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3514270 No.3514270 [Reply] [Original]

Life General

In most cases what should a man in his early 30s have accomplished this far and what should he be striving for in your eyes?

>> No.3514312

if you have your shit together (no debt, job, not an autistic loser) by early 30s you're doing pretty good mate :^)

>> No.3514317


6 figures Job
Kid on the way
Bought a house
two cars

Striving for
-Starting his own firm after a decade of gained contacts/work experience.
-Have atleast half a million in liquid assets/401k to fund retirement and for kid's college funds.
- A vacation home/small boat/status sports car
- A mistress on the side.

>> No.3514327


>> No.3514337

That's impossible to answer because there isn't a golden standard for what accomplishment means for each person.

But in my eyes, some degree of financial freedom is always the goal. Also logically, in your 30's you may want to consider if you'll ever want to have children too.

You don't want to still be stuck in a 9-5 living paycheck to paycheck at this point, since you want to enjoy as much youth as possible.

>> No.3514347

It doesn't matter what the stereotype of a successful 30-something is. The only important thing is if YOU are happy with your life.

>> No.3514350

>That's impossible to answer because there isn't a golden standard for what accomplishment means for each person.

Generally, you can measure it in money.

>B-b-but money isn't the key t...


>> No.3514352

>A mistress on the side.

>> No.3514381

I'm hoping to be financially independent by 30. That means no job outside of my own company/operations.

24 now. No debt, I'd say 70th percentile net worth, possibly higher. Working on a /biz/ to start. If that doesn't go well I'm just going to start buying property, 2/3 bedroom condos, and renting them out.

>> No.3514429
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>if you have your shit together (no debt, job, not an autistic loser)

That's pretty sad actually. OP, if you are not a multimillionaire by the time you're in your early 30's, then you've failed at life.

Fuck all the rest, getting married and having kids, plenty of time to do that. Getting rich at a young age to retire early, only a limited time.

>> No.3514491


pretty sure this is a goal for your early 20s

>> No.3514497

Anon no debt is a trait of a fearful coward that can't into entrepreneuring. So long as you can outpace your interest rate with what you bought with the debt, you are doing good.

So in reality, one should strive for at least a balance of interest rate versus gain

>> No.3514531



>> No.3514551
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Retiring early is a fallacy. Living without debt and stress, financially secure is another thing. But you gotta do something interesting, either a fun job or some half-job hobby thing going on.

Most retirees get bored statistically after 10 months in. You gotta do something at least. If you were to retire 30yo, might be fun a while but that will be boring soonish

>> No.3514572

you're gonna go through your whole life miserable with this attitude, friends :^)

>> No.3514614

>blind optimism is good
>only looking 1 day ahead is good

This is how you stay poor. If you can be happy knowing that you hold the bar so low for yourself, go ahead. If my only goal in life was to pay may debt payment every month I would kill myself.

>> No.3514624

I think you'll end up kys anyway :^)

>> No.3514659

ITT: People who think that anything other than money can actually buy happiness.

>> No.3514667

Retiring in this case only means no need to work to survive. Even if I retire by the time I'm say, 35, I will still have hobbies and will even do jobs for fun. But what I will never do is work for the sake of subsistence, so yes by retirement here I meant being financially secure for the rest of your life.

Pretty sad so many people are saying you should necessarily be married at that age, marriage is a big trap.

>> No.3514671

I think hobbies and lifestyle businesses are assumed for most here that talk about retiring early.

>> No.3514682

you are like 15 years old, aren't you

>> No.3514700

says the retard who thinks not being an autistic loser at the age of 30 is an achievement, talk for yourself buddy.

>> No.3514709

just saying you will change how you think as you grow up :^)

>> No.3514726

>lives at home
>never had a gf
>70k in savings
Am i doin it rite? Literally thinking about ending my life. Wish i could just flip a switch and be out

>> No.3514734
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Really depends but you should have:

Stable career with financial security (no living paycheck to paycheck) - financial independence

Stable housing - you might rent because it is more economical in your area or you have started (or are about to start) purchasing a house

Stable relationship - You're 5 years away from the optimal age of child bearing, you have to start looking for potential mates or have been in a relationship that has lasted for a minimum of 7 years

You have one or more of the following:
A car
A savings account
Friends, social support
Recreational activities (physical, ideally - gaming/sedentary hobbies discouraged)
A plan about future career advancements and retirement
Business or business plan

>> No.3514742

you're doing great buddy. just move out with your savings and make a tinder account.

>> No.3514745

Sorry you had a bad experience with debt. Not everyone can manage it well.


>> No.3514751

lol, never had any debt, but thanks for your salty fake concern :^)

>> No.3514759

Not ruling that out just yet.

>/true/ financial independence

Pick one.

>> No.3514763

When i was in college i had my own apt that i never left cause all i would do is smoke weed all day. The loneliest ive ever been. Moving out is cool if you have friends i guess

>> No.3514771

No really. It sucks that you don't see the utility in affording yourself the ability to reach further than a house and a family and no financial obligations. I mean congratulations if that's all you want, wish I could say the same.

>> No.3514815

Implying you need debt for any of that?

>> No.3514827
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If you don't come from wealth, a career provides you with the funds necessary to seek /true/ financial independence. Not everyone is born with a gold spoon in their mouth.

>> No.3514842

I agree with you. I just don't think it should be an end-game aspiration, in my opinion. Depends on the person I guess.

>> No.3514879

Alright biz I'm 18 let me know what to start doing now so I can be on the path to success:
>29k in savings/investments (started working in sales at 16)
>/fit/ as fuck, work part time as a personal trainer
>Knocking out gen ed classes at a community meme college
>read at least 1 book every 3 months for the sake of reading (Nietzsche, Hemmingway, anything "intellectual")
>Planning on enlisting the navy after this term with the ultimate goal of being a navy seal (but who knows how far I'll actually get)

>> No.3514890

>gold spoon in their mouth
it's silver spoon. and the reason silver? because silverware (ie real silver) does not change the flavor of food when used, as compared to flatware (non silverware).
Just get your elements right newfag.

>> No.3514904

By the time a guy is 30 he should be free from wagecuckery and have at least 21BTC.

Anything else is a bonus.

>> No.3514970

I was financially indepentent at age 28 and ran a succesfull firm for three years making 10-30k a month.... but I got depressed from the extra responsibilities, stress, and ironically after 10 months having too much free time literally made me want to kill my self. Perhaps my mistake/problem was not being able to fill my free time with fun stuff. But I have always been the kind of person that prefers staying at home watching series and playing games. Now I am back at being a wageslave working more hours, and earning substantially less, but somehow I feel so much happier than before. Perhaps I tried to set my self free too early at 28... my new goal is to work and save money untill im around 50 and than move to a nice/warm country and start some other kind of less stressfull/easy business a few days a week while enjoying the rest of my life.

If there is one thing I have learned it is definitely that doing no work and just gaming all day is a recipe for disaster and depression, regardless of age.

>> No.3514992


literally anything else is a rationalization of failures

>> No.3515206


>> No.3515222

I'm 30

Single and don't go outside except for work
Make 100K + a year

No house of my own
No friends
Two cars

>> No.3515249

why do you have 2 cars

>> No.3515265


Building Off road vehcile/4wd suv to go outdoors and shooting/camping in the mountains

Muscle car for muhhh fast v8/fun car in the streets

But yea, I'm alone and don't have friends except the occasional discord conversation

>> No.3515523

Corny as all fuck but very true. It's weird how being in your 20s you'd dismiss this, but me being 30 myself I couldn't agree more.

>> No.3515533

it's called growing up :^)

>> No.3515535


As corny as it sounds, this

>> No.3515562

>- A mistress on the side

You don't sound happy; sounds more like you're going through the motions.

>> No.3515620

Sounds like you need a hobby outside of your car world. Instead of investing yourself in vehicles, explore a physical hobby that has a good community, offers social / bonding experiences, and women. A good suggestion is bouldering.

>> No.3515644

Be happy and have confidence in who you are.

>> No.3515672

Thanks senpai, I'm trying but I've never really been a social person at all

Most of my hobbies involve seclusion

>> No.3515746

Fuck growing up and responsibilities. I make six figures a year and will continue to be a manchild playing video games and watching anime in my apartment forever.

>> No.3515899

>never had any debt.
>live at home.
>own a 150k apartment outright.
>make 87k a year including rent from apartment.
>yearly expenses are around 10k a year.
>17k in savings.
>car worth 18k.
>own 14 BTC.
>16k in stocks.

How am I doing? I plan to retire in 10-12 years.

>> No.3515924

Curios about the apartment.
Bedrooms? Rent? Profit after everything?

>> No.3516011

It's a 2 bedroom condo, 1,200 sqft. I get 1,400 USD a month in rent. Only $1,100 in property taxes per year. So far no repairs have had to be made yet.

>> No.3516110

Sounds pretty nice. Must be a somewhat luxury condo with that price and square ft.

I'm looking at an 85k 2 bedroom condo right now to rent out. There is a 300/month HOA fee though. Property tax would be $680/yr.
I could get $900/month for it easily. .... But that HOA fee. Proportionally a lot worse of an investment than yours.

>> No.3516473
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>graduated with a 'good' master's degree
>no debt
>$7k in crypto, another $7k in the bank
>working part-time in my field, can't live off that currently, maybe they'll take me full-time
>live at home
>never had a gf
>can't pass the fucking driving test

I kinda feel like killing myself every other day. Can you tell me what the fuck can I do to be successful, /biz/? I NEED to pass that fucking driving test but I'm losing hope, and after that I want to start actually approaching women. Feel like I'm fucking behind my peers and it's driving me mad. Doesn't help that I want to lie down and sleep or die most of the time. Yes I already take antidepressants and I'm not even diagnosed with depression (taking them for OCD).

>> No.3516598
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Have total control of your mind and body. Be the ideal man. Also start looking for a wife you will need one very soon.

Have some career prospects for advancement, onward and upward. If you are stuck, remove everything from your life and dedicate your whole being to something you can build to get yourself out of that rut.

>> No.3516673

>can not pass driving test

Not sure if bait.

Either way, the problems you name are mostly an excuse. You are unhappy because you are measuring yourself against other people. The reason you feel depressed is because you have a negative self image. If you work on that and improve yourself people will want to be with you more.

1. Go to the gym and get fit.

2. Have good hygiene and clothing style

3. Make a tinder account and go fuck sluts.

4. With the additional confidence boost search for a girlfriend and go live together.

5. Now it's up to you see what you can do with your life.

>> No.3516723

Get the fuck outta 4chan and never set foot on here again...
This place is for losers and beta neets only

>> No.3516836

Im 28 and havent really achieved fuck all,its only in the past 3 years ive started to take my finances seriously and not piss all my wages up the wall,my 30s are going to be a walk in the park possibly even semi retirement as im very close to being able to buy a house outright.

>> No.3517085
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>Graduate high school early at 17
>Forced into University by parents
>Changed major like 4 times now, failing every single one due to lack of interest
>nowadays NEET at 22

>> No.3517114

Yes, some condos I looked at had 400 dollars hoa fees. I was looking at one for 110k with the high HOA fees, I do not want to pay almost 5k a year just in fees.

>> No.3517358

I live in a 3rd world Slavic country shithole, with no future.
A regular job is almost impossible to find without good connections. Live with my mom. Never had a gf. All my friends moved out or are drug users.

Literally if i had 10$ per day i would feel happy.
Remember to live your life good anons, you dont know how some of you have it good.
I have 100$ invested in bitcoins, gonna try to do something with that.

>> No.3517408
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Pretty good english you write then considering most of slavic does not speak english at all

>> No.3517428

At the bare minimum at least a yaht and a condo by the beach

>> No.3517440

what fucking bait? I'm not an idiot, I had my IQ measured at a psychologist as very high, I just can't think under pressure. Besides our driving tests are actually quite hard here.
1) I do lift, it's pretty nice.
2) done already
3) I did use tinder and had lots of matches but didn't fuck anyone because of fear of rejection and bad social skills. This time I'm more determined.

>> No.3517463


minimum $250k salary

>> No.3517476


>> No.3517520
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Probably most realistic plan/post here.

Everyone gauges success differently so it depends on what is "good" in your book

>> No.3517533

You just fall for all the memes don't you pal?

>> No.3517551

I just think it's sad how everyone here apparently compares themselves to the top 0.1% of society and calls anyone who isn't there a pathetic loser. but to each his own :^)

>> No.3517556

>what should a man in his early 30s have accomplished thus far

Whatever he wishes.

The expectations of others are poisonous and drive him to stress and demoralizing opinions.

Or this is a meme/LARP thread.

>> No.3517580

>mistress on the side
Why marry if you're gonna be a pos to your wife? Is she cheating on you or something?

>> No.3517677

Just celebrated my 28th birthday with my wife and cat.

I'm Russian, used to be addicted to drugs and alcohol, failed uni in UK, nearly died a couple of times, sometimes used to wish would rather succeed in it.

Found a girl who helped me overcome my addictions, got married, got a job that pays 800usd a month (such a low wage guys, I knoe, but still getting more than 80% of Russians), trying to finish uni for the third time (supposed to graduate in january), nearly paid off our mortgage (dad helped, enormously), got just about 2k in crypto in eth and omg (will try to invest more but gotta take care of the day to day expenses first), got actual plans for life, and willingness to have a better life for my family (leaving Russia is a good start, already working on it)

I might be a loser and a dumb slav, but I do feel happy. That's what I think is important for an adult- simply, try and live your life the eay it makes you a happier person. One thing that did help me get happier was to try and think more about the others than about myself.

I wish you find what you are looking for in your lives, people.

>> No.3517747

How did you find a good girl while you were a drug user??

>> No.3518052

own place, financially stable, no debt, started a family

>> No.3518062

We had a mutual friend who invited her to listen to some jazz concert but instead went over to a place we used to hang out and smoke weed. Apparently she saw something in me. When I asked her to move in with me and rent a place together she agreed on one condition- no drugs in the house. I decided to make it a "no drugs at all" instead.

>> No.3518097

>live rent and debt free with dad
>make $1400/month job
>devote $800/month to stocks
>spend 400/month on food

I have a pitiful savings, and only about $2.8k in the stock market that i use on meme stocks.

I pretty much want to have enough money to move to the countryside and farm or blacksmith or something by my mid 30s.

This should only cost me about $150-200k to do (to my standards)

Im planning on getting a better job real soon and starting some kind of side business to speed that along.

Im aware that im poor as fuck, but every paycheck i save i can see the window getting a bit bigger.

>> No.3518253

>400/month on food
fucking fat ass

>> No.3518686

Mostly sugary drinks. I work manual labor outside and drink a lot of energy drinks. Trying to cut down on it.

>> No.3518713

This, and it seems to be only something someone who has already turned 30 can understand.

>> No.3518741

It's just interesting to see what most people define as a successful 30 year old. You can tell yourself that it doesn't matter and you're perfectly happy living in a cardboard box but that won't get you too far.

>> No.3518904

all of you crybabys in here need some cocaine. it will change your life.

>no more woman troubles
>no more anxiety
>feel like you are a god

sure it is expensive but with all the money you will be making it will be a small time expense

>> No.3519756

Don't waste your time on the military. You're too much of a high achiever the military will hold you back