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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3513870 No.3513870 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /biz/, this will be a long story, I’ll need several posts to write it full but I have no other choice than start at the very beginning so you understand where I am now.
My parents divorced when I was 3, they decided it was better for me that I stayed with my father, so I grew up with him. We were living in Switzerland and my mom left for the USA.
He was a hard working man, always providing, being fair with everyone and taught me those values. I could see people taking profit of him but he didn’t seem to mind. He smiled often, was happy and always saw the good in everyone.

>> No.3513883

buy digibyte

>> No.3513887

I worked in a test tube factory, started really low but at 18 was promoted already to a decent place, of course I wasn’t making a shit ton, but enough to leave home, so I did.
Since I always lived a simple life, no car, small flat, no dining out etc, I started having more and more money left, at 23 years old, in 2008, I had 130kCHF (that was around 120k$) but no real need for it, they just were in my Credit Suisse account.

Then the crisis hit, I didn’t care at all because I was 100% cash and no investment, but my father called me one morning, he had lost everything and even had debt. He never said exactly how, I guess he didn’t understand anything about the shit his banker was telling him.

>> No.3513894
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Oh boy. Here we go......

>> No.3513906

So he went to live with me, in my 1 bedroom flat, he had no other choice and I owed him this of course. We shared my bed, I was a no gf virgin and didn’t mind, it’s small but enough for 2.
He decided to look for another job, in the city he now lived in. He had an interview, and admitted he already had a job but didn’t like it because of his boss and wanted to change. Unluckily the guy knew his current boss very well and told him. He lost his job and didn’t get the new one.

It meant that my dad was now constantly home, when I came back from work he was there, half naked in the bed, dirty, depressed, didn’t shower, never cleaned anything. I understood his situation and helped him how I could, cooked him meals, washed his clothes even his shit stained underwears and didn’t complain to have this stinky man next to me each night in my 1 person bed. Sometimes he thought I was sleeping and I could feel him masturbate next to me and finish in the sheets.

>> No.3513913

buy digibyte

>> No.3513924

After 2 long years like this, depressed, alcoholic, he started having heart problems and went to the hospital. I was sad of course but also glad I could have my own place again. He died 2 weeks later.

I understood it was all because of the bankers that destroyed all he had, I began to hate them and also became antisemitic, if I’m on /biz/ now it’s because I discovered /pol/ first. I took back all my money from the bank (150k $) and had it in cash, hidden in my studio.

I needed a break, something to change my mind, so I asked for an unpaid leave at my job and left for the USA, traveling 3 months. I guess the choice came from the fact I wanted to see where my mom went when I was 3.
The trip was awesome, I had enough time to do both coasts, finally took some weight and stopped being an hungry skelly, saw beautiful places, but most importantly, lost my virginity.

>> No.3513935

She was incredible, let’s call her S. We met in Florida, my favorite state by far, we fell in love really quick and I stayed with her until the end of my visa, when I had to go back to europe. I promised I’d be back again and we would marry and have our own home.

I worked harder, saved more money, and in 2013 I had enough to buy a house in Florida. We still had a long distance relationship and went there twice a year for my vacations.
I still couldn’t trust the banks and told my projects to a friend. He said the best solution to have it there, avoid huge taxes and to fuck the banks, was the bitcoin. He warned me it was volatile but a great way to transfer money. I bought them at 120$ each in september 2013, 240 of them.

Me and S. were looking for a house to buy, and I was cashing out my bitcoins slowly, just 2btc every week so I could afford the living. Those who knows about the price history know what happened, the price went up like crazy, suddenly I was rich as fuck. I got more than 2.5 millions USD.

>> No.3513949

(2'400 of them not 240)

>> No.3513962
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I cashed out nearly all of it and we bought the house full directly. We weren’t married and I wasn’t a US citizen so we put it to her name. It was also easier to say the money came from her family than just out of nowhere.
I was happy like never, I was enjoying the weather, we didn’t need to work, we had sex 5 times a week, I could eat good food and hit the gym when I wanted, we had artist friends I could support.
No longer after, she started getting distant, the sex was less frequent and she would be "with friends“ more and more often, never telling me who she was with.
So I started to masturbate, watching porn nearly every day to forgot about it and pretend it was allright. And it happened.
She introduced a funk band to me months before that and told they needed help that I gladly gave. They are black but I wasn’t racist, only hated jews. I gave them more than 10k$ for their instruments and studio session. And I saw her, in an amateur porn vid with 2 of them and they did all the shit you would expect. Even anal when she told me she didn’t like after we only tried once.

>> No.3513983

No one interested ? It's soon over. But I guess you don't give a shit about me.

>> No.3514003

I puked and cried and wanted to commit sucide. But I wasn’t a beta pussy anymore so I confronted her and told it was over and she could pack her bags and go fuck the niggers all she wanted.

She laughed and said "ok, remember whose name is on the house papers, mine“.
She called the cops, told her I beat her, was abusive and tried to get to live in her house.
I called a lawyer who told me I had no chance for the house, that it was her 100% and would never get it back.

>> No.3514005

Keep going.

>> No.3514006

I am reading. Honestly - feels.

>> No.3514014
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I spent 2 weeks in jail because of that bitch, and just got out 2 days ago.
I’m now poor, homeless, lost all my friends who think I’m a woman beater, no way to get back to switzerland.
I have only one thing left for me, my last chance, my wallet of an altcoin.
Its name is Digibyte.

>> No.3514015
File: 556 KB, 540x540, sadcatdiscord1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i care, so does everyone in the +2200 member bitpam /biz/ cryptocurrency trading/mining/coding discord server. if the story is real finish it, it's quite interesting desu


>> No.3514304

Uh... so?

>> No.3514466


>> No.3514627

>I have only one thing left for me, my last chance, my wallet of an altcoin.
>Its name is Digibyte.

>> No.3514722


>I cashed out nearly all of it and we bought the house full directly. We weren’t married and I wasn’t a US citizen so we put it to her name.

never before has it been so easy to stop in the middle of a multi-post story. get fucked.

>> No.3514802

Do people earn DGB by the wordcount on shillposts or something? Interesting model