another MEW wallet?

>> No.3529187

are the tokens available day of crowdsale or what

>> No.3529191
File: 468 KB, 1074x1797, SmartSelectImage_2017-09-18-14-24-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have 1 link, dont plan on using it. Email me crazyhotwings@hotmail.com

>> No.3529262

are you a burger?

>> No.3529291


>> No.3529325


Some people are selling whitelists in this discord

>> No.3529359

Be smart people, there is no guarantee at all that any of these people will send you the link they say they have. Scam playground.

>> No.3529385

I have like 12 whitelist does anybody need it?

>> No.3529388

Hit me up with your offer - selling whitelisted accounts / did some successful Kyber sells too - Whitelistkyber1@gmx.ch

>> No.3529494

Too much talk and hype BEFORE the ico.
>Always do the opposite of what /biz/ tells you
I am not interested in participating in this.
I will give away my email link for free

>> No.3529578



>> No.3529681

When the ICO opens tomorrow, can I send Eth to my link through Bittrex?

>> No.3529728

Send your ETH to me anon, I'll broker the deal for you :^)

>> No.3529737

>Too much talk and hype BEFORE the ico.
Why's that bad again? 0x was the same way.

>> No.3529742

God damn it. So it has to be through a wallet, huh? Spoon feed me please.

I'll send you .001 DGB in return.

>> No.3529841

Just set up MyEtherWallet, easy peasy. Download your key file to access your wallet. Copy send address from the link you were sent and you're good to go

>> No.3529844

Selling account. Name your price I really don't care.


>> No.3529871
File: 380 KB, 780x773, 1499196646405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All tips to
0x89be660c4f9Ef474A6b3CF1A9E5B12CB7BBe64d5 blz

>> No.3529913

Selling one account (0.5 eth), contact me at chainlink.link@protonmail.com

>> No.3529936

How retarded are you?

>> No.3529968
File: 99 KB, 722x657, ChainLink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone has been shilling ChainLink very actively here the whole month.
There has been ChainLink shilling threads almost every day.
There is no point in shilling an ICO in which you are going to participate yourself cause that will only cause harm to yourself. >more investors filling the cap more quickly.

>> No.3530084

what was even the point of ethbet with chainlink upcoming

>> No.3530266


>> No.3530282

Selling account for 2 BTC

>> No.3531105
