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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 200x200, omisego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3515536 No.3515536 [Reply] [Original]

Let me redpill you on this /biz/

I'll tell you why you need stop whatever you're doing right now to invest in OMG right NOW and which problem they're solving.

First of all, Omise already has a working company with more than 50,000 merchants. Each of these is a potential user of OMG. They also have Vitalik as an advisor and a really good dev team, you won't find a dev team like this again, and if you do, you should be investing.

Alright, with that out of the way,

the payment processing industry is one of the biggest in the world with more than $3.5 trillion per year. They're third party companies like debit, credit, paypal, alipay etc. and they get paid a fee for each transaction.

The problem with all those payment processors: It's closed.
For example, you can't transfer money from paypal to alipay without having an account on both sites, your money is trapped by design, so they can hold on to as many fees as possible.

OMG wants to be the bridge, it's linking all digital assets.

Essentially, it will allow you to freely move any and all digital assets across any traditional or non-traditional payment network.

With OMG, you're also investing in a platform, which is huge. Devs can build payment applications without the process of setting up an international payment network.

The 50,000 merchants will lead to a rapid adoption of OMG in Asia. Southeast Asia is the worlds fastest growiing region in terms of internet use, adding 3.8 million new internet users per month.

2 billion people don't have a bank account, in southeast asia alone, 420 million peple don't have an account. That's 70% of the regions population. Omise is the best and only solution those people have been looking for, because the network of OMG with its 50,000 merchants can collect cash and grant access to the OMG blockchain without the need for an account.

It's unique and gives Omise a huge competitive edge in one of the fastest growing digital payments markets in the world.


>> No.3515544

Southeast Asia will only be the beginning for OMG, you'll see widespread adoption across the globe soon after

People will choose OMG over traditional payment providers because:

1) OMG doesn't require you to have a bank account, this is a huge competitive edge
2) OMG has way lower costs, it's already 50% cheaper. Once the blockchain goes live, expect the costs to drop by another 60%. OMG doesn't have to pay for the blockchain infrastructure, we do that for them. The holders of OMG, aka staking.

OMG holders will be able to stake their coins, this basically means you take coins out of circulation. You still own them, but you can't spend them. The reward you get for staking coins is a share of the transaction fees generated by the OMG network. This means you can get a cut of every single transaction that goes across the blockchain.

As the network grows, so will the fees.

Imagine for the last 60 years you were able to get a cut of every transaction across the visa network.

If OMG can only capture 0.5% of visa's market, it will process 20 billion per year. If we assume a 1% transaction fee, that's 200 million per year with a total of only 140 million OMG tokens. That's more than a dollar per token, just in fees.

It can (and most likely will) become the payment platform the whole world uses, it's better in every way. If this happens, it could easily achieve a $250 billion valuation. That would put OMG at more than $1500 per coin.
OMG will be to payments what Microsoft Windows was to the PC market.

This is your chance to make life-changing gains, don't miss out on this.

Remember this post when you're driving your lambo, anon.


>> No.3515547
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I think somebody's knees are gettin weak, arms are heavy. mom's spaghetti

>> No.3515559

you're forgetting the merger of omise/omisego. Jun already said on twitter everything will become one. So anywhere they use facepay is also a bonus for us like the 240mcd locations.

Once the merge happens and everything is running on plasma this coin will explode

>> No.3515560

How heavy are your bags, anon?

>> No.3515578

when is the merger and plasma?

>> No.3515605

We don't know either yet. Kyber news has shown plasma is up an running for almost a month now so it could be very soon

>> No.3515656

The problem with altcoins (or more correctly with altcoin investors) that they follow Bitcoin like dogs. There was no fucking reason for OMG to drop that hard because of China since they have very few volume over there. So in short term none of this matters if BTC crashes OMG will dip.

>> No.3515658

i have 32. will i make it?

>> No.3515676

wtf are you talking about? it was $11 before the crash and $10 now. lowest was $8 and it was a quick dip.

>> No.3515696

The bots are programmed to trade it along w/ btc

>> No.3515719
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OMG will crash together with BTC to $4 again faggots.

>> No.3515744

nice delusion. it crashed from $13.70 to $6.51, keep coping

>> No.3515780

techcrunch is tomorrow also.

>> No.3515792
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Sounds to me that you are the one coping here. .
However will you live in the future knowing we told you to buy and you didnt?

>> No.3515894

No such thing as heavy bags with OMG, shit doesn't dump

>> No.3516003

ok mr salesman, explain to me why would the entire world use omg rather than bitcoin/ltc/monero whatever? you don't need any platform
looks like now we have tens of currencies that basicly have the same principles yet every shill is so convinced his coin is the one

>> No.3516059

You want to see s real team?




>> No.3516060

OMG is not a currency. It is a token which will be used to convert and convey other currencies and fiat through its platform. The value will come from staking. Basically you will get transaction fees from every transaction according to how much token you have.

>> No.3516114

I'm with you man. Lot of biz like to shill and chase shitcoins of the week

>> No.3516143
File: 55 KB, 1129x291, rsedfgrerfgre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is it doing

>> No.3516178

OMG is shit, its only going down from here. You need a high circulation currency, right now im investing in DOGE, good luck to you all and see you on the other side.

>> No.3516234

accumulating before we blast off to $20

>> No.3516244

sorry to say that, i already cashed out at $12, bought at $2.37, will rebuy when btc finds bottom and double my stack and ride the wave again

>> No.3516307

If you are so sure about BTC dumping why not just margin trade with leverage and became a millionare.

>> No.3516349

DOGE will never build its reputation from being an obvious PnD

>> No.3516371

>investing in doge
obvious b8 is obvious

>> No.3516421
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>We're all gonna get rich off a bunch of poor rice farmers who just got the internet.
>And then we're going to become the main payment platform for the entire world.

Why are OMG hodlers so delusional? Nobody else has expectations this unrealistic.

>> No.3516435
File: 4 KB, 1583x29, fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also check out my lowest buy in and project harder latefag

>> No.3516447

Well i will be content if that shit even hits 20 before this year ends so i don't care.

>> No.3516455

lol you bought 54

Do you really think that means shit?

>> No.3516615

yes i go allin everytime, i don't buy the way up like i already wrote moron.
also $33 dollar in, $650 out looks pretty smart to me for lowest buyin, but keep beeing salty latefag

>> No.3516637


Name an altcoin that held it's USD pair better during the past week's dip to <$3k BTC

>> No.3516682


Are we expecting any news to drop this week?

>> No.3516821



>> No.3516841

So this technology can differentiate asian faces? That sounds top-notch!

>> No.3516924
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I'm down, but I'm a retarded nigger. I have my buttcoins at Coinbase... How do I buy OMG?

>> No.3516948


Yeah, but that doesn't mean news. Jun is going to be on a panel that should be interesting, and it will probably generate a lot of interest in OMG, making the price go up. But that is no guarantee of news.

>> No.3516967


>> No.3516984

pls leave

>> No.3517007

>sign up on bittrex
>send btc to bittrex
>sell btc for omg

>> No.3517089


>> No.3517313

This is by far my favourite coin to trade, I haven't had an unprofitable trade from it

>> No.3517442


what pair are you finding most profitable to trade?

>> No.3517485
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>"""relevant""" company

>> No.3517503

This coin has a high market cap and I see it talked up and overhyped endlessly on reddit and social media. Just look at the number of subscribers on their subreddit compared to others with similar market caps. That tells me that a large portion of the market cap is not "smart money" (because people on reddit and here are not smart).

>> No.3517525

I havn't made a single good trade with it. btc/omg is the single worst performance i've put on.

>> No.3517625

I have good vibes about OMG.
Long term hodl for me.

>> No.3517692
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, spreadsheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing ETH-OMG on Bittrex

>> No.3517771

It was around 250k to 270k the entire time btc was plummeting

>> No.3517889


nice, friend. i don't trade but considering starting to get into it with very small amounts.
did you create this spreadsheet yourself?

>> No.3518375

Now these accumulations have been juicy but it has been essentially the same price for over a week.
Pretty boring hodl.

>> No.3518700


Boring, yeah. Much better than crashing though.

>> No.3518720

Ugh, this is terrible. It takes you 2 fucking posts to say Buy OMG cause "reasons"? Just awful. This is a good example of why /biz/ is shit.

>> No.3519113
File: 175 KB, 1044x906, Divergence-LogScale-BTC-OMG-ETH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we're all gonna make it

>> No.3519154

>OMG lets you send money almost free to different assets

>Have to exchange whatever currency you have to OMG first on that site and pay huge comission / exchange fee

>Do the same again on new site

top lel

>> No.3519160


Messed up the lower panel, its BTC / ETH ratio not BTC / OMG

tl;dl OMG is now decoupled from BTC logarithmically meaning the likely performance is going to outpace btc by orders of magnitude for the rest of the year

>> No.3519180

Well I decided to trade 3.5 buttcoins for this, I hope I didn't just get memed out of half my monies.

>> No.3519332

how many omg do you need for staking?

>> No.3519556


>> No.3519610

>already at 1 BILLION cap

enjoy the fall

>> No.3519669

Here's what people are missing by even remotely comparing OMG to any other altcoin.


OMG is being given privileged access to Plasma, well before any other token will be able to use it. Read the official OmiseGo user on Reddit. They discuss how they are the ONLY token which will operate on Plasma.

They are essentially officially an Ethereum side chain. Vitalik's involvement is much more than just an advisorship. Omise donated ***$100,000*** to the Ethereum Foundation back in 2014. They saw THAT early that ETH was THAT big and could fork out a sizeable donation when they were only a year old company.

This has been in the works for years. Payments is the first and most obvious dapp use case. Omise set out specifically to grow organically in the perfect market for the years leading up to implementation.

And what's more, as a side chain to Ethereum, they are going to have access to the entire network of ERC20 tokens.

They have a half lap start over every single other alt coin AND have privileged access to superior technology for some time.

So I invite any altcoiner to tell me why ARK or whatever is going to moon -- altcoin's largely redundant technologies are starting from GROUND ZERO in networking.

Omise has every advantage you could possibly hope for.

>> No.3519763

It didn't really dip. If you're measuring its value in btc->fiat then yes it went down but that's stupid

>> No.3519774



3500 billion industry

1 bil cap seems reasonable

>> No.3519785

>token does absolutely nothing
>everything based on rumor and hype
>1 bil cap reasonable

>> No.3519823

>>token does absolutely nothing

Did you even read the thread

>> No.3519843

Omise Go did not dip more than .00030 during the crash, once we return to the reg 4500, Omise Go will be around 15 bucks mates~


>> No.3519898

>Windows 10

>> No.3519936

guys just look at this fucking chart

we are mooning harder than ever this week

anyone who sells below 350k sats is an idiot

>> No.3520172


Did you even read the thread

>> No.3520197

What does anything other than eth or xmr do

>> No.3520202

I'm considering going all in. I already have a lot but...

The market cap is a billion but I could see it going to at least 5 within the next year.

>> No.3520212

Every countries are creating their own coin. China creates NEO. Korea is also working on their ETH. Why would other countries let OMG earn all the money when they can earn the money themselves?

>> No.3520231

The name of the game is decentralization. Why create your own coin when you can own a large stack of an already successful coin that's going places? They don't know how to make their own and they'll fail at providing anything new.

Have you met the kids in college that go onto work in government? They're not the brightest bunch in their chosen field.

>> No.3520324
File: 29 KB, 398x394, 1391994832719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God help me anon I sold at ATL during chinese dip and I have a hard time getting back in without fucking it up.
I still can't even predict if Wall street is going to dump or pump on a Monday.

>> No.3520388


Feeling comfy!

>> No.3520470

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.3520573


what about the chart though? where's your TA

>> No.3520953

Any link to Omise funding the Ethereum Foundation back in 2014? I havent heard that one before. If true this token makes a lot more sense and it has a lot more potential.

>> No.3521054



at 1:50

>> No.3521067


Except thats exactly whats happening

Deluded omgers stuck in their own little bubble dont even know whats going on in the outside world

>> No.3521168

Uploaded about a year ago, very interesting. I assume this was about the same time that they started dreaming up OmiseGO. Pretty forward thinking of these guys to see the potential of dapps in their field, I can see why Money Skell is on board.

>> No.3521320

Wait never mind in their whitepaper they claim to have funded the Ethereum Foundation's DEVGRANTS initiative in 2015

>> No.3521810

OMG is not fucking currency. Read >>3516060

>> No.3521882

Kek, you have to have hints of autism in your DNA not to make a profit from this OMG history.

>> No.3521927

thats your problem. dont try to predict ATH or ATL. Not one retard in all of 4chan or wall street can time a market.

>> No.3521936

while I don't think it'll be worht $1500 at least not for like 20 fucking years if it survives that long. I think this is definitely something worth holding, not some useless shitcoin.

>> No.3521944

>/biz/ lemme tell ya why you need to buy into this coin that's been pumped all the way to saturn and has been shilled on this board non stop
Wow, this coin looks new and exciting!

>> No.3521952

sitting on 492 omisego, most of them bought around 100k, not enough to make me a multi millionaire, but enough for me to have a dream :) :) :)

>> No.3521994

Techcrunch tomorrow at 9:45-10:10 with Bancor/Pantera Capital/OmiseGo. Then stay tuned for a Mom/Daughter team who sell bottled breast milk.

Only the best go first.

>> No.3522015

ark lol

>> No.3522025

look unless you literally saw like 100% gains in one day off no major news, you never sell omisego, it is that special. You hold this to your grave, and leave this shit for your children.

>> No.3522031
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>> No.3522047

>The value will come from staking. Basically you will get transaction fees from every transaction according to how much token you have.

How exactly?

>> No.3522053

ARK was my biggest bag since 40 cents, I sold at 3.00 and bought omise go. everyone doubted ark and everyone will doubt omise until its too late.

>> No.3522089

>everyone will doubt omise until its too late.

>> No.3522134

only dumb no omgers doubt omg.
it is the most consistent coin on the market

>> No.3522234

Red candle! fuck! sell!
Green candle fuck! buy!

>> No.3522253

Ayo hol up. You be sayin dis nigger gonna be sum taiwanese ETH?

>> No.3522796

So if this shit some how runs off ether. Why not just hodl eth? It's a lot safer of a investment.

>> No.3522837

Cuz market cap is only 1B still easy 10x+

>> No.3522844

Because eventually Omg will be it's own platform that works in unison with Eth.

>> No.3522855

Ark still has so much further to go, friend. Hope you board again soon.

>> No.3522864

Should I buy more ark, add OMG or monero to my portfolio?

>> No.3523360

Eth was shilled like hell here when it was at 10 usd. You're welcome newfag

>> No.3523410

it also fell for a long while before mooning again

>> No.3523430

OMG is the first officially endorsed clone of ETH.


>> No.3523551

I literally can't sleep right now. I just went all in on OMG at $11. I know all they're doing is talk about nothing and then after them is milkies, But the money skeleton is with Jun. What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.3523628

Ark didn't just hold it, it went up.

>> No.3523637

Then what happened?

>> No.3523723

WAIT a sec, you're maths are wrong
Assuming 140m tokens and 200m per year, and 100pc share of profits, we get 1usd per year per token
So how does each token get to be worth 1500?

>> No.3523738

That's the return just for staking >1000 OMG.

>> No.3524813

bump for best coin

>> No.3525173

>That tells me that a large portion of the market cap is not "smart money" (because people on reddit and here are not smart).

This is whats slowly dawning on me.

>> No.3525183

You're both a little retarded I see.
Do you not know the benefits of marketing? Do you really think marketcap is going to stay at 1 billion?

>> No.3525191

And yet we make the most gains with the least amount of money.

>> No.3525244

Pay attention to the amount of "smart" money heavily invested into this coin. One way of doing so is seeing just how much people are holding on to this coin and not selling. Through the good times and bad. Relatively speaking.

>> No.3525294


You're wrong bruh, lowest was 6. The BTC bleed was heavy on all coins apart from ark

>> No.3525358

crypto newfag here

i got 100$ worth of bitcoin from a good friend for my bday.

my friend got me this program called exodus.io and its on my desktop and all my buttcoins are in there.
so this program has a build in "market" and i can buy this OMG shit there.. is this a good move or im i doing it wrong?

>> No.3525378

Yeah nothing wrong with that.

>> No.3525400

wow someone replied to me this time, thanks man

since i only have 100$ should i go all in in this OMG? should i buy now or wait maybe for a price to drop a little. i have no idea what im doing btw

>> No.3525419

OMG is predictable and stable, would be a good call for steady gains

>> No.3526182


Smart choice, you'll be drowning in money if they can do what they want to do

>> No.3526302

What do you all think of this?
>$3.64 USD income per token staked per year

>> No.3526367

wait for the next dip. buy in at 265-270k.

>> No.3526388

Well written article.
But we already know with omg the sky is the limit.
IF they pull it off.

Im very bullish about omg but it could still fail.

>> No.3527032

You should know that you have to pay transaction fees with ether, so if you don't have any ether you can't send your OMG to anyone

>> No.3527046

You can of course convert some omg to ether on exodus, if you want to send it

>> No.3527048

Hey OP you stupid faggot I bought yesterday and its a fucking dud selling this for some thing that will actually make me gains

>> No.3527093
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lmao you deserve to be poor. Disrupt starts in 15 minutes fagboy

>> No.3527120

will there be a livestream of techcrunch?

>> No.3527126

Whales can't dump these bags fast enough

>> No.3527136

I feel like this is a OMG circlejerk. Can someone list the disadvantages?

>> No.3527150

It seems to be a bag of hot air I personally would wait for the huge impending dip

>> No.3527317

It might all be lies.
If you like lies, buy some neo.

>> No.3527331
File: 145 KB, 960x642, 1502337636272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Techcrunch livestream with Jun.

>> No.3527361

Its a disaster SELL SELL SELL

>> No.3527363


>> No.3527367

>what was the question again

Holy fuck its over

>> No.3527368
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>> No.3527373

for someone who can barely speak English, he's doing a pretty good job in front of a huge crowd and a mic in his face. anyone would be nervous.

>> No.3527383

Delduded OMGERS price has already tanked and whales are long gone

>> No.3527384

this is a trainwreck dude

>> No.3527396

lol low effort FUD

>> No.3527460

this talk is not looking very good, i might sell

>> No.3527462

Lol everyone is so tense

>> No.3527487
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>> No.3527592 [DELETED] 


The thread you're looking for is over here


>> No.3527657

If omg market cap increases wont eth also?

>> No.3527742

The talk was a complete failure! Very sad! You all need to sell now if you want to avoid losses!

>> No.3527893

sold, looking to buy back after dip. Sell for eth not btc, vitalik speaking in una hora

>> No.3527990

Just bought 555.9 OMG.

>> No.3528008

Omg is an ETH clone and will be running on it's own chain.

>> No.3528126
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>up 91.99%

>> No.3528879

Holy shit... sell sell sell