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3516711 No.3516711 [Reply] [Original]

>going to college

Biggest mistake I made before hitting 30.

>> No.3516725


>> No.3516737

Sisa is such a piece of shit software

>> No.3516760


Cal Poly Pomona.

>> No.3516906


Let me fix this for you...

>going to college and not actually putting in the work

Stop fucking around and focus on your classes. You're paying for them. Don't mortgage your future for some shitty parties or the opportunity to get high every day (the rest of your life offers that).

>> No.3516939
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Bro, beat this
The grades are all /20

>> No.3516941

meh, my CS degree ensures I can find gainful employment anywhere in this country

worthy investment

>> No.3516955

Are you at Queen's University?

>> No.3517008


Sometimes people just don't have the aptitudes for what they're studying, or just plain aren't smart enough to be anywhere near a college. A trade would be better for most. I can play basketball with Yao Ming until the end of time, I'll never be 7'6.

>> No.3517013
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>barely passing business classes

fucking brainlets

>> No.3517038
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>Getting anything less than a 4.0 in a non-stem field.

You're either a normie who spends most of his/her time drinking and smoking pot, or you're a genuine idiot.

Either way, please kill yourself.

>> No.3517044

so you fail all those classes?
Also 01/20?
what are you even doing senpai

>> No.3517060

>literally can retake a failed exam
and people wonder why no one takes yurpoorean colleges seriously

>> No.3517068


I don't do drugs and I don't party. I do study and put in the effort.

>> No.3517069

no shame in it really, the first time you leave home you generally have to try really hard to focus. I ended up flunking out my first time and spent thousands and thousands of dollars that I just shit down the drain.

Did learn alot though, life experience, and I think it made me a better person. I didnt fuck around nearly as much when I tried again and everything turned out great.

>> No.3517072

I did two years of Community College before leaving for the Air Force

Pay and benefits are decent and they give you free housing and meals. Law School was too fucking expensive anyway

>> No.3517081

I bet he had sex at college, with a young, willing female, something you're unlikely to experience. Ever.

>> No.3517093

>barely scraping by with 2.02 gpa but it's ok I'm a Millionaire in 2018.

>> No.3517106

Wait, do you guys only have 1 chance to do an exam?>>3517068

>> No.3517139

>all those brainlet classes
>barely passing
And here I though /biz/ was full of intelligent informed investors. Time to sell all my crypto.

>> No.3517156

Yeah. If you fail, you fail the semester and have to retake the lesson next semester. Only 1 chance

>> No.3517167

>tfw GPA is 2.5
>tfw no internships or relevant experience
But none of that matters because all I have to do is double my money every month in crypto and I will be a millionaire on graduation day

>> No.3517175

>The grades are all /20

wtf? where do you live

>> No.3517178
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>> No.3517196

t. Jordan Peterson

>> No.3517206

I go to cpp too & am in the same college. I'm guessing you're a FRL major?

Here's a tip, get some Enigma once it hits ED and hold that shit with OMG and by the time you graduate in 3 years you will be filthy rich, which you can't say the same for 99.99% of people in the same position. The degree is the safe net that you will always have at hand so get it. Also, stop being dumb and get better grades, you need to make up a lot for going to this school in the first place.

>> No.3517208

That sounds like shit
Why are you proud about it lol, wouldn't you like 2 chances?


>> No.3517218

My GPA in BS is 2.5
JUST. I fucking despise my degree but its ranked well so i just want to finish it.

>> No.3517238


>being this salty

>> No.3517248
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>Finishing Geology degree

>Can't remember math for shit and have to pass Calc I and Linear Algebra in final year to get degree

Fuck my shit up senpai.

>> No.3517280
File: 10 KB, 697x191, ss+(2017-09-17+at+04.47.51).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these complete trash grades
Jesus guys come the fuck on, its not even that hard. My shits all paid for too.

>> No.3517283

Lol I had a feeling it was CPP I recognized that interface.

Yep CPP sucks. Didnt care much for it but whatever, had to get that piece of paper. Wish I fucked more girls though instead of being a beta faggot. If I knew what I knew now I would have gotten my dink wet way more. Instead just smoked weed and ate munchies at the village.
Get used to a medium tier education followed by wagecucking. Crypto is our only hope out of this boyo

>> No.3517310

get some addreall you stupid fuck

>> No.3517322

Apparently not enough
Oh wow, you really got him good!
Khan academy is your friend. They do a pretty good job of explaining calc in layman terms. You'll have to study a LOT and it will suck but you can do it mang.
>lelele wowe u so salty

>> No.3517394


Over some loser who gets C's in econ classes? I don't think you understand what the concept "salty" means.

>> No.3517405


What's you CCAF in? I use voc rehab now

>> No.3517411

seems like you're bad at making descisions...

>> No.3517414

>There are actually people who manage to get C's or below in their classes that aren't engineering-related

Fucking how?

>> No.3517427


sour grapes. You make it too obvious.

>> No.3517449

Same anon A and A- on every class almost. Biology undergrad here and now in graduate school., one year in and still A or A-. Just focus and study Don't do drugs or party, I worked around 30 hours a week and went to school full time. Did have luxury to live with parents. Like others said, don't fuck up tour future by being stupid.

>> No.3517495

Don't worry. I'm sure Hernie Panders will bail you out when you a bailout when you can't get a job.

All we have to do is create a tax on day trades, crypto investing, and those who went to trade school. It's ok though! You deserve it because you're a millennial and that means you're special!

>> No.3517524

Exams usually yes only one chance. Other assignments/quizzes usually a couple tries

>> No.3517528

>Just focus and study Don't do drugs or party,
You're going to regret not experiencing college

>> No.3517530


People have said that shit for years. It doesn't take a guy who construes everything to be Pinocchio and snakes and shit to see it.

>> No.3517552

This is what scares me about the future. All the unskilled labor is being automated and they expect everyone to become programmers and scientists. Ain't gonna happen. Most of the population just doesn't have the aptitude for it.

We're gonna need basic income soon or large swaths of the population is going to be economically discarded.

>> No.3517566

it's nothing you can't do out of college

>> No.3517575


We're going to need to stop letting everyone have as many kids as they want

UBI would be the biggest disaster in human history

>> No.3517578

Ehh, I've smoked a lot of weed and done a lot of psychedelics and still get straight A's. I've become convinced that investing in myself is worth it in the long run. I'm already living on my own at 21, why not go even deeper?

>> No.3517593

Low paying jobs being the ones at the most risk of automation is a naive thought. That has by-and-large already happened. the jobs that are on the chopping block are ones like programming. Anything done on computers has the clear and obvious potential to be done...by a computer.

>> No.3517603

B-but muh babiez! It's muh right! I need le free money I heard about on Reddit!

>> No.3517621


You couldn't make a more moronic post. Programmers are doing the outsourcing.

Once we've achieved programs that can "self program" we will have achieved singularity and humans will become entirely useless from the top to bottom. Programmers are the ones who will be turning the lights out on the way to human extinction.

>> No.3517643

I don't see robots going out to fix people's toilets or reshingle their roofs

>> No.3517644


>have monkey sex
>produce a $500/month burden on society

This issue needs addressed

>> No.3517651

except for the unskilled labor. There is no time in the near future where you will be able to deploy a team of autonomous roborts to build a house.

>> No.3517699

Kek. Reminds me of my grades and my major was probably much easier.
I just don't have the attention span for that kind of education. I either need the info to be practically forced down my throat or I need to be able to discover it on my own.

>"go learn this and write a paper/get tested on it next week"
Does nothing for me.

>> No.3517709


Also certain aspects of healthcare. Confident that my job as a nurse is assured for the rest of my life

>> No.3517733
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>tfw didn't even graduate HS.
>pic related is my bank account at 22 years old.

Enjoy your "education" uni cucks.

>> No.3517743


We won't be achieving AI singularity in the near future. But when (if) it ever happens the potential is boundless. We are talking about a brain that can build itself at will. That is what it would take to "automate" software development.

>> No.3517744

It sounds like you're just lazy as fuck and unwilling to do work.

>> No.3517783

What did you do?

>> No.3517811

exactly. the unskilled labor force has already beared a large amount of the force of automation with the death of manufacturing in the US. the next sector of jobs to be made obsolete from advancements in technology is technology

>> No.3518152

Or pajeets

>> No.3518819


Not all of us were upper middle class babbies.

>> No.3519525

Except you work 40 hours a week not surrounded by 10,000 beautiful women

>> No.3519558

>UBI would be the biggest disaster in human history

>> No.3519579

He murdered his parents and sold their house

>> No.3519600

At least i'm not a virgin

>> No.3519618

how do people get anything less than like a 3.8 gpa if their not in fucking engineering or higher tier STEM degree?

>> No.3519637

So you have less chances to make it? Sounds like a horrible system and a huge money sink.

I am very satisfied you have 2 chances to try for an exam. It's a great way to wake you up if you fail the first time that you have to study more.

IMHO not giving a second chance is just being a cunt. People make mistakes, it is bound to happen. At least give them a chance to make amends.

Seems like Murica is more cucked with this system not less.

Also OP, clearly this shit is not for you. Go and do something which you are proficient or more interested in.

>> No.3519643


>> No.3519652

Yeah just like you get a second chance if a bridge collapses because it was not designed properly. Fuck off commie safe space cunt.

>> No.3519667
File: 6 KB, 225x225, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, I changed to social sciences for one session and the program was a complete fucking joke, it made me realize how non-STEM courses were all a fucking joke and how even an 95 IQ brainlet could easily get over 85% average in the program courses. The psychology and business classes were so easy I felt insulted to be among such retards.

All these people are genuine idiots, I have more respect for the chinks and pajeets in my classes than those white-nigger trash in non-STEM programs.

>> No.3519690

I got a 3.36 GPA back as a mathematics major but I still felt like a complete fucking failure because I struggled so hard with the higher material. I was trying to take a bunch of master's level courses all at once because I thought I was such hot shit for basically finishing all the undergraduate stuff in high school.

That was a fucking disaster. Trying to learn algebraic topology, this graduate level abstract algebra stuff, and some graduate level analysis course all at the same time really fucked me over and I had to take a step back after doing fucking terribly that semester.

Went all the way back to shit like number theory, game theory, etc., just to clear my head for a semester before going back in.

Anyone not in STEM should have a 3.9 or higher GPA. Seriously.

>> No.3519694

Are you fucking stupid? You can do that AND get good grades in a non-stem field. Actually just realized judging from your post, you probably never went to college.

>> No.3519705

this is unrelated but how fucked is the accounting field going to be 20-50 years from now when it goes against the real automation machine. Will Accountants just evolve as a career or are they getting in the bread line

>> No.3519707

Having a second chance for a fucking exam has nothing yo with socialism you mongaloid.


Now let that sink for a second like the brainlet you are, I have 0 debt also after school. None.

It is incredibly bad for the consumer and a plain rip off. "Yes sir you failed test, please pay as another full year to retake test".

People already leaned what they needed to know they just fucked up the exam.

Only giving people 1 chance is and loafing them with crippling debt just shows what a huge scam that is run by Jews the American school system is.

Enjoy paying out of the ass like a good goy.

>> No.3519716

If you can't do it right the first time when doing something simple as taking an exam, why should anyone trust you to not fuck up in the real world?

>> No.3519723

Also I was in frat and went out 3 nights a week, even alone, to just drink and have fun meeting people at parties and try to fuck every girl there. Some guy actually thought I was some kind of "pick up wizard" cause he kept seeing me bring strangers back to my room and wanted to actually pay me for lessons. I turned him down because it didn't feel right but it was a damn good confidence boost.

That was the best part of college for me.

What >>3519694
says is right.

>> No.3519751

Some exams are justified for taking twice.
Some of the shit we had to do in topology classes would justify a second exam because it was so fucking hard and there's really no good way to test the material, at all.

But I agree that someone in something like a Psychology 101 course shouldn't get a second exam. That stuff should be second nature: they either read the material and got it or they didn't.

Completely different.

>> No.3519764
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Got my awesome overpaid + underworked IT career thanks to a buddy in my major who was one year ahead.

Honestly, networking and meeting the right people is more important than grades in college. I graduated with a 2.8 GPA and my first employer never even asked lol.

>> No.3519822
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I have the 3.5+ GPA but mentally shit my pants if I have to talk to someone. I can't get past the mental roadblock of ""Networking"""=how much you can suck the guys dick. Never been to a career fair, never had a job, spoiled brat graduating in 2 years in Accounting.

>> No.3519880

I'm not social either but I forced myself to talk to people outside of classes..."hey bro you're in my 301 session right? This week's lab is a bitch". That and being sleezy AF, I would get answers to a tough assignment and win friends by "helping" them and vice versa. People in STEM are all pretty autistic + miserable and will be relieved to see someone making an effort to commiserate.

You're actually smart tho, you'll be fine.

>> No.3519906

Thanks brah, I pray that we will all make it.

>> No.3519928
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Don't go to UC Berkeley, it sucks the soul out of you.

>> No.3519960

are you pc bro?

>> No.3519962
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Are you a brainlet? I only ever received an A- in the bullshit writing requirement course.

>> No.3519965

I'm a pediatrician now, so not really.

>> No.3519979

not as worthy as bitcoin

>> No.3519991

Not the smartest tool in the shed. That's why I'm a resident physician now.

>> No.3520016

And upper division is where shit hits the fan.

>> No.3520040

I actually teach Bidness 1$1 at the local community college.

Lesson 1: To get respect, you first have to give respect.

>> No.3520111
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>be me
>have savings from part-time job
>sees $200 Bitcoin
>buy Bitcoin or go to college?
>goes to college

Yeah, worst decision of my life.

>> No.3520147
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Sadly I knew about Bitcoin since 2013 but I had so much drama going on in my life then. I was in college and had a lot of problems in my personal life and was taking 6 courses of mostly accounting and finance courses, so literally the last thing on my mind was crypto. Shitty thing is that If I took even a fraction of that money spent on tuition and put it into bitcoin then I would be loaded right now. Its not too late though.

>> No.3520233
File: 408 KB, 1440x1869, Screenshot_2017-09-17-21-47-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got one more semester and 1 year clinics to go for my physician assistant program. Would he surprised how many stupid doctors and other medical professionals there are. I'll be able to put all my gainz into soon at least.

>> No.3520357

Can you tell me how your average day goes?

>> No.3520376

Yeah, until this year, I did not focus closely on crypto news cause of shit in my life. First heard about Bitcoin in 2011, but had 0 money (even if I did, I wouldn't have bought anyway; didn't view Bitcoin as an investment).
Still hope with altcoins today, though. That's how I build my BTC stack now.

>> No.3520415
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so you failed all your classes? Europoors explain.

>> No.3520446

Since starting school, living off loans. School is 9-4 almost daily. Come home, study for a few hours, play vidya and spend some time with gf. I do have free time, but I study 4-5 hours daily, and more if there is a test coming up. Never studied a lot in undergrad, but this program is sucking the life out of me and its only 1 year book learning. I couldn't do this for 4 years as med students do, props to those guys.

>> No.3520463


>> No.3520479

Was just gonna ask qsis haha, going back there for 4th year in a couple days

>> No.3521210

What job in IT?

>> No.3521264

Information Security & Risk Governance / Audit / succ'n dic

>> No.3521280

How the fuck do you get anything less than A im managerial accounting
Its common sense stuff smdh come on man you didnt apply yourself

>> No.3521335

lmfao fuck yes nigga

>> No.3521343

so much this.

i dont go to school here but the campus I live near by has by far the highest concentration of babes in the State, possibly tri-state area. Its fucking ridiculous, it's like the ugly girls don't even come out.

>> No.3521583

You fucking retards major in CS or look elsewhere because every other job is shit paying under 6 figs

>> No.3521595

hope ur not ugly

>> No.3521731

>I felt insulted to be among such retards.
pajeet detected.