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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 550x437, bittrex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3507790 No.3507790 [Reply] [Original]

Will they ever again?

>> No.3507794

land of the free

>> No.3507807
File: 469 KB, 1200x1200, sec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3507813

Next coin they add will be an ICO done on their own platform.

>> No.3507849

they're probably going to delist a bunch first to comply with SEC regulations
like polo has started adding again because they're applying the howey test to everything and they think their coins are safe from SEC ass fucking them. bittrex DEFINITELY has coins that are securities that need to be delisted.

>> No.3507857

so i guess i have to migrate to polo? All i ever hear are bad things.

>> No.3507866

which coins would be considered securities?

>> No.3507889
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>> No.3507944

no. every polo coin is on bittrex too. you can stick with polo coins on bittrex if you're too lazy to apply the howey test yourself.

Howey test (ALL four must apply for it to be a security):

1. It is an investment of money
2.There is an expectation of profits from the investment
3.The investment of money is in a common enterprise
4. Any profit comes from the efforts of a promoter or third party
You are mainly focusing on 3/4 here, as 1/2 will basically automatically apply.

>> No.3508820
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Some like Obsidian are trying, but if these exchanges make even one little error in complying with the regulations they'll be busted.

>> No.3508852


Real talk, what the fuck does any of that matter if you're literally just trading peaks and dips on an exchange? What the fuck is a "common enterprise" and why should I have to care about it? It's retarded.

>> No.3509050

So Ripple is going to get delisted? Where can I move my coins?

>> No.3509061

I hear they are adding Walton coin next :^)

seriously though, they follow walton coin on twitter.

>> No.3509163

Kek. They also followed Signatum and dozens of other shitcoins.

>> No.3509251

Way to ruin my lambo dreams ;_;

>> No.3509308

it matters because bittrex can delist / announce delist on them at literally any point in time they choose and there will be massive sell offs on whatever is on the delisting table. If you are buying the low on something and bittrex announces that its being delisted because security, that shitcoin is going straight to hell, so you need to be careful about your flips
why the fuck would ripple get delisted? its a utility coin. even if you didn't understand how ripple works, they literally have the ex-chair of the US fed coming to their conference mid october.
also only ICOs are fucked, not regular coins.