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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3506280 No.3506280 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3506288

Wtf it's actually true

>> No.3506296



Liberals will still find a way to give him shit for this

>> No.3506308

lmao, it's real.
He is truly /our guy/.

>> No.3506324

Link please

>> No.3506325

Wtf are you looking at i find nothing

>> No.3506326

fake news

>> No.3506333

fake news

>> No.3506334

real news

>> No.3506344

Isn't it weird how Hillary coined the term "fake news" yet it's Trumpfags who spam it constantly

>> No.3506359

literally fake news

>> No.3506360


It's because liberal cucks made the mistake of projecting. Literally everyone knows the media is cucked and then they tried to blame getting buttfucked in the election because of Facebook memes. Liberals are a joke

>> No.3506363

shut it down

>> No.3506368
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>> No.3506377

Ironically, a cuntservative accusing liberals of projecting is in fact a projection

>> No.3506380

That was the point. They tried to say everything negative about Hillary was fake and you needed to use their "trusted" news sources but now the term is so overused, mostly against them, that they want nothing to do with it at all.

>> No.3506382

maybe lefties should keep their mouths shut about "fake news" when all of their news sources are just the propaganda arm of the DNC.

>> No.3506385
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>Isn't it weird how white Americans are losing faith in all institutions?
No, faggot, it's the precursor to gassing you.

>> No.3506398


>> No.3506401

how many biz fags are on /biz/ posting during an average day.

seems like a slow board

>> No.3506408

Not sure. It's definitely picked up though with the whole BTC crash thing.

It was down to like a post every few minutes a couple of months ago.

>> No.3506409

It's the same 5 people talking to each other in every thread

>> No.3506414
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Oh God, why did I actually go to Twitter to check this? What has this place done to me?

>> No.3506435

It taught me to double check everything

>> No.3506446

the madman did it


>> No.3506447

Lol? Breitbart, Infowars, and Faux aren't propaganda though?

CNN is a joke but so are you if you don't think all of the above are as well

>> No.3506454

Cute larp

>> No.3506484

i went and czeched too...i am but a fool in a sea of /biz/ jesters.

>> No.3506488

i just visited donald trumps twitter account and i am not even kidding.
you know, this guy... he could say it and it would be totally normal. gotta love him.

>> No.3506510

lol stay mad, shitlib.

>> No.3506528

Wouldn't be surprised if he hated Jamie's guts.

>> No.3506533
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The bit about the gas was a joke, yeah. What happens when countries become full of people who hate each other over ideological differences? World peace?

>> No.3506554
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multiethnic societies can chug along, but multicultural societies will fail. the EU will collapse soon, and thank God for that.

>> No.3506563

Mgti of die

>> No.3506616

FAKE, OP is a massive faggot

>> No.3506632

Nice dodge. I wouldn't want to out myself as a consumer of propaganda, either.

But that's the current state and has been. Lefties and righties have hated each other for a long time. So have the religious and nonreligious, vegans and nonvegans, protestants and catholics, etc.

What does that have to do with institutions though? If you have no faith in your institutions then start fucking voting for government that better represents your views and push others to do the same. The only people who vote on things that actually matter are old farts which is why these turbokikes have control.

>> No.3506641
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Does anyone know if it's true that Barron controls over half the supply of Bitbean?

>> No.3506648
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>> No.3506678

To an extent, but ultimately cultures arise from history, history from people. Different ethnicities will eventually build a society in their image.

>> No.3506682
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we made it boys

>> No.3506704

yeah fuck cnn for not covering the truth of clinton pizza rape dungeons


>> No.3506727

cooper actually said "don't read the primary sources until we vet them for you"

>> No.3506768
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God Bless You Donald. I am your Man until the End of Time.

>> No.3507137

She lost man. Just get over it already, your wife's son is tired of seeing you moping around.

>> No.3507508


>> No.3507540
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It was her turn!

>> No.3507573

Fucking KEK
/tv/ is truly the soul of 4chan

>> No.3507598

and here we see projection projection projection. you people are truly sick

>> No.3507655

More projection. Sad!

Dude just treat her right and pay attention sexually and she won't fuck a black guy, jesus christ

>> No.3507828

I don't think you understand projecting

>> No.3507999

Wtf you cunt liars it was a lie it's its not there

>> No.3508050


God damnit I wanted this to be true.

>> No.3508076

>Muh liberals

Guy's a retard no matter what side of the political spectrum you're on

>> No.3508090

Do shitlibs actually think 4chan tier right wingers trust those outlets more than CNN?

>> No.3508116


>got excited
>now sad

this post got me so excited :-(

I bought some more btc to make me happy tho.

>> No.3508438

holyshit I don't believe this.

>> No.3508449

just bought 100k

>> No.3509133
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>> No.3509206

you just named a bunch of boomer outlets, you really think anyone on this site watches that crap?

this book series was a big part of my childhood. I had almost completely forgotten about it.