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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3520078 No.3520078 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3520096

i hate bat so much
so fucking much

and all of you as well!

>> No.3520131

Pajeet horseshit.

>> No.3520141
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>> No.3520148

do I even need to say it?

>> No.3520149
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>> No.3520155
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Deluded BATies will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, no browser, and no crypto.

>> No.3520161

Ahahahahahah RIP OP and any other BAT holders.

>> No.3520163

Do BATards realize like 6 people own 80% of all tokens? This shit will be dumped on for ever

>> No.3520165



>> No.3520168
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>"i hate my stupid self for not buying in when i had the chance"

>> No.3520213
File: 238 KB, 1418x1450, Screenshot_20170917-184928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look you guys I put it on one min candles and it's totally going dow

>> No.3520225

>1minute charts

hi retarded 12 year old

back to /v/ with you

>> No.3520240

>brave browser


>> No.3520242
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Stay salty princesses

>> No.3520244

yep, coinbase, bitpay, agencies who are keeping 80 % of coins in cold storage for 10 years. once people realize just how few bat are for sale its going 3-4x

>> No.3520247

1 minute candles are fine as long as you keep a good sense of scale

>> No.3520276

it's not a bad browser.

>> No.3520294

Yea but will normies actually use it

>> No.3520298

I've been using brave for 6 months pretty happy with it

>> No.3520313
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>tfw the whales are finally on your side

s-s-surely its not artificial right lads?

>> No.3520332

33 btc is trying to buy 2 btc on the first page.

This means moon.

>> No.3520345



>> No.3520378
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I have for 8 weeks or so now. I love it. It is noticeably snappier than chrome. Although I do miss some extensions (like imgur, better twitchtv, etc.).

I've completely abandoned google. Brave, duckduckgo, protonmail

>> No.3520389
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>> No.3520390

I installed it recently, any way to get my chrome extensions and shit? I miss 4chanx and stuff

>> No.3520416

Just sold all my bat, thanks for free shekkels

>> No.3520419

Not true.

Though number of PC users isnt disclosed it already has over 600k android users.
T_D has been pushing using Brave browser pretty hard as a means to take out Google & Youtuber Black Pidgeon Speaks make a hefty endorsement of it. Use of it could snowball.

>> No.3520428
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Bought at .16, should I sell now?

>> No.3520440

sell after mercury comes out

>> No.3520441

Depends on how much you have.

>> No.3520452

when's that? this week?

>> No.3520460


>> No.3520480

comfy hodl

>> No.3520484

ya'll FUDers are fucking dumb, got in on BAT a few days ago, I'm just happy to make money, don't feel no need to rub it in peoples faces or FUD the fuck out of something that might have a little but of promise...I'm just looking to get paid

>> No.3520527

first day on /biz/?

>> No.3520557


>unironically using the reddit laugh

>> No.3520598

BAT mercury hits Friday. pump up to prior ath 14k

>> No.3520604

no been on /biz/ for over a month...i just want to contribute

>> No.3520626

people who still do not believe in bat, stay poor faggot!

>> No.3520643

>that feelio when I sold some on the way up because I thought it was just gonna go back down again

I fucked up bat bros

>> No.3520725

Boyo boy am I glad I didn't sell at 6300

>> No.3520728

You're not a bro anymore

>> No.3520745

Fuck you I sold at 6200 I want back in

>> No.3520840

Wtf are you talking about, there's a bigass wall at 7k

>> No.3520874

and a few hours ago there was a bigger wall at 6500.

The fact of the matter is trying to trade off of these "walls" is a fools errand, whales just set them up to fuck with people like you.

>> No.3520907

boom, headshot

>> No.3520913

Yeah, I realize how walls work. What I don't realize is why OP thinks there's a "free path to 10k"

>> No.3520941


>> No.3521009

Look at the orderbook, it's going to at least ~7.5k when the wall's dropped. Idk about the 10k that OP stated tho.

>> No.3521027
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>> No.3521287

There's still lots of room in the bat cave y'all :)

>> No.3522014

eeeeeh we are cringing at you anon.

please leave this board now

>> No.3522027
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Advertisers will have to purchase BAT to pay for their ads soon

>> No.3522032

if you made money who cares, dont beat yourself up.

>> No.3522113
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>> No.3522151

is it too late to get in?

>> No.3522165

Couldn't tell you but as a rule it's best to buy dips friendo. That being said, it's on a steady climb so you might be able to sneak in and get some gains before the Mercury update.

>> No.3522189
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is the power of the best team

>> No.3522210

Where's the asian girl's sword?

>> No.3522228

I did that with antshare/neo at 10.50 before it mooned. THAT'S pain. Something like 8+ bitcoin I missed out on. My lesson from it is sticking with a project if I believe in it, only pull out if all you believe in is the hype.

>> No.3522238

I think fuels running out, and we are headed to a small dip, what do you guys think?

>> No.3522254

no one wants to sell enough for enough of a dip

>> No.3522259

consolidation then another pump

>> No.3522293

i thought this is the dip

>> No.3522300

I got 0.03 btc that i need use to back in bat

>> No.3522367
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Hey Fuck HEads, what should I put my money in overnight for biggest GAINZ? XVG or BAT?


>> No.3522374

Haha haha haha haha haha haha

>> No.3522388

OkAy so u answered my question HO im gonna SWITCH Thanks man hi five lets get some SHMUNEY

>> No.3522407

Are we gonna see sub-5k BAT again? I wanna buy in but I'm not sure if it'll keep going

>> No.3522445

depends on what bitcoin does. if it crashes to ~3000USD again, maybe. otherwise, no.

>> No.3522453

ignore that, i'm drunk posting. if bc crashes you might see sub 20c again, otherwise she's going up.

>> No.3522460

As a former BAT holder, anyone not taking profits and looking for a re-entry point is clueless and I'm looking forward to your wojacks.

>> No.3522470

>Brave, protonmail
Me too nigga

>> No.3522486

Expecting dump?

>> No.3522495

This is why you only swing trade 10-75%.

>> No.3522500

ETH is about to make up ground on BTC. Take a guess at where the money will run.

>> No.3522513

What does that mean ? I don't really understand TA but trade based on if its a massive 24 hour pump where it goes 100-150% you know it will.dump but a long slow steady pump like bat is doing now is much less likely to dump (((((usually)))

>> No.3522633

How do you know this!!!! ?

>> No.3522675
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enjoy your sjw twitter-mob mail

>> No.3522733

It's magic!